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(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)





Distinction between Hospital and Industry, Challenges in Hospital Administration –

Hospital Planning- Equipment Planning – Functional Planning

1. Define Hospital(Nov/Dec-2011) (April/May-2013) )(C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
 Hospital is an institution for the care, cure and treatment of the sick and wounded,
for the study of diseases and for the training of doctors and nurses.
 Hospitals are classified as general, specialty, or government depending on the
sources of income received.
 Hospitals are usually funded by the public sector, health organizations (for profit
or nonprofit), health insurance companies, or charities, including direct charitable
2. Define Hospital Administration / Role of hospital administration(Nov/Dec-2020)
 Hospital management mainly relates to management of all aspects of a hospital;
a coordination of all elements of a hospital.
 This may range from patient care to record keeping to inventory of medicines
and cleanliness.
 As a hospital administrator, he has to carry out management functions of
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and coordinating.
3. Difference between hospital and industry organization. (C404.1,PO11,PO12)
 Hospitals tend to have very complex organizational structures compared to their
overall size. Industries having customized structures.
 A large portion of the workforce- physicians, nurses, allied health and many technical
positions, are highly trained and have a high level of autonomy. But industries does
not need high trained professionals all the time.
 Patient satisfaction scores is a critical success metric for hospitals. Every company
wants to improve customer service.
 Poor quality in a hospital means harm to patients. Poor quality in a manufacturing
plant means a poor product and a weakened competitive advantage.

4. What is equipment planning? (Nov/Dec-2020) )(C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

 The term “equipment” means all items necessary for the functioning of all
services of the hospital including accounting and records, maintenance of
buildings and grounds, laundry, public waiting rooms, public health and related
 Healthcare Equipment Planning is a specialised process and requires not only a
clear understanding of the clinical need but also a knowledge of budgeting,
architectural design and building process.
5. State the code of medical ethics in Hospitals.(Nov/Dec-2011) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12
Medical ethics in hospitals generally adhere to established principles and codes
that guide the conduct and practices of healthcare professionals. While specific
hospitals or medical institutions might have their own code of ethics
6. State the managerial tips for hospital administration.(Nov/Dec-2016)
Effective hospital administration involves various managerial strategies to ensure
smooth operations and high-quality patient care. Here are some key managerial tips for
hospital administration

7. List out some ethics followed in hospital. (April/May-2013) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

Ethics in a hospital setting are crucial to ensuring the well-being of patients,
maintaining professional standards, and fostering trust within the healthcare
community. Here are some key ethical principles commonly followed in hospitals:
 Respect for Patient Autonomy
 Confidentiality
 Beneficence
 Non-Maleficence
 Justice
 Honesty and Truthfulness
 Professional Integrity
 Informed Consent
 Continuous Professional Development
 End-of-Life Care and Decision-Making

8. What is hazardous waste? (Nov/Dec-2016) )(C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

Hazardous waste refers to waste materials that possess substantial threats to public
health or the environment due to their chemical, physical, or biological characteristics.
These materials are generated from various sources, including industrial, commercial,
residential, and healthcare facilities
9. What is the role of e-health?(April/May-2017) )(C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
 E-health, short for electronic health, refers to the use of digital technologies,
information, and communication tools in the healthcare sector. Its role is multifaceted
and encompasses various aspects of modern healthcare delivery. Some key roles and

benefits of e-health include:
 Enhancing Access to Healthcare
 Improving Efficiency
 Better Patient Care
 Patient Engagement and Empowerment
 Remote Monitoring and Telehealth
 Health Information Exchange (HIE
 Health Education and Awareness
 Research and Data Analysis
 Cost Savings

10. What is Environment Protection Act?(April/May-2017) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

The Environment Protection Act (EPA) is a crucial environmental legislation
designed to safeguard and improve environmental quality in many countries, including
India and the United Kingdom. It serves as the primary legal framework for
coordinating and enforcing environmental protection measures and addressing various
environmental concerns.
11. List out various types of management in Hospital. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Management as a function performs the following five functions:
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling
12. Write the Challenges in Hospital Administration. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

i.Business and professional leaders who were initiated into the

hospital scene as trustees of voluntary hospitals;
ii.The large number of physicians who are especially worry about
the facilities and services available for the care of their patients;
iii.Professional organizations which prescribe various standards of
hospital operation while granting approval to the hospitals;
iv.Academicians who are concerned about matching what
they teach with the requirements of the patients and hospital
v.Labour demanding standards of employment and working
13. What are the types of equipment? (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Equipment for a new hospital may be classified into the following three groups based
on the usual methods of acquisition and on suggested accounting practices with regard to
i. Built-in Equipment
ii. Depreciable Equipment
14. What is functional planning? (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Functional planning in hospitals is important, and the key to this is the understanding

that travel and adjacencies affect the operational cost over the life of the building.
The main function of a hospital is to provide the population with complete health
care; it also functions as the center for the training of health workers.


1. Explain the challenges of Hospital Administration?(Nov/Dec-2016)

2. Define Planning. Explain the principles of Hospital Planning.
3. Explain the various challenges in Hospital Administration and discuss the roles of an
Administrator in the hospital? ?(Nov/Dec-2011) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
4. Explain the Hospital Equipment: Planning, Scheduling and Maintenance.
5. What are the challenges faced by the administrator in Hospital? Explain briefly.
(Nov/Dec-2011) (April/May-2013) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
6. Explain about guiding the principles in planning hospital facilities & services.
(Nov/Dec-2016) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
7. What are the approaches of CEO’s vision to improve the hospital?
8. Explain in detail about Equipment Planning.(April/May-2017) (April/May-2013)
9. Explain in detail about how ethics is followed in Hospitals with various personnel.
10.Explain in detail about Hospital Planning and functional planning in detail(Nov/Dec-
2020) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)



Principles of HRM – Functions of HRM – Profile of HRD Manager –Human Resource

Inventory – Manpower Planning.

1. What are the objectives / need of human resource management in hospitals? (Nov/Dec-
The HR department coordinates the orientation of new workers. Training
and development provide support which a healthcare facility needs for the
employee development and employment practices. It also aids in preparing
aspiring leaders to take on managerial and supervisory roles down the road.
2. State the objectives of manpower planning.( Nov/Dec-2011)
o Correct Staffing Level:
Staffing levels can change based on company growth, losses due to layoff or
temporary and seasonal employment needs.
o Future Needs Assessment
Succession planning is the process of anticipating the future skill set needs of the
company and beginning the process of finding qualified candidates to fill future
jobs, explains the Society for Human Resource Management.
o Adequate Succession Planning
It is less expensive to utilize existing personnel than to hire new employees to
fulfill job needs within the organization.
o Optimizing Productivity and Efficiency
A company needs to efficiently utilize its workforce to maintain productivity and
also keep employee morale high.
3. State the scope / need of manpower planning. (Nov/Dec-2020)
Manpower planning calls for the integration of information, formulation of policies and
forecasting of future requirements of human resources so that the right personnel is available
for the right job at right time. Manpower planning starts with the analysis of the future needs
of the organization
4. List out the requirements present in the profile of HRD Manager.
Requirements and skills
 Proven working experience as HR Manager or other HR Executive
 People oriented and results driven
 Demonstrable experience with Human Resources metrics
 Knowledge of HR systems and databases

 Ability to architect strategy along with leadership skills
 Excellent active listening, negotiation and presentation skills
 Competence to build and effectively manage interpersonal relationships at all levels
of the company
 In-depth knowledge of labor law and HR best practices
 Degree in Human Resources or related field
5. Define Manpower Planning (April/May-2013)
MANPOWER PLANNING. Manpower Planning is essentially the process of getting the
number of qualified employees and seek to place the right employees in the right job at the
right time, so that an organisation can meet its objectives.
6. What is the importance of HRM in society? (Nov/Dec-2016)
HR management helps bridge the gap between employees' performance and the
organisation's strategic objectives. Moreover, an efficient HR management team can give
firms an edge over their competition. Recruitment: One of the major responsibilities of a
HR manager is to recruit personnel.
7. What is job analysis ?(April/May-2017)
A job analysis is a systematic process of identifying and determining the
responsibilities, requirements, and nature of a job in detail. It involves breaking the job into
smaller units, collecting data on each unit, and then analyzing the data to determine to
establish the skills and competencies the role requires.
8. What is human resource development? ?(April/May-2017)
Human resource development (HRD) refers to the organization’s plan to help
employees develop their abilities, skills, and knowledge. In return, this process enhances
the organization’s efficiency.

 Generally speaking, human resource development ensures the effectiveness and

advancement of individual employees, collective departments, and the organization

 HR professionals focus on three primary aspects of human resource development in the

HR life cycle:
 Training and development - improving knowledge and skills necessary for a future role
or responsibilities
 Organization development - improving organizational effectiveness and well-being
through macro and micro changes
 Career development - improving individual career planning and management through
9. Human Resource Management as a profession in Hospitals – Discuss?

Human resource management, or HRM, involves coordinating, managing, and allocating
human capital, or employees, in ways that move an organization's goals forward. HRM
focuses on investing in employees, ensuring their safety, and managing all aspects of
staffing from hiring to compensation and development.
10. List the manpower planning steps(Nov/Dec-2016)
 Forecasting Staffing Needs
 Forecasting Internal Supply
 Forecasting External Supply
 Correcting Shortage or Surplus
 Short-term Forecasting
 Long-term Forecasting
 Linear Regression
 Forecasting Manpower Supply

1. Explain the functions of Human Resource Management in Hospitals. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
2. What are the six retention tools to retain their employees in their hospitals?
3. Explain about the Source of Recruitment. (April/May-2017)
4. Frame work for manpower planning in hospital administration. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
5. State the important function of human resource department try to keep the organization safe
and efficiently.
6. Briefly explain the principles of human resource management. (Nov/Dec-2016)
7. Explain the characteristics of human resource management. (April/May-2017)
8. What are the approaches of CEO’s vision to improve the hospital?(Nov/Dec-2011)
9. What are the objectives of manpower planning and explain the steps involved in manpower
planning process. (Nov/Dec-2020)
10. Discuss the human resource manager can use the six retention tools to retain their
employees in their hospital? (Nov/Dec-2020)


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


Different Departments of Hospital, Recruitment, Selection, Training Guidelines – Methods of

Training – Evaluation of Training – Leadership grooming and Training, Promotion –

1.State the purpose of psychometric tests. ?(Nov/Dec-2011) (C404.2,PO8,PO11,PO12)
(a) Tests of general ability – intelligence tests
(b) Tests of specific abilities – aptitude tests
(c) Tests of achievement – trade tests
(d) Personality tests – tests of emotional stability

2. What is recruitment policy? (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

A recruitment policy is a set of guidelines, principles, and procedures
established within an organization to effectively and consistently manage the
process of hiring new employees. It outlines the strategies, practices, and
standards to be followed during the recruitment and selection process. This
policy helps in maintaining consistency, fairness, and efficiency in hiring
3. What is the objective of Training policy of healthcare institutions?(Nov/Dec-2011)
The training policy of healthcare institutions is designed with several
specific objectives in mind to ensure the continuous professional
development and competency of their staff. These objectives aim to improve
patient care, enhance employee skills, and adapt to the evolving landscape of
4. What is marketing Mix ?(April/May-2017)(Nov/Dec-2016)
The marketing mix is a fundamental concept in marketing that
encompasses the set of tools and tactics used by companies to promote and sell
their products or services. It's a combination of elements that work together to
achieve the marketing objectives of a business. The marketing mix is typically
represented by the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

5. Establish the relationship between Market Research and Consumer Behavior.

(April/May-2017) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
The relationship between market research and consumer behavior is
integral to understanding and addressing the needs, preferences, and

decision-making processes of consumers in the marketplace.
6. Define Consumer Behavior. (Nov/Dec-2016) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Consumer behaviour is concerned with: purchase activities: the purchase
of goods or services; how consumers acquire products and services, and all the
activities leading up to a purchase decision, including information search,
evaluating goods and services, and payment methods including the purchase
7. What are Training Guidelines? (April/May-2017) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Training guidelines are a set of principles, rules, or recommendations that
direct the planning, development, and implementation of training programs
within an organization. These guidelines serve as a framework to ensure that
training initiatives are conducted effectively, efficiently, and in line with the
organization's goals and objectives.
8. What are Training Evaluation? (April/May-2017) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Training evaluation is the process of assessing the effectiveness,
efficiency, and impact of a training program. It involves systematically
collecting and analyzing data to determine whether the training objectives
were met, how well the participants learned, and the overall impact of the
training on the organization.
9. What are the types of transfer? (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
 Production transfers
 Replacement transfers
 Versatility transfers
 Shift transfers
10. List the different departments of hospital. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
1. X-ray Department
2. Physiotherapy Department
3. Medical Laboratory
4. Pharmacy
5. Laundry
6. Food Service
7. Sanitation and Housekeeping
8. Security
9. Central Sterlization and Supply Department
10. ECG Department
11. Admitting Department
12. Medical Records Department
13. Public Relations Department

11. Define Recruitment. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for
filling up the vacant positions in an organization.
Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the
job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right

12. Define Transfer. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)

Transfer is used to place employees in positions where they may get greater job
satisfaction and contribute their best efforts to the organization.
Transfer involves some rather delicate issues which should be tackled gently.
No department head wants to lose a good employee.


1.Discuss the various steps in selection process. (Nov/Dec-2020)

2.Explain the functions of different departments in hospital with neat diagram.
3. Explain the different departments in hospital and what are the various activities
involved in each department. (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
4.Explain the sources of recruitment. (Nov/Dec-2020) (April/May-2017)
5.Explain Global Marketing in Medical Sector. (April/May-2017)
6. Explain about the current approaches in Studying Consumers Behavior
(April/May-2017) (Nov/Dec-2016) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
7. Write a note on Confirmation, Extending Probation and Termination
Process(C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)
8. Explain the different steps involved in training and development process?
(Nov/Dec-2020) (C404.1,PO8,PO11,PO12)


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)



Medical Records Department – Central Sterilization and Supply Department – Pharmacy –

Food Services - Laundry Services.

1. What is the main function of the medical records department?
The Medical Record Department is responsible for proper storage, retrieval and
maintenance of confidentiality and security of the record. During normal working hours, it is
the policy of the hospital to have at least one staff available in the department.
2. Significance of Human Resource Management. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
One of HR's primary roles is managing payment and benefits for an organization's staff.
Proper management of compensation, time off, and insurance is what keeps employee
satisfaction high. As a human resource manager, you'll be in charge of distributing,
communicating, and improving compensation and benefits packages.
3. Essential approach for Hospital Administration. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
Workforce Development and Well-Being: Recognizing the importance of a motivated and
skilled workforce, hospital administrators are focusing on employee well-being, training, and
professional development. Ensuring staff satisfaction translates to improved patient care and
operational efficiency.
4. What are the types of medical records?
 Patient demographic data such as age, sex, nationality, etc.
 Social screenings such as their profession, etc.
 Information about their genetics.
 Medical history and diagnosis received so far.
 List of medicines.
 List of vaccinations the patient has received.
 Lab test results.
5. Discuss the purpose of Medical Records Maintenance.
Keeping a meticulous record of all patient appointments, diagnoses, treatments, and tests is
essential for quality patient care. Not only does it help physicians provide better treatment for
patients, but it can also save them money by reducing the need for costly retests.
6. State the different methods of Sterilization.
Although there are numerous physical and chemical processes used for proper sterilization
of equipment, there are just a few main ones. With that said, there are three main types of
sterilization methods common within the scientific community today. They are steam, dry
heat, and ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization
7. What happens in outpatient department?
An outpatient department or outpatient clinic is the part of a hospital designed for the
treatment of outpatients, people with health problems who visit the hospital for diagnosis or
treatment, but do not at this time require a bed or to be admitted for overnight care.

8. What is Pharmacy? / roles played in pharmacy department (April/May-2017)
The followings are the four main roles in the GPP guidelines, where pharmacists'
involvement or supervision is expected by society and the individuals they serve. They are :
First, prepare, obtain, store, secure, distribute, administer, dispense and dispose of medical
9. What is the role of systems and database administrators? (Nov/Dec-2016)
A database administrator, or DBA, is responsible for maintaining, securing, and operating
databases and also ensures that data is correctly stored and retrieved. In addition, DBAs often
work with developers to design and implement new features and troubleshoot any issues.
10. What is CSSD? (Nov/Dec-2016)
 The Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) is a specialised area responsible for the
collection, decontamination, assembling, packing, sterilisation, storing and distribution
of sterile goods and equipment to patient care areas.
 The fundamental role of the CSSD is to receive, clean, decontaminate, package, and
sterilise medical devices that can be distributed.
11. What is the objective of hospital formulary? (April/May-2017)
 Hospital formulary promotes evidence based standard practice. It will ensure the
clinical efficacy, patient safety and cost effective prescriptions for the rational drug use
by identifying effective and safe medications.
 Foremost objective of developing a Hospital formulary is to provide rationality and
normalize the variation in the prescribing patterns of the physicians. Formulary acts as a
source to health care professionals as it provides detailed knowledge about the drugs
available in the present health care system.
12. What is hospital formulary?
 The formulary system is a method by which physicians and pharmacists, working
through a Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of the medical staff, evaluate and
select medications for use in a hospit
 hospital formulary system is a method whereby the medical staff of a hospital with the
help of pharmacy and therapeutic committee , selects and evaluates medicinal agents
and their dosage forms which are considered to be most useful in the patient care.

13. What is the laundry capacity and load based on American, British and Indian
 Self-Service Laundromat. If you don't have a washer and dryer at your home or
apartment, you might go to a self-service laundromat. ...
 Dry-Cleaning Services. ...
 Commercial Laundry Service. ...
 Fluff and Fold Laundry Service.

14. What is autoclaving?

An autoclave is a machine that uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel. The items are heated to an
appropriate sterilization temperature for a given amount of time.
15. Give the Importance of Supply Department
Supply chain management is important because it can help achieve several business
objectives. For instance, controlling manufacturing processes can improve product quality,
reducing the risk of recalls and lawsuits while helping to build a strong consumer brand.
16. What are the functions of laundry Services ? (April/May-2017)
Laundry refers to the washing of clothing and other textiles, and, more broadly, their
drying and ironing as well. Laundry has been part of history since humans began to wear
clothes, so the methods by which different cultures have dealt with this universal human need
are of interest to several branches of scholarship.


1. Explain about medical records department in hospitals. And draw the flowchart
for admission and discharge the patients (April/May-2013) (April/May-2017)
2. Explain the Central Sterilization department and sterilization cycle. ?
(Nov/Dec-2011) (April/May-2017)
3. Explain the importance of medical records maintenance in hospitals. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
4. Explain about the Hospital Information System. (April/May-2017)
5. Explain the process of central sterilization and supply department.
6. What are the different types of medical records and explain the medical records
management in hospitals.


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


Purposes – Planning of Communication, Modes of Communication – Telephone, ISDN,

Public Address and Piped Music – CCTV. Security – Loss Prevention – Fire Safety – Alarm
System – Safety Rules.

1. What are the various modes of communication? (Nov/Dec-2011)
Communication methods (channel): The method or channel is how a message is conveyed.
It could be a face-to-face conversation, telephone, email or a medical record.
Types of messages
Communication policies
 Agents.
 Communication services Communication device
 Interaction mode.
 Security Protocol
2. State the fire safety management in hospitals. / Precautions taken for fire safety
(April/May-2017) Nov/Dec-2020)
If a fire occurs, follow these steps:

 Activate the fire alarm procedures.

 Turn off oxygen, lights, and any electrical equipment in the vicinity of the fire.
 Remove the patients who are in immediate danger.
 Notify the hospital “switchboard” of the location of the fire.
 Close windows and doors to reduce ventilation.
 Using the fire extinguisher, attempt to extinguish the fire.
 Return patients who are not endangered to their rooms.
 Post a guard to direct the fire department.
3. Discuss the importance of Safety rules in the hospital administration.
They standardize practices across the organization and ensure that every patient receives
the same level of care. Standardized practices across the hospital keep patients safe. Policies
and procedures for things like disinfection, charting, and medication help prevent common
errors and illnesses.
4. Discuss: Safety aspects in hospital to loss prevention.
Benefits of Loss Prevention Programs
Implementing a loss prevention program is beneficial to an organization in a number of ways:

 Ensures the safety of workers, equipment, and the environment

 Minimizes accident rate and the severity of outcomes
 Reduces or prevents insurance claims
 Enhances production by preventing interruptions
 Increases worker efficiency through uninterrupted production and services
 Greater employee job satisfaction
 Healthier profit margins
 Competitive advantage compared to companies with a higher rate of adverse events

5. List out any two hospitals safety rules.

Follow These 8 Safety Tips During Your Hospital Stay
 Wear a facemask.
 Wash your hands. .
 Speak up if you're in pain. .
 Protect your skin. .
 Take care not to fall. .
 Take your medication. .
 Get up and moving.
 Don't smoke.
6. What is quality auditing? / what is quality management system? (April/May-2017)
Quality auditing is the systematic, independent, and documented review and evaluation
of an organization's quality management system (QMS) to determine whether quality activities
and results comply with a strategic arrangement that is effectively implemented and
appropriate to achieve the objectives.
7. List out the purpose of communication systems.
Provider to Provider Communication Systems in HealthcareThis communication system
category includes all solutions used for collaboration, referrals, issuing prescriptions,
transferring patients, processing payments, and receiving lab results in a hospital.
8. What is ISDN?
ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE (eye soe SOR bide dye NYE trate) is a type of vasodilator.
It relaxes blood vessels, increasing the blood and oxygen supply to your heart. This medicine
is used to prevent and to treat chest pain caused by angina.
9. What is the role of joint commission International ? (April/May-2017)
An independent, not-for-profit organization, Joint Commission International (JCI)
identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality and patient safety around the world.
We provide leadership and innovative solutions to help health care organizations across all
settings improve performance and outcomes.

10. What is Code Red?

This code indicates that when someone is in the hospital and sees fire or smoke, or
anyone working in the hospital notices flame, they can declare Code Red. In the next step,
hospital staff can immediately shut the door, and people who are at the hospital should wait in
the hall until further instructions.
11. What are the steps involved in loss prevention? (Nov/Dec-2016)
Loss prevention is a common component of retail and includes practices that businesses
use to preserve their bottom line. Sometimes referred to as retail asset protection or profit
prevention, loss prevention is any organizational activity that is specifically implemented to
minimize preventable losses. Preventable losses can be defined as any company cost that
comes as a result of purposeful or accidental actions on behalf of customers, employees or
other individuals who interact with the business.

12. State the Principles of a good welfare policy ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
A welfare state is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution
of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal
provisions of a good life.
13. What is the need for voltage fluctuation alarm? (Nov/Dec-2020)
Power surges cause huge damage to electrical gadgets such as televisions, computers and
air conditioners. Attaching a voltage fluctuation protection device like Finolex MCBs will help
you deal with sudden power surges. Improper wiring can also lead to irregular electric supply
and voltage fluctuations.

1. What are the essential steps for effective communication plan in an organization?
2. Discuss about Hospital Safety and Security Phase. ?(Nov/Dec-2011)
3. Explain the need of Security System in hospitals. (April/May-2017)
4. Explain about the fire safety in hospitals. (Nov/Dec-2016)
5. Explain about
a. Cable television and closed circuit television
b. Alarm system in hospital
6. Explain about(April/May-2013)
a. Purpose of communication in hospital
b. Fire safety in hospital
7. What is ISO-9001?Explain it (April/May-2017)
8. Explain about the common hazards in hospitals. (Nov/Dec-2016)
9. Explain in detail about the Alarm Systems in hospitals. (April/May-2013)
(April/May-2017) (Nov/Dec-2020)
10.Define Hospital communications explain the types / Mode of communication?
(April/May-2017)( Nov/Dec-2020)
11.Explain briefly about various types of Hospital services?(Nov/Dec-2011)
12.State the Principles of management development programmes in an organization?

Prepared by Recommended by Approved by

Asst.Professor/CSE HOD Principal


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