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Main Objectives

➢ How do companies motivate their employees?

➢ Phrases for communication
➢ Cultural shock
➢ Discuss values, attitudes, ways of thinking in different countries
➢ Vocabulary about motivations and incentives at work
How do companies motivate their employees?

Employee motivation is a critical aspect at the

workplace, which leads to the performance of
the department and even the company.
Motivating your employees needs to be a regular
How do companies motivate their employees?

Watch the following video about how a big

company motivates their employees and why is so
Phrases for communication

Open-ended questions
The use of open-ended questions has an inviting
quality that encourages the speaker to provide a
more authentic, in-depth, and lengthier response;
and, when used in conversation, open-ended
questions allow you to find out more about the
person with whom you are talking.
Phrases for communication

Close questions
Closed questions stop the conversation and provide only the Close-ended questions begin with:
answer to your question, without any further detail. Asking • Is/are...?
closed questions will limit the listener’s answer, because • Do/does/did...?
• Would/will...? ?
they will provide no more information than is needed or
• Could/can...?
required — the response you will receive to a closed
• Was/were...?
question will be just what you asked. • Have/has/had...?
Phrases for communication

Now watch the following video on why open-ended and closed-ended questions
are important and their differences:
Culture shock

What is Culture shock?

Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar
culture and way of life. It can be caused by a range of things, both big and small, such as unfamiliar greetings and hand
gestures, strange food, difficult language barriers, getting lost in a new city or making a cultural faux pas, because you didn’t
know the local custom.
Culture shock
Culture shock

Watch the following video about the cultural adaptation

cycle and how to deal with culture shock:
Values, attitudes and ways of thinking in
different countries.

Greetings in different countries

There are many curious ways of saying “hello” around
the world.
It is useful to know how to greet in the native language
of your meeting partner. It shows respect and will be
appreciated by your partners from abroad.
Greetings around the world
Values, attitudes and ways of thinking in
different countries.
Values, attitudes and ways of thinking in
different countries.

Now, watch the following video about greetings in different countries:

1. Paid vacations Paid vacation days are days for which an employee is paid when he or she takes time off
from work.
2. Bonuses A sum of money added to a person's wages as a reward for good performance.
3. Job security The state of having a job that is secure and from which one is unlikely to be dismissed.
4. Time off Time for rest or recreation away from one's usual work
5. Salary A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an
annual sum, made by an employer to an employee

6. Flexible working hours This means that employees can come to work earlier or later than the set time.
7. Employee discounts Means the discount given in the original price of the goods or services by the company to
their employees.
8. Retirement benefits A monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work. old-
age pension, retirement check, retirement fund, retirement pension, superannuation.
9. Career advancement Refers to the upward progression of one's career. An individual can advance by moving
opportunities from an entry-level job to a management position within the same field, for instance, or
from one occupation to another.
10. Allowances A sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses.

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