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Kickstart Your

Tech Career
How to Become a Web Developer
& Break Into a Booming Industry

Created by Juno College of Technology

Kickstart Your
Tech Career
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Making a
career change is
a big decision.
Whatever your reason, we can promise that you’re
not alone. With over 800 Bootcamp graduates since
2012, at Juno we’ve helped students with a variety of
motivations, such as:
• Graduates realizing their field of study doesn’t offer many job prospects.

• Shift workers ready to have a career instead of a job.

• Dedicated employees stuck in an industry that is slowing down.

• Creatives lost in a job that leaves them feeling bored and unfulfilled.

• Ambitious people caught in stagnant jobs with little room for growth.

• Laid off workers ready to find reliable opportunities with more flexibility.

No matter what their reason, all of our graduates have one thing in common: they’re
ready to make a change, and to work hard to make it happen.

If this sounds familiar, a career as a Web Developer is the perfect opportunity for
you. In the next pages we’ll explore what a developer does, the current state of the
Canadian tech industry, and finally, the steps you can take to become a developer
with Juno’s help.
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Kickstart Your
Tech Career
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What is a
web developer?
A Web Developer is someone who writes code to build websites. More specifically
at Juno we help people become Front-End Developers, meaning they work with
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most of the websites you interact with on a daily basis
use these languages in some form.

Those with a Front-End Development skill set are able to work in many different
companies across a variety of industries. They spend their days writing code,
problem solving, collaborating with other developers, and creating interactive web
experiences - plus they have a lot of fun! From international giants like Google to
local startups like Ecobee, Front-End Developers are in-demand everywhere.

In the development industry every day is

different, but an average day as a developer

• Turning graphic designs into functioning

websites with code
• Making a site work across screen sizes
like phones, computers, and tablets
• Thinking about the flow and arrangement
of a site
• Troubleshooting coding bugs and fixing
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• Learning new coding skills and languages

• Staying up to date with best practices
• Collaborating with a team of developers
to solve problems
• Launching new websites to the world
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Canadian Tech
Whether working at small startups, national banks, or international
tech companies, Web Developers play a vital role in the tech industry.
Across Canada, the tech industry has been booming in recent years.

“The Canadian tech market is an unprecedented good news story. The country is
attracting both tech talent and companies at record rates. Global and domestic
companies are heading to major Canadian cities, while smaller markets are
nurturing burgeoning tech sectors.” - CBRE’S CANADA SCORING TECH TALENT REPORT

Major tech companies are choosing to set up shop in Canada because of key factors like
our talented and well-educated workforce, our accommodative immigration policies,
and the cost savings over opening in the United States. With schools like Juno graduating
talented developers ready to get to work, tech giants like Microsoft, Twitter, Uber, and
Google are opening or expanding on Canadian soil.

It’s not just major cities like Toronto that are growing. The top Canadian tech talent markets
overall in 2019 were Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Waterloo Region, and Montreal, with
smaller cities like Victoria, Oshawa, Hamilton, and Guelph moving up in the ranks. Across
Canada we’re seeing the tech industry grow in ways that show exciting promise for aspiring
developers and those ready to enter the workforce.

How Does COVID-19 Affect Canadian Tech?

While the tech industry is still promising, and Juno grads continue to receive exciting
offers from growing companies, it’s important to address the current climate, as it
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affects every aspect of our lives. At Juno, we’re committed to full transparency with our
graduates, current students and prospective students about the impact COVID-19 is
having on our community, and how we are responding to this new reality to ensure that,
no matter what, we’re always supporting you in the best way we can.

Read our Career Services Commitment to You

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How to Become a
Web Developer
At Juno we’re the experts in helping people with non-technical
backgrounds build careers as web developers. You can do it too.


Explore The World of Code

Attend a free beginner-friendly workshop
Our Coding 101 workshops are the perfect way to
explore whether you want to pursue coding, and get a
preview of the Juno learning experience. They’re held
multiple times per month and you can attend Live Online
from any location. No coding skills are required, all you
need is a computer and an internet connection.
See upcoming workshop dates


Build Your Foundational

Development Skills
Join our entry-level Web Development course
Our beginner-friendly Web Development course will
teach you to code, fast. You’ll gain essential knowledge
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of HTML and CSS, the foundation of a Front-End

Developer’s skill set. You’ll leave this course with
impressive portfolio worthy projects you’ve built from
scratch and the skills you need to qualify for Bootcamp.
Find out more about Web Development
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Level-Up Your Coding Skills

Enroll in our intermediate JavaScript course
In our JavaScript course you’ll build upon your
understanding of HTML and CSS with JavaScript, one
of the world’s most popular programming languages.
This course will give you the skills to make your websites
more dynamic and interactive, and prepare you for the
immersive learning environment of Bootcamp.
Find out more about JavaScript


Master Advanced Skills &

Build a Strategic Portfolio
Apply to our award-winning Bootcamp
Our Web Development Immersive Bootcamp will give
you the skills and experience you need to launch a
career as a web developer. In 9 weeks of hands-on
learning you’ll build on your existing skill set and master
core front-end concepts, graduating with an impressive
portfolio and the support system you need to succeed.
Find out more about Bootcamp

Pay What You Can For Your New Career

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With Juno’s new PWYC Income Share Agreements

you can pay as much as you’d like, or as little as $1
upfront for your Bootcamp education, and only pay us
back once you’re making at least $50,000 per year.

Find out more about ISAs

Kickstart Your
Tech Career
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Implement Our Proven

Job-Seeking Process
Get support from our world-class team
As a Juno Bootcamp grad, you’ll have access to our
suite of Career Resources before, during, and after the
program. This includes resume and cover letter prep, tech
interview practice, job referrals, 1:1 coaching, and more.
Our Team will provide the guidance you need to land a job,
and the lifelong support you need to grow in your career.
Find out more about our Career Services


Launch Your
Development Career!
Start a career you’ll love in an booming industry
After working with our Career Services Team to
negotiate your offer and secure your employment
contract, you’ll officially become a working Web
Developer with a long career ahead of you. You’ll
celebrate your success alongside the entire Juno Team
and community, and dive into a career you’ll love.
Meet our Bootcamp Alumni
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Kickstart Your
Tech Career
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Find a Lifelong Community

and Support System
Get the help you need throughout your career
When you join the Juno community you gain access to
our suite of career resources for life. We’ll support you
with Alumni scholarships towards continued learning,
access to updated course notes, ongoing career
support like requesting a raise or negotiating an offer,
and referrals to intermediate or senior level positions.
Meet the Juno Team

Ready to kickstart your

development career?
The next step is to apply! Our Student Success Team is ready
and eager to chat with you. They’ll work to understand your
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goals, help you decide if becoming a developer is right for you,

and lay out tangible next steps to make it happen.

Apply Now

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