Naukri AmitKumarSingh (15y 0m)

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| LNG/Gas Marketing/Sourcing | LNG Regas. Terminal Capacity Marketing (Tolling) |

Contract Management and Negotiation| Business Planning and Analysis | Commercial
Operations | Market Intelligence | LNG Business Development | LNG/Gas Transportation| +91-9619880038
“Building responsive organizations that enhance customer experience and create win-win
Executive Profile Core Competencies
relations, thereby crafting robust framework & driving culture change”
An MBA (Oil & Gas) with engineering graduate, having 15+ years of proven Techno- LNG/Gas Marketing GSA, FGSA, FLSA
commercial career track record, across Marketing, sourcing, Sales, Commercial and business
development profiles in LNG/Gas companies- MGL, Wartsila, H-Energy and THINK Gas
Currently working with Shell Energy India as Business Development Manager-LNG;
Working across LNG Marketing, Contract Management, New Business Development and
Commercial Operations LNG/Gas Sourcing LNG SPA, MSPA,
Proficient in LNG/Gas Marketing, Gas/LNG Sourcing, Contract Management, GSTA, GTA
Business Development (New business opportunities in LNG/Gas industry including
small-scale LNG and CGD business), Business Planning and Analysis, Commercial
Operations/Gas Supply Management, Market Intelligence, Regulatory affairs and Contract Drafting,
LNG/Gas Transportation Management/Risk Structuring,
Rich exposure in Marketing & Sales of LNG Regasification Terminal/FSRU Capacity Analysis Negotiations
(Tolling)-TUA, TAC, IUA, MRA, LTCORA, Pricing, LNG Regasification Terminal/FSRU
products & Solutions sales including small scale LNG Liquefaction, Analysis of LNG terminal TUA, TAC, IUA,
Government Policies on Natural Gas/LNG, FSRU Chartering and Port Agreements Capacity Marketing
Zealous Visionary Mindset in Contract Management- Contract Drafting, Structuring, MRA, LTCORA
Negotiations, Contractual Risk analysis and Execution
Demonstrated leadership quality by taking lead in Identifying potential customers
Business SSLNG, LNG
through market research and networking, Establishing business contacts and relationship
with Key Decision Makers within the customer organization Development Transportation,
Making sales pitch by identifying and presenting value proposition for the customers, Bio LNG/Gas
formulating marketing strategy to ensure maximum revenue visibility and profitability,
Strong focus to pursue deal closure through pragmatic contract negotiation.

Notable Accomplishments across the Career Soft Skills

Developed SSLNG business from scratch and achieved 70% market share within
catchment area in a span of 2.5 years
Instrumental in achieving a ~10 million US$ business margin since inception with
an average per unit margin of 2.5 $/MMBTU
LNG Marketing: Proficiently executed more than 30 Framework LNG Sale Agreements
and ensuing more than 100 Supply Notices (Deals)
Demonstrated success in sourcing up to 2.3 MMSCMD Gas from different supply
sources, Efficient Gas Supply management including Transportation through effective Gas Soft
Cost Pooling, nomination and Scheduling
Executed more than 500 Industrial and Commercial Gas Sales Contracts by Skills
establishing techno-commercial feasibility
Showcased success by getting selected and nominated among 16 LNG/Gas professionals
from India as well as completing 3 weeks of Special American Business Internship
Training program (SABIT) in USA on LNG Market Development sponsored by the US
department of Commerce

Career Timeline (recent 4)

H-Energy, Mumbai as Wartsila India Private THINK Gas as Senior Shell Energy India
Sr. Manager– Limited as Manager–Sales Manager- Sales and Private Limited as
Strategy and (LNG products and Marketing (LNG) Manager-Business
Planning | Manager– solutions) Development (LNG)

2013 - 2017 - 2019 - Since

2017 2019 2020 2020

Previous Experience
Mahanagar Gas Limited
(JV of GAIL & Shell),
Mumbai as Asst.
Manager-Commercial &

2008 -
Since 2020: Shell Energy India Private Limited as Business Development Manager-LNG

LNG Marketing-
Since 2020: ShellExecuted
Energy more than 30Limited
India Private Framework LNG Sale Agreements
as Manager-Business with I&C,(LNG)
Development Aggregators, LNG retail and CGD customers located at different
parts of West, North and South India. Successfully negotiated and executed more than 100 LNG supply deals (spot and Term) with different customers
till date. Continuously track and initiate techno-commercial discussion with potential customers and convince them to switch to LNG.
Jun 2019Management and Commercial
– Mar 2020: THINK Gas as SeniorOperations-
Manager- SalesDrafting, Structuring,
and Marketing Negotiating and Executing Framework LNG Sale Agreement and
corresponding Supply Notices with customers. Coordination and collaboration with customers, internal teams on day-to-day basis for smoothly operating
2017 – Jun 2019: Wartsila India Private Limited as Manager–Sales (LNG products and solutions)
LNG Terminal Capacity Marketing (Tolling)- Marketing of LNG terminal capacity on Tolling basis including Trucked LNG
Mar 2013 Offer, Negotiate
– Mar and Finalize
2017: H-Energy, price with
Mumbai customers.
as Sr. Collaborate
Manager–Strategy andand Initiate Deal approval process internally to get the deal approved from
Path: departments (Finance, Legal, Risk, Credit, Commercial Operation, Tax etc.) before signing the price deal with customers
Mar 2013 Planning and Analysis-
– Mar 2016: ManagerPlan analysis and develop short- and long-term business plan for Shell energy India to ensure consistent and sustainable
Mar 2016in volume
– Marand margin.
2017: Sr. Manager – Strategy and Planning
Market Intelligence-Tracked market developments including competitors marketing/pricing strategy in LNG business and apprised management on
potential impact of development on our business to support decision making
New Business/Market
Jul 2008 development-
– Feb 2013: Mahanagar GasTracking
Limited new business
(JV of GAIL &potential/opportunities
Shell), Mumbai as Asst.inManager-Commercial
LNG sector, Analyze and
BusinessTechno-commercial aspects of
potential opportunities like small scale LNG liquefaction, Bio LNG, LNG transport through ISO containers for management decision making
LNG Retail Network
Fostered Business
revenue growthDevelopment-
& maximization Successfully
through NewLedGeographical
Demand and Areas
team to established
assessCommitment and Estimation
for first 3 pilot LNG retail stations and term pan-India LNG retail strategy of Shell, Techno-commercial feasibility analysis (financial analysis) of LNG retailing
business for heavy duty Trucks and buses. Closely working with Shell retail/mobility team to develop LNG retail network in western part of India.
Coordinated with OEMs, Retrofitters and Transport fleet owners for conversion of Diesel Trucks/Buses into LNG.

Jun 2019 – Mar 2020: THINK Gas as Senior Manager- Sales and Marketing (LNG)

LNG Marketing: Pan India Demand assessment of Industrial Customers, develop value proposition for each identified customer based on
existing/substitute fuel, Customer engagement and Contract negotiations and executions
LNG Business Development: Administered the financial analysis & evaluation of MINI LNG business, vendor development and purchase operations of
LNG road Trucks as well as SSLNG Stations.
LNG Sourcing- Sourced Term and SPOT LNG from Domestic LNG suppliers, Undertook Techno-commercial feasibility study on importing LNG through
ISO containers from Qatar and Malaysia
Contract Management and Commercial Operations- Drafting, Structuring, Negotiation, execution and Commercial operations of LNG Sourcing and
Sales Contracts with Suppliers and Customers

Jun 2017 – Jun 2019: Wartsila India Private Limited as Manager–Sales (LNG products and solutions)

Developed customer funnel for LNG products and solutions sales in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives, Liaison with customers inter-
departments throughout the sales process for LNG Regasification Terminals on an EPC basis, LNG Regasification plants (Propane/WG), Small scale
LNG Liquefaction plants and BOG Reliquefication plants (MR and N2 based)
Undertake techno-commercial discussions with customers with support from business line specialists
Market Intelligence-Tracked and generate market information from various media & self-networking, Study the market and competitors to identify new
markets and opportunities

Mar 2013 – Mar 2017: H-Energy, Mumbai as Sr. Manager–Strategy and Planning
Growth Path:
Mar 2013 – Mar 2016: Manager Commercial
Mar 2016 – Mar 2017: Sr. Manager – Strategy and Planning

LNG Sourcing and Marketing: Initiated discussions with different Suppliers and Traders across the globe for supply of most competitive
Long/Mid/Short Term LNG and Perusing different Customers in India and Bangladesh (Power, Fertilizer, Bulk Industrial etc.) for supply of LNG/RLNG.
Marketing of LNG Terminal Capacity on Tolling Basis- Drafting, negotiation, creation and signing of Term sheets and their respective Definitive Terminal
Use agreement (TUA), Terminal Access Code (TAC), Inter User Agreement (IUA) and Port Liability Agreement (PLA) with potential Terminal Users
Contract Management (Contractual Risk analysis and Strategy formulation) - Contractual Risk analysis (Qualitative and Quantitative), Strategy
formulation and Risk matrix development while Drafting, Negotiation, Structuring and signing of LNG sourcing contracts (LNG SPA), RLNG/Gas sales
contracts (GSA), Terminal/FSRU capacity sales agreements (TUA, TAC, IUA), FSRU Chartering Agreements (Bare boat and O&M Agreements), Port
Agreements (Sub-Concession and Port Service Agreements) and Gas Transportation Agreements (GTA).

Jul 2008 – Feb 2013: Mahanagar Gas Limited (JV of GAIL & Shell), Mumbai as Asst. Manager-Commercial & BD

Gas Marketing: As area in charge established Techno-commercial feasibility through inter- departmental coordination, Negotiated and executed 500+
Industrial and Commercial Gas sales Contracts across Geographical areas of MGL.
Gas Sourcing and supply management: Sourced up to 2.3 MMSCMD Gas- Negotiation and execution of long term and short term/spot contracts (GSA,
GTA, GSTA, FGSA) with suppliers and Transporters (viz; GAIL, RGTIL, RIL, HLPL, BG, IOCL, BPCL, GSPC) including CNs/SNs. Dynamically manage Gas
accounting, establish daily gas requirements, Nomination and Scheduling with different suppliers and Transporters to avoid any potential penalties (TOP
& SOP)
Contract Management: Drafting, Negotiation and Execution of standard Gas sales Contracts for Large Scale/Bulk Industrial and Commercial Customers;
Gas Sourcing and Transportation Contracts with Suppliers and Transporters.
Business Development: Fostered volume/revenue growth & maximization through New Geographical Areas (Gas) bidding, introduction of new customer
segment (Tri-generation, VAM, Gas Geyser), SSLNG for remote customers etc.
Gas Pricing- Defining (Alternate Fuel baskets), Implementing and Periodic analysis of Natural Gas Selling prices for all customer segments (i.e. Domestic,
Commercial, Industrial and CNG). Dynamically monitor and Preparing Board and SMG agenda for price revision in different customer segments and
implementation of new prices with customers.

MBA (Oil & Gas) from University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun in 2008 (3.3/4 CGPA)
B. Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) from U.P.T.U, Lucknow in 2006 (Ist Division)

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