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PTY2APB mid-semester prac exam practice questions

1. Your patient has a three-week history of left lateral elbow pain. Assess their wrist and elbow
range of movement and perform three special tests for lateral epicondylalgia
2. Your patient has a 2-month history of right radial sided wrist pain. Perform a comprehensive
palpation of the carpal bones of the wrist, assess their grip strength and complete a special
test for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
3. Your patient reports a several month history of progressively worsening left shoulder pain
and stiffness. Assess their shoulder active and passive range of movement and perform two
special tests for their rotator cuff
4. Your patient is a gymnast and reports painful clicking of their left wrist during weightbearing
extension tasks. Assess their wrist active and passive range of movement, grip strength and
complete a special test for scapholunate instability
5. Your patient sustained a left distal radius fracture 6-weeks ago. They present to
physiotherapy after the removal of the cast with significantly decreased wrist extension
range of movement and poor grip strength. Complete one manual technique to address one
of these impairments and prescribe two exercises for the patient to complete at home
6. Your patient has been diagnosed with right CMC joint OA. They have limited thumb
opposition range of movement and decreased pinch grip strength. Prescribe two exercises
for this patient to complete at home, one to address each impairment
7. Your patient reports weakness of their left hand and pins and needles of their first 3.5 digits.
Perform an appropriate palpation assessment of the proximal row of carpal bones, assess
their grip strength and perform one special test for carpal tunnel syndrome.
8. Your patient reports vague anterior shoulder pain with horizontal flexion. Perform an active
range of movement assessment and complete one special test for the AC joint.
9. Your patient complains of right ulnar sided wrist pain after a FOOSH. Perform an appropriate
palpation assessment of the carpal bones of the wrist and include palpation to detect a TFCC
10. Your patient presents after a FOOSH one week ago. They report severe left sided dorsal wrist
pain. Perform an appropriate palpation assessment of the wrist, in particular the scaphoid,
and assess their passive wrist flexion and extension range of movement
11. Your patient hurt their third finger trying to mark a ball at football training three days ago.
They complain of pain over the 3rd PIP joint. Complete a range of motion assessment and
perform relevant special tests for the volar plate and collateral ligaments

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