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Folktale Title: "The Legend of Malin Kundang"

1. What is the central theme of the folktale "The Legend of Malin Kundang"? A) The
importance of family bonds B) The power of wealth and success C) The bravery of a
young warrior D) The magic of a hidden treasure
2. Who is the main character in the folktale? A) A wise old man B) Malin Kundang C)
A talking bird D) A mischievous monkey
3. What was the initial relationship between Malin Kundang and his mother in the story?
A) They had a loving and close relationship B) They were strangers who had never
met C) They were distant and had a strained relationship D) They were business
4. What did Malin Kundang become as he grew older? A) A powerful king B) A
successful merchant C) A wicked and arrogant man D) A kind-hearted and humble
5. How did Malin Kundang's mother react when she saw him after he had become
successful and wealthy? A) She was overjoyed and celebrated his success B) She
refused to acknowledge him and turned him into stone C) She asked for his help and
support D) She didn't recognize him and walked away
6. What was the ultimate fate of Malin Kundang in the folktale? A) He became a
wealthy and respected man B) He sailed away with his mother and lived happily ever
after C) He was turned into a stone by his mother's curse D) He found a hidden
treasure and became even wealthier


1. A) The importance of family bonds

2. B) Malin Kundang
3. C) They were distant and had a strained relationship
4. C) A wicked and arrogant man
5. B) She refused to acknowledge him and turned him into stone
6. C) He was turned into a stone by his mother's curse
ertainly! Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the Indonesian folktale
"Timun Emas" (The Golden Cucumber):

Folktale Title: "Timun Emas" (The Golden Cucumber)

1. What is the central theme of the folktale "Timun Emas"? A) The value of hard
work and honesty B) The power of magical creatures C) The importance of
bravery in the face of danger D) The pursuit of wealth and prosperity
2. Who is the main character in the story "Timun Emas"? A) A wicked witch B) A
kind-hearted farmer C) A golden cucumber D) A brave and clever girl
3. Why does the wicked witch in the story want to capture Timun Emas? A) To
turn her into a golden statue B) To make her work in the fields C) To steal her
magical powers D) To cook and eat her
4. How does Timun Emas manage to escape from the wicked witch's clutches? A)
She uses her magic powers to defeat the witch B) She tricks the witch into
letting her go C) She befriends the witch and convinces her to release her D)
She seeks help from a powerful king
5. What important role does the magical animals play in Timun Emas's escape?
A) They serve as guards for the wicked witch B) They help the witch capture
Timun Emas C) They guide Timun Emas to safety and offer her protection D)
They steal the golden cucumber from the witch
6. What is the ultimate fate of the wicked witch in the story? A) She turns into a
golden cucumber B) She escapes and continues to cause harm C) She is
defeated and turned into a stone D) She repents and becomes a kind person


1. A) The value of hard work and honesty

2. D) A brave and clever girl
3. D) To cook and eat her
4. C) She befriends the witch and convinces her to release her
5. C) They guide Timun Emas to safety and offer her protection
6. A) She turns into a golden cucumber

It seems like you're looking for multiple-choice questions related to Lake
Toba. Lake Toba is a large volcanic lake in Indonesia. Here are some
multiple-choice questions about Lake Toba:

1. Where is Lake Toba located? A) Java B) Bali C) Sumatra D) Borneo

2. Lake Toba was formed by a massive volcanic eruption. Approximately,
how many years ago did this eruption occur? A) 100 years ago B)
1,000 years ago C) 10,000 years ago D) 100,000 years ago
3. What is the island in the middle of Lake Toba called? A) Sumatra
Island B) Bali Island C) Java Island D) Samosir Island
4. Lake Toba is known for its great depth. Approximately, how deep is
Lake Toba at its maximum depth? A) 100 meters B) 500 meters C)
1,000 meters D) 1,600 meters
5. Which ethnic group primarily inhabits the region around Lake Toba?
A) Javanese B) Balinese C) Batak D) Sundanese
6. What is the main attraction for tourists visiting Lake Toba? A) Scuba
diving in the lake B) The vibrant nightlife on Samosir Island C) The
traditional Batak culture and villages D) Shopping for souvenirs in
nearby cities

1. C) Sumatra
2. D) 100,000 years ago
3. D) Samosir Island
4. B) 500 meters
5. C) Batak
6. C) The traditional Batak culture and villages
"Sangkuriang" is a famous Javanese folktale from Indonesia. Here are some multiple-
choice questions based on the folktale "Sangkuriang":

1. What is the central conflict in the folktale "Sangkuriang"? A) A struggle for

power and control B) Forbidden love and deception C) A quest to find hidden
treasure D) A journey to discover one's true identity
2. Who is the main character in the story "Sangkuriang"? A) A wise old sage B) A
young and handsome prince C) A beautiful and kind princess D) Sangkuriang,
a young man
3. What important object plays a central role in the folktale "Sangkuriang"? A) A
magical sword B) A mystical potion C) A sacred tree D) A woven cloth
4. How does Sangkuriang discover the true identity of the woman he falls in love
with? A) He recognizes her from a childhood memory B) She reveals her true
identity to him C) He finds a distinctive birthmark on her D) He learns the truth
through a wise old sage
5. What is the ultimate fate of Sangkuriang and the woman he loves in the story?
A) They live happily ever after and rule a kingdom B) They are turned into
animals C) They are separated forever by the gods D) They become immortal
6. What is the moral or lesson of the folktale "Sangkuriang"? A) Love can
conquer all obstacles B) Deception leads to a tragic end C) Destiny cannot be
changed D) The gods can be appeased through offerings


1. B) Forbidden love and deception

2. D) Sangkuriang, a young man
3. C) A sacred tree
4. A) He recognizes her from a childhood memory
5. C) They are separated forever by the gods
6. C) Destiny cannot be changed
The "Mouse Deer and Crocodile" is a popular folk tale from Southeast Asia,
particularly in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Here are some multiple-choice
questions based on this folk tale:
1. What is the central character in the folk tale "Mouse Deer and Crocodile"? A) A
cunning monkey B) A wise turtle C) A clever mouse deer D) A fearsome
2. In the story, what is the main conflict between the mouse deer and the
crocodile? A) A race to see who is faster B) A battle for control of a watering
hole C) A competition to see who is smarter D) A fight over territory
3. How does the mouse deer outwit the crocodile in their encounter? A) By
challenging the crocodile to a race B) By tricking the crocodile into letting it
ride on its back C) By using its speed to escape from the crocodile's grasp D)
By hiding in a hole where the crocodile can't reach it
4. What lesson or moral does the "Mouse Deer and Crocodile" tale teach? A) The
importance of physical strength B) The value of intelligence and wit C) The
benefits of teamwork D) The consequences of being greedy
5. How does the story typically end for the mouse deer and the crocodile? A)
They become lifelong friends B) The mouse deer continues to outsmart the
crocodile C) The crocodile catches the mouse deer and eats it D) The crocodile
learns a valuable lesson and changes its ways


1. C) A clever mouse deer

2. B) A battle for control of a watering hole
3. B) By tricking the crocodile into letting it ride on its back
4. B) The value of intelligence and wit
5. B) The mouse deer continues to outsmart the crocodile

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