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Jordan: Hey, guys, how's it going? Ready to discuss our plans for the weekend?

Alexis: Absolutely, Jordan! I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Eliseo: Hey, everyone! I've got some exciting ideas for what to do.

Jordan: Great to hear that, Eliseo. Let's dive right into our weekend plans and arrangements.

Jordan: So, this weekend, I'm going to the theater on Sunday. I've arranged to meet my friend
Maria there. She's a big fan of theater, and we thought it would be a great way to spend the
Sunday afternoon.

Alexis: That sounds like a fantastic plan, Jordan. As for me, I'm going to have some friends over
on Saturday evening. We're planning to have a barbecue at my place. I've already arranged for
some of my friends to bring different dishes, so it should be a delicious feast!

Eliseo: That's awesome, Alexis. I'm not going to go shopping this weekend. Instead, I'm
thinking of doing something outdoors. I've arranged to have a picnic at the park and invited a
few friends to join me. We're going to have a nice time outdoors.

Jordan: It's going to be a weekend full of fun, it seems. Eliseo, have you made any specific
arrangements for your outdoor activity?

Eliseo: Yes, I have. I've arranged to meet my friend, Juan, at the park. He's bringing a frisbee,
and I'm bringing sandwiches and drinks. We're going to make it a relaxing day in the sun.

Alexis: And Jordan, do you have any particular plans for the theater outing?

Jordan: Of course! I've arranged for the tickets already. We're going to see a new play that's
received great reviews. After the theater, Maria and I plan to grab dinner at a cozy restaurant

Alexis: Well, it sounds like we're all set for an amazing weekend! I hope you all have a fantastic
time with your plans and arrangements.

Jordan: Absolutely, let's reconvene next week and share how our weekends went. Enjoy,

Eliseo: Have a great weekend, guys. See you soon!

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