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Nombre del Alumno: Arturo Zurita Martinez

Numero de empleado: 3530724

Lugar de residencia: San pedro Coahuila, México.

Asignatura: Ingles 1

Nombre del tutor: Karen Zaldívar Islas.

Nombre de la actividad: Actividad 4

Fecha de entrega Final: 06/08/2023

1. usando el tema de "There’s, there are" describe la casa de tus sueños.
Recuerda describir los cuartos que hay y los muebles que se encuentran en
cada cuarto.
in my dream house you will find:
 There is a living room.
 There is a library.
 There is a tv
 There are three sofás White.
 There is a center table.
 There is a projector.

 There is a game room.

 There is a video game consolé.
 There are a Lot of toys.
 There is a computer.
 There is a pool table.
 There is a tv.

 there is a bathroom.
 There is a jacuzzi.
 There is a mirror.
 There is a shower.
 There is a
 There is a toilet.

 There is a kitchen.
 There is a fridge.
 There is a microwave.
 There is a toaster.
 There is a blender.
 There is a sink.

 There is a yard.
 There is a tree house.
 There is a picnic table.
 There is a swing.
 There is a lawn mower.
 There is a bird hause.
1. Escoge una profesión y describe todo lo que puedas sobre este trabajo. ¿En
dónde se realiza este trabajo? ¿Qué actividades se hacen en este trabajo?,

 Police.
 it is a hard career.
 They catch bad people.
 It's a day and night race
 it use firearms.
 it is a very dangerous race.

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