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On the Connection between the Fundamental Groups of Some Related Spaces

Author(s): Egbert R. Van Kampen

Source: American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 55, No. 1 (1933), pp. 261-267
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
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Accessed: 04/12/2014 20:29

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Since the precedingpaper containsthe treatmentof an example,not

of a generaltheorem,its topologicalbackgrounddoes not appear veryclearly.
In this paper we treat the generaltheoremwhichunderliesthe contentsof
section2 of the precedingpaper. Otherapplicationsof this generaltheorem
are to be found in the literature,for instancein a paper by K. Brauner,*
but on the otherhand the opportunityof simplifyingthe treatmentof a
fundamentalgroup by means of this theoremhas been overlookedseveral
times,forinstancein thesamepaperbyBraunerand in a paperbyW. Burau.t
For thisreasonwe did notthinkit superfluous to devotea separatepaperto it.
The object of our theoremis to findthe fundamentalgroupof the space
thatresultswhencertainhomeomorphic subsetsof a givenspace are identified.
The firstsection gives the definitionof that processof identification;the
second sectioncontainsa lemma on the deformationof complexes; and the
thirdsectioncontainscertainconditionsand a lemmahelpingus overthepoint
difficultiesof the problem,while in the fourthsectionthe funda-
mentalgroupis constructed.In thefifthsectionwe give the two special cases
that will be most oftenuseful. In the last, the path is shown to a more
general theorem,of whichhoweverthe general formulationwould be more
confusingthan helpful,so that it is suppressed.
1. Suppose that a separable,regular, topological space A contains a
subsetB, and a neighborhood U of B, such that:
(a) B is closedand (b) U - B is the sum of a finiteor countablenumber
of open sets M*, having no point in common. Then we can constructin a
unique way a new separable,regular,topologicalspace C = A - U +-., Ni,
where: (c) Ni is homeomorphic with B + Mi (the set corresponding to B
being called Bj), is open in C and no two Ni have a point in common; (d)
Y Bi is closed in C; (e) C - Y Bi is homeomorphic with A - B.
It followsfromthesepropertiesthat (f) the homeomorphisms of C - B
with A B and of each Bi with B definea univalued continuoustrans-

formationT of C intoA. The Bi have thefollowingproperties:(g) They are

* "Zur geometrie der Funktionen zweier komplexen Variablen, IV," Hamburger
Abhandlungen, Vol. 6 (1928), pp. 34-55.
t " Kennzeichnung der Schlauchknoten," HamnburgerAbhandlungen, Vol. 9 (1932).
pp. 125-133.

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all homeomorphic with B and no two of them have a point in common;

(h) Any sum of sets Bi is closed in C.
On the otherhand A - C- YB, + B is uniquely determined,if the
sets C and Bi with the properties(g) and (h) are given and the properties
(a) and (e) are requiredprovideda conditionis given to determinewhich
(completelydivergent) sequences of C -X. Bi correspondto sequences in
A - B convergent to a point of B. If a metricof C is given,such that the
distancesof the pairs of points in the sets Bt, correspondingto any pair of
pointsin B, have a positivelowerlimit,and that the distancesof the pairs
of sets Bi have a positivelower limit, this can be done by the following
condition: (i) A sequenceof pointsin A -B convergesto a point x of B,
providedthat the distancebetweena point of the corresponding sequencein
C-X. Bi and the nearestpoint xi, corresponding to x, convergesto zero.
Remarks. C is uniqnelydeterminedonly if the actnal subdivisionof
U - B into the MI is given. A is uniquelydeterminedonly if the actual
homeomorphisms betweenthe sets B, and B are given.
A metricforC as used for the formulationof condition(i) can always
be constructed. If the numberof sets B, is finite,condition (i) can be
formulatedindependentof the metricof C. If the numberof sets B, is
infiniteit is not possibleto defineA in a topologicallyinvariantway,at least
not if A mustbe regular. But a metricof A (whichinvolvesthe regularity
of A) is used essentiallyin the proofof Lemma 2.
The firstprocessmightbe called: " CuttingA alongB," and the second
"Identifyingthe subsetsB, of C." From section3 on we will supposethat
sets A, B, C, B,, M,, N, are givensatisfyingthe conditionsintroducedabove.
Proof. If A is given and C can be constructed, the sets in C corre-
spondingto open subsetsof A - B or of any one set M, + B have to be open
in C, and any open subsetin C mustbe a sum of subsetsof thesetypes. But
the set A - U + EN, withthosesets as neighborhoods has all the properties
we assignedto C. h) followsfromthe fact,that C - X B, and all the Ni are
open in C, so that the complementof any sum of Bi's is a sum of open sets
in C. The continuityof the transformation T followsfromthe fact that T
is homeomorphic on certainopen subsetsof C, coveringC.
If C is given and A can be determined, the set in C corresponding to
any open set in A is an open set in C having corresponding point sets in
commonwith all sets Bi. As a consequenceof condition(i), a point set is
open in A providedit corresponds to an open set U in C havingwithall sets
B, corresponding point sets in common, and such that the distances of every

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set of correspondingpointsx of Bi to the boundaryof U have a positivelower

limit. But the space definedby the -setof points C - Y Bi + B with all
thoseopen sets as neighborhoods has all the propertiesthat we assignedto A.
2. LEMMA 1. A given deformationof a subcomplexL of a singular
complexK * can be extendedto a deformationof K itself,leavingeverypoint
of K invariantthat belongsto a simplex,which togetherwith its boundary
is containedin K - L. K can be an inftnitecomple.x,tif L containsall but
a finitenumberof the simplexesof K.
Proof. By thegivendeformation of L and our conditionon the simplexes
not touchingL the deformationis definedfor all verticesof K, so that an
inductionproofof the lemma can be completedby definingthe deformation
forthe interiorof any simplexS, providedit has alreadybeen definedon its
boundaryT. The simplex S plus the complex describedby T during its
deformation can be transformnedtopologicallyinto a simplexR in such a way
thatS is transformed into a simplexR, homothetic withR and in its initerior.
The homotheticdeformationof R. into R gives the extensionof the de-
formationto S.

3. To providea connectionbetweenthe fundamentalgroups of A, B,

and C we need the followingrestrictions:
(1) In any neighborhood V of a point of Bi in Ni thereis contained
anotherneighborhood V', such that any singular0, 1, 2 spherein V' is the
boundaryof a singular1, 2, 3 cell in V. If the numberof sets Bi is infinite
it must be possible to take V' as the set in Ni corresponding to the inter-
sectionof Mi + B and a certainopen set in A if V is takento be the set in N.
corresponding to the intersectionof Mi + B and a givenopen set in A.
(2) In any neighborhood W of a point of B in B thereexists another
neighborhood WI, such that any singular0, 1 spherein W' is the boundary
of a singular1, 2 spherein W.
LEm1MA2. Any complexK whosedimensionis at mosttwlo, and thatis
transformed continuouslyinto A, can be deformedanidsubdividedin such a
way, that the new transformation of each simplexof the s tbdivisioninto A
can be writtenas theproductof a transformation of thatsimplexinto C and
the transformationT of C into B definedin (f). We writefor brevity: that
each simplexof the subdivisioithas propertyT.

* A complex transformed into a certain space by a univalued continuous trans-

t S. Lefschetz, Topology, Ch. VII.

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Proof. We suppose,thatK is subdividedalreadyin such a way,that any

simplexof K touchingB is completelycontainedin U. We transformthe
part of K commonto the sum of all those simplexesand Mi + B into Ni,
calling the closed point set corresponding to the pointsof K in B: Li, and
the rest of the corresponding point set in Ni, after subdividingit into an
infinitecomplex: Ki. The lemma followsif we succeed in constructinga
deformationof the sum of all but a finitenumberof the simplexesof all
complexesKi, into Bi such that any sequence of points of Ki, converging
to a point of Li, continuesto convergeto that point during the processof
deformation. In fact the deformationsin the different N, correspondto
deformations in M, + B leavingthe pointsof K in B fixed,so that theycan
be combinedinto one deformation;accordingto Lemma 1 this deformation
can be extendedto a deformation of K itselfand afterthis deformation any
simplexof K, that has a point in commonwithB but is not containedin B,
is containedin one of the sets Mi + B. From this the lemmafollows.
The deformationof Ki can be constructed,followingan example of
S. Lefschetz,*by means of the metricof Ni induced by a metricof A and
a shortinductionconstruction of whichwe onlygive the last step. In other
words,we assume that the deformation has been constructedfor the sum of
all 1-simplexesof Ki, excepta finitenumberof them. Because of the con-
dition on convergent sequences,the compactnessof Li + Ki, and conditions
(1) and (2) thereexistsa positivenumberE,a functionof thepositivenumber
8, such thatforany 2-simplexof Ki, of whichthe diameteris smallerthan E,
there exists a 3-cell of diameterless than 8, whose boundaryconsists of:
the 2-simplexof Ki, the complexdescribedby its boundarysimplexesduring
their deformationand another2-simplexcontainedin B. Because of the
secondpart of (1) we can take e to be the same functionof 8 for all Ki even
if theirnumberis not finite. There is at most a finitenumberof simplexes
in all the complexesKi together,of whichthe diameteris more than any
positivenumberE. We take a sequenceof numbersSi, convergingto zero,
and take as deformation-cell of any 2-simplexof Li, of whichthe diameterA
satisfies: Ei+--? < Ei a 3-cell of diameterless than Si. It is clear that the
deformation determinedby all thosedeformation-cells satisfiesour condition.
4. For the fundamentalgroup of any space P we write: J(P). In
order to determinethe fundamentalgroup of A by means of propertiesof
B and C we will assume the followingconditions:
(3) B is arewiseconnected;
* Topology, p. 93.

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(4) C is the sum of a finiteor countablenumberof arcwiseconnected

each containingat least one set B,.
From (4) it followsimmediately, that A is arcwiseconnected.
We call the componentsof C: Ct, I = 1, 2, ; and one of the sets Be
containedin Cl we call B , the othersif theyexistare called Bej, j = 1, 2, * .
As originfor @ (A) we take a point 0 in B; the corresponding point in Bt
is called O, and is takenas originof W(Ct); the corresponding pointsin Bij
are called Oij. Aln arbitrarybut fixed arc in Cl fromOz to OIj is called
hij. In A thereis an elementglj of @(A) corresponding to each arc hij.
THEORBEBI 1. As a completeset of generatorsof @(A) we can take:
(5) A completeset of generatorsa,a,
, 1, 2, foreach Ct;
(6) All elementsgaj.
Proof. We apply Lemma 2 to an arbitraryelementg of @ (A). Each
vertexof the subdivisioncan be deformedinto the point 0 by a deformation
of whichthe resttakesplace entirelyin B immediatelyafterthe vertexenters
B forthefirsttime. Accordingto Lemma 1, thisdeformation can be extended
to a deformation of the whole elementg afterwhichg can be writtenas a
productof otherelements,each havingpropertyT. If the transform of each
factor in C, is a curve from O a to Oij, it can be writtenin the form
glcl%(ala)gliz whichprovesthe theorem.
To a set of generatorsbp,I 1, 2, of @(B) there correspondsa

set of generatorsbli of WA(B) that can be expressedin termsof the ala:

(7) b=-i-6 (ala)
and a set of generatorsbzj,0of W(B1j). The elementsof W(Cl), whichmay
be writtensymbolically can also be expressedin termsof theala:
as hiibzlj6hzy-1
hljb,j,6hlj-= cItjfi(ala).
THEOREMI 2. As a completeset of relationsfor @(A) we can take:
(8) A completeset of relationsfor each f (CI)
ilj (ala) = 1.
(9) 01,(aia) = t,0(ala) = gkjyOkjfl
these last expressthe fact that the generatorsof B, (expressedin termsof
ala and gzj) are all equal in A.
Proof. A relationbetweenthe generatorsof @(A) can be represented
by a singular2-cellin A, of whichtheboundaryis the set of generators,
productis equal to the identity. On this 2-cell we apply Lemma 2. Each
elementof the boundarydescribes,duringthe deformationof Lemma 2, a
2-cellwithpropertyT. The deformed2-cellplus all the 2-cellscorresponding
to the elementsof its boundarycan be joined togetherto forma new 2-cellP,

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withthe same boundaryas the originalone, but witha subdivision,each cell

of whichhas propertyT and which does not subdividethe elementsof the
boundary. Applyingthe methodof proofof the precedingtheoremwe can
give a deformation in B of the sum of all 1-cellsof P containedin B, and
thena deformation of the sum of all other1-cellssuch that afterthe deforma-
tion each 1-celloriginallycontainedin B is expressedin termsof the genera-
tors of X(B), whileall other1-cellsare expressedin termsof the generators
of J(A). ApplyingLemma 1 we shall see that when this deformation has
been extendedto P itself,each cell of the subdivisionstill has propertyT,
while the boundaryof each cell is now an expressionin the generatorsof
M(B) and 3(A). It followsthat each relationbetweenthose generatorsis
a consequenceof otherrelations,each of whichcan be represented by a 2-cell
Suppose that such a 2-cell Q with propertyT, can be transformed into
Cl by a transformation S. If at least one generatorgij occursin the relation,
then some vertexof Q is transformed by S into 0i and we can startreading
our relationat thatvertex.t If glj is the firstelementof thistypethatoccurs
thenthe succeedingelementsin the relationare generatorsof B, transformed
by S into B1j till finallywe find the elementglj-1. As a result of (9)
we can considerthe elementstransformedinto B1j as being of the form
g'j-1c,j,6(a1a)g1j, so that withoutany deformation, the elementsgij and grj-
can be eliminated.
If the relationdoes not containany elementglj, or afterall elementsgzj
have been eliminatedby the above process,each vertexQf Q is transformed
by S intothe same point of Cl. If this pointis 0l, the relationis a relation
in Cl betweenthegeneratorsof its fundamentalgroup,and thusa consequence
of (8); if this pointis Otj, all elementsof the relationcan be writtenin the
form gzjy1cjjfl(ala)gtj and thus the relationis a relationvalid in Cl, but
transformed by glj and thus again it is a consequenceof (8). This proves
our theorem.
5. The meaningof the two precedingtheoremswill be clearerafterthe
formulationof the followingtwo special cases. The firstof thesewas used
in the precedingpaper, the othercould have been used instead if the proof
had been slightlyaltered.
COROLLARY 1. We supposethatthe numberof sets B is two,and thatC
is arcwiseconnected. A set of generatorsfor @ (C) is formedby the elements
* Compare the lemmas in the succeeding paper.
t This refers to the fact that the relation represented by a 2-cell must always be
considered as written cyclically. We can break the cycle open at any vertex and read
the relation from that vertex.

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aa withVf.6
(a) -1 as relations. A set of generatorsof i (B) is by,while
bi,y(i, 1, 2) are the correspondingelementsin B,; hi is an,arc in C from
the originof i (C) to the originof i (B,). The elementshibi7hi-'of i (C)
can be expressedin termsof the aa:
hb,^yhj-1~ piy(aa).
As generatorsfor @(A) we can take the elementsaa and atotherelement
g, and as relations:
AppJ(aa) 1, giy7(aa) 02y(aa)g.
COROLLARY 2. The numberof sets B, is two,and C is the sum of two
arcwise connectedcomponents: Cl, containingB1, and C2, containingB2.
A set of generatorsfor i (Ci) (i 1, 2) is formedby the elementsaja, a set

of relationsby Ii,p(a,<) 1. The elementsbiy corresponding in B, to a

set of generatorsbyof i (B) can be expressedia termsof the ai,,. (If neces-
saryaftertheirbeginningsand ends have been joined by the same arc to the
originof iJ(C,,)): bv,=i
As generatorsfor i3(A) we can take the elementsal, and a2<, and as
+1#(ala) 2,6 (a2,a) 4+1,y(a,.) - IP2-(a2a) a

6. By a repeatedapplicationof the precedingconstruction * the funda-

mentalgroupof A can be foundin the case whereconditions(3) and (4) are
replacedby the following:
B is the sum of a finitenumberof arcwiseconnectedcomponents,
C is the sum of a finiteor countablenumberof arcwiseconnectedcom-
ponents,each containingat least one of the sets correspondingto components
of B.
A is arcwiseconnected.
Howeverthe theoremcan still be generalized,if the numberof components
of B is countable,providedthateverysum of components of B is closedin B.*
For any elementof the fundamentalgroup of A or any 2-cell,representing
a relationbetweentheseelements,is a compactset in A, so that it can only
meet a finitenumberof componentsof B. It followsthat each elementand
each relationof (M(A) has been taken in accountafterthe processof identi-
ficationhas been performeda finitenumberof times.

* We do not describe this process, as the resulting theorems are too complicated
to be of much use, and the process can be readily set up for any special example.
t If this last condition is not verified (i (A) can still be constructed after the
definitionof a limit for elements of @ (A) as the closure of the group that will appear
as a result of the continued identification process.

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