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Managing Obstacles to Technology Integration in


Submitted by

Lee, Mathew Laurence H.

Mateo, Kristan Kio Mateo

Mapua University
The benefits of incorporating technology are evident in the constantly changing field of

education. But a big obstacle still stands: Despite the potential advantages of technology in

education, some teachers find it difficult to successfully integrate computers into their

classrooms due to the location of the schools and teachers' limited knowledge of technology.

There are two main causes of this struggle: the physical location of schools and the teachers'

scant technological expertise. Understanding the nuances surrounding the use of technology in

education is crucial for fostering meaningful advancements in pedagogy, as we discover as we

dive into the complexities of managing these barriers to technology integration.

The potential advantage of technology in education can greatly effect the learning quality

of a university. With the help of technology multiple access towards learning videos, and new

teaching styles are easily accessible. The integration of technology in school classrooms will

increase the students work quality. Animation, slideshows, blogging, instant messaging,

podcasting and video on demands are some of the benefits that can give the students easy

access (Courts & Tucker, 2012). Using professional learning platform such as Rethink, will give

training, video-based modeling and applied practice activities in the classroom. Implementing

web-based technology for accessing video models, alongside traditional methods of

professional learning, enhances the effective application of evidence-based practices in the

classroom environment (Wright & Prescott, 2018). Investigating how technologically driven

innovation affects student outcomes is crucial to advancing the conversation about the potential

benefits of technology. A study by Picciano (2017) looks into how online learning technologies

affect students' success and offers pertinent information on this front (Picciano, 2017)..
Although technology can be a great help for the students and teachers to have easy

access in the internet, there are instances where the technology is only limited to what the

teacher can access. Technology is one of the great advances that the humans accomplished,

other people lack the knowledge to maximize the use of technology. Teachers often resist

adopting new technology due to their familiarity with traditional methods, preventing students

from utilizing advanced educational resources (Fullan 2016). The lack of technological expertise

among teachers presents another significant obstacle to technology integration. It's possible

that many educators, particularly those who hail from earlier generations, didn't grow up with

cutting-edge technology. As a result, they might find it difficult to adjust to and utilize technology

in the classroom (Ertmer 2010). The inclusion of professional development programs as a

potential solution is appropriate. However, it would be beneficial to discuss the specific types of

programs that have proven effective in enhancing teachers' technological knowledge.

Additionally, addressing the financial and time constraints associated with professional

development programs would provide a more complete perspective (Darling-Hammond &

Richardson 2011).

The location of the schools can be one of the factor that can hold back the use of

technology. Analyze studies about how equipped teachers are to integrate technology in both

rural and urban settings. Comprehending the viewpoints and obstacles faced by educators is

imperative for successful execution (Wang, 2013). The section mentions the difficulties with

resources and infrastructure in rural schools, but it could go into more detail. It would be easier

to understand the challenges faced by schools in rural areas if we talked about things like poor

internet connectivity, dated technology, and inadequate funding (Mander, 2023). It is admirable

that socioeconomic factors are being addressed in relation to technological integration.

Incorporate research on how economic inequality affects the use of technology in both rural and

urban educational environments to bolster this argument (Hairol et al., 2021).

One major obstacle in the use of technology in education is teachers' reluctance, which
is frequently brought on by their inexperience with cutting-edge tools. Programs for professional
development can be beneficial, but how well they work depends on how well time and money
are managed. The physical location of a school is another important factor in assessing its
technological readiness. Particular difficulties faced by rural schools include antiquated
technology and poor internet connectivity. Technology adoption is influenced by socioeconomic
factors as well. To achieve a more equitable integration of technology, a comprehensive
approach that incorporates research on economic inequality is recommended. In order to attain
an educational system that is both more technologically inclusive and efficient, it is imperative
that educators, policymakers, and stakeholders collaborate to tackle these intricate issues.

Korumaz, M., & Krabiyik, B. (2013). Effects of teachers’ self-efficacy perception on computer
assisted teaching perception. 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences- WCES
2013, 2243-2247.

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