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• They learn to weave cotton, make glass ornaments,

and cultivate lowland rice and dike fields of terraced
STONE AGE fields utilizing spring water in mountain regions.
• Archeological findings
• They also learned to build boats for trading
show that modern man
purposes. • Spanish chronicles noted refined plank
from Asian mainland first
built warships called caracoa suited for interisland
came over land on across
trade raids.
narrow channels to live in PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD
Batangas and Palawan
about 48,000 B.C.
• Filipinos were already engage in activities and
• Settlement in Sulu, practices related to science forming primitive or first
Davao, Zamboanga, Samar, wave technology. e.g. making of wine, mining gold
Negros, Batangas, Laguna,
• They were curative values of
Rizal, Bulacan and Cagayan.
some plant on how to extract
Inventions medicine from
herbs(superstitious beliefs).
• They made simple tools and weapons of stone flakes
and later developed method of sawing and polishing • They had an alphabet, a
stones around 40,000 B.C. system of writing, a method of
counting and weights and
• 3,000 B.C. they were producing adzes ornaments of
seashells and pottery.
• They had no calendar but counted the years by the
• They learned to produce copper, bronze, iron, and
period of the moon and from one harvest to another
gold metal tools and ornaments
• Establishment of school system manage by
missionaries and priest (religion-centered). e.g.
• Lasted from there third century 11th century Colegio de San Ildefonso-Cebu-1595 Colegio de San
A.D. Ignacio-Manila-1595 Colegio De Nuestra Senora del
Rosario-Manila-1597 Colegio De San Jose-Manila-
• Filipinos were engaged in extraction smelting and 1601.
refining of iron from ores, until the importation of cast
iron from Sarawak and later from China. • Development of Hospitals San Juan Lazaro Hospital
the oldest in the Far East was founded in 1578.
• Filipinos from the Butuan were trading with Champa
(Vietnam) and those from Ma-I (Mindoro) with China. • In 17th and 18th Century,
(bee wax, cotton, pearls, coconut heart mats, tortoise successive shipwrecks of and attacks
shell and medicinal betel nuts, panie cloth for of pirates on the galleons led to
porcelain, leads fishnets sinker, colored glass beads, declining profits from the trade that
iron pots, iron needles and tin). led to economic depression in Manila
during the later part of the 17th

• In 1871 the school of medicine and pharmacy were

opened to UST, after 15 years it had granted the
degree of Licenciado en Medicina to 62 graduates.

• There were no school for engineering but they

offered nautical four year course for pilot of merchant
marine that includes the subject: a. Arithmetic,
b.Algebra, c. Geometry, d.Trigonometry, e. Physics, f.
Inventions Hydrography, g. Meteorology h. Navigation, and i.
• Jesuits promoted meteorological studies founding
Manila observatory at the Ateneo Municipal de
Manila in 1865

• Science and technology advance rapidly by the

government encouragement and support. • The State continues its support to education at all
• Creation of Department of Public Instruction which
offers free and compulsory elementary (600 teachers • Proliferation of schools and many of them were ill-
from USA taught in Philippines, Philippine Normal equipped and illprepared to provide quality education
School, Philippine Medical School). particularly in sciences and engineering (Standards).
• Promotion of higher education in sciences and • UP system remains the most developed with
government research institution and agencies extensive graduate and undergraduate degree
performing technical function (Liberal Arts,Veterinary programs in the sciences and engineering. (half of the
medicine, law). national budget for SUC’s)
• Trained and qualified Filipino teachers (they were • Low enrollment rate in agriculture, medical, natural
sent abroad for advanced training). and physical sciences (low compensation of Filipino
• Men and women must finished in American
Colleges (Pensionados) • Engineering and science courses entail longer
periods of study and been more expensive to pursue.
• Scholarships for advanced studies of a scientific or
technical nature. • Little innovation and training of scientists and
• Produces medical doctors, engineers,
• Scientific work in the government suffered from a
• Proliferation of schools as business enterprises and
lack of support, planning and coordination after early
no definite government policies.
postwar years.
• Government was responsible in supervising private
• Creation of science agencies like PCARR, PSHS, PCRI,
schools due to substandard private schools (Monroe
PTRI, NRCP, etc.
• Establishment of a Scientific Career System in the
• Creation of Bureau of Science as government
Civil Service by PD No. 901
research establishment and training ground of Filipino
Scientist (Vaccines, dse like leprosy, tuberculosis,
cholera, dengue fever, malaria and beri-beri and
scientific developments)

• Promotion of scientific development for the
economic development.

• Expansion of public school system to accommodate

all schoolchildren.

• Curriculum revision (removal of Gr-7, double-single

session and reducing time or dropping certain subjects
in basic education).

• Reorganization and establishment of government

corporation to perform development of natural

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