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Chapter 1- Number Sense

Lesson 1: Counting up to 10

I. Objectives

In this lesson, the student will be able to:

● understand what numbers are

● define what numbers are
● learn word forms and number forms of numbers 0 to 10
● learn to count from 0 (zero) to 10 (ten) in proper order
● count objects correctly

II. Teacher’s Guide


A. Greet the student and introduce yourself. (first day)

B. Introduce the lesson using games or other activities.
- Assess how the student will respond so you can pace the lesson.
- Do not pressure the student to answer; guide him/her if you must.
- You can use the given examples, or you can search for more
interactive games suitable for your teaching method.


1. Clap game: The teacher claps and the student will try to guess the
number of claps the teacher made.
2. Number Guessing Game: Pictures of items with different counts
will be shown on the screen, and the student will try to guess the

(The teacher may use the images below or download other images.)
III. Warm-up Questions

● What’s your favorite number from zero to ten?

● What numbers are on your birthdate?

IV. Lesson Proper

1. Introduce the lesson.

2. Let the student read the introduction of the lesson aloud. Ask the student how
he/she understood what he/she read. Explain the lesson using words that the
student can understand.

Note: Again, do not pressure the student if he/she cannot answer, guide him/her
if you must.

Provide feedback on the student’s pronunciation or other errors timely, but do not
interrupt him/her while he/she is reading or talking.

3. Count the numbers on the table, read first, then let the student imitate you.
Repeat the pattern until you reach number 10. Let the student read and count the
numbers again by himself/herself

Note: Make sure to discuss the word form and number form of numbers.

Do not forget to commend the student for a job well done.

4. Proceed with the examples, do the first example then guide the student with the
next one. Let the student try doing the remaining examples, but again guide
him/her if you notice that the student is having some difficulties.
5. Ask the student if he/she has questions or clarifications.
6. Proceed with the exercises and make sure that the student understands the
instructions for each activity. Give the student extra time if he/she is not done with
the activity.

Online Resources:

V. Exercises (Answer Key)

Mini Quiz A

1. 4 (four)
2. 8 (eight)
3. 3 (three)
4. 4 (four)
5. 5 (five)

Mini Quiz B

1. nine
2. three
3. 9
4. 2
5. 8

Homework A

1. 7 rays
2. 3
3. 6
4. 8

Homework B

1. 3 marbles
2. 5 marbles
3. 7 marbles
4. 10 marbles

VI. Wrap-up

1. Ask the student if he/she has a question about the lesson or activities.
2. Summarize key points of the lesson, or let the student try to summarize the
3. Add additional details or information regarding the lesson if there is extra time.
4. Assign homework or other related activities, make sure to give appropriate
instruction, and that the student understands it carefully.
5. Praise the student for a job well done, and give a quick introduction of the lesson
for the next day before saying goodbye.

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