DT50303 TUTORIAL BAB 3 (3 Oktober 2023)

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1. Describe the social emotional Stages development proposed by Erik Erikson

● Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy, birth-1 year)

As the children’s most fundamental needs such as eating, comfort, and love are
regularly addressed, newborns in this period learn to trust their caretakers. They could
get skeptical if these demands are not addressed.

● Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Early Childhood, 1-3 years):

Toddlers start to experiment with their independence and gain self-control. They gain
autonomy when their attempts are supported; if they are too restricted in or scolded, they
can start to feel uncomfortable and doubtful.

● Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool Age, 4-5 years):

Children begin to take part in games and activities. Their initiative will grow if it is
supported, giving them a feeling of initiative. However, if they are made to feel bad or
worried about their behavior, they could start to feel guilty.

● Industry vs. Inferiority (School Age, 6-11 years):

Children start to compare themselves to others at this stage and start to feel competent
or inferior based on their accomplishments and skills. For the development of an
industrial sense, encouraging words and positive feedback are essential.

● Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence, 12-18 years):

Teenagers explore their identities, including their morals, worldviews, and social
obligations. Before establishing a strong sense of identity, they could go through
disorientation and an identity crisis.

● Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood, 18-35 years):

Young adults are looking for committed partnerships and long-term relationships. The
ability to be intimate must be developed for this stage to be resolved successfully; else,
feelings of isolation may result.

● Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood, 35-65 years):

Adults in this stage of life concentrate on improving society and the welfare of their next
generation. This could be accomplished through parenting, mentoring, or other
productive endeavors. Lack of significant contributions might lead to stagnation.

● Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Late Adulthood, 65+ years):

At the final stage of the journey, elderly people evaluate if they have found a feeling of
fulfillment and meaning in their lives. Ego integrity involves embracing one's
achievements in life as well as one's own death, whereas sadness is brought on by
regrets and unmet expectations throughout their lifetime.
2. List five learning activities that a teacher can plan to help students' socio emotional

1. Role-Playing Scenarios: to teach students how to solve problems and show empathy
and active listening.

2. Emotion Journals: students learn how to communicate their emotions and develop

3. Community Service: students develop a sense of empathy, responsibility, and

connection to the community.

4. Storytelling: build students’ confidence

5. Emotion Charades: students will be more aware of their own emotions and other
people’s emotions.

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