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Sales Management MCQs [set-7]

Chapter: Sales Planning and Control

151. Handy tools in online stoke trading includes…

A. Interest earned
B. Financial screeners to research stock and bonds
C. Yield returns
D. All of the above
Answer: D

152. Which of the following is the factor contributing the drastic growth of online
o m
A. Easy and ready access to the data
. c
B. Offering transactions at the lower price
C. both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: C q M
M ?
153. Which type deals with auction
A. B2B
B. C2B
C. C2B
D. C2C
Answer: D

154. Which segment is ebay an example?

A. B2B
B. C2C
C. C2B
D. none of the above
Answer: D

155. Which type of e-commerce focuses on consumers dealing with each others?
A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2B
D. C2C
Answer: D

156. Mobile Commerce can be defined as –

A. M-Phil
B. M-Business
C. M-Com.
D. M-organization
Answer: C

157. Define forecasting as a systematic attempt to people the future by interference

from known facts.
A. Allen
B. Henry fayol
C. American Marketing Association
D. None of the above
Answer: A

158. One of the objectives of forecasting is to determine……………

A. Regular supply of raw materials
B. A Suitable production policy
C. Best utilization of machines
D. None of the above
Answer: B

159. One of the long term objectives of forecasting is to provide…………

A. Long term production
B. Plant capacity
C. Labour
D. Short term production
Answer: C

160. One of the purpose of sales quota is to evaluate the ……………….

A. Performance
B. Goals and incentives

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C. Salesperson activities
D. None of the above
Answer: A

161. …………….is set for an individual salesperson, geographical areas, product

lines or distributive outlet or for any one or more of these on combination.
A. Past sales
B. Sales volumes quotas
C. None of the above
D. Total market estimates
Answer: B

162. A………is a goal set for a salesperson or sales department measured in

revenue or units sold for a specific time.
A. Sales forecasting
B. Sales quotas
C. Sales Targets
D. None of the above
Answer: C

163. ……………… a detailed examination of salts volume by territory.

A. Sales control
B. Sales target
C. Sales attribute
D. Sales analysis
Answer: D

164. ………………..are maintained by accounting department sales organization.

These records are made of salesmen’s reports.
A. Sales records
B. Sales reports
C. Sales analysis
D. None of the above
Answer: A

165. A…………is a systematic and comprehensive appraisal of the total selling

operation. It appraises integration of the individual inputs to the personal selling

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efforts and identifies and evaluates assumption underlying the sales operation.
A. Organization report
B. Sales Audit
C. Organization forecast
D. Sales report
Answer: B

Chapter: Personal Selling and Relationship Management

166. Ask for order, review points of agreement, help in writing up the order, ask
which model the customer wants, note that customer will lose out if not ordered
now; offer incentives to buy now – lower price, larger quantity for same price are
several techniques of ______________________.
A. Approach
B. Pre-approach
C. Follow-up
D. Closing
Answer: D

167. What P stands for?

A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or
patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer
Answer: B

168. A sale forces organization that assigns each salesperson to a geographical

territory in which that salespersons have to sell the company's full line is
A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer: D

169. Reduce buyer concerns that might have arisen after the sale, reveal problems,
assure buyer of salesperson's interest, ensure customer satisfaction and repeat
business is called

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A. Approach
B. Follow- up
C. Closing
D. Pre-approach
Answer: B

170. Companies using team of salespeople specialized in sales, marketing,

engineering, finance and technical support used for managing complex accounts is
known as
A. Outside sales force
B. Inside sales force
C. Telemarketing
D. Team selling
Answer: D

171. The salespeople of sales force sell their product may be relevant to a wide
variety of products, types of customers, and broad geographic area.
A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
Answer: C

172. The salespeople who travel to call on customers is known as

A. Outside sales force
B. Field sales force
C. Inside sales force
D. Both 1 and 2
Answer: D

173. J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What V
stands for?
A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or
patronizing a supplier
B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit
C. present drive level
D. intensity of all cues: triggering, product, or informational

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Answer: D

174. What is the next step after “negotiation” in personal selling process?
A. The opening
B. Need and problem identification
C. Closing the sale
D. Dealing with objectives
Answer: C

175. __________________________ is the most effective promotional tool in

making buyers preferences, convictions and most importantly actions.
A. Personal selling
B. Promotion mix
C. Dealers promotion method
D. Sales promotion
Answer: A

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