2020 Reading Task Question 3

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2020 HSC Reading Task Question 3 (5 marks)

Text 3 - Internet Article and Text 4 - Illustration

How do these texts use a variety of language forms and features to communicate
ideas about being creative?
Frayn and Paschkis inherently place certain language features to exemplify the different
perspectives on creativity through various forms of communication. Internet article: authors
reveal the secrets of their craft Frayn represents how creativity must find you rather than the
opposite, “there’s some meat on the bone … something that lures you on” the use of imagery
allows the reader to experience the ‘magic touch’ of creativity emphasising its power on you.
The euphemism “meat on the bone” suggests that creativity will be presented to the author.
Paschkis elaborates on this through his portrait of a poet at sea, through the use of the vector
line of the pencil pointing towards an ocean of words presents how creativity can become a
domino effect that may end up in a story. the use of the vector line pointing towards a direction
lures the reader into the authors' perspective on how their environment can dictate how their
stories are told and presented. Frayn also explores the author's power of telling the story “Ideas
come, characters suggest themselves, the nature of the story and the nature of the characters
dictates how it's going to be done.” the use of cumulative listing suggests that the authors
influence on the story becomes exponentially less about how it's written but rather about how
the reader interprets it. Frayn establishes a new way of the author's mentality to writing novels
and stories where the idea derives less from the story's plot but rather how well the character or
storyline will be diverse enough to reach everyone yet still impact every individual personally.
Paschkis uses the poet's gaze and hand position to create different vector lines each directing
the viewer to different parts of the image while still contrasting the other elements of nature. This
allows the image to give the reader a key to unlocking their own stories and words they may be
able to intercept proving the idiom that an image can portray a thousand words. Overall, these
texts prove the power of creativity is not only held by the artist or author but rather stories are
experienced individually and are subjectively perceived and evoked.

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