Into The Unknown: Lived Experiences of The Selected Public-School Teachers in Conducting Action Research in The New Normal

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Volume: 14
Pages: 456-465
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1267
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8437259
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-12-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Into the Unknown: Lived Experiences of the Selected Public-School Teachers in

Conducting Action Research in the New Normal
Ryan C. Tura*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The study was conducted in pursuit of investigating the lived experiences of select public-school
teachers in conducting action research during the ‘new normal’. The study used qualitative research
design and employed phenomenology as a research design. It involves ten (10) teacher respondents
who were chosen through the purposive sampling method. The study used unstructured
questionnaires, administered through in-depth interviews. The data gathered had undergone textual
and thematic analysis as well as narrative to analyze and interpret the data. Several themes emerged
like technical, systemic, and personal. Results reveal that technical themes are the most difficult part
because there are processes for gathering and analyzing data that require scrutiny and consultation.
The systemic, however, is easy due to the respondents only needing to attend seminars. Some
instructions on conducting Action Research (AR) are not clear because of the fluctuating internet
connection. Moreover, personal themes become easier because of the calendar method used that
helps maintain a smooth flow of the research plan. The study recommends that research coordinators
including the School Head may conduct more training and seminars on AR. This is so that teachers
needing proper guidance in conducting AR will thus be provided.

Keywords: lived experiences, action research, new normal, public-school teachers

Introduction and students’ competencies because it focuses on the

search for solutions to problems and at the same time
developing scientific studies related to them,
Every teacher as a significant part of the educational coordinating theory and practice.
system is encouraged to take part in conducting action
research in which results can be used as a tool to In response to this challenge, most public-school
improve and develop the school curriculum. Supported teachers in the Philippines were reluctant in
by Byrne (2018) that conducting research enables conducting research due to reasons like being
them to try out new ideas, to share results with others, bombarded with ancillary works which hinder their
and to contribute to the growing evidence-base around drive to teach. Supported in the finding of Ruedas
teaching and learning. In fact, this becomes part of the (2020), that the "very high" influential factors that
Means of Verification (MOV) in the Individual hinder teachers from doing action research were work
Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) overload, which leaves little time or no time for
rating where their lessons should be research-based, c o n d u c t i n g r e s e a r c h , lack of p r a c t i c a l
which can be found in Objective No. 2 based on the training/experience on how to do action research, and
PPST priority indicator where teachers shall use lack of research centers and research specialist in
research-based knowledge and principles of teaching school or division. Because of this, ancillary works
and learning to enhance professional practice. (RPMS- hugely impact the motivation of teachers to go beyond
PPST Performance Objectives, Indicators, and Means the roles and functions that are expected from them
of Verifications for SY 2021-2022). such as doing action research. As observed, teachers
are very busy in teaching and in doing ancillary works
To solve the challenges that we face in the classroom which hinder them from doing other stuff like action
setting on a day-to-day basis; one has to conduct research.
Action Research (AR). It speaks of your interventions
and innovations that you have utilized to address the Similarly, when the Covid 19 pandemic occurred,
learning gaps of the learners especially during the time teachers were bombarded with a lot of paperwork,
of COVID-19 pandemic. Cited by the Department of particularly the preparation of self-learning modules
Education (DepEd) Order No. 16, s. 2017 which for students. Supported by the study of Tindowen,
defines action research as a process of systematic, Guzman and Macanang (2019) that major themes
reflective inquiry to improve educational practices or emerged in the study as the major issues and
resolve problems in any operating unit (i.e., school, challenges of teachers in the conduct of action research
classroom, office.) In fact, Ventura (2018), pointed out are additional workload and burden on the part of the
that Action Research (AR) enhances both teachers’ teacher, writing anxiety, lack of time, and inadequate

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

knowledge in the conduct of action research. research and help run our education system smoothly.
This is of significance especially now that we are in
Additionally, the health standard protocols during the the process of embracing the normal delivery of
pandemic, which restricted physical contact due to the quality education for all. Knowing the challenges met
possibility of being infected by the virus, gave teachers by the researchers during the time of pandemic is of
more reasons to stop from doing research. significance so we can create recovery plans and
Connectedly, Superfine (2020) pointed out that programs so that their love and passion for research
researchers and teachers are experiencing particular will be enhanced and rekindled.
and persistent difficulties stemming from the epidemic
in universities, colleges, and elementary and secondary Research Questions
schools. These obstacles show up in the ways we, as
academics and teachers, supervise students in clinical This study's primary purpose is to determine the lived
settings, undertake education research in classrooms, experiences of the public-school teachers in
and, for some of us, deliver lectures online. conducting action research. This seeks to answer the
following questions:
However, there are still those who bravely faced the
challenge and hoped that by conducting research, they 1. What are the lived experiences of public-school
can contribute to improving the implementation of teachers in conducting action research in terms of
distance learning modality amid uncertainty. 1.1. Technical Aspects;
Conducting a research study can help them grow 1.2 Systemic Aspects; and
professionally. On the same line, Noor, Ahmed and 1.3 Personal Aspects?
Zainudin (2020) supported in their findings that action 2. What are the challenges they have encountered in
research acts as a systematic approach to initiate conducting action research in terms of
professional development among educators. 2.1 Technical Aspects;
Furthermore, action research as a model of CPD 2.2 Systemic Aspects; and
should be nurtured among educators to solve 2.3 Personal Aspects?
educational issues, notably distance teaching and 3. How do these lived experiences of public-school
learning. teachers in conducting action research relevant in the
present times?
Relevant to this, the Department of Education (DepEd)
issued new guidelines in conducting research in the
‘new normal’. DepEd Order 026, s. 2021 Amendment Literature Review
to DepEd Order 016, s. 2017 or the Research
Management Guidelines states that research-related
activities and initiatives such as call for proposals, Challenges in Conducting Action Research in the
committee evaluation, progress monitoring, New Normal
dissemination and utilization, and other support
activities may be conducted virtually/remotely. Thus, Abarintos, (2021) that internet connectivity
conducting research in the new normal can still be created a big challenge among students for their online
possible through the use of technology. learning. This also applied to the institution, the school
administration, the faculty, and the staff. During the
The goal of this study is to investigate the lived time of pandemic, teachers have ample time in
experiences of the public-school teachers in preparing action research since they can multitask both
conducting action research in the ‘new normal’. This in work and in doing other stuff. As supported by
research is phenomenological by nature which Maison D, Jaworska D, Adamczyk D, Affeltowicz D
investigates how participants responded to the (2021) that the respondents greatest challenges and the
challenge and what difficulties they have been through source of the greatest suffering were: limitation of
as well as their coping mechanisms. direct contact with people; restrictions on movement
and travel; necessary changes in active lifestyle;
This study would be beneficial to educators because it boredom and monotony; and uncertainty about the
serves as a baseline to some aspiring researchers who future. However, the advent of technology can be an
are still experiencing the trauma and anxiety brought option, but it needs internet connection. Most of the
by the COVID-19 pandemic. This would also serve as researchers experienced that the internet connectivity
an eye-opener to the DepEd officials to plan for is fluctuating. Macanang, et al. (2019), supported
recovery training for all public-school teachers. these results that teachers have difficulties in
Moreover, this will rekindle their drive to go back to conducting action research, especially literature

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

search, presentation and publication of results, and research collaboration are the ability to share research
data collection. Parallel to this, researchers really expertise, increase productivity and efficiency, and
experienced a hard time especially in administering the enhance the quality of research. In doing so, the
questionnaires because of the health protocol brought success of conducting action research will be realized.
by the pandemic. Moreover, Anda (2021) pointed out The Department of education issued a new research
that there is a need for the upskilling of their capability management guideline which is the DepEd Order 026,
to conduct research and having a resource person to s. 2021 which allows researchers to use the virtual
provide professional assistance to conduct action platforms in gathering the data. In fact, according to
research. Enago Academy (2021) Effective time management
can make you more productive as a researcher and
Supported by the findings of Natividad and Quilapio minimize the factors that drain your time such as
(2021) in their study that teachers find difficulty in procrastination and interruptions. Effectively
conducting research due to its technical aspects. This managing your time will help you experience
was one of the factors hindering the participation of improved job satisfaction and reduced stress.
teachers in conducting action research. Ulla, (2018)
cited the following key points in conducting action
research: (1) there should be support from school Methodology
administrators as teachers do their research, not only
financially but morally as well; (2) the school should Participants
provide for teachers be sent to research training and
workshops to motivate teachers to do research and The study consisted of ten (10) teacher respondents
provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge. who are currently holding a Teacher-III position and
Gonzales, I., Corpuz, D. and Dellosa, R. (2020) that had firsthand experience in conducting Action
respondents who attained higher educational Research during the new normal in public education.
attainment and attended national training have They were selected through a purposive sampling
improved research skills and are more knowledgeable method following the individual criteria: a.) a public-
in the research process and dissemination. On the same school permanent teacher who is holding at least
line, Gonong (2018) pointed out that action research is Teacher-1 position b.) must have experience in
one of the powerful tools for professional conducting action research in the new normal.
Instruments of the Study
Chuey (2021) that online data collection methods are
expanding the ease and access of developmental This study utilized a qualitative phenomenological
research for researchers and participants alike. Shukla, research design. The phenomenological design
(2023) that the Internet is a huge research resource that describes the interpretations of the participants from
offers access to various materials on almost any their experiences. The participants were asked to
subject. Scholarly articles, books, and other respond to the questions through writing and had a
information sources are more accessible than ever follow-up in-depth individual interview (IDI) upon
because of the growth of internet databases and digital return of their narrative answers. The instruments used
libraries. Additionally, the Internet is vital for in this study include an open-ended survey question
researcher collaboration and communication because it and nontechnical literature to execute data
allows them to exchange thoughts, information, and polyangulation. The open-ended questionnaire
findings instantly. contains a single main question stated as “Please
narrate the experiences you encountered while
In contrast to the study of Macannang, (2019) previously engaged or currently engaging in an action
that key difficulties and challenges emerged while research project in the new normal.” It has three guide
conducting action research during pandemic as major questions. These questions were aimed specifically at
themes such as teachers' participation in action drawing out specific personal experiences of the
research, which are greater strain and burden on the teachers relative to conducting Action Research based
teacher's part, anxiety about writing, a lack of time, on three aspects: technical, systemic, and personal.
and insufficient understanding in carrying out action
research. Skidmor, (2022) that research seminars are Procedure
important because they allow the opportunity for a
person to get feedback regarding his or her intended In identifying the respondents of the study, the
plan of study. Wilson, (2023) stated that the benefits of researcher posted a criteria which serves as basis in

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

selecting the participants. After confirming, they were

called for a short orientation via video conferencing. Meaning units/themes
After the orientation, a letter of consent was sent to
their school head asking permission to participate in Lived Experiences of Public-School Teachers in
the research study. Then, they were scheduled for a conducting action research in terms of Technical
face-to-face interview using open ended questions to
extract data from their responses. The participants
were asked to respond to the questions through writing Table 2. Meaning units or themes
and had a follow-up in-depth individual interview
(IDI) upon return of their narrative answers. After the
interview, their responses were divided into meaning
units or themes.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations and safety health protocols were

followed. A preliminary preparation prior to the
conduct of the study was securing permission from the
school head through a letter of consent. After the
approval, the author also sent a letter of consent to the
teacher respondents. The content of the letter includes
the title of the research, name of the author, number of
respondents, duration of the study and the objectives
of the study. To ensure the full support and
cooperation, a virtual orientation was conducted with
them following the DepEd Order No. 026 s. 2021 or
the Research Management Guidelines in the New

Lived Experiences of Public-School Teachers in
conducting action research terms of Systemic
Significant Statements
The initial phase in the transcendental phenomenology
analysis is the process of horizontalization in which Table 3. Meaning units or themes
statements are identified in the transcripts that provide
information about the experience of the participants.

Table 1. Significant statements

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article


Technical Aspect

The result shows that four themes emerged from the

process. These themes express the experience of
public-school teachers in conducting research as 1.)
Preparing both the proposal and final manuscript 2.)
Gathering the data 3.) Sampling and data validation.
They are further described and discussed as follows:

Preparing both the proposal and final manuscript. It

has been a part of the procedure in conducting action
research to prepare a manuscript ready for proposal
Lived Experiences of Public-School Teachers in and final defense. This can be done if teachers have
conducting action research terms of Personal already identified an outline like research title and a
Aspects procedure to undertake in order to complete the study.

Table 4. Meaning units or themes The teachers consider this research process as an “easy
part in conducting action research because they have
enough preparation, “as expressed by Teacher 5. Other
teachers concur that their experience in conducting
action research is “challenging because of the
challenges encountered like internet connectivity,” as
shared by Teacher 5. Supported by the study of
Abarintos, (2021) that internet connectivity
created a big challenge among students for their online
learning. This also applied to the institution, the school
administration, the faculty, and the staff. During the
time of pandemic, teachers have ample time in
preparing action research since they can multitask both
in work and in doing other stuff.

Gathering the data. This stage of conducting a research

study requires physical contact with the respondents
most especially in conducting an interview. However,
due to the pandemic, researchers and respondents opt
to use the online platform in order to gather raw data.
As cited by Chuey (2021) that online data collection
methods are expanding the ease and access of
developmental research for researchers and
participants alike.

Teachers consider gathering the data as “a little bit

easier during the new normal because they have more
time to review all the data because of the modular and
online class schedule,” as expressed by Teacher 6. On
a significant note, the pandemic brings a significant
change when it comes to classroom routine because of
the skeletal workforce where everyone can work from
home and do both teaching and in making a research

Sampling and data validation. To ensure that the

research product is valid and reliable, researchers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

should undergo data and sampling validation. This can that there is a need for the upskilling of their capability
be done through consulting an expert in the field of to conduct research and having a resource person to
research to validate the questionnaires. Meanwhile, to provide professional assistance to conduct action
ensure that the questionnaires are functional and free research.
from technical errors, it should undergo a sampling to
a group of learners who are excluded from the study. In a mile state, seminars play a crucial role especially
Teachers considered sampling and validation as “the in upskilling the researchers to enhance their
hardest part” because capabilities and develop a positive mindset towards
research. It is noted that teachers, especially in times
The lived experiences of the public-elementary school of the pandemic, are very reluctant to exert an extra
teachers in conducting action research in terms of mile to conduct a research study because of their
technical aspect is considered the most difficult part. hectic schedules and paper stuff.
According to the respondents, conducting action
research in the new normal requires scrutiny and Systemic Aspect
consultation. However, it is very important to consult
an expert as to the validity and reliability of the data. The result shows that three (3) themes emerged from
the process. These themes express the experience of
In relation to this, it is notable that during the public-school teachers in conducting action research as
pandemic, it is very challenging to approach somebody 1.) Attending seminars and training 2.) Pursuing
to critique your manuscript because of the health graduate study 3.) Technical assistance provided by
restrictions. As supported by Maison D, Jaworska D, administrators and peers. They are further described
Adamczyk D, Affeltowicz D (2021) that the and discussed as follows:
respondents greatest challenges and the source of the
greatest suffering were: limitation of direct contact Attending seminars and training. To equip yourself
with people; restrictions on movement and travel; with the skills in doing action research, one must
necessary changes in active lifestyle; boredom and attend seminars and training. It is a way of acquiring
monotony; and uncertainty about the future. However, knowledge, putting theory into practice, and learning
the advent of technology can be an option, but it needs through collaborating with peers to strengthen their
internet connection. Most of the researchers understanding about research. Through attending
experienced that the internet connectivity is training and seminars, it helps them get acquainted
fluctuating. with research designs, research methods and statistical
tools in analyzing and interpreting the data gathered.
Supported by the findings of Natividad and Quilapio Supported by Skidmor, (2022) that research seminars
(2021) in their study that teachers find difficulty in are important because they allow the opportunity for a
conducting research due to its technical aspects. This person to get feedback regarding his or her intended
was one of the factors hindering the participation of plan of study.
teachers in conducting action research.
The teacher considered attending research seminars as
Moreover, the IT Library Research and Innovation “challenging” because it was done online. Challenges
mentioned some technical requirements in research like poor signal and internet connection hinder their
such as: new or upgraded software and hardware; a drive to learn about action research as shared by
website or new online functionality; and data gathering Teacher 7. However, Teacher 5 considered conducting
or analysis. From the example given, it can be inferred action research as an “easy way” through the help of
that technical aspects in conducting action research research seminars and training. It is notable that
which pertains to accessibility of materials like during seminars and training teachers were tasked to
gadgets and other technology used are very important produce an output to complete the different activities
to make your research study become successful. which helped to hone themselves on how to conduct
action research.
In line with the study by Macanang, et al. (2019),
supported these results that teachers have difficulties Pursuing graduate study. In light of professional
in conducting action research, especially literature advancement and professional development, pursuing
search, presentation and publication of results, and a research study can be the ideal step towards
data collection. Parallel to this, researchers really embracing change within yourself and to the
experienced a hard time especially in administering the organization you belong to. Pursuing a degree in a
questionnaires because of the health protocol brought graduate school gives you an opportunity to expand
by the pandemic. Moreover, Anda (2021) pointed out your knowledge in terms of education and educational

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

management. In line to the study of Agatep, J.L.E. & during the conduct of research, you really need to
Villalobos, R.N. (2020) that the student-teachers validate your questionnaire to the master teachers or
believe in improving their research skills through school principal to ensure the validity and free from
higher degree education; likewise, as they seek higher technical errors. Apart from that, it is part of the
position in the workplace. responsibilities of the master teachers and school
administrator to provide convenient technical
Part of management is knowing how to conduct assistance to the teachers. It is their role to guide and
research to address the problems encountered in the scaffold especially those who are beginners in order to
workplace. The teachers considered pursuing a degree finish the research study.
in graduate studies as an “avenue to learn” and
embraced research as expressed by Teacher 4. As The lived experiences of the public-school teachers in
observed, research has been part of the curriculum as a terms of systemic aspect shows that seminar and
major requirement in completing a degree in graduate training on action research plays a vital role in
studies. So, it is anticipated that before a teacher conducting and completing action research. By means
finishes a master or doctoral degree, they already have of attending seminar, the respondents were exposed to
some knowledge in conducting research. Furthermore, the latest trends and processes of conducting action
Teacher 8 claimed that after he finished his master’s research. Connectedly, Skidmore, (2022) cited that
degree, he was able to lead a research team and help research seminars are important because they serve as
his co-teachers learn and embrace the culture of the basis of learning for the participants. Academic
research. It is notable that in school, the school research seminars focus on instruction that is designed
administrator will encourage teachers to conduct a for the attendee or participant to gain specific
research study to enhance the delivery of instruction knowledge within the academic area.
and help improve the academic performance of the
learners. Furthermore, Ulla, (2018) cited the following key
points in conducting action research: (1) there should
Technical assistance provided by the administrator,
be support from school administrators as teachers do
research coordinator, and peers. Coaching and
their research, not only financially but morally as well;
mentoring has been an integral part in the educative
(2) the school should provide for teachers be sent to
process most importantly in conducting action
research training and workshops to motivate teachers
research. This can be done during school-based
to do research and provide them with the necessary
training and seminars like the SLAC session and In
skills and knowledge.
Service Training (INSET). The goal of providing
technical assistance is to help, guide and assist the In line with this, the support system from the
teachers who lack of skills on how to conduct a
administrators plays a crucial role in strengthening the
research study.
positive mindset of the researchers towards action
research. By means of giving them support through
The teachers considered this as “scaffolding” provided
local funds it will give the researchers an added fuel to
by their co-teachers which help them finish their
continue doing research. Additionally, it is noted that
research study despite their limited knowledge as
expressed by Teacher 3. As observed in school where through seminars and workshops, teachers will be
teachers are doing action research as a team headed by more capable of doing action research. In line to the
the research coordinator. There is really a need to findings of Gonzales, I., Corpuz, D. and Dellosa, R.
collaborate with each other because there are members (2020) that respondents who attained higher
who are neophyte in the field that needs assistance educational attainment and attended national training
from an expert peer. On the same line, Wilson, (2023) have improved research skills and are more
stated that the benefits of research collaboration are the knowledgeable in the research process and
ability to share research expertise, increase dissemination. On the same line, Gonong (2018)
productivity and efficiency, and enhance the quality of pointed out that action research is one of the powerful
research. In doing so, the success of conducting action tools for professional development.
research will be realized.
Moreover, they need to update themselves on activities
Furthermore, Teacher 6 claimed that their co- that will help them perform their functions. In a mile
researchers are very hands on and approachable in state, it is notable that teachers are required to do
providing technical assistance, most especially in research for the so called continuing professional
validating their survey questionnaires. It is notable that development to enhance their craft as educators.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Personal Aspect the teaching practice. It is now an additional

responsibility of the teacher to perform aside from
The result shows that three (3) themes emerged from teaching. However, there should be time management
the process. These themes express the experience of and stress tolerance among them in order to carry the
public-school teachers in conducting action research as task with grace. Furthermore, Teacher 8 claimed that
1.) Time Management 2.) Personal drive despite other “determination” is a key to finishing the research study
ancillary works 3.) Fear of the unknown. They are because of his drive to share the findings to his
further described and discussed as follows: colleagues. This is one of the integral parts in
conducting research because at the end you will be
Time Management. Managing time effectively is a introducing something new to your co-teachers. This
skill. It is imperative that as teachers we can manage can be in the form of a research conference where you
time in all aspects. In fact, this is being observed in will become a paper presenter where you can share
daily teaching practice that the delivery of the lesson your findings with them and a possibility of
should always be time bounded. This should be benchmarking your study.
practice not only in teaching but also in conducting a
research study. Setting a timeframe for your research Fear of the unknown. The COVID-19 pandemic brings
can help you finish within the allotted time-duration anxiety and depression among people from the
and help you become more productive. different walks of life. The fear to go out from their
comfort zone for reasons of being infected by the virus
The teachers considered time management as “very hinders in achieving goals for instance, conducting a
important” to maintain a smooth flow process of research study. In order to extract a research output,
finishing a research manuscript as expressed by one has to coordinate with the respondents, especially
Teacher 1. It is notable that time management plays a in data gathering. The strict health protocols of the
huge role in finishing your task on time. Additionally, Department of Health just to decrease the transmission
Teacher 10 claimed that the use of “calendar method” of the virus put everything on hold. However, with the
is very effective as means of managing time presence of online platforms, everything has become
efficiently. This method sounds very traditional but is possible and feasible. The Department of education
still very effective when you apply this in completing a issued a new research management guideline which is
certain task such as research. However, Teacher 5 the DepEd Order 026, s. 2021 which allows
insisted that the time frame set by the research researchers to use the virtual platforms in gathering the
committee is “not enough” especially for the first data.
timer. Hence, it is very important that the neophyte
researchers should be prioritized especially in The teacher respondents considered this as the
providing technical assistance for them to be able to “hardest experience” because there is a need to consult
finish their research based on the given duration of an expert face-to-face especially in validating the test
time. questionnaires and in analyzing and interpreting the
data as expressed by Teacher 10. It is notable that
Personal drive despite other ancillary works. Doing conducting a research study needs to have a
paper stuffs or ancillary works aside from teaching is a consultation with experts especially if you are a
challenge for the teachers in their daily work. neophyte in the field and you only have minimal
However, this speaks for being competent, optimistic, background in research. However, Teacher 8 claimed
and dedicated in pursuit of their drive to teach and that the lack of gadgets among pupil respondents
grow in their profession. Part of ancillary work is challenged her to finish her research study. As
conducting a research study. Since this is very time- observed, during the pandemic, parents struggled
consuming, one has to be patient in dealing with the financially so they cannot afford gadgets for their
respondents and in consulting some experts in order to children.
come up with a valid and reliable results.
The lived experiences of the public-school teachers in
The teacher respondents consider this as a “challenge” terms of personal aspect shows that time management
because doing all simultaneously can be stressful is a vital tool in completing a research study. This
sometimes however with the motivation from the result conforms to the study of Chase, et al., (2012)
administrator, co-teachers, and a personal drive to which stated that effective time management allows
grow as teacher, this gives more strength to finish the researchers to maintain focus on their work,
research study despite the pressure as expressed by contributing to research productivity. Thus, improving
Teacher 3. Ancillary work has been an integral part of time management skills is essential to developing and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 456-465, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1267, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8437259, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

sustaining a successful program of research. proves that conducting action research in Camp
Evangelista Elementary School is not a problem
Hence, it is notable that managing your time properly because mentors including the School Principal are
can help you became progressive, and this can be best very supportive. The teacher respondents during the
applied especially when you are conducting action ‘new normal’ are very much willing to attend training
research because aside from it you will be facing your and seminars to help them learn and improve their
day-to-day job, so it is imperative to manage time skills in conducting action research. Despite being
effectively in order to perform tasks at the specified provided with virtual seminars, teachers still need to
time duration. learn more about how to start good research. The
teacher respondents’ experiences in conducting Action
Results revealed that during the pandemic, it is easier Research during the ‘new normal’ is not complicated
to finish the research study due to having technology since they have more time to scrutinize the gathered
as a means of communication and data gathering. data. They are more focused since time is not a
Better and easier communication was made, thereby problem due to the researchers doing all the work at
allocating more time for the analysis of data. home, with continuous supervision of the assigned
Supported by Shukla, (2023) that the Internet is a huge mentors. This proves that the researchers are not
research resource that offers access to various having a hard time in conducting Action Research
materials on almost any subject. Scholarly articles, during the ‘new normal’.
books, and other information sources are more
accessible than ever because of the growth of internet The study r eco m m e n d s that school
databases and digital libraries. Additionally, the administrators/Head should lead teachers in
Internet is vital for researcher collaboration and conducting action research. The school head should
communication because it allows them to exchange motivate every teacher to conduct a study on problems
thoughts, information, and findings instantly. that need action. This will help the school to
develop/improve in certain aspects. Additionally,
In contrast to the study of Macannang, (2019)
schools and the School Division Office may give
that key difficulties and challenges emerged while
commendations to teachers who complete their
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research papers. This way teachers will be motivated
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research, which are greater strain and burden on the
helpful in the future. Furthermore, Research
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Coordinators including the School Head should
and insufficient understanding in carrying out action
conduct more training and seminars on action research,
particularly in the process of data gathering and data
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difficult especially to the neophyte in the field of conducting action research will be guided accordingly.
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