2023 Year 7 Website - Sacraments of Initiation: Video Tutorial

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2023 Year 7 website - Sacraments of Initiation

Students are required to work in groups of 3 to create an informative website about becoming connected to
and initiated into the Catholic community. Your website should be visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Construct your website on Google Sites and share it with your RE teacher during construction. See attached
video tutorial on how to create a Google Site.

Students will be allocated into groups of 3. Make sure each student has their name on the sacrament webpage
they have created and also a name attached to their reflection.

Each member of the group will be assigned one Sacrament of Initiation from the list below:

Groups will need to create a website that includes the following information:
A definition of the chosen sacrament
The purpose of the sacrament
Who and when can someone participate in the sacrament?
Symbols important to the sacrament
Preparation required to participate in the sacrament
A step by step outline of the processes involved in the ceremony
What does sacred scripture say about the sacrament?

You will also need to each include an individual reflection on your website describing how you have
been initiated into Catherine McAuley and how this has created a sense of belonging in our school
Community. Consider the following:
What does it mean to be initiated into and belong to a Mercy community? Consider how Mercy Values
builds a welcoming community?
Initiation rituals and traditions that you participated in and the symbols that represent belonging to the
Catherine McAuley school community.
Opportunities at Catherine McAuley to connect and belong such as teams, clubs and groups.

Some examples of how the information above may be presented in the website:
Images and voice over
Slide shows

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