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ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Biology- Transpiration

. Name the Following -~

Question: --h-; r, ,,. t o;.,_1(S.r, \n\
1. The process of getting rid of excess water in the form of water vapour through t~ st~~ta.
2. Season in which transpiration rate is the highest. kJ8.
S\Jr,-,,(V'~ . . ,
3. Holes prese_nt o~ the surface of the stems and twigs for transpiration. (l 11 . c,~ (. \
....Y. Pot~meter 1s an instrument for measuring the rate of the most transpiration in a herbaceous
;plant hke Balsam occurs through which part.
/\ 5. Plants in which lenticular transpiration .
6. A plant having sunken stomata. NIl
7. Loss of water as droplets through leaves of an intact plaRt. <;;;'~ c-.X"\ or---
8. The structures through which guttation occurs. tf CZ oei\ <J~\ 11' A
9. The escape of plant sap from the ruptured or cut surfaces of the plant due to root pressureg,e;_wC0J°'o/.'

Give Technical Terms

1. Loss of water from the aerial parts of a plant. t:'6{,1../1( .h 1 6 ( ~ (Sr .
2. Opening found on the under surface of dorsiventral leaf.r M ~ c,.
3. Which side of the leaf has more stomata?
4. When cobalt chloride pap_e~ l;PJ~ced on lowe1and upper surface of the leaf, the paper of which
side becomes more pink? V·f1' X 1fJ9,(WJ)Vl. ';,l,iJ { -.(.J! • . J;,
5. The substances which check the rate of transpiration. fpth -
6. The paper which is used to show loss of water through stoma of a leaf. UJ
1'.'.,I I r r
fj (
0 'i) .... (_
7. A chemical used to prevent excessive transpiration in plants. / "f ~,

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8. Main function of lenticel.
9. The apparatus used to compare the rat~ of transpiration in cut sl'loot. g~o P(9"\
10. The process by which excess of water is forced out directly from the tips of veins in the leaf. 61..,7/,n

Fill in the Blanks

1"ru /'\ \\?\ C~ Q,r )<

Complete the following sentences with appropriate words : /

1. Plants become cool as a result of ~ ~<A~ <S ((D l)r'
2. Transpiration is the loss of water v';<r-t ,o.-. from the leaves of the plant.
3. Transpiration normally takes place in the preJence of SUI"\ \ l~ /
4. 95% of the total transpiration takes place through ifor,-,
0 9:c,i,, /'
5. In Nerium, the stomata are present in ½1 , ,, kr l"l
6. Openings found on the under surface of the dorsiventral leaf are -SA-Gr"illv- ---
7. The leaves of the C plants have cuticular wax. J. I he.. X 1
~jw . J

True& False
Mention, if the following statements are True or False. If false rewrite the wrong statement in its
correct form: 1" · /
1. Transpiration is a physiological process. /
2. Root hairs are the extensions of the outer epidermal cells of the root. /
3. More transpiration occurs from the upper surface of a leaf. \ 'I--- /
4. Transpiration takes place only in green plants. , - y 'I
Tho nl-l nftho 011-:::arrl rollc: inrro:acoc rl11rin a rl:a\ltimo

~- :v~poratio~ is a physiological process.
. o ometer is an instrument used f .
I X f
8. Low humidity in th t ' or measuring the rate of transpiration. -
e a mosphere results d · h 1
9. Calcium chloride . ecrease mt e rate of transpiration. 1-

10. Moist cobalt hlpa_pder is use~ to de~onstrate transpiration.
c on e paper is blue m colour
F _...--
11. Guttation occurs through stomata.
. - /

State the Location


><' Lenticels
y Cuticle
Guard cells

State the Function

Write the functional activity of the following structures:
G~ard cells - • \ ,.,
"iJ 1 ~ t ·(~- Oe~v( h~ ~1"\ . ~l:"or,c!-c.J
~ '1~ '91,. Cir~i'3~\6~ o~~~he . e Out
1. Transpiration, .Ph~osynthes1s, Phagoc_y_!os1s · Guttat1on. 'f--....
2. Cufic~_lar transpiration, Lenti_
SY,la!:._~~iratio , omatal transpiration, ~ /
3. Stomata) Cuticle, Lent_icels~ :) _ / ·

M1.dtiple Choice Questions

1. In the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata, the important factor is :
(a) The presence of chloroplast in the guard cells
J bYfhe turgid and flaccid state of the guard cells
(cl The protein content of the cells
(d) The st h content of the cells

2. St ata open during day and close at night because :

) hotosynthesis occurs during day time only
(b Enzymes convert starch into sugar at elevated pH in night
(c) Loss of sugar increases osmotic concentration of the cell sap
(d) Loss of starch in day time raises OP of subsidiary cells

} · In hot summer days, plant cooling is due to :

/ (a) Loss of water vapours from leaves (b)Jransport of water in plant /
(cl Loss of lkjuid water ($)f Loss of water from entire plant
4. If the rate of transpirar b
( )C . ion ecomes more th h
.../ a ontmue to live, but will n t b b an t e rate of photosynthesis, plants will:
(b) Be killed instantly o ea le to store food .
(c)forow more vigorously becaus
(d) Stop growing and g d
_e more energy will be available .
ra ua 11 Y die of starvation
S. Transpiration is I .
( )p very ow during storms due to :
a, i;esence of moisture · th ·
(eYHigh veloci of . m e wmd (b) Low temperature during storms -----
ty wmd (d) None of the above ._,_.-------

G..Tra~ration pull will be maximum under which of the following conditions ?

(~en stomata, dry atmosphere and moist soil
(b) Open stomata, h_igh hum_id atmosphere and well irrigated soil
(c) Open stomata, high humid atmosphere and dry soil
(d) Close stomata, dry atmosphere and dry soil

7. Pl~lose water by guttation when:

(a')Rate of transpiration is high / rb) Soil is wet and the atmosphere is humid
(c) Soil is dry and atmosphere is dry (d) Soil is wet and atmosphere is dry V
8. Guttaf is the elimination of excess of water from plants through :
(a) St ata
( enticels
(b) Hydathodes
(d) Wounds
Match the Column
Column 'II' is a list of items related to ideas in Column 'I'. Match the term in Column 'II' with the
suitable idea given in Column 'I'.
Column I Column II
(i) Transpiration (a) Cacti plants
(~) Movement of water (b) Stomata
(iii) Guttation (c) Maize plant
(v) High rate of transpiration (e) Hydathodes

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