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A. What is the text about?

B. The text tells us about?
C. What is the theme of the text?
D. What is the topic of the passage above?
E. What is the text primarily concerned with?

Topic is Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase Clause

Family planning programme The family planning programme is desirable for
the good of the family and society
The problem of beggars existence Beggars have become a big problem for us today.
The effect of social media The effect social media is making children lazy to

Fastest trick:
- Topik bisa ditemukan di kalimat pertama paragraf pertama dan paragraf terakhir.
- Topic bisa ditemukan dengan kata sinonim.
- Topic tersebar/sering diulang di bagian teks.
- Topic mewakili isi teks
- Jangan Pilih Jawaban yang menjelaskan paragraf tertentu.

US financial crisis and its contagion to Europe and the rest of the world could also create new
opportunity for Indonesia in term of foreign direct investment and the development of basic

As the US. Financial crisis has now spread to Europe, the oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait and Arab Emirate which have accumulated hundreds of billions of Dollars in their foreign
reserve are now reviewing their holding or vehicle. They are looking for more diversified investment
outside the US and Europe.

Because of unfavorable political developments in Thailand and Malaysia over the past few months,
Indonesia which has largely Muslim population could become one of these oil-rich countries' favorite
place for foreign direct investment. That will be true if the condition, legal and market infrastructure
are conducive for Islamic financial instruments.

The government had improved the legal framework with the recent actment of laws on sharia
banking and bonds. The long term nature of Islamic bonds could make them the most suitable
investment instrument Indonesia, as these bonds grant an investor a share in an asset along with the
cash flows and risks commensurate with such ownership.

The financial crisis that has gripped the globe and weakening economic growth in the rest of the
world will serve to the government to accelerate the investment reform measure in order to grab the
hidden opportunity in the global crisis.

The text tells us about?

Us financial Crisis
Crisis of government
Global Crisis
In their latest paper, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, Prof. Philip Munday and
colleagues report world-first evidence that high CO2 levels in sea water disrupts a key brain receptor
in fish, causing marked changes in their behavior and sensory ability. They began by studying how
baby clown and damsel fishes performed alongside their predators in CO2 enriched water. They found
that, while the predators were somewhat affected, the baby fish suffered much higher rates of

“Our early work showed that the senses of smell of baby fish was harmed by higher CO2 in the water,
meaning they found it harder to locate a reef to settle on or detect the warning smell of a predator
fish. But we suspected there was much more to it than the loss of ability to smell, “ says Prof.
Munday. The team then examined whether fish’s senses of hearing which are used to locate and hone
in on reefs at night, and avoid them during the day was affected. “ The answer is, yes it was. They
were confused and no longer avoided reef sounds during the day. Being attracted to reef during
daylight would make them easy meat f or predators”

Their work showed the fish also tended to lose their natural instinct to turn left or right which is an
important factor in schooling behaviour which also makes them more vulnerable, as lone fish are
easily eaten by predators. Prof. Munday further explains, “All this led us to suspect it wasn't simply
damage to their individual senses that was going on -but rather, that higher levels of carbon dioxide
were affecting their whole central nervous system”.

The benefits of fasting must be preceded by a look at the body's progression when deprived of food.
Due to the lack of incoming energy, the body must turn to its own resources, a function called
autolysis. Autolysis is the breaking down of fat stores in the body in order to produce energy. The liver
is in charge of converting the fats into a chemical called a ketone body, and then distributing these
bodies throughout the body via the blood stream. The less one eats, the more the body turns to these
stored fats and creates these ketone bodies, the accumulation of which is referred to as ketosis.

Detoxification is the foremost argument presented by advocates of fasting. Detoxification is

a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs,
lymph glands, and skin. This process is precipitated by fasting because when food is no longer
entering the body, the body turns to fat reserves for it's energy.

A second prescribed benefit of fasting is the healing process that begins in the body during a
fast. During a fast, energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and
towards the metabolism and immune system. The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the
body's search for energy sources. Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not
have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to autolysis.
In addition, there is a reduction in core body temperature. This is a direct result of the slower
metabolic rate and general bodily functions. Following a drop in blood sugar level and using the
reserves of glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate is reduced in order to conserve as
much energy within the body as can be provided. Growth hormones are also released during a fast,
due to the greater efficiency in hormone production.
Finally, the most scientifically proven advantage to fasting is the feeling of rejuvenation and
extended life expectancy. Part of this phenomenon is caused by a number of the benefits mentioned
above. A slower metabolic rate, more efficient protein production, an improved immune system, and
the increased production of hormones contribute to this long-term benefit of fasting. In addition to
the Human Growth Hormone that is released more frequently during a fast, an anti-aging hormone is
also produced more efficiently.

Which is the topic of the text?

A. The body's progression
B. The function of autolysis
C. A ketone body
D. The health benefits of fasting
E. Detoxification in fasting

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