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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1

Semester/Tingkat : I / IA
Dosen Pengampu : Fiqih Kartika Murti, M.Pd.
Hari, Tanggal : Senin, 9 November 2020
Waktu : 13.00 – 14.30 WIB

Write down your answer on this paper. Make sure that you fill your identity in the following
column. Send your result to

Name Fadhilla Syifa Khamim Putri

NIM C1020018
Class 1A

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles (a, an, the, -).
1. exist outbreak of which name is coronavirus disease (COID-19) was reported in the city
Wuhan China, in December 2019.
2. Virus COVID-19 was declared in the public health emergency of international concern on
January 2020 and until now become pandemic.
3. The following is an example of the most common symptoms in patients infected with
virus COVID-19 are fever and cough followed subsequently by shortness of breath,
fatigue, muscle pain, dyspnea, headache, hemoptysis, and diarrhea.

B. Analyze the following paragraph based on parts of speech.

COVID-19 has affected the life and health of more than 1 million people across the world. This
overwhelms many countries’ healthcare systems, and, of course, affects healthcare providers
such as nurses fighting on the frontlines to safeguard the lives of everyone affected. Exploring
the issues that nurses face during their battle will help support them and develop protocols and
plans to improve their preparedness. Thus, this integrative review will explore the issues facing
nurses during their response to the COVID-19 crisis. The major issues facing nurses in this
situation are the critical shortage of nurses, beds, and medical supplies, including personal
protective equipment and, as reviews indicate, psychological changes and fears of infection
among nursing staff. The implications of these findings might help to provide support and
identify the needs of nurses in all affected countries to ensure that they can work and respond to
this crisis with more confidence. Moreover, this will help enhance preparedness for pandemics
and consider issues when drawing up crisis plans. The recommendation is to support the nurses,
since they are a critical line of defense. Indeed, more research must be conducted in the field of
pandemics regarding nursing. (by Al Thobaity A & Alshammari F., Dubai Medical Journal)
Parts of Speech Words (based on the paragraph above)
Noun beds, and medical supplies
Verb COVID-19 has affected the life and health of more than 1 million
people across the world. This overwhelms many countries healthcare
systems, and, of course, affects healthcare
Adjective medical, people, across,
Adverb support, Thus
Preposition Nurse, covid 19
Pronoun their
Conjunction And , moreover , thus
Interjection affected the life and health , psychological changes and fears of
infection among nursing staff.

C. Translate the following time and date into British English style.
1. 10.01 = one past ten
2. 3 Juli 2005 = the third of july two thousand and five
3. 11.58 = two to twelve
4. 21 April 1705= twenty first of april one thousand seven hundred and five
5. 07.15 = fifteen past seven

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