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Semantic-Relay-Aided Text Transmission: Placement

Optimization and Bandwidth Allocation

Tianyu Liu∗ , Changsheng You∗ , Zeyang Hu∗ , Chenyu Wu† , Yi Gong∗ , and Kaibin Huang‡
∗ Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
† School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
‡ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Emails: {liuty2022, huzy2022}, {youcs, gongy},,
arXiv:2311.09850v1 [cs.IT] 16 Nov 2023

Abstract—Semantic communication has emerged as a promising

technology to break the Shannon limit by extracting the meaning
Semantic Channel
of source data and sending relevant semantic information only. Encoder Encoder BS
However, some mobile devices may have limited computation
Channel Semantic
and storage resources, which renders it difficult to deploy and Decoder Decoder
implement the resource-demanding deep learning based semantic
encoder/decoder. To tackle this challenge, we propose in this Reconstructed Text
paper a new semantic relay (SemRelay), which is equipped with
SemRelay Channel Source
a semantic receiver for assisting text transmission from a resource-
Encoder Encoder
abundant base station (BS) to a resource-constrained mobile device.
Specifically, the SemRelay first decodes the semantic information Source Channel
Decoder Decoder
sent by the BS (with a semantic transmitter) and then forwards
it to the user by adopting conventional bit transmission, hence User

effectively improving the text transmission efficiency. We formulate Fig. 1. A SemRelay-aided text transmission system.
an optimization problem to maximize the achievable (effective) bit
rate by jointly designing the SemRelay placement and bandwidth referred to as U-DeepSC. To characterize the semantic commu-
allocation. Although this problem is non-convex and generally nication efficiency, a new performance metric, called semantic
difficult to solve, we propose an efficient penalty-based algorithm to rate, was proposed in [8], which measures the amount of
obtain a high-quality suboptimal solution. Numerical results show
the close-to-optimal performance of the proposed algorithm as well semantic information effectively transmitted per second. Besides
as significant rate performance gain of the proposed SemRelay over system architecture designs, some initial efforts have also been
conventional decode-and-forward relay. devoted to designing resource management for optimizing the
Index Terms—Semantic communication, semantic relay, place- performance of semantic communication systems. For example,
ment optimization, bandwidth allocation, penalty-based method. the authors in [9] studied the optimal resource allocation policy
for a heterogeneous semantic and bit transmission system, and
characterized the boundary of the semantic-versus-bit rate region
Semantic communication has emerged as a promising technol- achieved by different multiple access schemes. In addition,
ogy to improve transmission efficiency in future sixth-generation the authors in [10] proposed a quality-of-experience (QoE)
(6G) wireless systems. Specifically, by delivering semantic aware resource allocation scheme to maximize the QoE by
meaning contained in the source rather than reliably transmitting jointly designing the number of transmitted semantic symbols,
bit sequence, semantic communication significantly reduces the channel assignment, and power allocation. However, the existing
communication overhead and improves the resource utilization works have mostly assumed DL neural networks (e.g., DeepSC
efficiency [1], [2]. receiver) deployed and executed at the mobile devices. This,
In the existing literature, various approaches (e.g., deep learn- however, overlooks a key fact that some mobile devices may
ing (DL), knowledge graph) have been proposed to improve the have limited computation and storage resources, which are
semantic communication performance [3]–[7]. Specifically, the incapable of performing DL-based semantic communications.
authors in [5] and [6] proposed a DL-based end-to-end semantic To address this issue, we, for the first time, propose a new
communication system (DeepSC) for text and speech transmis- semantic relay (SemRelay) as illustrated in Fig. 1, to assist text
sions, respectively, by jointly designing semantic-and-channel transmission from a base station (BS) equipped with a DeepSC
coding methods. It was shown that semantic communication can transmitter to a resource-constrained user. Specifically, different
achieve superior transmission performance over conventional bit from the conventional decode-and-forward (DF) relay designed
transmission, especially in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and for bit transmissions in both the BS→relay and relay→user
small-bandwidth regions. These works were further extended in links, the SemRelay equipped with a well-trained DeepSC re-
[7] by devising multi-modal semantic communication systems, ceiver first decodes the semantic information sent by the BS, and
then forwards it to the user by adopting conventional bit-based BS→SemRelay semantic transmission and SemRelay→user bit
transmission. The key advantages are two folds. First, compared transmission are operated in orthogonal frequency bands. Let
with conventional DF relay, the SemRelay greatly improves dbr denote the distance between the BS and SemRelay. Without
the text transmission efficiency since semantic communication loss of generality, we consider a Cartesian coordinate system
is performed in the transmitter-SemRelay link. Second, for where the BS, SemRelay, and user are located at ub = (0, 0, 0),
resource-constrained users, the SemRelay effectively relieves ur = (dbr , 0, H), and uu = (D, 0, 0), respectively, with the
their computation and storage burden, since the computation- SemRelay deployed at an altitude of H to establish light-of-
demanding semantic decoding is performed at the SemRelay. sight (LoS) dominant channels with the BS and user.
In this paper, we consider a SemRelay-aided single-user 1) Model for BS→SemRelay semantic transmission: Under
text transmission system, where the BS→SemRelay semantic the LoS-dominant channel model, the channel from the BS to
transmission and SemRelay→user bit transmission are operated SemRelay, denoted by hbr , can be modeled as hbr = ρ0 /(d2br +
in orthogonal frequency bands. An optimization problem is H 2 )β/2 , where ρ0 denotes the channel power gain at a reference
formulated to maximize the achievable (effective) bit rate by distance d0 = 1 meter (m), and β denotes the path loss exponent.
jointly designing the bandwidth allocation and SemRelay place- Let W denote the total bandwidth of the system and αbr the
ment. This problem, however, is non-convex with intricately fraction of bandwidth allocated to the BS→SemRelay link.
coupled variables, which renders the widely-used alternating Then, the received SNR at the SemRelay, γbr (in dB), is given
optimization (AO) method inefficient. To tackle this difficulty, by
we propose an efficient penalty-based algorithm to obtain a high-  
quality suboptimal solution. Numerical results demonstrate the Pb ρ 0
γbr = 10 log10 , (1)
effectiveness of the proposed algorithm as well as significant rate (d2br + H 2 )β/2 αbr W N0
performance gain of the proposed SemRelay over conventional where Pb is the BS transmit power and N0 is the power spectral
DF relay. In particular, it is shown that the SemRelay should density of the received white Gaussian noise.
be placed closer to the user when the total bandwidth decreases
and more bandwidth should be allocated to bit transmission for Let s denote a sentence sent by the BS and L the average
achieving near-optimal performance. number of words per sentence. Unlike conventional bit-based
transmission scheme, semantic transmission processes each sen-
II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION tence by feeding it into a DeepSC transceiver to generate a
semantic symbol vector w ∈ RKL×1 , where K denotes the
A. System Model
average number of semantic symbols for each word in the orig-
Consider a SemRelay-aided text transmission system as inal sentence. Moreover, let I denote the semantic units (suts)
shown in Fig. 1, where a BS sends text information to a typical that characterizes the average amount of semantic information
user in a user zone1 , both equipped with a single antenna2 . contained in each sentence. Then I/L in suts/word represents the
We assume that the BS has a well-trained DeepSC transmitter, average amount of semantic information contained in each word
while the user has limited storage and computation capabilities, for each sentence. To evaluate the performance of the DeepSC
hence incapable of decoding the semantic information sent by model, a new performance metric, called semantic similarity,
the BS3 . Moreover, the direct link between the BS and user was proposed in [5] that measures the distance of semantic
is assumed to be blocked due to long distance and severe information between two sentences. Specifically, the semantic
blockage. Thus, a SemRelay with a DeepSC receiver model similarity was shown to be dependent on the received SNR
and abundant computation resources is properly deployed to γbr and K. According to [8] and [9], for any K, the semantic
assist the text transmission in two phases. Specifically, in Phase similarity function ε ∈ [0, 1] generally follows an ‘S’ shape
1, the BS sends the text information to the SemRelay via with respect to SNR. Thus, it can be approximated as a sigmoid
its DeepSC transmitter. Next, in Phase 2, the SemRelay first function by using the generalized logistic regression method,
decodes text from received signals by employing the channel- which is given by [9]
and-semantic decoders, and then forwards it to the user by adopt- a2
ing conventional bit-based transmission. Moreover, we assume ε = a1 + −(c
. (2)
1 + e 1 γbr +c2 )
negligible semantic decoding delay at the SemRelay, thanks
to its abundant computation resources. Furthermore, to avoid Herein, a1 , a2 , c1 , and c2 are constant coefficients dependent
communication interference, we adopt the frequency division on K. In order to ensure the accuracy of the recovered data, ε
multiple access (FDMA) scheme for the SemRelay, where the should be lower-bounded by a minimum semantic similarity ε̄,
i.e, ε ≥ ε̄ [8]. Following the above semantic similarity model,
1 This work can be extended to the communication system with multiple users the achievable semantic rate (susts/s) in the BS→SemRelay link
by designing resource allocation among them to maximize the minimum rate of is given by [9]
all users, which is left for our future work.
2 This work can be easily extended to the case with a multi-antenna BS by (sem) αbr W I
designing the transmit beamforming of the BS to maximize the SNR, which
Rbr = ε. (3)
does not affect the main results of this paper.
3 For the mobile devices with abundant computation and storage resources, Let µ in bits/word represent the average number of bits contained
the BS can directly send semantic information to them. in each word in text transmission. Then the achievable semantic-
to-bit rate bits/s (bps) can be obtained as [8] tion variables. Although the optimal solution to problem (P1) can
(sem) be obtained by a two-dimensional exhaustive search, it incurs
(bit) Rbr µαbr W prohibitively high computation complexity that is unaffordable
Rbr =µ = ε. (4)
I/L K in practice. Moreover, it can be numerically shown that the
2) Model for SemRelay→user bit transmission: At the Sem- widely-used alternating AO method cannot be directly used
Relay, it first decodes the semantic symbols from the BS with its for solving this problem, since the optimization variables are
DeepSC receiver and then transmits them to the user based on strongly coupled in (6a)–(6c), which thus renders the AO method
bit transmission. Let dru denote the horizontal distance between getting stuck at a low-quality solution. To address the above
the SemRelay and user, Pr denote the transmit power of the issues, we propose an efficient iterative algorithm in the next
SemRelay, and αru denote the portion of bandwidth allocated section to obtain a high-quality suboptimal solution to (P1).
to bit transmission for the SemRelay→user link. Then the
SemRelay→user channel power gain is hru = ρ0 /(d2ru +H 2 )β/2 ,
and its corresponding achievable bit rate in bps is In this section, we propose a two-layer penalty-based algo-
  rithm to sub-optimally solve problem (P1). Specifically, the inner
(bit) Pr ρ 0 layer solves a penalized optimization problem by applying the
Rru = αru W log2 1 + 2 . (5)
(dru + H 2 )β/2 αru W N0 block coordinate descent (BCD) method given a fixed penalty
B. Problem Formulation coefficient, while the outer layer updates the penalty coefficient,
For the considered SemRelay-aided text transmission system, until the convergence is achieved.
our target is to maximize its achievable (effective) bit rate by A. Problem Reformulation
jointly optimizing the SemRelay placement d ≜ {dbr , dru } and
First, to address the issue of coupled variables in constraints
bandwidth allocation α ≜ {αbr , αru }. As the system achievable
(bit) (bit) (6a), (6b), and (6d), we introduce a set of auxiliary variables z ≜
bit rate is η ≜ min{Rbr , Rru }, this optimization problem
{dˆbr , dˆru , α̂br , α̂ru } for the constraints (6f) and (6h) and define
can be formulated as
αbr = α̂br , αru = α̂ru , (8)
(P1) max η ˆ ˆ
dbr = dbr , dru = dru . (9)
d,α,γbr ,η
Pr ρ0 Then the constraints (6f) and (6h) can be respectively re-
s.t. η ≤ αru W log2 1 + 2 , expressed as
(dru + H 2 )β/2 αru W N0
(6a) α̂br + α̂ru = 1, (10)
ˆ ˆ
αbr W µ a2 dbr + dru = D. (11)
η≤ a1 + , (6b)
K 1 + e−(c1 γbr +c2 ) By replacing constraints (6f) and (6h) with (10) and (11),
a2 respectively, problem (P1) can be equivalently transformed as
a1 + ≥ ε̄, (6c)
1 + e−(c1γbr +c2 )

Pb ρ 0 (P2) max η
γbr = 10 log10 , (6d) d,α,z,γbr ,η
(d2br + H 2 )β/2 αbr W N0
αbr ≥ 0, αru ≥ 0, (6e) s.t. (6a), (6b), (6d), (6e), (6g), (7) − (11).
αbr + αru = 1, (6f) Next, we penalize the equality constraints (8) and (9) by adding
them as a penalty term in the objective function of problem (P2),
dbr ≥ 0, dru ≥ 0, (6g)
hence yielding the following problem
dbr + dru = D, (6h)
(P3) max η− {(αbr − α̂br )2 + (αru − α̂ru )2
where (6a) and (6b) are the rate constraints for the bit and d,α,z,γbr ,η 2λ
semantic transmissions, respectively, (6f) is the total band- + ν(dbr − dˆbr )2 + ν(dru − dˆru )2 }
width constraint, and (6c) is the minimum semantic similarity
s.t. (6a), (6b), (6d), (6e), (6g), (7), (10), (11),
constraint. Note that the constraint (6c) can be equivalently
expressed as where λ denotes the penalty coefficient used for penalizing the
1 ε̄ − a1 c2 equality constraints in (P2), and ν is a weight for balancing
γbr ≥ ln − . (7) the magnitudes of the bandwidth and distance penalties. By
c1 a1 + a2 − ε̄ c1
gradually decreasing the value of λ, we can obtain a solution
In particular, combining (1) and (7), we can obtain that the
to (P3) that satisfies all equality constraints in (P2) within a
required bandwidth for semantic transmission is upper-bounded
 Pb ρ0 
predefined accuracy [11].
by αbr W ≤ 2 2 β/2   . This
(dbr +H )
N0 exp
ln a1 +a2 −ε̄ − 10c1
However, given λ > 0, problem (P3) is still a non-convex
indicates that semantic communication can be more favorable in problem due to the non-convex constraints in (6a), (6b), and (6d).
the low-bandwidth region. To address this issue, we apply the BCD method to partition its
Problem (P1) is a non-convex optimization problem since the optimization variables into three blocks: 1) SemRelay placement
constraints in (6a)–(6d) are non-convex with coupled optimiza- d, 2) bandwidth allocation α, and 3) auxiliary variables z. Then,
the above three blocks are optimized alternately and iteratively Based on Lemmas 1–3, by replacing Rru in (6a), ψ in
until the convergence is reached. (6b), and ϕ in (17) with their corresponding lower or upper
bounds in (15), (16), and (18), respectively, problem (P4) can
B. Inner Layer: BCD Method for Solving (P3) be transformed into the following approximate form
1) Placement optimization: For any given bandwidth alloca- ν
tion α and auxiliary variables z, problem (P3) reduces to the (P5) max η − {(dbr − dˆbr )2 + (dru − dˆru )2 }
d,γbr ,η 2λ
following problem for optimizing the SemRelay placement (bit)(lb)
s.t. η ≤ Rru , (19a)
(P4) max η − {(dbr − dˆbr )2 + (dru − dˆru )2 } αbr W µ  
d,γbr ,η 2λ η≤ a1 + a2 ψ (lb) , (19b)
s.t. (6a), (6b), (6d), (6g), (7). 
Pb ρ 0

γbr ≤ 10 log10 − 5βϕ(up) , (19c)
Problem (P4) is a non-convex optimization problem due to the αbr W N0
non-convex constraints in (6a), (6b), and (6d). Fortunately, they (6g), (7).
can be efficiently addressed by using the successive convex
approximation (SCA) method, as elaborated below. Problem (P5) is now a convex optimization problem, which can
be efficiently solved by using CVX solvers [12].
Lemma 1. For the constraint (6a), Rru is a convex function
β (bit) 2) Bandwidth optimization: For any given SemRelay place-
of (d2ru + H 2 ) 2 . For any local point d˜ru , Rru in (6a) can be
ment d and auxiliary variables z, problem (P3) reduces to the
lower-bounded as
   following problem for optimizing the bandwidth allocation
β β
Rru ≥ αru W E1 − E2 (d2ru + H 2 ) 2 − (d˜2ru + H 2 ) 2 1
(P6) max η − {(αbr − α̂br )2 + (αru − α̂ru )2 }
≜ (bit)(lb)
Rru , (15) α,γbr ,η 2λ
s.t. (6a), (6b), (6d), (6e), (7).
where the coefficients  E1 and E2 are respectively  given
by E1 = log2 1 + (d˜2 +H 2P)β/2 r ρ0
and E 2 = Problem (P6) is a non-convex optimization problem due to the
αru W N0 

Pr ρ0 log2 (e)
  ru non-convex constraints in (6b) and (6d). To address this issue,
(d˜2 +H 2 )β α W N
/ 1 + (d˜2 +H 2P)β/2
r ρ0
α WN
. we first equivalently rewrite the constraint (6b) as
ru ru 0 ru ru 0

Proof: It can be proved by applying the first-order Taylor αbr SW µ Wµ

(αbr + S)2 − (αbr − S)2 ,

η≤ = (21)
expansion for a convex function to obtain its lower bound [13]. K 4K
□ a2
S = a1 + . (22)
−(c1 γbr +c2 )
 1 + e−(c1 γbr +c2 )
Lemma 2. For the constraint (6b), ψ ≜1/ 1 + e
Although (21) is still a non-convex constraint, we can address
is a convex function of 1 + e−(c1 γbr +c2 ) . For any local point
it by using the SCA method, as shown below.
γ̃br , ψ can be lower-bounded as
ψ ≥ E3 − E4 e−χ − e−χ̃ ≜ ψ (lb) ,

(16) Lemma 4. For the constraint (21), δ ≜ (αbr + S)2 is a convex
function of αbr and S. For any local points α̃br and S̃, δ can be
where χ = c1 γbr + c2 , and the coefficients χ̃, E3 ,and E4 are lower-bounded as
given by χ̃ = c1 γ̃br + c2 , E3 = 1/ 1 + e−(c1 γ̃br +c2 ) , and E4 =
2 δ ≥ −(α̃br + S̃)2 + 2(α̃br + S̃)(αbr + S) ≜ δ (lb) . (23)
1/ 1 + e−(c1 γ̃br +c2 ) , respectively.
Next, for the non-affine constraint (6d), we first relax it as Using Lemma 4, the constraint (21) can be upper-bounded as
W µ  (lb)
Pb ρ 0

γbr ≤ 10 log10 η≤ δ − (αbr − S)2 . (24)
(d2 + H 2 )β/2 αbr W N0 4K
Next, for the non-affine constraint (22), we first relax it as

Pb ρ0
− 5β log10 d2br + H 2 .

= 10 log10 (17) a2
αbr W N0 S ≤ a1 + . (25)
1 + e 1 γbr +c2 )
Then, it can be proved by contradiction that the equality in
the constraint (17) always holds in the optimal solution to the Then we can easily show that the relaxation actually does not
relaxed problem. Moreover, we have the following result. affect the optimality since the equality in the constraint (25)
 holds in the optimal solution to the relaxed problem.
Lemma 3. For the constraint (17), ϕ ≜ log10 d2br + H 2 is
Moreover, one can observe that, given d and z, the non-
a concave function of d2br . For any local point d˜br , ϕ can be
convex constraints (25) and (6d) in (P6) have similar forms with
upper-bounded as
the constraints (6b) and (6d) in (P4), respectively. Following the
ϕ ≤ E5 + E6 (d2br − d˜2br ) ≜ ϕ(up) , (18) similar procedures based on the SCA method, (25) and (6d) in
problem (P6) can be transformed as
where the coefficients E5 and E6 are respectively given by E5 =
log10 (d˜2br + H 2 ) and E6 = log10 (e)/(d˜2br + H 2 ). S ≤ a1 + a2 E7 − E8 e−τ − e−τ̃ ,

Pb ρ 0 based algorithm. The simulation setup is as follows without
γbr ≤ 10 log10 − E9 − E10 (αbr − α̃br ),
(d2br + H 2 )β/2 W N0 otherwise specified. The BS-user horizontal distance is D = 100
(27) m and the relay is deployed at an altitude of H = 10 m. The
where τ = c1 γbr + c2 , and reference path loss is ρ0 = −60 dB and the path loss exponent is
 the coefficients τ̃ = c1 γ̃2br + c2 ,
E7 = 1/ 1 + e−(c1 γ̃br +c2 ) , E8 = 1/ 1 + e−(c1 γ̃br +c2 ) , E9 = set as β = 3. According to [9], we set K = 4, for which we have
10 log10 (α̃br ), and E10 = 10 log10 (e)/α̃br are determined by the a1 = 0.3980, a2 = 0.5385, c1 = 0.2815, and c2 = −1.3135.
local point γ̃br and α̃br , respectively. Moreover, we assume that, on average, each word contains five
By replacing the constraints (6b) and (6d) in problem (P6) letters and each letter is encoded using the ASCll code, thus
with those in (24), (26), and (27), problem (P6) can be trans- we have µ = 40 bits/word [8]. Other parameters are set as
formed into the following approximate problem λ = 1000, c = 0.9, ν = 10−4 , ε̄ = 0.9, Pb = Pr = 0.1 W,
N0 = −169 dBm/Hz, and ϵ1 = 10−8 . Furthermore, we compare
(P7) max η− {(αbr − α̂br )2 + (αru − α̂ru )2 } the performance of the proposed algorithm with the following
α, γbr , S, η 2λ benchmark schemes: 1) SemRelay design based on the exhaus-
s.t. (6a), (6e), (7), (24), (26), (27). tive search, 2) SemRelay with optimized placement given equal
Problem (P7) is now a convex optimization problem, which can bandwidth allocation, 3) SemRelay with optimized bandwidth
be efficiently solved by using CVX solvers [12]. allocation given fixed placement at the middle between the BS
3) Auxiliary variables optimization: For any given the Sem- and user, and 4) conventional DF relay with joint placement
Relay placement d and bandwidth allocation α, problem (P3) optimization and bandwidth allocation.
reduces to Fig. 2 shows the achievable bit rate obtained by different
1 schemes versus the total bandwidth W . First, it is observed that
(P8) max − {(αbr − α̂br )2 + (αru − α̂ru )2
z 2λ for the SemRelay-aided text transmission system, our proposed
+ ν(dbr − dˆbr )2 + ν(dru − dˆru )2 } penalty-based algorithm achieves close-to-optimal performance
s.t. (10), (11). with the one based on the exhaustive search. Second, the
proposed SemRelay-aided system achieves a much higher bit
Problem (P8) is a convex problem which can be efficiently rate than the conventional DF relay when W is small, since
solved by using CVX solvers [12]. the BS→user semantic transmission link transmits only the
To summarize, a suboptimal solution to (P3) can be obtained semantic information extracted from the original text, hence
by solving problems (P5), (P7), and (P8) alternately and itera- achieving higher spectral efficiency. Therefore, in the case of
tively, until the convergence is achieved. limited bandwidth, there are more degrees-of-freedom in the
bandwidth design for further improving the performance of
C. Outer Layer: Update Penalty Coefficient
the SemRelay-aided communication system. On the other hand,
The outer layer aims to update the penalty coefficient λ with when W is sufficiently large, the conventional DF relay tends
λ = cλ to guarantee the converged solution satisfying the to provide a larger effective bit rate than the SemRelay. This
equality constraints in (P2), where c is a constant scaling factor. can be intuitively understood, since the required bandwidth
D. Algorithm Analysis of semantic transmission is upper-bounded for satisfying the
semantic similarity constraint (see (6c) and (7)), hence leading
For any solution obtained to (P3), we evaluate the violation
to a slower rate increasing. Besides, the proposed penalty-based
of equality constraints in (P2) by adopting the maximum of
algorithm significantly outperforms the benchmark schemes that
four penalty terms, ζ. The proposed algorithm is terminated
optimize either bandwidth allocation or SemRelay placement,
when ζ is less than a predefined accuracy ϵ1 for all equality
while the scheme with optimized bandwidth allocation achieves
constraints. Note that as the penalty coefficient λ decreases,
better performance than the one with optimized placement. In
the penalty term becomes larger and eventually guarantees the
addition, the achievable rate obtained by the SemRelay with
equality constraints. Moreover, for any λ, the objective value
optimized bandwidth allocation only does not improve when
of (P3) in the inner layer can be obtained by solving convex
the bandwidth is large, since given fixed SemRelay placement,
subproblems (P5), (P7), and (P8) alternately and iteratively,
the bandwidth allocated to the BS→SemRelay link is upper-
which thus is non-decreasing over iterations. Besides, since the
bounded (see Fig. 3) for satisfying the semantic similarity
objective value is upper-bounded, the proposed penalty-based
algorithm is guaranteed to converge [11]. Furthermore, the over-
all algorithm complexity can be characterized as O(Iin Iout N 3.5 ), Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively show the optimized bandwidth
where N is the total number of optimization variables, Iin and allocation and relay placement of different schemes versus the
Iout denote the numbers of the outer and inner iterations required total bandwidth W . Specifically, in Fig. 3, unlike the conven-
for convergence, respectively [13]. tional DF relay system with equal bandwidth allocation, in
the SemRelay-aided system, the BS→SemRelay link is allo-
IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS cated with less bandwidth than the SemRelay→user link, since
In this section, we present numerical results to evaluate the semantic communication can achieve much higher spectrum
effectiveness of the proposed SemRelay as well as the penalty- efficiency than the conventional bit transmission as only com-
the performance of the SemRelay→user bit transmission link,
40 which has lower spectral efficiency than the BS→SemRelay link,
needs to be improved by reducing path loss.
Achievable Bit Rate (Mbps)

In this paper, we proposed a new SemRelay-aided text trans-
mission system, where a SemRelay equipped with the DeepSC
20 receiver is deployed to first decode the semantic information sent
by a resource-abundant BS, and then forwards it to the resource-
constrained user based on conventional bit transmission. An op-
10 timization problem was formulated to maximize the achievable
(effective) bit rate by jointly designing the SemRelay placement
and bandwidth allocation, which was efficiently solved by us-
0 ing a penalty-based algorithm. Numerical results demonstrated
5 10 15 20 25 30 close-to-optimal performance of the proposed algorithm as well
Total Bandwidth W (MHz) as significant rate performance gain of the proposed SemRelay
Fig. 2. The achievable bit rate versus total bandwidth. over conventional DF relay.



This work was supported by the National Natural Sci-

0.5 ence Foundation of China under Grant 62201242, 62331023,
Optimized Bandwidth Ratio

and Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST

0.4 2022QNRC001.
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