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Lexus Lukehart

General Psychology

Dr. Rachel Lindberg

6 November, 2023

1. What is the importance of attachment in childhood development? What are

the predicted outcomes for average children who do not form a healthy

Attachment in childhood development is very important for many reasons.

One reason it’s so important is because it helps with social development.
When children interact with parents and caregivers, they learn the most
about relationships, developing empathy, and understand how to relate to
others. These skills are important for forming positive relationships later in
life. There are various outcomes of children who don't form healthy
attachment, however, individual circumstances will vary also. Children could
experience difficulty with relationships, behavioral changes, mental health
issues, and self-esteem trouble.

2. Referring to the learning activities in this module, what can you (specifically)
do to increase your identity capital? What is a goal you have that you can use
identity capital to help you achieve?

My simple identity capital would be my education and how well I am with

schoolwork. To increase this, I will continue to work hard with every
assignment and test. My goal is to graduate high school with A’s in all my
classes dating back to freshman year.

3. Based on your own experience (and the Lesson), give an example of a

social/emotional change experienced by those in adolescence.

A notable example of a social/emotional change during the transition from

childhood to adulthood is the development of identity. Adolescents exploring
their identity may try out different activities, jobs, and hobbies to discover
what they’re most passionate about. Also, how intense adolescents emotions
are tied to the process of identity formation. Their shifts in mood, sensitivity
to certain subjects, and a search for deeper emotional connections are

common during this period.

4. Referring to the learning activities in this module, identify one specific
behavior or task that older people may do to "successfully age" and explain
why older people are happier.

Some older people may seem “happier” to adolescents because they are able
to build and keep meaningful relationships with family, friends, and the
people around them compared to us. Their social connections greatly
contribute to this. Celebrating achievements, sharing life experiences and
having a good support system during the challenging times can strengthen
anyone’s overall happiness.

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