Inglês Pearson Study 5

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Pearson StartUp 5

Inglês Risvi
So/Such - Unit 1 Lesson 2
So e Such são usados para enfatizar um substantivo ou um adjetivo em uma frase

● So
○ Adjetivos
○ Advérbios
○ Quantidade não contável (much, little,...)
● Such
○ Substantivos
○ Adjetivos com substantivos
○ Advérbios com substantivos
Adjetivos: Descreve/modifica substantivo ou pronome
○ "a lot of" + quantidade contável/não contável Ex. feliz, vermelho, grande…
Advérbios: Descreve/modifica verbo, adjetivo ou advérbio
Ex. Bem, muito, rápido…
Substantivo: Nomeia algo
Ex. Livro, amigo, gato…
● So
○ The lion is so fierce (adjective)
○ The Exorcist made me feel so scared (adjective)
○ They have so little time that they have to run (Quantidade não contável)

● Such
○ Hippos are such dangerous animals (adjective + noun)
○ We had such a good time (adjective + noun)
○ He's drunk such a lot of alcohol that he may throw up any time (a lot of + non-count)
Though, although and even though - Unit 1
Lesson 3
Usado para expressar contraste ou oposição em uma frase

● Though
○ Usada no início ou no meio da frase
● Although
○ Mais formal que though
○ Geralmente usada no início da frase
● Even though
○ Mais enfatizada que though e although
○ Não é tão comum de usar quanto though e although
Though, although and even though
● Though
○ Though hunting laws are great, they aren't enough to protect all animals
○ Most spiders live for about a year, though some live much longer
● Although
○ Although a butterfly is a tiny insect, it can fly thousands of miles
○ Hippos can't swim, although they spend most of the day in water
● Even though
○ Even though it can be expensive, protecting wildlife is important
○ Species will continue to disappear even though we try to save them
Reported Speech - Unit 2 Lesson 1
Direct Speech: (She said,) Reported Speech

Simple Present → I want to be a lawyer She said (that) she wanted to be a lawyer
Simple Past

Simple Past → Past I quit my job yesterday She told me (that) she had quit her job the day
Perfect before

Present continuous I'm applying to law school She mentioned (that) she was applying to law
→ Past continuous school

Present perfect → I've worked here for three She said (that) she had worked there for three
Past perfect years years

Will → Would I'll help you with the project She said (that) she would help me with the
tomorrow project tomorrow

Can → Could I can't finish my work She said (that) she couldn't finish her work
Reported Speech
Dica para decorar

● Quando direct speech estiver no presente

○ Reported speech vai estar no passado
○ O "resto" do tempo verbal não muda. (continuous
fica continuous, perfect fica perfect…) Present Past

Simple I study English I studied English yesterday

Eu estudo inglês Eu estudei inglês ontem

Simple Present Simple Past
Continuous I am studying English I was studying English

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Eu estou estudando inglês Eu estava estudando inglês

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Perfect I have studied English I had studied English

Simple Past Past Perfect

Eu tenho estudado inglês Eu tinha estudado inglês
Relative Clauses

So and Therefore

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