Funny Essay

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“Hey James, I'm feeling down today, can you tell me a joke or something to cheer

me up?” is what my friends would say to me during class. I would then respond
with a joke or a pun or even a funny observation in class such as “Why don't
scientists trust stairs? Because they're always up to something!” or “Why don't
some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don't work out!”.
Usually after that regardless of if the joke is bad or not, my friends would always
have a chuckle, smirk or even a laugh sometimes depending on the joke that will
make everyone around feel happy and positive. Humor to me is a tool to create a
positive and happy environment as well as a great way to lighten up the mood.
See, I value having humor and the personality trait of being funny a lot when
interacting with people. Humor for me is like a bridge connecting people. Humor
makes interactions so much more interesting and enjoyable when talking to
people such as would you rather listen to something that is very funny to
something that is very standard and boring? Friends and relationships are also
built on laughter and humor which if you talk to someone and make them laugh
or crack a smile, that person will be much more interested in you and would want
to work and hang out with you because your funny jokes makes a very positive
environment as well as makes you such a unique and interesting person. Humor is
a very powerful weapon for making friends and connections since humor is like a
bomb, exploding and fulling the air with joy and happiness that forms a positive
environment for interactions.

I have always had that personality trait my whole life of being funny ever since I
was little. Everyone knows me for being that funny kid or class clown in a good
way in class. That really helped me build connections and make a lot of friends
because of that personality trait helped me to become who I am, which is a
positive and happy person that loves to talk and hang out with new people. Even
during group projects and group work, I love cracking funny jokes in between
because it makes working together so much more enjoyable and even fun for

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