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Mother's day

For Mother's Day, each

section put together one
or more baskets that will
be raffled among the
mothers of each section,
this will take place on
Friday, May 12 at the IE
Mariano Melgar .
The recipe of the day...
 Mass Apple pie…!!!
 2 ½ cups flour
 ½ teaspoon salt
 4 tablespoons of sugar
 225 gr of butter in pieces
 1 large egg
 2 tablespoons of cold water

 6-8 apples
 ¾ cup of sugar
Step by step preparation
 ¼ cup unsalted butter
1. In a large bowl mix the flour, salt and sugar. With your fingers, add the pieces of
 2 tablespoons of flour butter and mix all these ingredients.
2. Add the lightly beaten egg. If you get tired, you can use a fork.
3. If the dough is getting warm, leave it in the fridge for a few minutes.
4. Are you seeing that it is also getting dry? add the cold water little by little while you mix. But be careful, do not pour it all at once,
otherwise the dough may become sticky.
5. Now divide the mixture in two, wrap it in plastic and put it in the fridge for at least an hour.

Meanwhile, make the filling.

1. Peel and cut the apples (each half into 4 pieces). Put the pieces in a bowl and add the lemon juice, sugar, salt and cinnamon on top.
Mix everything by hand or with a large spoon.
2. In a skillet over medium heat, combine the butter with the flour, add the apples and stir until the sugar is absorbed (approximately
2 minutes will have elapsed). Cover the pan for 7 minutes to allow the apples to soften. Remove from heat.
3. If an hour has already passed since you put the dough in the fridge, take it out and take one of the two parts to put the base of the
apple pie. Stretch it in a circular mold up to the height of the edges of it. put the apples on top and cover with the other part of the
previously stretched dough in a circular shape.
4. Once the filling is covered, you can make some X-shaped cuts on the upper dough or if not, you can cut it into strips and place them
horizontally and vertically on the apple.
5. Put the apple pie in the preheated oven at 230º C for approximately 40 minutes.

Movies to watch on Mother's Day with the family

These are the movies that our presenter recommends to see with our
parents on their special day
-Little Women (2019, Greta Gerwig) ...
-The Help (2011, Tate Taylor) ...
-The Joy Luck Club (1993, Wayne Wang) ...
-Steel Magnolias (1989, Herbert
Ross) ...
-Terms of Endearment (1983, James
L. ...
-Erin Brockovich (2000, Steven

Campaign against drug

Yesterday (Tuesday, May 9, 2023) an acted Drama was presented, in
which they explained all the dangers that drug use brings, and the
students were invited to answer some questions.

Various opinions were collected, and the vast majority liked the Drama
that was presented, but all agreed that the best thing was that
approximately 2 hours of class were lost... :P

Indecopi orders withdrawal from the market of 'beso de moza' varieties

due to the alleged presence of mold
Indecopi has issued a consumer alert on
Nestlé Peru's beso de moza products in
their chocolate and lucuma flavors, so that
they are withdrawn from the market.
Indecopi ordered this Wednesday the
withdrawal of Nestle Peru's beso de moza
products, in their chocolate and lucuma
flavors, because they could present mold.
The institution issued a consumer alert so that some batches of this candy are withdrawn
from the market. This in a preventive way to protect the health of the population.
The Ombudsman's Office urged Indecopi to initiate the corresponding investigations after
detecting these irregularities in Nestlé brand products.
"We urge Indecopi to initiate investigations and guarantee that Nestle Peru's besos de
moza products are immediately withdrawn from the market, without putting consumers at
risk," read a message posted on his Twitter account.
Nestlé Peru clarified that, although no complaints associated with a disease caused by the
product have been received, and despite the fact that this defect "does not represent a
threat to its safety", they took the action to temporarily suspend the commercialization of
the beso de moza

Cheetos Flamin Hot, why is it so popular?

Most likely you have seen a classmate of yours
eating this, or you saw several eating it, or
maybe you are the one who eats it.
But… why is it so popular?
This may be due to its flavor so, spicy, which according to the same
company; Frito-Lay, its heat level would be called medium-high.
Perhaps this is the reason why students buy this product very
frequently, with a value of s/1.50, this is the kiosk product of the week.

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