DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2023-168 Dated November 7, 2023 Re Roles of DILG Relative To The Election of Pederasyon of SK Pederasyon

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2 In Cities: Panlungsod na Pederasyon ng mga SK, which shall be

composed of the SK Chairpersons of barangays in the city; and

1.2.3 In Provinces: Panlalawigang Pederasyon ng mga SK, which shall

be composed of the Presidents of the Pambayan and Panlungsod
(component city) na Pederasyon ng mga SK.

1.3 Further, Section 21(b) and (c) of the SK Reform Act of 2015, as amended,
provides that:

1.3.1 The Pederasyon ng mga SK at all levels shall elect from among
themselves a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary and
such other officers as they may deem necessary. The concerned Local
Government Operations Officer, in coordination with the election
officer, shall facilitate the conduct of the elections which shall be held
within fifteen (15) days from the Sangguniang Kabataan Elections
in case of the Pambayan and Panlungsod na Pederasyon, and
within thirty (30) days in case of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon.

1.3.2 The manner of election, suspension and removal of the officers of the
Pederasyon at all levels and the term of office of the other officers of
the Pederasyon shall be governed by the guidelines to be jointly issued
by the DILG, the COMELEC and the National Youth Commission

1.4 In adherence to Section 21(b)(c) of RA No. 10742, as amended, the

Department, together with COMELEC) and NYC issued DILG-COMELEC-
NYC Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2017-01 dated June 23, 20174.

This Circular is issued to:
2.1 Operationalize certain provisions of DILG-COMELEC-NYC JMC No. 2017-01
in line with the scheduled Synchronized BSKE on October 30, 2023.

2.2 Provide all local officials and DILG Field Officers concerned of their respective
roles and functions on the conduct of the Pederasyon Elections within their
respective locality.

2.3 Prescribe the templates and other Pederasyon Election Paraphernalia.


3.1 This Circular shall cover all Provincial Governors, City and Municipal Mayors,
Provincial, City and Municipal Treasurers, Presiding Officers of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Panlungsod and Bayan, Secretaries to the

Guidelines on the Conduct of SK Pederasyon Election; And Rules Governing Term of Office, Suspension And Removal of All
SK Pederasyon Officers.

Page 2 of 18
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Panlungsod and Bayan, Local Youth
Development Officers, Punong Barangay and SK Chairpersons, DILG Field
Officers, Chief/Head of the Local PNP, and others concerned.


All concerned are enjoined to observe the following:


4.1.1 The orientation and elections of the Officers of the Pederasyon ng mga
SK shall be conducted in one (1) day only, guided by the following: Program Flow5 The Pederasyon ng mga SK shall be conducted in

one (1) day live-out activity only, which shall start
with the Pederasyon orientation to be followed by the
election, proclamation and oath taking. The OPR in
said activities are indicated in Annex “A-1”. The Provincial Director, City Director, C/MLGOOs

are advised to modify the program of activities which
may be applicable in the LGU. Dates of Pederasyon Orientation and Elections

Level (pursuant to Section 21(b) of RA No. 10742,
as amended)
Pambayang Pederasyon ng Within 15 days from
mga SK October 30, 2023 or NOT LATER
Panlungsod6 na Pederasyon ng THAN November 14, 2023.
mga SK
Panlalawigang Pederasyon ng Within 30 days from
mga SK October 30, 2023 or NOT LATER
THAN November 29, 2023. Venue As much as practicable, the conduct of the
Pederasyon orientation and elections should be
conducted, in a public venue within the city or
municipality. Conducting the Pederasyon
orientation and election outside the city/municipal
jurisdiction is strictly prohibited.

Annex “A” - (A-1 and A-2) Program Flow/Program of Activities, subject to modification by the DILG-Field Office
HUC/ICC and component cities.

Page 3 of 18 Pederasyon Officers to be elected at all levels President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PRO Sergeant-at-Arms Other position/s as may be determined by the
concerned Pederasyon Registration Fee A registration fee may be collected from the
participating SK Chairpersons/Pederasyon
Presidents (city/municipal level), chargeable
against the SK/LGU funds to defray the necessary
administrative expenses, supplies and materials,
venue rental, if any, meals, and/or honorarium, in
accordance with the following rates, based on
National Budget Circular No. 563 dated
April 22, 2016, CSC Memorandum Circular No. 43,
s. 1993 and DILG Circular No. 2022-017 dated
May 23, 2023, to wit: Non-Residential (live-out) - not more

than Php 1,700.00. No other fees shall be collected from the
participants. In case of no funds7 or insufficient funds of the SK,
the Punong Barangay, the City/Municipal Mayor
and/or the Provincial Governor may provide
financial assistance to defray or augment the
budget for the payment of the required registration
fee of the participating SK Chairperson/s
concerned, subject to the existing accounting and
auditing rules and regulations and other applicable
laws. In case the concerned SK Chairperson/Pederasyon

President shouldered the payment of Registration
Fee, travelling, and other applicable expenses, with
corresponding Official Receipt, the same may be
reimbursed chargeable against the SK Funds. Pederasyon Election Pre-Requisite

For the newly elected SK Chairpersons who are yet to appoint the SK Treasurer and who are yet to comply with requirement
for the opening of SK Current Account.

Page 4 of 18 Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Elections -
All elected SK Chairpersons shall present the
original or the certified true copy of the following:
 Certificate of Proclamation from COMELEC;

 Oath of Office as elected SK Chairperson; and

 SK Mandatory Training Certificate of Completion/
Attendance/Participation8. Pending the issuance
and/or signature of the SKMT Certificate by the
authorized officials, the City Directors and
C/MLGOOs, shall issue a Certification with the
list/names of the SK Chairpersons who actually
attended and completed the SKMT. Panlalawigang Pederasyon Elections – All the

elected Panlungsod (Component City) and
Pambayang Pederasyon Presidents shall present
the original or certified true copy of the following:
 Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation9 certified
by the City/Municipal (C/M) Pederasyon Election
Committee and C/M BES; and
 Oath of Office as the Elected President of the
concerned Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon. Only the photocopy of the above-stated

requirements shall be submitted to the DILG Field
Officer/Training Management Team upon
registration , on the day of the scheduled
Pederasyon Orientation and Elections. In the absence of the above documents, the
concerned SK Chairperson/Pederasyon President
shall not be allowed to attend/participate the
Pederasyon Orientation and Elections. Major Activities, Timelines and Office/Person

Responsible (OPR)
Sending of written notices11 to all NLT November DILG City
the elected SK Chairpersons for 09, 202312 Director (CD)/
the Panlungsod/ Pambayang C/MLGOO

Policy for the conduct of SKMT shall be formulated by NYC and/or LGA.
Annex “B”- Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation
Annex “C” - Registration Forms (C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4)
Annex “D” - Written Notice to the Elected SK Chairperson
Section 4(a) of JMC No. 2017-01 dated 23 June 2017

Page 5 of 18
Pederasyon Orientation and

Constitution of the Board of NLT November CD/C/MLGOO

Election Supervisors (BES) and 09, 2023 (as the C/M
Sending of Notification letter13 to BES
the following Members of BES: Chairperson)
 City/Municipal COMELEC
Election Officer (EO)
 Secretary to the

Constitution of the Panel of 5 days before CD/C/MLGOO

Observers and sending of the scheduled
invitation letter14 composed of date of the
the following: Pederasyon
 One (1) CSO/NGO Election
 One (1) representative from
the academe, preferably the
School Principal of a private
or public educational
institution; and
 The City/Municipal Police
Conduct of Panlungsod / NLT November DILG-
Pambayang Pederasyon 14, 2023 CD/C/MLGOO,
Orientation and Election; BES Members,
Proclamation of Winners and Election
Oath Taking Committee
Submission of the Election Within 5 days C/MLGOO,
Results/ List of the Elected after the BES Members,
Panlungsod (component City)/ election15 Election
Pambayang Pederasyon (or NLT November Committee,
Officers to DILG Provincial Office 19, 2023) City/Municipal
Submission of the Election Within 5 days CD/BES
Results/ List of the elected after the Members/
Panlungsod (HUC/ICC) na election16 Election
Pederasyon Officers to DILG Committee
Regional Office


13 Annex “E” - Notification Letter to the C/M BES Members

14 Annex “F” - Invitation Letter to the C/M Panel of Observers
Section 18(a) of JMC No. 2017-01 dated 23 June 2017
Section 18(b) of JMC No. 2017-01 dated 23 June 2017

Page 6 of 18
Sending of written notices17 to all NLT November DILG Provincial
the elected Panlungsod 24, 202318 Director (PD)
(component city)/Pambayang
Pederasyon Presidents for the
conduct of the Panlalawigang
Pederasyon Orientation and
Constitution of the Provincial NLT November PD (as the
Board of Election Supervisors 24, 2023 PBES
(PBES) and Sending of Chairperson
Notification letter19 to the
following Members of PBES:
 Provincial Election
Supervisor (PES)
 Secretary to the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Constitution of the Panel of 5 days before PD
Observers and sending of the scheduled
invitation letter20 composed of date of the
the following: Pederasyon
 One (1) CSO/NGO Election
 One (1) representative from
the academe, preferably the
School Principal of a private
or public educational
institution; and
 PNP Provincial Director
Conduct of Panlalawigang NLT November PD, Member of
Pederasyon Orientation and 29, 2023 PBES, Election
Election; and Oath Taking Committee,
Submission of the Election Within 5 days PD/PBES
Results/List of the Elected after the Members/
Panlalawigang Pederasyon elections21 Election
Officers to the DILG-Regional Committee
Submission of the Regional List NLT December DILG Regional
of Elected SK Pederasyon 05, 2023 Director (RD)
Officers at all levels to the DILG
Secretary/Undersecretary for
Barangay Affairs, through
NBOO, copy furnished the
National Youth Commission

Annex “G” - Written Notice to the Elected City/Municipal Pederasyon President
Section 4(b) of JMC No. 2017-01 dated 23 June 2017
Annex “H” - Notification Letter to the PBES Members
Annex “I” - Invitation Letter to the Provincial Panel of Observers
Section 18(b) of JMC No. 2017-01 dated 23 June 2017

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All concerned are enjoined to strictly observe the relevant provisions of DILG-
COMELEC-NYC JMC No. 2017-1 in undertaking the Pederasyon Orientation and
Elections within their respective jurisdiction, with emphasis on the following:
5.1.1 No person shall serve as BES chairperson or member if he/she is
related within the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity to any member of the same Board, or to any nominee to be
voted for or his/her spouse.
5.1.2 In the absence of any of the designated chair or members of the BES
at any level, his/her duly authorized representative shall sit in the Board,
for and his/her behalf. The authorization must be in writing.
5.1.3 The BES shall be the final arbiter in all kinds of election controversies
within its level and shall decide on any controversy/election protest
within three (3) working days upon receipt. Its decision on the matter
shall be final and executory.
The DILG-Regional Legal Units are enjoined to guide the BES
concerned in resolving SK Pederasyon Election-related controversies.
5.1.4 Determine if quorum is present to validly take undertake the elections,
in accordance with Section 11 of DILG-COMELEC-NYC
JMC No. 2017-1.
5.1.5 The BES Chair and members shall have one (1) vote each. A majority
vote is required in all election controversies.
5.1.6 Attest to the certification issued by the Election Committee on results of
the election and the Minutes22 of the Pederasyon Election Proceedings.
5.1.7 Ensure the smooth and orderly conduct of the election.
5.1.8 Observe proper seat arrangement during the casting of votes.
5.1.9 See to it that the ballot boxes, containing all the official ballots, are
5.1.10 The Chair and Members of BES, and the Members of the Training
Management Team who serve as facilitators, resource speakers,
lecturers or coordinators during the conduct of the Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections may be authorized to receive honorarium in
accordance with DBM Budget Circular No. 2007-1 dated
April 23, 2007, and/or any other applicable laws, rules and regulations,
subject to the availability of funds sourced out from the collection of
registration fee.


Annex “J” - Minutes of the Pederasyon Proceedings

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5.2.1 Preparation - the DILG Field Officer concerned shall cause the
preparation/printing of the forms, such as the following:

 Registration Form
 Official Ballot23
 Tally Sheets24
 Certificates of Proclamation of the elected Pederasyon Officers
 Secure ballot box or portable voting booth, if any, from the
City/Municipal Treasurer.
 Secrecy Folder

5.2.2 Custody - before and after the Pederasyon Elections, ballots, ballot
boxes, tally sheets, and other election forms shall be under the
exclusive custody of the BES Chairperson at all levels, which shall be
kept in a place safe enough where it could not be tampered.

5.2.3 The National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) shall provide the
necessary templates for purposes of the conduct of the Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections which shall form an integral part of this


5.3.1 Within five (5) days prior and five (5) days after the conduct of the
Pederasyon Elections, at all levels, it is unlawful for any elective and
appointive official, including the SK Chairperson, to engage in any of
the prohibited activities as enumerated in Section 21 of DILG-

(a) To campaign, directly or indirectly, for and against any candidate

and/or interfere with the conduct of the SK Pederasyon elections.

For the purpose of this Circular, “to interfere” shall refer to any act,
through threat or intimidation or any offer or money or material
consideration which would directly or indirectly, influence or tend to
influence a Pederasyon member to vote for or against a particular
candidate, not to participate in the SK Pederasyon elections or
cause him/her to be disenfranchised, or would disturb the said
election proceedings.

(b) To allow the immediate members of the family by the concerned

officials, such as: spouse, parent or child, brother or sister,
grandparent or grandchild, uncle or aunt, nephew of niece, and
guardian or ward, to campaign for or against a prospective
candidate or in any manner interfere with the conduct of such
elections, the elective official concerned may be administratively

Annex “K” - Sample Ballot (K-1 and K-2)
Annex “L” - Tally Sheet (L-1 and L-2)

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charged for abuse of authority and dereliction of duty, pursuant to
applicable laws, rules and regulations.

(c) Act of campaigning by the SK Chairperson or Pederasyon Officials

before the nomination and during election.

(d) To post or distribute campaign materials and the use of traditional

(advertisement and announcements on bulletin boards, newspaper,
magazine, tabloids, periodicals, radio, televisions and other similar
media) and non-traditional media (websites, short and multi-media
messaging system, social platforms and other media not considered
traditional) which would boost or tend to boost the candidacy of any
Pederasyon Officials for such elections.

(e) To give gifts, donations or promises or pledges of any kind, for any
occasion, directly or indirectly, to any member of the Pederasyon or
to any member of his family within the fourth degree of
consanguinity or affinity.

(f) To provide transportation, food or drinks, directly or indirectly, to any

SK Chairperson/Pederasyon officials, before, during or after the

(g) Holding of organizational meeting/orientation seminar or other

similar activities for the SK Chairperson and Pederasyon members
on dates and places other than those specified therein.


All concerned are directed to perform their respective roles and responsibilities to
attain a peaceful, orderly, safe and successful conduct of the Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections at all levels, to wit:

6.1 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE (PNP) - The PNP, through the Local Chief
of Police/local command:

6.1.1 Collaborate with the concerned DILG Provincial, City or Municipal Field
Office, as the case may be, to discuss the implementation strategies.

6.1.2 Secure the venue of the election and ensure that only the duly
authorized personnel, and SK Chairpersons/Pederasyon Presidents
are allowed within the twenty (20) meter radius of the election venue.

6.1.3 Act as panel of observer during the Pederasyon Election. In the

absence or unavailability of the Local Chief of Police/PNP Provincial
Director, his/her authorized representative shall act as panel of

6.1.4 Ensure the successful, peaceful, and orderly conduct of the Pederasyon

Page 10 of 18

6.2.1 Provide the necessary assistance to ensure a smooth, orderly, and

successful Pederasyon Orientation and Elections. Additionally, the
City/Municipal Mayor is directed to enjoin the winning candidates/newly
elected SK Officials to attend the SK Mandatory Training before they

6.2.2 Ensure the attendance and participation of all the elected SK

Chairpersons/Pederasyon Presidents in the scheduled Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections.

6.2.3 May provide financial assistance, if necessary, for the payment of

registration fee of the concerned SK Chairperson/Pederasyon
President, especially in component barangays/SKs with insufficient
funds/depleted funds.

6.2.4 Administer Oath of the Elected Pederasyon Officers concerned, without

prejudice to the provisions of Republic Act No. 10755 which grants the
authority to other public officials named therein to administer oath.

6.2.5 Send the LGU Treasurer and the Local Youth Development Officer
(LYDO) who shall be part of the Pederasyon Management
Team/Secretariat during the scheduled Pederasyon Orientation and

6.2.6 May provide support funds for payment of hotel accommodation, travel
and other incidental expenses of the concerned LGU representatives,
subject to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

6.2.7 Direct the Provincial, City or Municipal Treasurer, as the case may be,
and ensure that he/she performs the following functions: Assist the concerned DILG-Provincial Director, City Director or
the City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer in the
preparation of the election paraphernalia. Coordinate and collaborate with the concerned DILG Field

Officer for planning purposes, e.g. selection of date, venue/hotel
arrangement or reservation, among other preparatory activities. Perform the duties and functions, as member of the Pederasyon

Management Team/Secretariat, during the conduct of the
Pederasyon Orientation and Elections. Collect the authorized Registration Fee from the participating

SK Chairpersons/SK Pederasyon Presidents and issue a
corresponding Official Receipt.

Page 11 of 18 Ensure the payment of the venue/hotel, honorarium of the
facilitators, resource speakers, lecturers or coordinators and
reimburse/liquidate the necessary/applicable expenses. Perform other functions which may be deemed necessary for

the successful implementation of the activity.



6.3.1 Ensure the attendance and participation of the concerned Sanggunian

Secretary as member of BES/PBES.

6.3.2 Send an employee/personnel of the Sanggunian who shall be part of

the Training Management Team, and who may replace the Sanggunian
Secretary as BES Member if the Sanggunian Secretary is related within
the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any
member of the same Board, or to any nominee to be voted for or his/her

6.3.3 Provide support funds for payment of hotel accommodation, travel and
other incidental expenses of the Sanggunian representatives, subject
to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.



6.4.1 Attend the scheduled Pederasyon Orientation and Elections.

6.4.2 In the case of the Sanggunian Secretary, perform the roles/functions as

BES Member. In case disqualified, based on Item 5.1.1 of this Circular,
authorize in writing the other employee/personnel of the Sanggunian
who shall be the BES Member.
6.4.3 In the case of the concerned employee/personnel of the Sanggunian,
perform the roles and functions as member of the Training Management
Team. He/she shall assume as BES Member in case the Sanggunian
Secretary concerned is disqualified to perform as such.


6.5.1 Ensure that the elected SK Chairperson attends the SK Mandatory


6.5.2 Remind the SK Chairperson to attend and participate in the

Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Orientation and Election, and in
the scheduled Panlalawigang Pederasyon Orientation and Election in
case he/she was elected as the President of the Panlungsod/
Pambayang Pederasyon.

Page 12 of 18
6.5.3 Provide funds, chargeable against the 10% SK Funds, to cover the
registration fee, travelling, incidental or other applicable expenses of the
SK Chairperson while attending the Pederasyon Orientation and

6.5.4 Whenever necessary, seek assistance from the Provincial Governor

and/or the City/Municipal Mayor in case barangay budget is depleted or
insufficient to cover the cost of the required registration fee of the
concerned SK Chairperson.



6.6.1 Ensure to complete the SK Mandatory Training prior to his/her

attendance and participation in the scheduled Pederasyon Orientation
and Elections.

6.6.2 Attend and participate the scheduled Pederasyon Orientation and

Elections upon payment of Registration Fee and presentation of the
required documents as indicated in Item of this Circular.

6.6.3 Ensure to complete the scheduled Pederasyon Orientation/Orientation

Program which shall be spearheaded by the concerned DILG Field

Failure to complete the orientation program shall bar the concerned SK

Chairperson and the Pederasyon President to attend the
Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Election and the Panlalawigang
Pederasyon Election, respectively, pursuant to Section 9 of DILG-

6.6.4 Seek financial assistance from the concerned Local Chief Executives if
no available Barangay/SK Funds or the Barangay/SK budget is
insufficient to cover the applicable expenses.
6.6.5 May shoulder the payment of the authorized Registration Fee to defray
payment of hotel accommodation and other administrative expenses.
The same shall be reimbursed chargeable against the SK Funds.

6.6.6 Ensure to obtain the Official Receipt for the payment the Registration
Fee that shall be issued by the concerned LGU Treasurer.

6.6.7 Observe proper decorum and obey with the house rules, and
regulations while attending the Pederasyon Orientation and Elections.

6.6.8 The duly elected President of the Pederasyon ng Sangguniang

Kabataan, at all levels, shall serve as ex officio member of the
Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang

Page 13 of 18
Panlalawigan, respectively25 upon presentation/submission of the
Pederasyon Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation26 and Oath of
Office to the concerned Sanggunian.

6.6.9 In case of election irregularity/controversy, file an election protest, in

writing, before the concerned BES/PBES Chairperson within three (3)
working days after the proclamation of the winners/elected Pederasyon


6.7.1 Cause the immediate and widest dissemination of this Circular within
the Regional Jurisdiction.

6.7.2 Ensure compliance with this policy by the concerned DILG

Officials/Field Officers and local officials.

6.7.3 Provide necessary support and assistance, especially to the concerned

DILG Field Officers with huge number of barangays/SKs.

6.7.4 Deploy the Legal Officer, other staff of the Legal Unit, and other
Regional personnel to assist the Provincial Directors, City Directors and
C/MLGOOs in conducting the activity.

6.7.5 Provide the necessary financial support, for the payment of applicable
expenses and/or per diem of the Regional personnel/representative/s
who shall assist the Provincial/City/Municipal Pederasyon Management
Team/Secretariat, chargeable against the funds of the Region, subject
to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations, and other
applicable laws.

6.7.6 Ensure that the concerned DILG Field Officers perform their respective
roles and responsibilities as provided in DILG-COMELEC-NYC JMC
No. 2017-01 and this Circular to avoid election controversy and/or future
indictment/charge or complaint.

6.7.7 Oversee the conduct of the Pederasyon Orientation and Elections and
make sure that the same is conducted in a smooth and peaceful
6.7.8 Submit, NLT December 30, 2023, the Regional List of the Elected
Pederasyon Officers at all levels, to the Office of the Secretary and
Undersecretary for Barangay Affairs, through NBOO, copy furnished


6.8.1 Provide the concerned LGU and PNP officials within the province
with a copy of this Circular.

Section 22 of RA No. 10742, as amended
Annex “M” - Certificate of Canvass and Proclamation certified by the Panlalawigang Pederasyon Election Committee
and PBES, in the case of the elected President of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon

Page 14 of 18
6.8.2 Act/serve as the Head of the Provincial Pederasyon Management
Team/Secretariat. Chairperson of PBES and as the Temporary
Presiding Officer during the nomination and election of the Election
Committee of the Provincial Pederasyon ng mga SK.

6.8.3 Provide the necessary financial support, for the payment of applicable
expenses and/or per diem of the DILG-Provincial personnel who shall
assist the Provincial and/or the City/Municipal Training Management
Team, chargeable against the funds of the Province, subject to the
usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations, and other
applicable laws

6.8.4 Convene the members of Provincial Pederasyon Management

Team/Secretariat, composed of the Provincial Treasurer, Provincial
Youth Development Officer, Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Employee/Personnel, DILG Provincial Personnel and/or
representative/s from the DILG RO, and discuss the preparatory
activities, arrangements on hotel/venue and date of the orientation and
elections, and other administrative requirements.

6.8.5 Constitute and Convene the Provincial Panel of Observers, composed

of One (1) CSO representative, One (1) representative from the
academe, preferably the School Principal of a private or public
educational institution; and the PNP Provincial Director and discuss with
them their role on the conduct of the Pederasyon election, pursuant to

6.8.6 Coordinate with the concerned C/MLGOOs the date/s of the

Pederasyon Orientation and Elections

6.8.7 Collaborate with the Provincial PNP to secure the venue, and to ensure
a peaceful, orderly, safe and successful conduct of the Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections.

6.8.8 In cases where no Pederasyon President signifies or shows interest to

be elected as Chairperson or Members of the Election Committee,
designate an LGOO within the Provincial Office who shall facilitate the
conduct of the election, in coordination with Provincial Election
Supervisor/Officer, pursuant to Section 21(b) of RA No. 10742, as

6.8.9 Ensure that the concerned DILG Field Officers perform their respective
roles and responsibilities as provided in DILG-COMELEC-NYC JMC
No. 2017-01 and this Circular to avoid election controversy and/or future
indictment/charge or complaint.

6.8.10 Provide the Provincial Governor with the date of the Pederasyon
Election and/or the time of the Oath Taking Ceremony.

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6.8.11 Submit to RO, within 5 days after the election, the List of the Elected
Pederasyon Officers within the Province.


6.9.1 Provide the concerned LGU and PNP officials with a copy of this

6.9.2 Act/serve as the Head of the City/Municipal Management

Team/Secretariat, Chairperson of C/M BES and as the Temporary
Presiding Officer during the nomination and election of the Election
Committee of the City/Municipal Pederasyon ng mga SK.

6.9.3 Facilitate the conduct of the election, in coordination with Election

Officer, in case no SK Chairperson who signifies or shows interest to be
elected as Chairperson or Members of the Election Committee.

6.9.4 Convene the members of City/Municipal (C/M) Management

Team/Secretariat, composed of the C/M Treasurer, C/M Youth
Development Officer, Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan Employee/
Personnel, staff/personnel of the DILG City/Municipal Field Office, if
applicable, and/or representative/s from the DILG Regional Office, and
discuss with them the preparatory activities, arrangements on
hotel/venue and date of the orientation and elections, and other
administrative requirements.

6.9.5 Constitute and Convene the C/M Panel of Observers, composed of One
(1) CSO representative, One (1) representative from the academe,
preferably the School Principal of a private or public educational
institution; and the City/Municipal Police Chief, pursuant to Section 6 of

6.9.6 Coordinate with the concerned PDs the date/s of the Pederasyon
Orientation and Elections.

6.9.7 Collaborate and coordinate with the local PNP Chief to secure the
venue, and to ensure a smooth, peaceful, orderly, safe and successful
Pederasyon elections.

6.9.8 In cases where no SK Chairperson signifies or shows interest to be

elected as Chairperson or Members of the Election Committee, facilitate
the conduct of the election, in coordination with City/Municipal Election
Officer concerned, pursuant to Section 21(b) of RA No. 10742, as

6.9.9 Ensure to perform the roles and responsibilities as provided in DILG-

COMELEC-NYC JMC No. 2017-01 and this Circular to avoid election
controversy and/or future indictment/charge or complaint.

6.9.10 Provide the City/Municipal Mayor with the date of the Pederasyon
election and the time of the Oath Taking Ceremony.

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6.9.11 Submit to the Provincial Office or to the Regional Office, as the case
may be, the List of the Elected Pederasyon Officers within 5 days after
the conduct of the Pederasyon Election.


7.1 In view of the scheduled Synchronized BSKE on October 30, 2023, the
forms/templates attached in DILG-COMELEC-NYC JMC No. 2017-1, Series
of 2017 are modified accordingly in this Circular, to wit:

 Annex “A-1” - C/M Pederasyon Program Flow/Program of Activities

 Annex “A-2” - Provincial Pederasyon Program Flow/Program of Activities
 Annex “B” - Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Certificate of Canvass
and Proclamation
 Annex “C-1” - Registration Form C/M Pederasyon Orientation
 Annex “C-2”- Registration Form Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon
 Annex “C-3” - Registration Form Provincial Pederasyon Orientation
 Annex “C-4” - Registration Form Panlalawigang Pederasyon Election
 Annex “D” - Written Notice to the Newly Elected/Re-elected SK
 Annex “E” - Notification Letter to the C/M Pederasyon BES Members
 Annex “F” - Invitation Letter to the C/M Panel of Observers
 Annex “G”- Written Notice to the Elected City/Municipal Pederasyon
 Annex “H” - Notification Letter to the PBES Members
 Annex “I” - Invitation Letter to the Provincial Panel of Observers
 Annex “J” - Minutes of the Pederasyon Proceedings (P/C/M)
 Annex “K-1” - Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon Election Sample
 Annex “K-2” - Panlalawigang Pederasyon Election Sample Ballot
 Annex “L-1” - Tally Sheet of the Panlungsod/Pambayang Pederasyon
 Annex “L-2” - Tally Sheet of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon Election.
 Annex “M” – Panlalawigang Pederasyon Certificate of Canvass and
 Annex “N” - Identification (ID) of Participant/ Pederasyon Management
Team/Secretariat/Panel of Observers of the City/Municipal/Panlalawigang
Pederasyon Orientation and Election

7.2 In addition to the above templates, the Pederasyon Orientation and Election
Guide Notes for DILG Field Officers, sample Powerpoint Point Presentation
for the Pederasyon Orientation and Oath of Office template are hereto
attached marked as Annex “O”, Annex “P” and Annex “Q”, respectively.

7.3 The above-cited Annexes/Attachments can be accessed through the link:


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