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TITLE / FOCUS / ISSUE: Teacher’s lack of motivation in teaching


1. Main issue / problem
2. Elaboration on the main issue / problem is relevant / suitable
3. The main issue / problem is analysed in detail.
i. Identify the factor / reason to the issue / problem

ii. Identify the probability that could be the reason to the issue /

iii. Identify the weakness of the main issue / problem

iv. Identify the strength of the main issue / problem

v. Predict the cause and effect of the main issue / problem

4. Literature review relatable to the issue / problem

5. Ideas and solutions are given to solve the factors / weaknesses of the issue
/ problem
i. Suitable and relevant

ii. Creative / shows critical thinking

6. The period is fixed to solve the issue / problem

7. Follow up action is planned to solve the main issue / problem
i. Action plan / work schedule / checklist is well-prepared

ii. Sources / references – reading / internet / discussion etc.

8. Steps to overcome the issue / problem is carried out

i. Periods of time fixed is suitable

ii. The effectiveness of the solution

9. Conclusion / reflection
i. Evaluate the consequences from the solution / action taken to
overcome the issue / problem

ii. Obstacles that occur (if any)

Practicum Week: Week 6
Date: September 29, 2023
Title: Teacher’s lack of motivation in teaching

1.0 Main issue:

The central concern of this essay is the pervasive issue of teacher motivation within the
educational context. The motivation of teachers is a fundamental factor that significantly
influences the quality of education and the learning experiences of students. A lack of
motivation among teachers can lead to detrimental consequences, affecting not only
educators but also the students they are responsible for.

2.0 Analysis of the issue:

Teacher motivation encompasses a complex web of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
elements. When teachers experience a decline in motivation, it manifests in various ways,
such as a lack of enthusiasm in the classroom, diminished engagement in lesson planning,
and reduced effort in teaching. These challenges can result in disinterested and uninspired
students who struggle to reach their full academic potential.

Lack of motivation among teachers can be attributed to various factors. Burnout, often
stemming from excessive workloads and long working hours, is a common culprit.
Additionally, a perceived lack of support from administrators or insufficient professional
development opportunities can contribute to teacher demotivation. External pressures, such
as standardized testing and top-down curriculum mandates, may lead to a feeling of being
disconnected from the true purpose of teaching.

The consequences of this issue are far-reaching. A disheartened teacher is less likely to
create a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere, which can have a direct impact on
student interest, participation, and ultimately, academic success.

3.0 Literature review

The motivation of teachers significantly influences student learning. Research shows that
highly motivated teachers create engaging learning environments, resulting in increased
student participation and achievement. Conversely, teacher demotivation, often due to heavy
workloads and lack of support, can lead to disengaged students and lower performance
(Ingersoll, 2003).
Efforts to boost teacher motivation include professional development and recognition
systems (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). In conclusion, teacher motivation directly affects student
success, making it crucial for a positive and effective learning environment.

4.0 Ideas and solutions of the main issue/problem:

To address the critical issue of teacher motivation, a comprehensive set of solutions is

i. Self-reflection: Teachers should be encouraged to engage in introspection to identify the

root causes of their demotivation. Self-awareness and recognizing personal and professional
factors contributing to a lack of motivation are essential first steps in overcoming this issue.

ii. Professional development: Schools and educational institutions can invest in continuous
professional development opportunities to rekindle teachers' passion for teaching.
Workshops, training sessions, and conferences can introduce fresh ideas and innovative
teaching techniques, keeping the teaching process engaging and meaningful.

iii. Support systems: Creating robust support networks within schools, where teachers can
openly share their experiences, concerns, and achievements, can help alleviate feelings of
isolation and frustration. Mentorship programs and peer collaborations can provide
guidance, encouragement, and a sense of community.

iv. Revisiting the curriculum: Teachers should be given the freedom and flexibility to
contribute to curriculum design and incorporate their own interests and teaching styles.
Allowing teachers to have a more significant say in what and how they teach can make the
education process more personalized and engaging for both educators and students.

v. Recognition and appreciation: Schools should implement formal recognition and reward
systems that acknowledge and appreciate teachers' hard work and dedication. Feeling
valued and appreciated can substantially boost motivation and morale.

vi. Personal goals and growth: Encouraging teachers to set personal and professional goals
can provide a sense of purpose and motivation. Schools should support educators in
pursuing these goals, whether it be obtaining higher degrees, adopting innovative teaching
methods, or taking on leadership roles.

5.0 Periods to solve the main issue/problem:

Addressing the issue of teacher motivation is not a one-time fix but an ongoing, continuous
process that should start immediately and persist throughout a teacher's career.

6.0 Follow-up Actions:

To maintain and enhance teacher motivation, it's crucial to engage in continuous self-
reflection, participate in professional development opportunities, seek and offer support,
revisit and adapt teaching practices, and continue to set and pursue personal and
professional goals.

7.0 Date of the follow-up actions:

The process of addressing and sustaining teacher motivation should be ongoing, with
regular evaluations and adjustments.

8.0 The effectiveness of the solution:

Efforts to reignite teacher motivation can lead to a more engaging and inspiring learning
environment. Highly motivated teachers are likely to foster better student engagement,
leading to improved learning outcomes and overall classroom success. Research should be
conducted to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of these strategies.

9.0 Conclusion/Reflection:
In conclusion, addressing teacher motivation is a critical step in ensuring effective education
and cultivating a positive learning environment. The strategies mentioned here aim to revive
teachers' enthusiasm for their profession, benefiting not only educators but also the students
they serve. Continuous self-reflection, ongoing dedication to improvement, and a supportive
school environment will be key in sustaining teacher motivation and creating a positive
impact in the classroom. The long-term success of these initiatives should be monitored and
refined as needed to ensure a lasting impact.

10.0 References
Ingersoll, R. M. (2003). Who controls teachers’ work? Harvard University Press.
Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research,
77(1), 81-112.

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