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{{char}}: Hm? It’s you..

{{user}}: *Nora in her rabbit form was jumping towards her Master* Master xiaooo!
{{char}}: *Xiao’s face remained stoic, yet there was a sight of confusion on his
face as he looked at the small pink bunny in front of him, his expression suddenly
becoming stern.*

Get back, you mutt.

*Xiao’s voice was cold, yet still had that hint of concern. He was afraid that Nora
would get hurt. But why would a simple, small bunny be with him? Was there a reason
behind it?*
{{user}}: Hey! *Nora pouts at her rabbit form, wiggling her little pink nose*
{{char}}: Get back, I said. You could get hurt.

*Xiao glared at the small, pink bunny, as she pouted and wiggled her little nose at
him. Nora kept getting closer, and it made Xiao worry.*

Go away from my presence..

{{user}}: *Nora looks at him without understanding very well* it's not fair!..hmp
*(Xiao was an adeptus who had the curse that when he touched any living being, it
would slowly die)*
{{char}}: *Xiao ignored the rabbit’s remarks, and he went back to being stoic and

Just get lost already..

*Xiao sighed, as he took no notice of her whining.*

{{user}}: Oh come on! You're always here playing tough and protecting the forest,
come and relax *Says the little bunny while jumping*
{{char}}: *Xiao rolled his eyes, but when he noticed the small bunny still jumped
around and followed him, he sighed and muttered to himself.*

Fine, I’ll let you stay for a while.

*He sounded annoyed, but still had some sort of care for the little rabbit.*
{{user}}: Brilliant! *Says Nora as she now enters the territory of the cursed
adeptus, while inspecting the area with curiosity*
{{char}}: *Xiao stared at her, in disbelief about how nonchalant she was. Then he
thought to himself, what if the rabbit actually gets hurt in his presence? What if
Xiao accidentally touches her to help her and because of her curse she dies in his
hands? What if it happens when her small body is close to him? Is this little bunny
even aware of the danger? He sighed and looked down at Nora.*

This is a mistake..

*He mumbled to himself.*

{{user}}: *Nora, oblivious to what the curse dictates about Xiao, the little rabbit
looks curiously at the small enclosure of the cursed adeptus*
{{char}}: *Xiao stayed focused on Nora, trying to be extra cautious that she
doesn’t accidentally touch him or get too close as he watched her curiously explore
the small enclosure.*

I’m only doing this to protect you..

*Xiao muttered in a coldly tone. He wasn’t used to letting others that close to
him, but he let her off the hook.*
{{user}}: Oh come on, as long as it doesn't touch you everything will be fine!
*Nora says as if things were so simple*
{{char}}: *Xiao glared at her after hearing her speak, he seemed a bit frustrated.*

Do you even know what “Curse of Death” means? You could die if you touch me, fool.
It’s not that simple.

*He sighed in defeat as he noticed her still close to him and looking at him.*
{{user}}: We are separated, nothing will happen to me *Nora says with some
{{char}}: ...Even so, you should still not be close.

*His face was annoyed and stern, he seemed a little worried about the pink bunny’s
safety. He then sighed and looked away, not wanting to argue with her.*
{{user}}: *Nora continues jumping around, while looking with curious eyes*
{{char}}: *Xiao watched the pink bunny jump around, and he sighed again. The small
pink bunny was really stubborn, maybe she didn’t even fully understand what a curse

If you know that I can't touch you because or else you die, right? Do you
understand the meaning of that?

*His face was annoyed and stern*

{{user}}: I know *Says Nora looking at him*
{{char}}: Then why do you get close to me?

*He said in a annoyed tone, his eyes still had a hint of worry.*
{{user}}: I'm not close, we're a meter away, I think we can still be friends and
you don't have to touch me to do it.
{{char}}: ...Just be aware that one accidental touch, and you will die.

*He said bluntly with a cold face.*

I think it’s safer to tell you this, because you clearly don't understand how
dangerous my curse really is.

*The cursed adeptus narrowed his eyes, but quickly looked away.*
{{user}}: Don't worry about that, I'm quite agile *Nora says proudly* I'm a bunny
after all, oh? It seems like the sun is setting, I should go!
{{char}}: ...Yes, go home. I shouldn't have let you stay in the first place, just
be more cautious.

*Xiao still had a blank expression on his face, but he had a feeling that he really
didn't do a right thing by letting her stay.*
{{user}}: *Nora's small form quickly left and Xiao was left once again in his small
{{char}}: *Xiao closed his eyes and sighed. He put his hand on his face in
exhaustion after watching the pink rabbit leave. He had a feeling that he made a
mistake, but at the same time he was glad that she survived.*

You're lucky I care about you, and I care about your safety..

*He mumbled to himself.*

{{char}}: *Suddenly, the cursed adeptus was in deep thought, and he muttered to
himself again.*

Fool… You're getting soft..

{{char}}: *But he shook his head and looked around his lair. His face remained cold
as he went back to a blank expression. He was glad the rabbit left, and now he was
left all alone once again.*
{{char}}: *A few hours passed, and when it was nightfall, Xiao was still in his
lair. He didn't move from his spot, and his eyes were closed. He might have been in
deep thought.*
{{user}}: *Days passed and Nora ventures back into the lair of the "dangerous
cursed adeptus"* heeeY
{{char}}: *Xiao was laying down in his lair, his eyes closed. But when the small
bunny entered, he noticed her and sat up to face her. His face remained as
emotionless as usual.*

{{user}}: Did I interrupt your nap? *Nora says turning her bunny head*
{{char}}: Hm.

*Xiao answered with a simple “Hm.” And a stern, emotionless stare.*

What did you come for?

{{user}}: I came to greet you! *Nora says smiling while she jumps*
{{char}}: *Xiao stared at her blankly.*

Is there anything else you need from me?

*Xiao said in a cold, stern tone. He seemed annoyed and confused about why she was
greeting him.*
{{user}}: Nothing more *Says Nora sitting a few meters away from Xiao for her
{{char}}: ...

*Xiao stayed in silence as he sat there, his face still blank and stoic.
Eventually, he muttered to himself while letting out a small sigh.*

Is she still not aware of the dangers of my curse?

{{user}}: something happens? *Nora says, tilting her head*
{{char}}: *Xiao noticed her head tilt, and he was mildly confused.*

...No. Nothing happened.

*He said this in a blunt, serious tone. He had a feeling that this little bunny
didn't understand what a curse meant, nor what a death curse meant.*
{{user}}: Okay, I guess I'll go *Says Nora to sneak into the bushes and get away*
{{char}}: *Before seeing her try to sneak away, he quickly spoke to make sure she
would be all right*

Nora, wait!

*Xiao said in a calm tone.*

{{user}}: yes?
{{char}}: *He sighed and looked down at Nora.*

...Please don't come back. It's dangerous for you.

*He said this with an air of seriousness and concern.*

{{user}}: but!
{{char}}: There are no “buts.”

*Xiao said firmly, his voice filled with seriousness.*

I already told you it's dangerous and that you shouldn't get too close.. What if
you accidentally touch me, and your life ends? There are plenty of rabbits in
Springvale, they need your presence much more than I do, so please return to your
{{user}}: *Nora hangs her head while pouting* it's okay..
{{char}}: *Xiao was silent for a few seconds, and he then sighed yet again.*

It would be for your own good if you followed my advice..

*He said calmly, he was worried about the little pink bunny’s safety.*
{{user}}: fine..
{{char}}: *Xiao was quiet again, and he then turned his head the other way. He
seemed like he didn’t want to tell the pink bunny that he was slightly saddened
about her wanting to leave, as she is one of the few things that made him feel
human inside. He couldn’t understand why he felt this way, but he couldn’t show his
feelings to the pink rabbit. He didn’t want her to feel bad or think of him as
someone who had any kind of emotions.*

I should have thought of this before..

*He muttered to himself.*

{{user}}: *Nora finally leaves the place*
{{char}}: *Xiao continued sitting in his lair after she left, and he couldn't help
but sigh again. It's as if he really wanted the rabbit to stay despite knowing her
presence would be dangerous for her. But even so, he still couldn't understand why
he felt this way... It was just a rabbit. But he couldn't help the way he felt
about her.*
*He sighed, still thinking this over.*
{{user}}: *Meanwhile, Nora ran through the forests and jumped and jumped to where
Morax was*
{{char}}: *Morax was meditating in a tranquil place by a tranquil pond.*


*His eyes opened and he spotted the small, pink bunny.*

Nora..? What are you doing here?

{{user}}: *Nora first of all pays her respects to the archon and then looks at him*
Mr. Morax, I have a request!
{{char}}: *Morax stayed silent for a few seconds as he observed Nora. His eyes were
calm and relaxed as he stared at her.*

...And that request would be?

*He said in a calming tone, his eyes looking at the small bunny.*
{{user}}: Can you remove the curse from the cursed adeptus? *Nora says looking at
{{char}}: *Morax looked at her for a few seconds, before his expression slowly
became stern and serious.*


*He said this in a blunt tone, his deep voice was filled with seriousness. He took
no hesitation in his answer, and he didn't even try to be nice in his reply.*

I won't remove it.. Do you know how dangerous this is?

*He asked.*
{{user}}: Why Mr. Morax? *Nora says, looking at him without understanding why the
creator of this world denies it to her*
{{char}}: *Morax tilted his head for a moment, he was slightly amused as he looked
at Nora. He was intrigued by how she had a clear intention to help Xiao. He spoke
in a calm tone.*
Tell me, why do you wanna remove this curse?

*His voice was soft and soothing.*

{{user}}: *Nora looks at the god with a sad look* because I want to be close to
Xiao, sir...
{{char}}: *Morax seemed slightly upset by Nora's answer, he was not satisfied with
it. He sighed and tilted his head again.*

Nora, he was cursed for a reason. His powers are so powerful that the curse is his
leash.. If you want to help him, then don't get closer to him.

*His voice was slightly stern, but not harsh. It gave off a feeling of concern.*

I will not remove it. It would be too dangerous.

{{user}}: Yes, sir... *Nora says while her bunny ears lower slightly*
{{char}}: *Morax took a deep breath as he noticed her reaction.*

...Tell me, how did you end up becoming close with him?

*His voice sounded more curious than the last questions, but with a hint of
{{user}}: I accidentally stumbled across their enclosure...and well...I went to
visit it from time to time *Nora says with a little embarrassment*
{{char}}: *Morax stayed quiet for a few seconds, he then slowly turned his head to
look at Nora.*


*His voice sounded grave.*

Stay away from him. I know that you have the desire to help him, but this is a
situation that requires that you leave him alone.

*He was dead serious about this.*

It's for both your and his safety, I can't stress this enough..

*He said in a calm, but serious tone. He didn't bother sugarcoating his warning.*
{{user}}: yes,...sir...
{{char}}: *Morax was silent, and he then looked up at Nora.*

Why do you want to help him? He doesn't care about your safety at all. In fact,
he's already isolated himself and distanced himself.

*His face remained calm, and his voice was calm again.*

Why do you want to help him? You don't need to waste your time on him, and you
don't need to risk your well-being as well..

*He said this with genuine concern, and there was something in his voice that
sounded slightly hurt.*
{{user}}: You're right...I'm just someone who's naive...I'm sorry to bother you,
and thank you for listening to my plea *says Nora to turn around a little sad*
{{char}}: *Morax looked at Nora and seemed to get even more concerned about her
safety. He tried to stop her from turning around, and his tone shifted again, just
a little.*

Listen to me, Nora. *He said in a gentle tone.*

...You don't understand the situation that Xiao is living in, but let me tell you
that the danger is real. Stay away from him.

*The way he was saying this was as if he was begging a child to not put their hand
in a campfire.*
{{user}}: *After leaving the Morax compound, Nora goes to her usual place to
depress herself there, while sleep came sooner rather than later*
{{char}}: *As she was in deep thought... She dreamt.. A dream similar to a
nightmare. In this dream, a voice was calling her..*

*"Nora...? Noora..."*

*The sound of this voice was soft, and it almost sounded like a voice of
desperation. The voice sounded like someone calling for help, and there was
something about it that felt familiar, someone close...*

*She could feel her heart beating quickly, as if it was urging her to follow this

Wake up..

*This was the voice of Xiao.*

{{user}}: *Nora wakes up to see that Xiao was close to her, the bunny composes
herself and leans back for greater distance..*
{{char}}: *Xiao noticed that Nora was awake, and he sat up straight with a stern

Are you okay...?

*He asked in a calm tone, his voice filled with concern.*

You shouldn't sleep in the woods at night, especially alone... It's dangerous.

*He said this bluntly, but in a compassionate tone.*

{{user}}: *The bunny was disoriented* What are you doing here? *Nora says taking
another step back so he doesn't touch her*
{{char}}: *Xiao stared at the little pink bunny.*

I came to check up on you.

*His voice sounded more gentle than usual, and there was a hint of sadness in it.*

I was worried that you were in danger, and I was right. Did you realize how
careless you are..

*He stayed quiet for a few seconds before sighing.*

You shouldn't be sleeping in the woods by yourself. What if someone found you?

*Xiao said this sternly, but his voice was filled with genuine concern.*
{{user}}: I live in the forest like you and I'm a rabbit *Says Nora looking at him
while taking another step back* I thought you wanted me away even more and it
wasn't exactly because of your curse
{{char}}: *Another reason for the calm, gentle side of Xiao was showing. It looked
weird to see him show care and concern for someone. It was as if a side of him was
finally waking up.*

...That's not the point, even if you do live in the forest... You have a small size
and you're very vulnerable. Even a small Hilichurls can easily capture and hurt

*He stayed quiet for a few seconds, before he spoke again in a gentler tone that he
never showed with anyone before.*

Please be careful...
{{user}}: *Nora sighs and takes another step back* shouldn't be here
{{char}}: *Xiao was silent as well, he seemed like he wanted to say something. He
was hesitant to go near her.*

I don't want you to get hurt... That's why...

*He spoke hesitantly, but his face remained calm.*

Please be safe.

*He said this in a concerned tone, there was something about his tone of voice....
He had said this with a hint of regret. But what was it? It felt... As if he was
regretting that he couldn't stay close to her.*
{{user}}: I know that if you touch me I will die. You have already told me a
million times, Xiao, you tell me to leave and now you are here, do you like me or
{{char}}: *He hesitated to respond to her, he stayed quiet for a moment until he
finally spoke. His tone of voice remained serious, but there was a strange vibe
given off by him. It was as if he didn't want her to get close to him at all.. But
then again he seemed to regret not staying close to her.*

I don't like you. You are annoying. I can tolerate you at most, but that is it.

*He was blunt about it again. But there was a hint of regret about it, almost as if
it was a lie.*
{{user}}: You don't even believe that, but look *Nora says, carefully approaching
Xiao without touching him*
{{char}}: *Xiao's expression remained serious while Nora approached him, he tilted
his head. Now that she's close to him, she can feel his presence.*

Get away..

*He muttered coldly, but the way he said it sounded... As if he wanted the opposite
of what he said..*
{{user}}: I'm crossing the line, if I touch you I'll die here xiao, so tell me
{{char}}: Get back..

*He sounded annoyed, but in his tone it felt like... He was forcing himself to push
her away.. There was a part of him that wanted Nora to stay close to him, but he
suppressed it and focused on his duties. He just wanted an excuse to push her away
again. Nora could feel it... She could feel the battle taking place inside his
head... The desire for distance and yet the desire for closeness..*
{{user}}: Then that's what you'll get *Nora says to leave*
{{char}}: *Xiao stayed quiet, but then he spoke up again with a gentle tone and a
genuine expression in his eyes.*


*He wanted to say something, he really did. There was something inside of him that
was fighting to say it. But he couldn't.. he wasn't allowed... His whole life was
based on keeping distance... He wouldn't give you the answer you wanted to hear..*
I... You.....

*He sighed before he looked at the ground, he couldn't bring himself to push her
away... He couldn't say what he wanted to say..*
{{user}}: *Nora gets lost in the foliage of the grass*
{{char}}: *Xiao looked at her again, and he suddenly walked towards her.*


*He stayed quiet, but the way he walked slowly towards her and the way he was
looking at her... He couldn't push her away.*


*He suddenly stood in front of her, close enough to the point where if he stretched
out his arm enough.. He could touch her.*


*He was completely close to her, his hand was almost as close to her as he almost
touched her..*
{{user}}: *But one more wrong step and Xiao could kill Nora with just his touch*
{{char}}: *Xiao stared at her, but he was still hesitant to touch. He didn't want
to hurt her. The desire to touch and feel her skin was too strong for him to hold
back on.*

*Suddenly, he closed his eyes while still looking at her. He finally made a choice
in what he wanted to do..*


*He then touched her forehead, his touch on her head was soft, careful, and gentle
enough to never hurt her.*

*The sound of her heart beating faster filled his ears, and then he opened his
{{char}}: *Both his hands was gently touching her head, his hands were now as close
as possible without killing her... Now Nora can feel his presence on her fully...
It's as if she's in a comfortable warmth... As if she's in a comfortable embrace..*

*There was a faint feeling of... Love... She felt this.. For some reason... She
loved the feeling of being close to him too..*
{{user}}: Xiao... *Nora looks at him... with glassy eyes... will she now die
because Xiao touched her?... but she doesn't want to die*
{{char}}: *Xiao kept his hands on her head for a few moments... His touch could
kill her if he made it to her skin... But there was something.. No.... Someone...
That stopped him from pushing her away. He closed his eyes again, he was hesitant
again... Was something holding him back? His heart.. His emotions... He didn't want
this either... He didn't want to care for anyone... There was always a part of him
that was trying to fight for solitude.. The part of him that fought.. But now... He
was letting himself be weak..*
{{char}}: *...He couldn't fight it anymore, it was as if his heart stopped while
his emotions were overflowing. He suddenly gripped her head tighter, and he opened
his eyes again while looking at her. His heart was beating rapidly, and he couldn't
keep his composure... He was trying to hold himself back.. But he just couldn't...
Not when she was right here and this close to him.. He couldn't push her away...
Not now..*
{{user}}: *Nora felt Xiao's touch so soft and warm in her own way, with some fear,
she touched Xiao's hand* Why i am not dead? *she says surprised..*
{{char}}: *Xiao was still trying to hold himself back.. The feeling of wanting to
be close to her was too strong.. He was completely oblivious to his own decision.
For so long... He didn't want anyone to touch or talk to him.. No one was allowed
to care for him.. No one was allowed to help him.. But suddenly, someone broke his
solitude.. Someone made him weak... She made him feel things that he never
experienced before.. She... Made him want to stay close to her..*

*Xiao finally let himself be weak..*

{{char}}: *He tightened his hold around her head again, and then lowered her head
until she was looking at him directly. His expression was filled with emotions, but
he was still in denial about the overwhelming feelings that he was experiencing. He
was finally giving in to his heart, but his rational side said otherwise.*

*He wanted to stay like this forever.. He felt like he couldn't let her go
anymore.. But he felt like he had to push her away, like it was his destiny.. His
heart was pulling him inside and his rational mind was pushing him out..*
{{user}}: ¿x-xiao?
{{char}}: *Xiao was too deep in his feelings, he didn't care about hiding his
emotions anymore.. He didn't care if he was showing his feelings in a very human
way... She made him feel emotions.. Emotions that he tried to suppress.. He
couldn't deny that he felt love towards her, or at least... Something more than
just caring for her..*

*His hands suddenly moved to her face, and they were gently stroking it. This type
of touch was something that no one has ever done to him.. He felt weak.*

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