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gardening gardening See planting Explanatory

Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language

Suggest changes gardening gardening Meanings in
other dictionaries gardening - -ay, -ay; nesov.
decomposition 1. Work as a gardener. 2. Do
gardening. Small academic dictionary gardening -
Garden/ov/nich/a/t. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
gardening - spelling. garden, -ay, -et Lopatin's
Spelling Dictionary garden - GARDEN, gardening,
gardening, nonsover. (simple). Work as a gardener,
take care of the garden. | Do gardening. Ushakov's
explanatory dictionary to garden - TO GARDEN -
ay, -ay; nsv. Razg. 1. Work as a gardener. 2. Do
gardening. Kuznetsov's explanatory dictionary to
garden - to garden not. nepereh. decomposition 1.
Work as a gardener. 2. Do gardening. Explanatory
Dictionary by Efremova

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