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Managing Negotiations – Jonathan Pinto Self-Reflection Work Sheet

PGID: 92220067
Exercise: VIKINGS

What did I do well?

This was classic case where the interest of both parties had to be served and the focus should have
been on the long term relationship. We were able to create an environment of open communication
and mutual trust so that the options generated are in the interest of both the parties. This
negotiation was integrative in nature. We were able to use MESO tactics where we offered them
with multiple options which led to easier acceptance.

What did I do badly?

Although we started with an aim of value creating, we ended up in value claiming. Ultimately, sandy
had to sell his house to manage his cash flow issues. Rather, if the approach would have been to
have win – win for both parties, sandy would have saved his house.

What did other(s) do well?

They were able to clearly state their resistance point and BATNA without giving specifics. They also
used the MESO tactics. We both used the MESO tactic which led to few common options among us
and so it was easy and quick to come to consensus.

What did other(s) do badly?

They were unable to defend themselves for claiming the new revised bill with cost overrun and
accepted our option where we offered to pay extra only over the labour and material costs and not
his margin. They could not understand our BATNA which could have saved them. They couldn’t
understand that we were also unwilling to go to court and so we could have stretched ourselves
more in paying them. This is because, going to court is a lose-lose for us as then the court will
recover 200,000 also owing to the fact that it was not paid in the order of priority of the debt

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