W13 - Module 015 Mathematical Systems

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Module 16 Mathematical Systems

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1. Identify different mathematical systems
2. Understand modular arithmetic and how it works
3. Perform operations in modular arithmetic and solve congruence

Modular Arithmetic
It is associated with clock arithmetic by determining time by using a 12
hour basis.
It can also be done with a 7 day a week period .Associating each day of the
week by numbers from 1 to 7.
Time in the past and present can be determined by using modular arithmetic.
Situations which form a pattern or cycle can be represented mathematically
using modular arithmetic or arithmetic modulo n

Congruent modulo n
Given two integers a and b ,we say that a≡b modulo n if is an integer
where n is the modulus .
Ex. 29≡8 mod 3 is a true congruence since 29-8=21 and 21/3=7 and 7 is an integer
15≡4 mod 6 is not a true congruence since 15-4=11 and 11/6 is not an integer
Arithmetic Operations Modulo n
To evaluate modular expressions using modulo n where n is a natural
number, perform arithmetic operations and then divide by the modulus n.
The remainder upon dividing by the modulus is the answer.
Ex. Evaluate (23+18)mod 12 =1 since 23+18=61 and 61/12=5 remainder 1
Adding the modulus n in modular arithmetic does not alter the equivalent
value of the number.
Ex. 13≡6mod 7 adding 7 to 13 equals 20≡6 mod 7
It is also possible to use negative numbers modulo n .
Ex -2≡ 5 mod 7

Course Module
Multiplication in modulo n is possible by multiplying the 2 numbers and the
product be divided by the modulus n, the remainder is the answer.
Ex. (15 ⦁ 23) mod 11 = 4 since 15 x23= 345 and 345/11= 31 remainder 4

Solving Congruence Equations

To solve congruence equations ,it is necessary to try out natural numbers less than
modulus. Once a solution is found other solutions can be obtained by adding the modulus to it.
Ex. To solve 3x+5≡3 mod 4, x=2 is a solution since 3(2)+5≡3 mod 4 is 11≡3 mod 4, by
adding 4 to 2 gives other solutions to this equation such as 6,10,14,….
However not all congruence equations have a solution. There is no solution if no
whole number x less than the modulus would be a solution.
Additive and Multiplicative inverses
To determine the additive inverse of a given modulo, Find a whole number which when
added to the number gives a sum equal to the modulus. Consider only numbers less than the modulus.
Ex. 3 is the additive inverse of 5 in mod 8 since 3 +5=8 and (3+5)=0 mod 8
To determine the multiplicative inverse ,try out numbers less than the modulus giving a
result equal to 1.
Ex. The multiplicative inverse of 5 is 3 in mod 7 since 5⦁3≡ 1mod 7

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Richard Aufmann ,Joanne Lockwood ,Richard Nation ,Daniel Clegg ,Susanna S.
Epp;2018;Mathematics in the Modern World;Manila ,Philippines;Rex Bookstore,Inc
2. Susana S. Epp;2011;Discrete Mathematics:An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
;Brooks/Cole ;Cengage Learning

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