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Module 18 Introduction to Group Theory

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1. Understand the concept of group.
2. Identify the properties of a group.
3. Distinguish different types of group.

Introduction to Groups
An algebraic system is one which elements uses one or more operations to combine
the elements. A good example is the set of real numbers with the operations of addition and
multiplication which is also regarded as a field. An algebraic operation where only one operation is
involved is called a group.

A group is an algebraic system which satisfies the following properties:

1. It is closed with respect to the operation.
2. The associative property is satisfied in the operation.
3. It has an identity element.
4. Every element has an inverse.

Abelian group- group which satisfies the commutative property

Nonabelian group-one which does not satisfy the commutative property
Permutation group-special kind of group which uses the permutation of objects

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Richard Aufmann ,Joanne Lockwood ,Richard Nation ,Daniel Clegg ,Susanna S.
Epp;2018;Mathematics in the Modern World;Manila ,Philippines;Rex Bookstore,Inc
2. Susana S. Epp;2011;Discrete Mathematics:An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
;Brooks/Cole ;Cengage Learning
Course Module

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