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R eligion I slam : Basic Islamic Questions

Islam - W hat is Islam ?

Arabic triliteral root SLM, submission or surrender, as well as peace; thus,

the religion called "Islam" is grounded in the concept of peace in and
through one's submission to the authority and will of Allah Almighty (God).
Islam is harmony and submission to the laws of Allah Almighty and thus the
teachings of Islam are based on the nature of mankind

Holy Quran W hat is Quran?

The Quran is a divine book, scripture and code of living revealed by God
Almighty on a Messenger and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
for entire mankind and humanity. Quran brings peace and tranquility
among the people who adopt Islam as a system in their daily lives. There
are hundered and fourteen surahs - chapters of Quran.The revelation of
Holy Quran has took approximately 23 years, the first surah is "Fatiah"
and the last surah is "An-naas".
Muslim Faith - W hat is Faith?
The root of the word Iman is a-m-n which means: to be calm and quiet in
one's heart; to be protected from fear; trustworthiness and truthfulness
(Taj al-Urus). It means to accept truthfully, to be convinced, and to verify
something, to rely upon or have confidence in something. It is usually
translated in English as faith or belief . Quranic faith is conviction which is
based upon reason and knowledge; a conviction that results from full
mental acceptance and intellectual satisfaction; the kind of conviction that
gives one a feeling of inner contentment and peace. And a Momin is one
who accepts truth in such a way that it ensures his own peace and helps
him to safeguard the peace and security of the rest of mankind. In fact,
Al-Momin is one of the attributes of Allah Almighty Himself : Quran
Chapter 59 verse 24

W ho is Allah Almighty (God)?

In Quran Allah Almighty is a word for Creator of human beings & every
other thing. According to grammatical meanings of this word is " The One
to whom every one surrender" thus Allah Almighty is an only soverign
entity to whom evey one is accountable, no one else. His laws are to
abide individualy and in a system as collective practice
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

Muhammad (peace be upon him) a last messenger of Allah Almighty.

Who has brought mankind into light from darkness. He has passed on the
Divine Message of Allah Almighty [Quran] to entire mankind. Muhammad
peace be upon him has established the first ever Islamic State in Medina
with a divine laws of Allah Almighty " The Quran" as its constitution.
Who are Muslims?

Free from hypocrisy. A Muslim tries to worship God by

following the teachings He has revealed to all of mankind, and
worships Him. The feminine form of the word is Muslimah.
There are nearly 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. They
are of all different racial and ethnic backgrounds including
Arab, Asian, African, African-American, and Caucasian.
Who are Momins (Believers)?

Momin is an attritbute like (e.g: karfir, munafiq,mushrik) which once

described is that a person who accepts Islam as a system with complete
submission to Allah Almighty Laws, the one whose everything is in peace
so therefore Momin take a responsibiity of providing peace to every one.
They always seek and consult their actions from Quran.
Taqdeer - What is Taqdeer?

The focal point of the Quran is the Law of Returns --- every human action
bears a result, sooner or later. That makes Man responsible for his
actions. Otherwise, the entire system of divine guidance is rendered
pointless. Furthermore, the idea of pre-destiny also makes a mockery of
our judicial machinery. Traditional notion of men pre decided destiny does
not hold any ground whatsoever. All human social problems are of their
own making -Quran Chapter 42 verse 30- and only they themselves can
solve them as they are fully capable of and responsible for doing it.
Salaat - What is Salaat?

Five times a day our prayers are meant to renew and reinforce our
commitment to steadfastly enforce the system of Salaat ordered by Allah
Almighty and practically shown to the humankind by the Messenger
Muhammad peace be upon him. This renewal boosts our psychological
energy to come together and support each other towards the goals of the
Quran. Salaat is the mechanism by which the Quran is implemented in
Zakat - What is Zakat?

Zakat, an Arabic word zakah with its root z-k-w , which means growth
and development, not charity or poor due. Keeping this meaning in full
view, zakah is supposed to ultimately lead to growth and development of
all human beings; it is supposed to remove the need for charity or poor
due in the long term. We will see how zakah not only leads to the
economic progress of individuals and all human beings, but to their
spiritual progress as well. Their is a difference between Sadaqaa and
Hajj - What is Haj?

The Hajj or pilgrimage to Makkah is a central duty of Islam whose origins

date back to the time of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). It brings together
Muslims of all races and tongues for one of life's most moving spiritual
experiences. According to Quranic perspective the sole purpose of Hajj is
to exercise things for the development of entire Mankind and for that
matter the believers of Quranic Laws gather in a Islamic Capital City of
"Mecca" at the end of every year, where they discuss issues and chalk out
the solutions under the light of Quranic essence (Allah Almighty Laws).
From their they regress to their places and start working according to
what they have agreed upon during that Muslim Global seminar at Mecca.
Jihad - What is Jihad?

Jihad means striving utmost to achieve an objective. The primary

objective before the Muslims is establishment of a social order based on
the Quranic fundamental principles. All efforts to that end fall
with in the meaning of Jihad. Armed fight against formidable resistance
by self-seeking people, which is called Qatal is also Jihad and has been
allowed by the Quran. Otherwise, Islam is a Deen of peace
and safety.
Fasting - What is Fasting?

The word for ‘fasting' in Arabic comes from the three-letter root saad,
waow, meem, which basically means to abstain to stop or to hold oneself.
Some of the derivatives are sawm (fast), saama (he fasted), siyaam
(fasts), sayyaam (one who fasts a lot), saaem (a male who fasts),
saaema (a female who fasts), masaam (place to stop) etc. The duration
of the daily fast, as we have seen in the Quran is from sunrise to sunset.
This is most obviously for the equatorial regions of the globe which have
a normal day of about 12 hours. These timings most certainly cannot be
applied universally.
Satan - Who is Satan?

The Quran has termed Iblis and Shaitan as the two faces of the same to
the foreground. These are termed as projection, repression, fantasy,
denial of reality, rationalization, intellectualization and reaction formation.
All these varieties of adjustive mechanisms have the underlying roots in
disappointment. And a feeling of rebellion or aggression closely follows
this. In this way there is clearly a direct and deep-rooted connection
between the feelings of rebellion and disappointment experienced by a
person. This is also exemplified as "Iblis and Shaitan relationship".

Jannah - W hat is Jannah?

Heaven is the joy of triumph over the forces of disintegration. Heaven

(Jannah) stands for fruition coupled with glowing hope for the future here
(in this world) or life after death.

W hat is Jahanum?

Hell, in the words of Quran, is Allah Almighty (God's) kindled fire which
mounts above the hearts -the painful realization of one's failure as a
man. Heaven and Hell are not localities but states of mind.
W hat is Life After Death?

It is here that the Quran emphatically asserts that death is not the final
end but a gateway to a different kind of life: We mete out death among
you that We may transfigure you and make you what you know not. And
verily you know the first creation. Why then do you not reflect ( chapter
56: 61: 63)
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