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E-TECH More ICT-related jobs and companies are

LESSON 1: Introduction to Information and
Communication Technologies Owning multiple phones/gadgets at the same
What then is ICT?
Increase in text messages, chat messages and
Information and Communication Technology
emails sent each day.
Different services, news and new information
deals with the use of different communication
are easily access through the internet.
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone,
Internet, etc. to locate, save, and edit A lot of selfies are taken and posted in social
information. media each day.


Information and Communication Technology Is the global system of interconnected

(ICT) computer networks that use the Internet
protocol suite to link billions of devices
It is a study of computers as data processing
tools. It introduces students to the fundamental
of using computer systems in an internet Means of connecting a computer to any other
environment. computer anywhere in the world via dedicated
routers and servers.
Top Internet Service Providers in the
BILL GATES – He introduced Microsoft
STEVE JOBS – He introduced Apple
Converge ICT Solutions
MARK ZUCKERBERG – He pioneered Facebook
and later bought Instagram
MARTHA LANE FOX – developed last-
minute.com., an online booking site for airlines, Globe Broadband
hotels, restaurant and everything under the
sun. Her website relied heavily on online
systems which other websites soon followed WHAT IS WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW)?
Is an information space where documents and
TIM BERNERS-LEE – invented the World Wide other web resources are identified by URLs,
Web, an Internet-based hypermedia initiative interlinked by hypertext links, and can be
for global information sharing. accessed via the Internet.
Web page is a hypertext document connected
to the World Wide Web.
It is a document that is suitable for the World
Wide Web.


A location connected to the Internet that

maintains one or more pages on the World
Wide Web.

It is a related collection of World Wide Web

(WWW) files that includes a beginning file FEATURES OF WEB 2.0
located a home page. Folksonomy -allows users to categorize and
WHAT IS WEB BROWSER? classify/arrange information using freely chosen
It displays a web page on a monitor or mobile
device. Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and
is responsive to user’s input.
It is a software application for retrieving,
presenting, and traversing information User Participation – the owner of the website is
resources on the World Wide Web. not the only one who is able to put content.

WHAT IS WEB 1.0 STATIC? Long Tail – services that are offered on demand
rather than on a one-time purchase.
When the World Wide Web was invented, most
web pages were static. It is also known as flat Software as a Service – users will subscribe to a
page or stationary page because the page is “as software only when needed rather than
is” and cannot be manipulated by the user. The purchasing them.
content is also the same for all users WEB 3.0 AND THE SEMANTIC WEB
WHAT IS WEB 2.0? The Semantic Web is a movement led by the
It allows users to use web browsers instead of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
just using their operating system. The W3C standard encourages web developers
Browsers can now be used for their user to include semantic content in their web pages
interface, application software (or web
applications), and even for file storage.

Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking

sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted
services, and web applications.
Social Networks
Media Sharing

Bookmarking Sites Microblogging

Social News

Blogs and Forums


SEVERAL PROBLEMS OF WEB 3.0 The popularity of smartphones and tablets has
taken a major rise over the years. This is largely
1. Compatibility because of the devices capability to do tasks
that were originally found in personal
HTML files and current web browser could not
support Web 3.0
2. Security
The user’s security is also in question since the
machine is saving his or her preferences Android
3. Vastness (kalakhan) Blackberry OS
The World Wide Web already contains billions Windows Phone OS
of web pages
4. Vagueness (hindi malinaw)
Web OS
Certain words are imprecise. The words “old”
and “small” would depend on the user. Windows Mobile

5. Logic

Since machines use logic, there are certain

limitations for a computer to be able to predict Assistive Media
what the user is referring to at a given time.
is a nonprofit service designed to help people
TRENDS IN ICT who have visual and reading impairments.
CONVERGENCE- Technological convergence is RULES OF NETIQUETTE
the synergy of technological advancements to
work on a similar goal or task. Online security, safety and ethics

SOCIAL MEDIA- is a website, application, or Internet threats

online channel that enables web users to Protecting reputations online
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange
user-generated content. Copyright

6 TYPES OF SOCIAL MEDIA Contextualized online search and research skills

10 Best Rules of Netiquette


>Use proper Grammar and Spelling Malware – stands for malicious software; It is a
set of instructions that run on your computer
>No Flaming
and make your system do something that an
>Be honest/Be yourself attacker wants it to do.

>Don’t type in ALL CAPS Virus - a malicious program designed to

replicate itself and transfer from one computer
>Don’t SPAM to another (internet, local networks, FDs, CDs,
>Follow the TOS (TOS-Term of Service) >Shop etc.)
>Don’t talk with people you do not know Spyware - a program that runs in the
>Obey Copyright Laws background without you knowing it (thus called
“spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you
What is internet Safety? are currently doing and typing through
It refers to the online security or safety of keylogging.
people and their information when using the Adware - A program designed to send your
internet. advertisement, mostly as pop-ups; SPAM-
Some Tips to Stay Safe Online: Refers to the transmission of unsolicited
messages from various origins using electric
Be mindful on what you share online. messaging systems
Do not just accept terms and conditions, read it. Dangers on the Internet
Do not share your password with anyone. Email Spam- Also known as junk email, it is
usually unsolicited commercial email sent from
Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-
one source with identical message sent to
multiple recipients.
Never post anything about a future vacation.
Phishing-This is a deceitful practice of trying to
Avoid visiting untrusted websites. get confidential information such as passwords
and usernames and credit card details by
If you have WiFi at home, make it private by
making it appear as if it comes from a
adding a password.
trustworthy source.
Install and update an antivirus software on your
Dangers on the Internet
Pharming - This is a dangerous hacker attack on
Add friends you know in real life.
a website which directs all traffic to that
Avoid downloading anything from untrusted website to another fictitious website.
Spyware - It is known that spyware programs
Buy the software, do not use pirated ones. also affect the performance and settings of the
Do not reply or click links from suspicious
emails. Dangers on the Internet
Computer worm - This is a dangerous computer Install and update an antivirus software on your
program that replicates itself through a computer. Use only one antivirus to avoid
network. conflict.

Trojan Horse - it can erase data, can allow If you have a wi-fi at home, make it a private
access of the victim’s computer, can corrupt network by adding a password.
files, and can be used in Phishing for bank
Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
Do not reply or click links from suspicious
Hacker - This is a person who is able to enter
and control other people’s computer without
authorization. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted
websites. You are most vulnerable in peer-to-
peer downloads (torrents) as the download is
most likely not monitored by the site owner.



Identity Theft


IP Rights and Copyright Issues

Keeping Self Safe Online
Stands for malicious software
Be mindful of what you share online and what
site you share it to. VIRUS – A malicious program designed to
replicate itself and transfer from one computer
Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.
to another either through the internet and local
Check out the privacy policy page of a website networks or data storage like flash drives and
to learn how the website handles the CDs.
information you share.

Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-


Never post anything about a future vacation. It

is similar to posting, “rob my house at this

Add friends you know in real life.

WORM – a malicious program that transfers
Avoid visiting untrusted websites. from one computer to another by any type of
means. Often, it uses a computer network to
spread itself. Example: Iloveyou WORM (love
bug worm) created by a Filipino
TROJAN – A malicious program that is disguised
as A useful program but once downloaded or
installed, leaves your PC unprotected and
allows hackers to get you information.

PHISHING- Its goal is to acquire sensitive

personal information like password and credit
ROGUE SECURITY SOFTWARE – tricks the user card details. This is done by sending you an
into posing that it is a security software. it asks email that will direct the user to visit a website
the user to pay to improve his/her security but and be asked to update his / her username,
in reality they are not protected at all. password, credit card or personal information.
SPYWARE – A program that runs in the PHARMING- A more complicated way of
background without you knowing (thus called phishing where it exploits the DNS (domain
“spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are name service) system.
currently doing and typing through keylogging.

If you create something – an idea, an invention,

a form of literary works, or a research, you have
the rights as to how it should be used by others.

Copyright law includes your rights over you

ADWARE – A program designed to send you work, and anyone who uses it without your
advertisements, mosty as pop – ups. consent is punishable by law. Books have
copyright page for example.


RULE 1: Remember the human.

RULE 2: Adhere to the same standards of

behavior online that you follow in real life.

RULE 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.

RULE 4: Respect other people’s time and


SPAM- Unwanted email mostly from bots or RULE 5: Make yourself good online.
advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
RULE 6: Share expert knowledge
RULE 7: Help keep flame wars under control. Step 1: Questioning --- Before going on the
Internet, you should structure their questions.
RULE 8: Respect other people’s privacy
Step 2: Planning --- Develop a search strategy
RULE 9: Do not abuse your power.
with a list of sites to investigate.
RULE 10: Be forgiving of other people’s
Step 3: Gathering --- Use the Web to collect and
gather information.

Step 4: Sorting & Sifting --- Analyze and

LESSON 3: CONTEXTUALIZED ONLINE categorize the data they gathered on the Web.
RESEARCH AND RESEARCH SKILLS Step 5: Synthesizing --- Integrate the
INTERNET SEARCH information into the lesson and draw
Internet research is the practice of using
Internet information, especially, free Step 6: Evaluating --- Assess the results, and if
information on the World Wide Web, in necessary, begin the process again.
research. It is:

focused and purposeful (so not recreational

browsing alone);

uses Internet information or Internet-based

resources (like Internet discussion forum);

tends towards the immediate (drawing answers

from information you can access without delay);

and tends to access information without a


APPLICATIONS Choose you web browser based on the best

search engine for you
personal search on a particular subject
(something mentioned on the news, a health Use punctuation and Boolean operators (and,
problem, etc.), or, not)

students doing research for academic projects Filter results by setting the range of time it was
and papers, and searched.

journalists and other writers researching Use truncations (*,!,? And $)



Barron and Ivers (1996) outlined the following

cycle for online research projects.






Are sources listed for the facts? Can information

be verified through another source? VHas the
site been edited for grammar, spelling, etc.?


Is the publisher reputable? Is the sponsorship

clear? Is a phone number or postal address
available? Is there a link to the sponsoring
organization? Is the author qualified to write on
this topic?


Does the sponsor have commercial interests? Is

advertising included on the page? Are there
obvious biases? Currency Is a publication date
indicated? Is there a date for the last update? Is
the topic one that does not change frequently?


Are the topics covered in depth? Does the

content appear to be complete?


Limit your search to specifics
Use quotation marks for specific phrases
One of the most popular productivity suited is
Use the advanced search button to refine the
the Microsoft Office developed by Microsoft.
This includes word processing, electronic
Use browser history spreadsheet, presentation software, and
database, and desktop publishing program.
Read and spell – check
PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS can be a freeware or page, a location in the current document, and
shareware. to another file or program.

FREEWARE is copyrighted, which can be used MAIL MERGE

for free and for an unlimited time.
• A useful tool that allows you to quickly produce
SHAREWARE is commercial software that is and send information, newsletter, resumes, or
copyrighted which can be copied for trial but brochures to many people. It basically requires
needs to be purchased for continued use. two components: the document that contains
the message and the document or file that
generally contains the list of names and
One of the software of the Microsoft Office addresses.
2013 suite. It offers a set of tools that is
• When these two documents are combined
advanced compared to its previous versions.
(merged) during the mail merging, feed your
Along with its new features are the advanced
printer with enough paper until all mailers are
techniques including hyperlinks, macros, and
printed out. Each document includes the
mail merge.
individual names and addresses you need to
send it to.

Components of Mail Merge

• Form Document. It is generally the document

that contains the main body of the message we
want to convey or send. The main body of the
message is the part of the form document that
remains the same no matter whom you send it
to from among your list. Also included in the
ADVANCED TECHNIQUES form document is what we call the place
holders, also referred to as data fields or merge
Mail Merge and Label Generation fields. This marks the position on your form
document where individual data or information
will be inserted. From our sample document,
Integrating Images and External Materials the placeholders are denoted or marked by the
text with double-headed arrows (<< >>) on each
.html Conversion
side with a gray background.
• List or Data File. This is where the individual
• MS Word creates a hyperlink when you type the information or data that needs to be plugged in
address of an existing web page, such as (merged) to the form document is placed and
www.google.com, if the automatic formatting of maintained. One of the best things about the
hyperlinks has not been turned off. mail merge feature is that it allows data file to
be created from within the Microsoft Word
• You can create a hyperlink to a new or existing application itself, or it gets data from a file
document or web page, an e-mail address, a created in Microsoft Excel or other data format
specific location to another document or web

Steps in Mail Merging

• Select document type
• Select starting document GIF
• Create a data file • Graphics Interchange Format.
• Select recipients • capable of displaying transparencies. Therefore,
• Write your letter it is good for blending with other materials or
• Preview your letter elements in your document
• Complete the merge • capable of displaying simple animation.
• may not be too useful on a printed document
Integrating Images and EM but if you are sending documents electronically
• Integrating or inserting pictures in your or trough email, or even post documents into a
document is fun and it improves the impression website, then this could be quite impressive.
of your document. A common use of inserting a • It can only support up to 256 colors.
picture on a document is when you are creating • So it is good mostly on logos and art decors with
your resume. very limited, and generally solid colors. .GIF is
much better for logos, drawings, small text,
black and white images, or low-resolution files.

• This is pronounced as “ping”.
• Portable Network Graphics.
• Built around the capabilities of .GIF. Its
• These are electronic or digital pictures of
development was basically for the purpose of
photographs you have saved in any local
transporting images on the Internet at faster
storage device. .JPG, .GIF and .PNG are the
common extensions on the file names of the
• Good with transparencies but unlike .GIFs, it
does not support animation but it can display
up to about 16 million colors, so image quality
.jpeg / .jpg
for this image file type is also remarkably
• Short for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”.
• It identifies the kind of data compression
• .PNG allows the control of the transparency
process that it uses to make it more compatible
level or opacity of images.
and portable through the internet. This type of
image file can support 16.7 million colors that is
why it is suitable for use when working with full
• Shapes
color photographic images.
• Illustrations
• It does not support transparency and therefore,
• Screenshot
images of this file type can be difficult to
• Smart Art
integrate in terms of blending with other
• Chart
materials or elements in you document. But
• Clip Arts
they are considered as best quality image to
integrate with your document.
• JPG does not work well on lettering, line
drawings, or simple graphics. JPG images are • In Line with Text
relatively small in file size.
• Square
• Tight

• Through

• Top and Bottom

• Behind Text

• In front of Text

In Line with Text
• This is almost the same as Square setting, but
• The default setting for images that inserted or here the text“hugs” or conforms to the general
integrated in your document. It treat your shape of the image. This allows you to get a
image like a text font with the bottom side more creative effect on your document. This
totally aligned with the text line. setting can mostly be achieved if you are using
• This setting is usually used when you need to an image that supports transparency like .GIF or
place your image at the beginning of a .PNG file.
paragraph. When placed between texts in a
paragraph or sentence, it distorts the overall
appearance and arrangement of the text in the
paragraph because it will take up the space it
needs vertical pushing whole lines of texts
upward as in the example below.


• This setting allows the text on you document to

flow even tighter, taking the contours and
shape of the image. Again, this can be best used
with .GIF and .PNG type of image.


• This setting allows the image you inserted to be

placed anywhere within the paragraph with the
text going around the image in a square patters
like a frame.

Top and Bottom

• This setting pushes the texts away vertically to

the top and/or the bottom of the image so that
the image occupies a whole text line on its own and columns designed to perform basic
as in the example. arithmetic operation. Widely used in accounting
and financial operations, as well as statistics and
engineering calculations.

Behind Text

• This allows your image to be dragged and

placed anywhere on your document but with all
the texts floating in front of it. It effectively
makes the image look like a background.

Formula / Functions

• excel formulas always begin with an equal sign (

In Front of Text = ).
• Examples are count, sum, average, if, countif,
• As it suggests, this setting allows your image to max, min.
be placed on the top of the text as if your image o RANGE – the range of cells where you want to
was dropped right on it. That means whatever look for the criteria.
parts of the text you placed the image on, it will o CRITERIA – a value or label that determines id a
be covered by the image. cell is part of the range to be averaged.
o AVERAGE RANGE – the actual range of cells
that will be averaged, if omitted, the range will
be used instead.

• COUNT – a function used to count the cells with

content in a range.

o Formula:=COUNT(range)
o Example:=COUNT(A1:A20)
• SUM – a function used to compute for the
summation of the number of a range.
MS EXCEL – simulate a paper worksheet.
o Formula:=SUM(range)
Composed of cells that are represented in rows
o Example:=SUM(A1:A20)

• AVERAGE – a function used to compute for the

average of the number of a range.



• RANK - returns the rank of a number in a list of


o FORMULA=RANK(number, ref,[order])

• COUNTIF – used to count the cells with a

specified content within a range.

o FORMULA:=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

o EXAMPLE: =COUNTIF(A1:A20,”Batangas”) MS Power point Components

• Title Bar. Displays the name of the application

and the file currently in use.
WITH ADVANCED APPLICATION TECHNIQUES • The Ribbon. Displays the numerous functions
and tools available to work with your
MS POWERPOINT – format text and images,
• Quick Access Toolbar. Enables you to customize
adding animations and other multimedia
the toolbar to contain the commands you use
components interactively.
most frequently.
1. SLIDE ANIMATION – a moving computer
• File tab (Backstage View). Provides access to
graphic effect that can be added to the object,
basic commands such as New, Open, Save, Print
text or the entire slide itself.
and Share plus access to customize the
2. SLIDE TRANSITION – control how your application.
presentation moves from slide to slide.
• Slides pane. Displays a thumbnail version of
3. HYPERLINKS – allows you to go to other slides each slide within the presentation.
in the same presentation or in another
• Slide. The area which will be displayed as full
presentation or in a web page and even to e-
screen when viewed in Slide Show mode.
mail addresses.
• Status Bar. Provides information relating to
4. ACTION BUTTON – allows you to play sounds,
features such as slide number, spell check and
animate, or run a program. Allows you to move
shortcuts to Notes, Comments, various different
from one slide to another without using the
views and zoom functions.
using next button in a slide show.
• Placeholders. Displayed as dotted lines which
allows you to identify where you can add text,
and insert elements such as images or tables.
Creating an Effective Presentation Arrangement of opposite elements in a
composition so as to create visual interest
MINIMIZE – slide counts to a minimum to
maintain a clear message.

CLARITY – use font style and size that are easy

to read.

SIMPLICITY – use bullets or short sentences.

VISUALS – use graphics to help in your

CONSISTENCY – make you design uniform.
Creates a center of interest or focal point.
CONTRAST – use light font on dark background,
vice versa.



Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

Can create the illusion of actions.
Distribution of visual weight on either side of
the vertical axis.

Balance Pattern
Distribution of visual weight on either side of Repetition of specific visual elements such as a
the vertical axis. unit of form or shape.


Regular repetition of, or alternation in elements data. It is also used to easily compare data
to create cohesiveness and interest. patterns and relationships.

• Like designing for a desktop publishing whether

for the web or not, there are also important
elements that should be considered in designing
an infographic.

• When searching the net, you can find a lot of

principles and guidelines on how to create an
Proportion infographic:

Creates a sense of unity where they relate well • Thesis / Story. The subject and the main idea of
with one another. your infographic must be clear.

• Data. Data must be well-organized and supports

the main idea.

• Simplicity. (color, style, and illustrations). You

must be able to create you own color palette;
your style must be able to attract readers so as
not to make your infographic full of text. Do not
use stock photos.

Uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s


• JPEG or Joint Photographic Experts Group is

the most popular image format used on the
• Information graphics or infographics are used to web. JPEG files are very ‘lossy’ files where much
represent information, statistical data, or of the information about the image is lost from
knowledge in a graphical manner usually done the original state to keep the image file small.
in a creative way to attract the viewer’s
• JPEG Files are used mostly by photographers,
attention. Infographics make complex data
artists, graphic designers, medical imaging
become more visually appealing to an average
specialists, art historians, and other groups
because image quality and color fidelity is
• Also known as data visualization, is defined by important in the field.
Oxford dictionary as a visual image such as a
chart or diagram that is used to explain
information or data. FORMAT (GIF)

• It makes the data easily understood at a glance GIF or Graphics Interchange Format is limited
and quickly communicates a message especially to the 8-bit palette with only 256 colors. This
to simplify the presentation of large amounts of format was popularized in the 1980s as an
efficient means to transmit images across data
networks and on the web since it uses the basic Color Balance
form of file compression.
In any image manipulating program, this
BITMAP IMAGE FILE or BMP command will allow you to make changes in the
mixture of colors in an image.
BMP or bitmap image file or device
independent bitmap (DIB) file format is the Adjusting Brightness and Contrast
image file used in the Microsoft Windows
This command is the most basic when adjusting
operating system. It is an uncompressed file and
the image tone (highlights, shadows, and
is made up of millions of dots called ‘pixels’,
with different colors and arrangements. It is
also called raster image. Compression and Resizing
TAGGED IMAGE FILE FORMATor TIFF It is an important aspect in image manipulation.
Images to be uploaded on the web must be of
TIFF or Tagged Image File Format is a file format
the standard resolution of 72 dpi (dots per inch)
created originally by Aldus Corporation for
to maintain its image file size of 30 – 50 KB. If
desktop publishing. TIFF is supported by many
the image is for printing, set the maximum
imaging programs and is a good format for
resolution to 300 dpi and set its physical
graphic storage, processing, and printing. This
printing size in inches.
makes TIFF the superior raster image format. By
the year 2009, its control was transferred to Color Blending
Adobe Systems.
Use the different special effects buttons
TIFF is considered as a high – quality image available in the different image editing
format, where all colors and data information software. You can combine colors and
are stored. However, it produces a very large commands that will give you a more dynamic
file size and takes huge disk consumption. image result.
PNG is an image format developed by a group
Adobe Photoshop
of graphic software developers as a non-
proprietary alternative to the GIF format. This There is no doubt that Adobe Photoshop came
format supports full color images and used for to be the standard of photo editing since it
photographic images. However, the resulting started in the 1990s. However, there are a lot of
file is much larger than with lossy JPEG image editing sites on the net that also offers
compression. PNG does best with line arts, text, that basic and advanced techniques that we can
and logos. do with other professional software.
PRINCIPLES OF IMAGE MANIPULATION Based on TechRadar, the following are the list
of websites that you can try as beginners in the
field or for professionals who would like to try
A process of removing unwanted parts of the other software.
image focusing only on the subject. When
cropping, one must always follow the rule of
thirds to organize the image composition.

Google’s free desktop image editing program. It

can be downloaded and help you manage your Imgur
photos and upload them to an online album. A free image hosting site wherein you can
upload images from your computer. You can
also edit your images before posting online.

It is a multiplatform photo editing website. It Flickr

offers a wide range of effects and tools for It is an image social networking site. You can
editing images. save and manage your photos for it offers a 1 TB
storage capacity in your account.
It is also a multiplatform image editing program.
You can choose between the editor for editing It has almost similar features with Flickr as you
images or creating an original image right can upload and share your images over the
through the browser. The tools are almost internet through your account.
similar to Photoshop that makes it easier for
you to manipulate.
Slick pic
Other image editing suits
It is an online image-hosting service that allows
Photo scape you to upload and store an unlimited number of
photos online. You can create as many albums,
Serif Photo Plus Starter Edition and it also offers professional editing of images.
It is an online image-hosting site that does not
Image Hosting Sites only allow you to upload image but also lets you
create an online image website for your images.
Images can be shared online through the
different web hosting sites that are free. You
just need to create a free account, and you will
be able to post, organize and share you photos.




Photobucket Online Platforms are technologies that are
grouped to be used as a base upon which other
applications, processes or technologies are Content Management Systems
A Content Management System (CMS) is a
Online Platforms for ICT Content Development computer application (sometimes online or
browser-based) that allows you to publish, edit
Presentation Tools – Prezi, Zoho Show, and MS
and manipulate, organize and delete web
content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites
Newsletter, ICT Content Platforms – Dropbox, and shopping.
Tumblr, Wix
Photo editing Tools – Picasa, Adobe Photoshop,
Blogs is a discussion or informational website
MS Paint
published on the web consisting of discrete,
Photo Uploading and Hosting Tools – Google often informal diary-style text entries ("posts").
Drive, Viber, Facebook Posts are typically displayed in reverse
chronological order, so that the most recent
Cloud Computing – Dropbox, Google Drive, MS post appears first, at the top of the web page
One Drive

Blog Tools – Blogger, WordPress, Live Journal

Major Features in Online Course
Platform Comparison
Mapping Tools – Google Maps, Wikimapia
Comparing e-learning platforms may seem like a
Music Production – Sibelius complicated task, especially since there are so
Survey and Forms – Google Form many important factors to consider. We want to
take that stress away from you, that’s why we
ICT Projects and Contents Publishing and created the most extensive online course
Uploading Platforms – WordPress, MS Office platform comparison tool there is. Take a look
Project Server, File Manager at which main features you need to evaluate
Content Management Systems Platforms – while doing the comparison of online learning
WordPress, Drupal, Joomla platforms.

File Management Platform – Zamzar, Content Quality

It’s quite obvious that the quality of learning
Curating Tools – Pinterest, Storify, Trafit. material is one of the most important features
of online learning platforms. By enrolling into a
Web Page Design Platforms – Wix, Weebly,
course you naturally expect to gain new
Adobe Dreamweaver
knowledge or develop your skills, but in some
Web Management Platforms – Drupal, cases your expectations could be far from the
WordPress, Joomla truth. That’s why in our online learning
platforms’ comparison, we always evaluate the
Social Media Platforms quality of learning material by gathering
Blogging Platforms – WordPress, Tumblr, hundreds of user opinions & doing in-depth
Blogger research.
provider fairly and accurately. Uncover it in our
e-learning platforms’ comparisons.
Having eligible proof of your efforts or gained
knowledge is always a great way to kick-start or We understand that if you pay for online
advance your career. Certificates, courses, classes, degrees or specializations, you
specializations or online degrees are great tools always expect good value for the money you
to do just that. So before deciding which e- paid. Sadly, there are many e-learning providers
learning platform is the best for you, be sure to that do not offer fair pricing, have hidden fees
compare online courses & the certifications or simply offer poor content hidden under hefty
they offer upon completion. It’s also important price tags. We want to help you steer away
to find out whether the certificates are free or from these online learning platforms by
paid. Learn that with our comparison tool. disclosing real pricing plans, additional
payments & price VS value ratio.

Unique Features

When you’re choosing between several top-

notch online course providers, unique features
may be a main deciding factor for which
platform to pick. Whether it’s specialized
certifications, customized learning paths or
Ease of Use valuable extra curriculum material, the top-
rated online learning platforms win by offering
Having a smooth, stress-free & easy online something authentic and valuable. All the most
learning process is bliss. Obviously, not all e- important, unique features are disclosed in our
learning providers can offer that, since they online learning platforms’ comparison charts.
have clustered pages, confusing navigation &
overall bad UX. It may take a lot of time for you
to try out each learning platform and actually
see if it’s easy to use or not, but that’s what
we’re here for! Here, the in-depth comparison
of online learning platforms will let you find out
which provider offers the best user experience.

Learning Experience

Learning experience can be very hard to

measure as it usually depends on many factors.
It’s mainly shaped by the instructor or a
lecturer, but the overall positive learning flow of
the online learning platforms also plays a big
part. Luckily, our reviewers & researchers know
what makes the online learning experience
great and measure it for each e-learning

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