Poster Kelompok 5

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Geology of the Bualemo Area and

Surrounding Areas

The research area is located in Bualemo village, Kwandang

subdistrict, North Gorontalo district, Gorontalo province.
Track Map
In field observations carried out in the riverside area
for 5 days, the rock distribution found was Diorite,
Andesite, Pyroclastic Breccia, Agglomerate and
Tuff rock units.
Geological Map

On the geological map it can be seen that there are several

rock symbol colors, namely: red for andesite rock, dark orange
for breccia rock (with triangle and dot symbols), dark orange for
agglomerate rock (with circle and dot symbols), light red for
diorite rocks, and gray for alluvial deposits.
Geomorphological Map
Based on interpretation of topographic maps and direct
observations in the field in the form of landscapes, lowlands,
valleys, rivers and hills, this research area generally has a
relative height of 0 – 250 meters above sea level, where
according to the relief classification of Zuidam (1983) this
research location is a volcanic hill area and structural. The
research location consists of 40% Volcanic Hills, 40% Structural
Hills, and 20% Alluvial Plains.
Rose diagram

From the results of processing the joint data, it produces a stress

direction pattern. So from these results it can be interpreted that the
main force acting in the research area based on analysis of the joint
data is relatively northwest-oriented.

Stratigraphic column
Based on the stratigraphic column of the research area, it can
be concluded that the geological history of the research area
began with the intrusion of diorite breakthrough rock in the
Tertiary era during the early Miocene-middle Miocene and this
diorite rock is included in the Bone Diorite formation (Bachri
1993). Furthermore, in the Tertiary era during the middle
Miocene-late Miocene, the Bilungala volcanic activity occurred
which resulted in the formation of extrusive andesite rocks, and
from this activity the formation of volcanic rocks also occurred
which was characterized by the discovery of pyroclastic
breccia, agglomerate and tuff rocks which had been compacted
and entered into the formation. Mount Bilungala (Bachri 1993).

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