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Activity 3

Studying the political administrations during the Spanish time and President Duterte’s time has
shed light on significant differences and similarities that have shaped the Philippines’
governance. The Spanish colonial period was marked by authoritarian rule, with power
concentrated in the hands of a few. The influence of the Church and the limited participation of
the general population in decision-making were prominent features.

President Duterte’s time, on the other hand, has witnessed a shift in political dynamics. His
administration has been characterized by a strong centralized authority, employing a decisive
leadership style. His “war on drugs” campaign has garnered both praise and criticism for its
methods and outcomes. Moreover, President Duterte’s tenure has witnessed a surge in social
media engagement and citizen participation, as well as a push for constitutional reforms.

While the two eras differ in their political landscapes, they share commonalities in terms of
public sentiment and the desire for change. Both periods have seen calls for accountability,
transparency, and improved governance. The Spanish time and President Duterte’s time have
brought forth discussions on the balance between state power and individual freedoms.

As a Filipino citizen, this comparative analysis has made me realize the importance of
understanding our history to shape the present and future. It reminds us of the progress we have
made, the challenges we still face, and the need for continuous reflection and engagement in
political affairs. By critically examining these two periods, we can learn valuable lessons and
strive for a more inclusive and responsive government that addresses the needs and aspirations of
the Filipino people.

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