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Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabaroklatu.

Alhamdulillahi alhadmulillahirabbil alamin was sholatu was salaamu
‘alaa rosulillahi wa’alaa aalihi wa sohbihi ajma’in. Amma ba’du.

(First of all, let us say praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah
swt who has given us health and the opportunity to gather in this
school we love.)

We don't forget to give SHOLAWAT with greetings to the Prophet

Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam by saying Allahumma Sholli
Ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad.

- The honorable Kak Jhojon as our Speech.

- The honorable the Head Master of SDIT Humairoh 2 Pekanbaru
Ust Riswan SIQ, S.Pd.I
- The honorable Head MAster of SDIT Humairoh 3 Ust Niko
Purwanto S.Sos
- The honorable of Kindergarten Humairoh 3 Mother Desi
Sahfitri S.Pd
- I respect Father and Mother who have taken the time to attend
this school that we love.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I as the MC will read the schedule for today

The first agenda

1 the first. Opening

2. Secondly Recitation of recitations by M Omar Alfarisi and Zahwa
putri Afrina. Omar and zahwa are welcome to forward.

Thank you to Omar and Zahwa who have recited the recitations of the
Qur'an. May Allah always give abundant rewards to all of us,
especially for Syafhani and Zahwa.

The next agenda

3. Finally, what we have been waiting for arrives at the main event,
namely today's lecture, which will be delivered by kak Jhojon. To
the al-ustad who we glorify and respect, we welcome the time and
4. Finally arrived at the end of today's recitation program, namely
praying together which will be led by Ustad Riswan SIQ S.Pd.I.
Before we pray together, I as the host of the Prophet's Birthday
today said if there are wrong words or attitudes that are not
pleasing to the heart, I apologize profusely.
To Al'karim ustad Riswan for leading the prayer together, we
welcome the time and place and at the same time as the closing
event on Commemorating the Isra’ Mi’raj.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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