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1. ________Under this R.A 9344 juvenile delinquency are now called 29.

29. ____The maltreatment of children has been found to be highly correlated with both serious and moderate
2. ________It refers to anti social acts or behaviors committed by minors which are contrary to the norms of delinquency as well as other problem behaviors
the society. 30. _____Crime is caused by societal reactions to behavior, which include exposure to the juvenile justice
3. _______other similar terms against the child is labeling or shaming punishable under this law. system. Once children are labelled delinquent, they become delinquent (Tannenbaum, 18938).
4. _______15 and below are exempted from criminal liability while over 15 and below 18 are likewise 31. the development of new resources and policies. And since it is a principal institution for development
exempted unless acted with discernment and this child are called of a basic commitment by young people to the goals and values of our society, it is imperative that it be
5. _______Rejected or abandoned, NO parents to imitate and become aggressive. provided with the resources to compete with illegitimate attraction for young people s allegiance
32. ______This doctrine viewed minors who violate the law as victims of improper care, custody and
6. ______attributes the variations in delinquency pattern to influence social structures. They account for treatment at home.
individual offender by reference process, which go on in youth gangs, stigmatizing contacts with social 33. _______ 7 years old below were not held criminally responsible.
control agencies and other variables of that time. 34. ______ above 7 to 14 for boys and above 7 – 12 for girls liability was based on their capacity to
7. _____They argue in many cases, deviance is a result of highly calculation of risks and awards. understand the difference between right and wrong.
Prospective deviants weigh their own chance of gain against the risk of getting caught, and thereby 35. ____Membership of fraternities or groups that advocate bad things.
decide a course of action. 36. _____an aggressive youth who recents the authority of anyone who make an effort to control his behavior.
8. ______Under the said law, a person who is over nine (9) but under twenty-one (21) years of age at the 37. _____his delinquent at have a cold, brutal, ficious quality for which the youth feels no humors.
time of the commission of the offense who committed a crime is known as a YOUTHFUL 38. ____the child begins with petty larceny between (8 and sometimes the 12th year.)
OFFENDER. 39. ____Inclinations or inherited propensities, which cannot be, considered a criminal one unless there is a
9. _____he has internalized his conflicts and preoccupied with his own feelings probability that a crime will be committed.
10. ____proposed that much serious juvenile delinquency is a product of the oppression of children by adults, 40. ______ is a doctrine that does not consider delinquent acts as criminal violation, thus making delinquents
particularly within the context of family. non-criminal persons and cannot be found guilty of a crime and punished like an adult criminal.
11. ____Links delinquent acts to the formation of independent subcultures with a unique set of values that clash 41. _____Provided for involuntary separation of children from their impoverished parents, and these
with the mainstream culture. This theory argues that children learn deviant behavior socially through children were then placed in bondage to local residents as apprentices.
42. ______a person who is over nine (9) but under twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of the commission
exposure to others and modeling of others action.
of the offense who committed a crime is known as a _______
12. ____views the law-breaker as a person whose misconduct is the result of faulty biology
43. _____Under _____juvenile delinquent are now called Child-in-Conflict with the Law.
13. _______Emerge in areas where conventional as well as non-conventional values of behavior are integrated
44. _____Under the said law, it defines a youthful offender as a child, minor or youth, including one who is
by a close connection of illegitimate and legitimate businesses.
emancipated in accordance with law who is over nine years but under eighteen years of age at the time of
14. _____This theory argues that ______of children force youths into socially defined and controlled
inferior roles, including the socially constructed juvenile delinquency role that separates youthful and the commission of the offense.
adult offenders for treatment and control. 45. ____is referred to as the cradle of human personality .
15. stable than the ones to follow. Older criminals serve as role models and they teach necessary criminal 46. ____15 and below are exempted from criminal liability while over 15 and below 18 are likewise
skills to the youngsters. exempted unless acted with discernment and this child are called “Child in Conflict with Law”
16. _____It tells us that the offender behaves as she or he does in response to psychological pathology of 47. _____who believed that children were born good and became bad. Juvenile children were blamed on bad
some kind. The critical casual factors in delinquency are personality problems, to which juvenile environments.
misbehavior is presumed to be a response. 48. _____at age (13 up), there is a substantial increase in variety of seriousness.
17. _____Is equally unsuccessful in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. They are known as double 49. _______Laws or standards.
failures, thus retreating into a world of sex, drugs, and alcohol. 50. _____This theory assume that children are basically good
18. ____states that all motivated to maximize our self-esteem, motivation to conform will be minimized by 51. _____Only under pressure do they deviate. Pressure for deviance comes from their having
family, school and peer interactions that devalue our sense of self, interactions and behavior may be internalized society’s goals, such as being successful and wanting to achieve them. But many cannot
self-defacing or self-enhancing. become successful by conforming to society’s rules.
19. ____theory suggests that deviance simply results from the individual’s inability to effectively control 52. _____at around (15 up), four or more types of crimes are added.
his/her impulses. Self-control theory argues that it is the absence of self-control rather than the presence of 53. _____Elements which provokes crimes or factors that are signified to the everyday adjustments of an
some force or factor such as poverty, anomie, opportunities for deviance, delinquent peers, exposure to individual, like personal problems, necessities, imitation, curiosity, ignorance, and diseases.
definitions favorable to deviance, etc. that leads to deviance. 54. ______make offending more likely include intelligence, impulsiveness or the inability to delay
20. ____Those who continue on adulthood will progress into more sophisticated or more violent forms of gratification, aggression, empathy, and restlessness. Children with low intelligence are likely to do worse in
criminal behavior. school.
21. _____Group secretly trained to do illegal activities, like marijuana cultivation. 55. _____refers to the breakdown of norms.
22. _____This perspective states that members in society form bonds with other members in society or 56. ____Is the first and the basic institution in our society for developing the child s potential,in all its many
institution in society such as parents, pro-social friends, and churches, schools, teachers, and sports teams. aspects like emotional, intellectual, moral, and spiritual as well as physical and social. It is within the family
23. _____he is less identifiable in his character, essentially socialize law abiding but too happens to be at the that the child must learn to curb his desires and to accept rules that define the time, place and circumstances
under acceptable ways
wrong place at the wrong time and becomes involved in some delinquent act not typical of his general
57. _____It is where the child influences after his first highly formative years.
58. ____This theory view that behavior is modeled through observation, either directly through intimate contact
24. ____he or she then move on to shoplifting and vandalism between (ages 12 to 14.)
with others, or indirectly through media; interactions that are rewarded are copied, where as those that are
25. ____The offender is a hereditary defective, suffers from endocrine imbalance or brain pathology, his or her
body structure and temperament pattern have produced the law breaking. punished are avoided.
26. _____Is equally unsuccessful in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. They are known as double 59. _____It proposed that juveniles sense a moral obligation to be bound by the law. Such a bind between a
failures, thus retreating into a world of sex, drugs, and alcohol. person and the law remains in place most of the time, they argue. When it is not in place, delinquents
27. ____Non-stable and non-integrated, where there is an absence of criminal organization resulting in will drift.
instability. This gang aims to find reputation for toughness and destructive violence. 60. ____Disorganized areas cannot exert social control over acting-out youth; these areas can be identified by
their relatively high level of change, fear, instability, incivility, poverty and deterioration, and these factors
28. ____A public instrument for training young people. It is more directly accessible to change through have a direct influence on the areas delinquency rate.
61. _____Breakdown of social orders as results of loss of standards and values that replaced social
cohesion. 9. ___________________
62. ____Asserts that criminal behavior is learned primarily within interpersonal groups and that youths will 10. ___________________
become delinquent if definitions they have learned favorable to violating the law exceed definitions 11. ___________________
favorable to obeying the law within the group 12. ___________________

TYPES OF DELINQUENT YOUTH 1. ______is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship.
1. _______________________ 2. ______Needs parental consent
2. _______________________ 3. ______Needs parental advise
3. _______________________ 4. ______is required when either or both of the contracting parties are between the ages of
4. _______________________ eighteen (18) and twenty-one (21).
5. ______is required if either or both of the contracting parties is/are between the age of twenty-one
STAGES OF DELINQUENCY (21) and twenty-five (25). The parental consent or parental advice , as the case may be, is
1. ______________________ required during the application for a marriage license.
2. ______________________ 6. _______Any incumbent member, Any priest, rabbi, imam or minister of any church, Any ship
3. ______________________ captain or airplane chief, Any military commander of a unit, Any consul-general, consul or vice-
4. ______________________ consul.
7. _____means at the point of death.
CLASSIFICATION OF DELINQUENCY 8. _____In case either or both of the contracting parties are at the point of death,the marriage may be
solemnized without the necessity of a marriage license and shall remain valid even if the ailing party
1. ________________________ subsequently survives.
2. ________________________ 9. _____In case either or both of the contracting parties are at the point of death,the marriage may be
3. ________________________ solemnized without the necessity of a marriage license and shall remain valid even if the ailing party
4. ________________________ subsequently survives.
1. ____________________ 10. ______is the civil status or relationship of the child to the father.
2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 11. _____who live in non Christian provinces, and who are married in accordance with their
CAUSES OF BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS 12. ______t shall be held with the appearance of the contracting parties before the solemnizing officer
1. ____________________ and their personal declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the presence of not
2. ____________________ less than two witnesses.
13. _______is the civil status or relationship of the child to the father.
1. ______________________ 14. _____Takes place by a subsequent valid marriage between parents.
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
15. ______Children conceived as a result of artificial insemination of the wife with the sperm of the
4. ______________________
husband or that of a donor or both are likewise legitimate children of the husband and his wife,
5. ______________________
provided, that both of them authorized or ratified such insemination in a written instrument
THREE TYPES OF DELINQUENT GANGS BY CLOWARD AND OHLIN executed and signed by them before the birth of the child. The instrument shall be recorded in the
civil registry together with the birth certificate of the child.
1. _______________________
2. _______________________ 16. ______Children conceived outside the valid marriage.
3. _______________________ 17. ______under _______ Illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if their filiation has
been expressly recognized by the father
THREE TYPES OF DELINQUENT GANGS BY CLOWARD AND OHLIN 18. ______Legally made the son or daughter of someone other than the biological parent.
1. ___________________ 19. ______Denotes a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, and co-residence.
2. ___________________ 20. _____composed of a father, mother and a child or children
3. ___________________
21. _____composed of members other than the father, mother, and children, e.g., in-
4. ___________________
laws, relatives, household helps, employees, etc.
5. ___________________
6. ___________________
22. _____one who is without a parent, guardian or custodian; or one whose parents,
7. ___________________ guardian or other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of his care and
8. ___________________ custody; and is
23. ______dependent upon the public for support. material witnesses.
24. ______one who has no proper parental care or guardianship, or whose parents or 44. ______family-type homes which provides temporary shelter from ten to twenty days for children
guardians have deserted him for a period of at least six (6) continuous months. who shall during this period be under observation and study for eventual placement by the
25. _______refers to a child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or inadequately Department of SocialWelfare. The number of children in a receiving home shall not at any time
attended within a period of three (3) continuous months. exceed nine: Provided, That no more than two of them shall be under three years of age.
26. _______means an infant that has been abandoned by its parents and is discovered and cared for by
others. 45. ______child-caring institution that provides care for six or more children below six years of age
27. ______when the child is malnourished, ill-clad, and without proper shelter. A child is unattended for all or part of a twenty-four hour day, except those duly licensed to offer primarily medical
when left by himself/herself without proper provisions and/or without proper supervision. and educational services.
28. _______when the child is maltreated, raped, seduced, exploited, overworked,or made to work under 46. an institution or place of residence whose primary function is to give shelter and care to
conditions not conducive to good health; or is made to beg in the streets or public places; or when pregnant women and their infants before, during and after delivery.
children are in moral danger, or exposed to gambling, prostitution, and other vices. 47. ______an institution that receives and rehabilitates youthful offenders or other disturbed
29. ________sociallyincompetent;mentallysubnormal;retarded intellectually from birth or early children.
age;retarded at maturity;mentally deficient as a result of constitutional origin, through hereditary 48. ______an institution that receives for study, diagnosis, and temporary treatment, children
or disease, and essentially incurable. who have behavioral problems for the purpose of determining the appropriate care for them
30. ________The members of this classification are severely or profoundly retarded, hence, the least or recommending their permanent treatment or rehabilitation in other child welfare agencies.
capable group. This includes those with I.Q.s to 25. 49. ______an institution or person assuming the care, custody, protection and maintenance of
31. ________The members of this group consist of those with I.Q.s from about 25 to about 50; one children for placement in any child-caring institution or home or under the care and custody of
who belongs to this group shows a mental level and rate of development which is 1/4 to 1/2 that any person or persons for purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster care. The relatives of such
of the average child, is unable to acquire higher academic skills, but can usually acquire the basic child or children within the sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity are excluded from this
skills for living to a reasonable degree. definition.
32. __________This group's I.Q. ranges from about 50 to about 75, and the intellectual development 50. ______Refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his
is approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of that expected of a normal child of the same chronological age. wife,
Many of the educable retardates may reach 5th or 6th grade educational level and can develop 51. ______Refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his
occupational skills which may result in partial or complete economic independence in adulthood. wife,
33. ___________This is the highest group of mentally retarded, with I.Q.s from about 75 to about 89. 52. ______refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed against a woman or her child.
The members of this classification are only slightly retarded and they can usually get by in regular
classes if they receive some extra help, guidance and consideration.
34. ___________are those who are crippled, deaf mute, blind, or otherwise defective which restricts 53. ______refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the
their means of action or communication with others. victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public
35. ___________are those who, although not afflicted with insanity or mental defect, are unable to ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and mental infidelity.
maintain normal social relations with others and the community in general due to emotional 54. ______refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent which includes,
problems or complexes. 55. ______It refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child resulting to the
36. __________are those with any behavioral disorder, whether functional or organic, which is of physical and psychological or emotional distress.
such a degree of severity as to require professional help or hospitalization. 56. ______It refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms
37. ___________Refers to the sum total of the rights of the parents over the person and property of found in women living in battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.
their un-emancipated child. The exercise of which has no distinction between a legitimate and an 57. ______It refers to an intentional act committed by a person who, knowingly and without lawful
illegitimate child. justification follows the woman or her child or places the woman or her child under surveillance
38. _________ means freedom from parental authority over persons and property of the child. directly or indirectly or a combination thereof.
Emancipation takes place by the attainment of age of majority which is 18 years old. 58. ______It refers to a situation wherein the parties live as husband and wife without the benefit of
39. _________The sum total of the duties and obligations of parents over their minor children. marriage or are romantically involved over time and on a continuing basis during the course of the
40. ______one that provides twenty-four resident group care service for the physical, relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two individuals in a business
mental, social and spiritual well-being of nine or more mentally gifted, dependent, or social context is not a dating relationship.
abandoned, neglected, handicapped or disturbed children, or youthful offenders. 59. ______It refers to a single sexual act which may or may not result in the bearing of a common child.
41. ______A twenty-four hour child-caring institution providing short term resident care for youthful 60. ______It refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but are incapable of taking care of
offenders who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other agencies or themselves.
42. ______defined as a 24-hour child-caring institution managed by accredited local government units
1. Legitimate Child
(LGUs) and licensed and/or accredited nongovernment organizations (NGOs) providing short-term
2. Illegitimate Child
residential care for children in conflict with the law who are awaiting court disposition of their cases
3. Legitimated child
or transfer to other agencies or jurisdiction.
4. Adopted Child
43. ______provides temporary protection and care to children requiring emergency reception as a
result of fortuitous events, abandonment by parents, dangerous conditions of neglect or cruelty in
the home, being without adult care because of crisis in the family, or a court order holding them as What Are The Type Of Family
1. Nuclear Family
2. Extended Family

Models Of The Family

1. Corporate model
2. Team Model
3. Military model
4. Boarding model
5. Theatrical model

Special Categories of Children

1. Dependent Child
2. Abandoned Child
3. Neglected Child

Four Classification Of Mental Reterdation

1. Custodial Group
2. Trainable Group
3. Educable Group
4. Borderline or low normal group

Classification Of Child And Youth Welfare Acts

1. Child Caring Institutions
2. Detention Home
3. Shelter Care Institutions
4. Receiving Homes
5. Nursery
6. Maternity Home
7. Rehabilitation Center
8. Reception and Study Center
9. Child Placing Agency

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