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Warm up

Which of the following words is a
synonym for "malpractices"?

a) Commendation
b) Misconduct
c) Praise
d) Honor
Which of the following words is a
synonym for "malpractices"?

a) Commendation
b) Misconduct
c) Praise
d) Honor
Which of the following words is closest in
meaning to "romped"?

a) Struggled
b) Stagnated
c) Prevailed
d) Halted
Which of the following words is closest in
meaning to "romped"?

a) Struggled
b) Stagnated
c) Prevailed
d) Halted
Which of the following words is an
antonym for "defections"?

a) Adherence
b) Treachery
c) Abandonment
d) Betrayal
Which of the following words is an
antonym for "defections"?

a) Adherence
b) Treachery
c) Abandonment
d) Betrayal
Which of the following words is opposite
in meaning to "allurement"?

a) Attraction
b) Repulsion
c) Temptation
d) Charm
Which of the following words is opposite
in meaning to "allurement"?

a) Attraction
b) Repulsion
c) Temptation
d) Charm
"romp home"?

a) Struggle to achieve
b) To come home late
c) Win easily or comfortably
d) Walk in a playful manner
Which of the following best describes the
meaning of the phrase "romp home"?

a) Struggle to achieve
b) To come home late
c) Win easily or comfortably
d) Walk in a playful manner
Detente (noun)

Meaning - A state of reduced tension or hostility between two

parties, often in the context of international relations.

Hindi Meaning - पहले वरोधी रहे दो या अ धक दे शों के बीच संबंध-सुधार

Sentence - The detente between the neighboring countries led

to improved diplomatic relations.
Synonyms - Relaxation, reconciliation,
appeasement, pacification
Antonyms - Hostility, tension, conflict,
Vetoes (noun)
Meaning - The power or right to reject or block a
decision, proposal, or action by others.

Hindi Meaning - अस्वीकृ त, नषेध

Sentence - The president exercised his veto to prevent

the new law from being passed.
Synonyms - Rejection, prohibition, disapproval,
Antonyms - Approval, acceptance, endorsement
Dazzling (adjective)

Meaning - Extremely impressive or striking, often

with a bright or blinding effect.
Hindi Meaning - चकाचौंध
Sentence - Her performance on stage was truly
dazzling, capturing everyone's attention.
Synonyms - Brilliant, stunning, splendid,
Antonyms - Dull, ordinary, unimpressive, drab
Tussle (noun)

Meaning - A brief, vigorous struggle or fight, often

for something contested.
Hindi Meaning - झगड़ा
Sentence - There was a tussle for the last piece of
cake at the party.
Synonyms - Scuffle, skirmish, altercation
Antonyms - Peace, cooperation, harmony,
Unanimous (adjective)

Meaning - When everyone in a group agrees

or votes in the same way.
Hindi Meaning - सवर्वमत
Sentence - The decision to choose the new
team captain was unanimous among the
Mitigation (noun)
● Meaning - The action of reducing the severity,
seriousness, or impact of something, such as a problem
or disaster.
● Hindi Meaning - कमी
● Sentence - The government implemented measures for
the mitigation of air pollution.
Scrutinised (verb)
Meaning - To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly,
often for the purpose of evaluation or investigation.
Hindi Meaning - जांचना
Sentence - The committee scrutinized the financial records of
the organization.
Idiom and Phrases
Pull off (phrasal verb)
Meaning - To successfully achieve something,
especially something difficult or challenging.

Reluctant to (phrase)
Meaning - Unwilling or hesitant to do
something, often due to a lack of enthusiasm
or desire.
Phase-out (noun)
Meaning - The gradual reduction or
elimination of something, typically a product,

Drawn out (adjective)

Meaning - Extending or lasting for an
extended or excessive duration, often implying
that something takes more time than
o st er
India’s moment: on the G-20 Summit outcomes
The G-20 Summit was reimagined as a forum
for changing the wider world
The Leaders’ Summit of India’s presidency of the G-20
grouping, held over the weekend, resulted in major success
with the unanimous adoption of the New Delhi Declaration
— especially significant as there was little hope of one.
Experts, diplomats and officials had downplayed
expectations of India’s negotiators being able to pull off
what few have achieved thus far: a détente between the
“western” G-7-EU axis and the Russia-China combine over
the issue of the Ukraine war. At the UN Security Council,
not a single statement has been passed so far as a result of
vetoes by both sides.
While Indonesian G-20 negotiators in 2022 were able to
pull off a joint statement with references critical of Russia
(the G-7 pushed for these), the consensus did not last, and
Russia and China refused to have them repeated this year.
As every Indian ministerial meeting ended without success
in a joint statement, India’s negotiating team took the more
considered approach — to achieve consensus on other
issues, before tackling the paragraphs on Ukraine. There
was a breakthrough after the G-7 compromised on its
insistence of language critical of Russia by having more
neutral paragraphs.
Home Work Passage
The Declaration statement achieved what is truly impossible in
today’s global polarisation. In that, India’s “middle path” policy
has been its biggest strength, along with Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s personal outreach to many G-20 leaders over the year.
Another key initiative was enlisting the “Global South”, including
many G-20 members, who were reluctant to take sides in the
tussle, and wanted instead to shift priorities to global development
issues. As a result, the 83-paragraph Declaration made progress on
cryptocurrency regulation, and crystallised a figure of nearly $10
trillion needed for climate change adaptation and mitigation
projects for the Global South, although it failed to agree on any
fossil fuel “phase-out” deadlines
Question 1: What was the key factor that contributed to
the success of India's presidency of the G-20, as
mentioned in the passage?
A) The admission of the African Union as a G-20 member
B) The compromise on language critical of Russia by the
C) The focus on cryptocurrency regulation in the
D) The hosting of over 200 meetings in more than 60
Question 1: What was the key factor that contributed to
the success of India's presidency of the G-20, as
mentioned in the passage?
A) The admission of the African Union as a G-20 member
B) The compromise on language critical of Russia by the
C) The focus on cryptocurrency regulation in the
D) The hosting of over 200 meetings in more than 60
(Line from the passage: "There was a
breakthrough after the G-7 compromised
on its insistence of language critical of
Russia by having more neutral
Question 2: What significant achievement did the G-20
Declaration make regarding climate change and
funding, as mentioned in the passage?
A) Agreement on fossil fuel phase-out deadlines
B) A commitment of nearly $10 trillion for climate
change projects
C) Formation of the Global Biofuel Alliance
D) Inclusion of the Global South in climate discussions
Question 2: What significant achievement did the G-20
Declaration make regarding climate change and
funding, as mentioned in the passage?
A) Agreement on fossil fuel phase-out deadlines
B) A commitment of nearly $10 trillion for climate
change projects
C) Formation of the Global Biofuel Alliance
D) Inclusion of the Global South in climate discussions
(Line from the passage: "The Declaration statement
achieved what is truly impossible in today’s global
polarisation... a figure of nearly $10 trillion needed for
climate change adaptation and mitigation projects for
the Global South.")

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