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° Letters to the Editor . . 2

° Questions & Answers . 11

Volume 5, Number 2 April 1994

Satan’s Fools are Satan’s Tools

Let’s begin by defining a few basic The Church has seen its share of ing the proceedings with absolute glee.
terms. A fool is one who confidently car- fools, imbeciles, and morons over the Like the father of fools that he is, he actu-
ries on concerning something he knows past two millenia. Yet during the past ally believes he is going to triumph by
nothing about. However, a fool is greatly three centuries there has been a profound means of the confusion generated
surpassed in ignorance by the imbecile resurgence of the spectacle wherein through the half-witted speculations of
who assumes he has learned some great fools teach imbeciles whose rubbish is the best minds this world has had to offer.
esoteric truth while sitting at the feet of repeated by a vast crowd of morons. And Amazingly, he has, until now, assumed
the fool. The moron, by way of contrast, each new generation is just as firmly God’s Church was rapidly approaching
doesn’t even bother to sit. Like a talking convinced as the last that they have, by its ignominious end. On the face of it, one
parrot, he repetitiously recites—at the their great erudition, somehow attained would have to agree with his assessment
most appropriate (or, most often, inap- some worthwhile knowledge concern- of the situation. The evidence in the
propriate) time—the trite phrases he has ing the Truth of Scripture. Church would lead one to believe all that
heard the fool and the imbecile use. Satan, meanwhile, has been watch- remains to be done is to read the eulogy
and lower the casket.
Anybody with a shred of common
sense can see that the Church today, in all
its various and sundry forms, is nothing
Some People Will Make more than a farce. It has become, under the
stewardship of Satan’s agents, a mocking

Light of Anything caricature of the Church established by the

Apostles of Jesus Christ.
How did we get into such a mess?
Some of you have become my disciples over the three and a half years this Contrary to what one might assume, it
publication has been appearing. Others don’t quite know what to make of what was easy. All we had to do was, like
I’ve written. Most have no interest in anything I have to say. That’s as it should mindless morons, repeat the folly of fools
be. To each his (or her) own. God never said everybody would be saved. In fact, and imbeciles who explained things
Jesus indicated most would be lost. about which they knew next to nothing.
For the benefit of those who read what I write in order to learn what God As the ongoing accretion of various oral
has called me to teach, I want to explain something now that you must under- traditions put forward by fools, the
stand before the events of recent history make much sense at all. Perhaps after Church today is, for the most part, the vis-
reading this article, you will better understand why I frequently say the impor- ible product of our great confidence in our
tant thing is not that you believe but what you believe. So here goes. ability as rational beings. Unfortunately,
For centuries after the Church lost The Apostolic Teaching, Satan was able that confidence is seriously misplaced.
to dominate and control the thinking of True Believers through the stranglehold God did not create us to find the
imposed on them by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. The ordinary Truth on our own. He created us to learn
layperson had no access to the Scriptures and was forced to seek God’s forgive- the Truth from Him. If that were not the
ness through cumbersome rituals devised by men. case, the revelation He provided in the
The Protestant Reformation changed all that. The work accomplished by Scriptures would not even be necessary.
the likes of Martin Luther and John Calvin dealt a devastating blow to Satan be- Therefore, those who have sought, or are
See Light on Page 13 See Satan’s Fools on Page 3
2 April 1994

As many of you will recall, Larry

Harper had planned on writing an article
on Søren Kierkegaard for the October
1993 issue. Well, the article you have
Published Quarterly
been anxious to read is here. Kierkegaard
by Voice of Elijah, Inc.
was responsible for the notion that a “leap
of faith” is all that is required for salvation. As you read this article, you will
M. H. Clay, begin to understand why for so many in the Church what you believe is not
Executive Editor nearly as important as that you believe.
Sara Brooks,
Managing Editor Current Events
Volume 5 The seminar tape set, The Way, The Truth, The Life, was shipped this
Number 2 quarter. That tape set provides the best source currently available for those
April 1994 who wish to understand what we believe. Evidently, our subscribers think
so too as we have begun to receive gift orders for the set. If you have not al-
All correspondence ready ordered, I encourage you to get a set for yourself or for your friends
should be addressed to: and family members. The information on these tapes provides a foundation
Voice of Elijah, Inc. for the things you have learned and will learn from The Voice of Elijah and
P.O. Box 28201 other publications from The Elijah Project in the months and years to come.
Dallas, TX 75228 Speaking of other publications, work is progressing on The Mystery of
Scripture, Volume 1. The final edit is close to completion and then all that re-
mains is the printing. If all goes well, those who have been patiently waiting
Subscription rates:
for its release will have it in their hands before I write the next edition of this
(1 year, U.S. Funds)
letter. Please pray with us that there will be no further obstacles to delay this
U.S. $24.00
Canada $30.00
As I mentioned in the last “Letter to the Editor,” we intended to begin a
Abroad $50.00
concentrated mailing effort in January. And we did. The pace has not
slowed since the new year began. In the first two months of this year we
Articles published mailed more pieces than we did in the final six months of 1993. The re-
by permission of sponses from this effort have been coming in daily, and our family of sub-
The Elijah Project. scribers continues to grow. As the year progresses we plan to explore new
ways to increase our subscriber base and reach more people with The
Except when otherwise noted,
Teaching they will need in these Last Days.
Scripture taken from the
The number of our Monthly Contributors has grown considerably over
the last quarter as well. I told you in January to expect a letter in the mail con-
© 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972,
cerning the Monthly Contributor program. Our thanks go out to those who
1973, 1975, 1977, 1987, 1988.
have joined us by becoming Monthly Contributors in response to that letter.
The Lockman Foundation.
We appreciate your commitment to helping us grow so that we can reach
Used by permission.
those True Believers who are still out there searching for Truth.
As our base of contributors increases so too will our level of effective-
ness. There are still so many we have yet to reach, so many who have not
Bolded Scripture reflects the em- had the same opportunity you have had to hear the Truth that is now avail-
phasis of the author. able. Your regular contributions will make it possible for us to continue ex-
panding our outreach as we fulfill our mission to distribute the publications
Copyright © 1994, 2008 that are available from The Elijah Project. I encourage anyone who has
by Voice of Elijah, Inc. been considering becoming a Monthly Contributor to take the time now
and fill out the Order Form at the back of this issue. Your support will be
appreciated by those who benefit from it.

Until July,
April 1994 3

ing, on his sudden demise in 1855 at the

Satan’s Fools age of 42, S.K. was still, to put it in his own “Any individual who
From Page 1
terms, only “becoming a Christian.”
still seeking, to find the Truth for them- S.K. was certainly a unique individ- had Satan sitting on
selves are nothing more than fools. And ual. There is no disputing that. However, his shoulder dictating
none are more foolish than those who take whether his uniqueness was due to mental
such great pride in their own stupendous illness is a point of some contention. I per- to him as S.K. most
mental capacity that they look for the sonally believe he was insane. At the very assuredly did would
Truth within themselves. least he was a manic-depressive who died
in a state of neurotic hatred and ill temper, have had to be some-
estranged from more than a few of his for-
Satan’s Fool mer friends and family members.
what less than sane.”
One such sagacious fool was the It is a well known fact that the
man Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855). Kierkegaard family had a history of de- lieve the fabrication Satan whispered in
Kierkegaard was a Danish author who pression and suicidal tendencies. Those his ear.
thought he was a genius. And the imbe- affected included his father, his older For the most part, the widespread re-
ciles who have sat at his feet over the past brother and a nephew who actually suc- vivals of the Second Great Awakening by-
century and a half, standing in awe of ceeded in killing himself. In his personal passed Denmark. They touched the
what they see as his prodigious mental ca- journal S.K. records his own thoughts of Danish church only through the person of
pabilities, have unquestioningly accepted suicide on several occasions. At one point Nikolai F. S. Gruntvig (1783–1872), a
his own arrogant assessment of himself. he was apparently caught with a gun in his True Believer who had been born again in
I could have said “the philosopher hand and had to be physically prevented 1811. Gruntvig proclaimed what he called
Søren Kierkegaard” but the term hardly from going through with the act. “the great natural law of the spiritual
applies. As a philosopher of any note, he S.K. also mentions having heard au- life”—that is, “the necessity of the spoken
qualifies only in the sense that he rivals the dible voices talking to him, which would word for the awakening of life and the
best of them in his ability to use a tumult of indicate he was psychotic. My own pessi- transmission of the spirit.” In other words,
words to obfuscate rather than to clarify. mistic view of his unstable mental condi- Gruntvig believed “faith comes by hear-
His one great claim to fame (as far as the tion comes from reading his writings. ing, and hearing by the word of Christ”
Church is concerned) relates specifically Any individual who had Satan sitting on (Rom. 10:17). As a result, he was unable to
to his introduction of the “leap of faith” his shoulder dictating to him as S.K. most secure a pastorate in the Danish state
nonsense you hear bandied about from the assuredly did would have had to be some- church and worked for some years outside
pulpit nowadays. what less than sane. the organized church.
S.K. found the spiritual movement
Gruntvig established in Denmark to be
“If Kierkegaard had never been born again, and completely repugnant. From that we may
assume he did not believe the new-birth
did not accept the fact that one could be born experience was even a viable option.
again, what in the world could he possibly have Now I ask you: If Kierkegaard had never
been born again, and did not accept the
to teach any born-again Believer about the fact that one could be born again, what in
the world could he possibly have to teach
basis for their relationship to God?” any born-again Believer about the basis
Søren Kierkegaard (I will call him I mentioned above that S.K. was a for their relationship to God? As you will
S.K.) was a Pretender of the worst sort. His Pretender—that is, that he had never been discover shortly, he had nothing at all.
followers have claimed he was, and appar- born again. His father was a leader among The problem with which S.K. con-
ently even thought he was, a Christian, al- the Moravian Brethren, a group which cerned himself in his later years was how
though he never claimed to be. The emphasized that experience. And S.K. to “become an individual” by “finding
confusion arises because his followers was himself a contemporary of the great God” intellectually within himself
have had a different view of what it means revivalist Charles Finney (see “Charles through introspection. He has for that rea-
to be a Christian than most who came be- Finney: My Conversion to Christ,” The son rightly been called “the father of exis-
fore them. Hence, the Pretenders since Voice of Elijah, January 1992), so he tentialism.” Yet what he advocated is a
Kierkegaard who have accepted his lunacy knew something of the Holy Spirit’s downright risky venture, isn’t it? What if
have merely chosen to assume he was a working in the Church. Yet S.K. rejected God isn’t in there? What if Satan is? You
Christian. Some have even accepted his the revivalist movement. He condemned can understand the risks a fool like that
own misguided assumption that he was a what God was doing among True Believ- would run, looking inside himself for
“prophet.” Their estimate notwithstand- ers in his own day, choosing instead to be- some “subjective” Truth. (See “Mystics,
4 April 1994

“As True Believers, we should at least seek to identify and root out the
basic distortions Satan successfully introduced into the Church.”

Meatballs, and the Marvelous Works of anyone to teach any Christian doctrine as quarreled into his hospital room.
God,” The Voice of Elijah, April 1993.) objective Truth. As the idiot was fond of Although S.K. piously proclaimed
Nevertheless, the fellow took the risks, saying, “truth is subjectivity” and “sub- Christian love as the ideal, he deliberately
egged on by the master of delusion him- jectivity is the truth.” Listen to what he ruined the reputation of one man, causing
self. And he left a written record to advise said: him to withdraw to Spain in disgrace
any other dolt who cared to (or dared to) where he died soon thereafter as a pauper.
follow in his footsteps. Christianity has declared itself to be the What sort of Christian love is that?
The sad fact regarding this mad- eternal essential truth which has come I mentioned above that the lunatic
man’s search for subjective truth within into being in time. It has proclaimed it- hated the revivals he saw happening in the
himself is the fact that his views have had self as the Paradox, and it has required Protestant Church. More than that, how-
a far greater impact on our generation of the individual the inwardness of faith ever, he apparently hated the Church it-
than they should have, or would have, had in relation to that which is an offense to self. He despised the success Martin
it not been for the imbeciles who picked the Jews and a folly to the Greeks—and Luther had achieved in establishing the
up his idiocy and echoed the sentiment. an absurdity to the understanding. It is Lutheran Church as a counterbalance to
His writings are significant only because impossible to express more strongly the error of the Roman Catholic Church.
they influenced the thinking of men like the fact that subjectivity is truth and He laments the fact that Luther did not die
Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Karl that objectivity merely repels, even by as a martyr before he could establish a fol-
Barth (1886–1968). The writings of these virtue of the absurd. And indeed it lowing.
men and those who were influenced by would seem very strange that Chris- Yet S.K. goes back even further in
them have, in turn, shaped the thought of tianity should have come into the world history to condemn the baptism of those
all Christians in our time, conservatives just to receive an explanation; as if it first True Believers who believed at Pen-
and liberals alike. had been somewhat bewildered about tecost (Acts 2:41). How can one help but
itself, and hence had entered the world hear in this man’s craziness the whining
to consult that wise man, the speculative of Satan as he rails against the victories
“S.K. simply did not philosopher, who can help by furnish- God has achieved in history?
believe Jesus Christ ing the explanation. It is impossible to S.K. simply did not believe Jesus
express with more intensive inward- Christ was God. Therefore, he set about
was God.” ness the principle that subjectivity is creating a counterfeit “Christianity” for
truth, than when subjectivity is in the the benefit of those who, like himself,
As True Believers, we should at first instance untruth, and yet subjec- could not believe that particular doctrine.
least seek to identify and root out the basic tivity is the truth. In other words, he was just another fool
distortions Satan successfully introduced (S. Kierkegaard, “Concluding Unsci- doing Satan’s dirty work by creating a de-
into the Church through the stupidity S.K. entific Postscript,” R. Bretall editor, A lusion. And imbeciles enamored by his
propounded concerning a subject about Kierkegaard Anthology, Princeton: eloquently stated ignorance have carried
which he knew nothing whatsoever. You Princeton University Press, 1946, on his work after him. Consequently, to-
will, after all, encounter Pretenders p. 222.) day you can find all sorts of moronic Pre-
throughout the Church today who still tenders in the Church confidently holding
spout his insane conclusions as though The folly of S.K.’s position lies in forth on a subject—what it means to be a
they are the Gospel Truth. the fact that, in making such statements, Christian—about which they know noth-
he has thereby presented the doctrine ing whatsoever.
“subjectivity is truth” as objective Truth. S.K. often speaks concerning the
The Liar So much for subjectivity being the Truth. “offense” of Christianity as though he un-
The basic presupposition behind the Where can he and his moronic followers derstands what Paul meant in the follow-
thought of S.K. is that “the truth” neces- go from there? ing:
sary to “find God” resides in every per- S.K. was not a Christian in any
son. Consequently, Christian faith is not sense of the term. He certainly did not act
based in objective Truth because the only like one. Throughout his life he sought
“S.K. was not a
valid Truth resides within each individ- out controversy and contention, lashing Christian in any sense
ual. The person has only to discover the out bitterly in his writings against any
Truth through his own insight and deci- who disputed with him. Finally, he died
of the term.”
sion to believe. Hence, there is no need for refusing to admit those with whom he had
April 1994 5

“The founders of Protestant Christianity held that the most logical

position, and the only rational position, was belief in the historical Jesus as
the Son of God who died as an atonement for sins.”
But I, brethren, if I still preach circum- into being, has been born, has grown ever, you should keep one thing in mind
cision, why am I still persecuted? Then up, and so forth, has come into being in that regard. Their arguments, as sophis-
the stumbling block of the cross has precisely like any other individual hu- ticated and abstruse as they are, don’t ac-
been abolished. man being, quite indistinguishable from tually demonstrate the fact that no rational
(Galatians 5:11) other individuals. basis for believing the historic tenets of
(Bretall, p. 220) Christianity exists. They just demonstrate
The Apostle was referring to the they weren’t smart enough to find it.
death of Jesus Christ on the cross as one of Later on, however, S.K. found him- As I’ve said before and as you will
the things that kept the Jews of his day self wresting with the same load of guilt undoubtedly hear me say time and again:
from believing the Truth of the Old Testa- his father carried. In desperation, he Absence of presence is not the same as
ment Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, sought some way to believe in Jesus nonexistence. So the philosophers and
S.K. twists the terminology to suit his Christ in spite of his unbelief. His contriv- liberal theologians of this and past centu-
own ends. He uses “offense” to refer to ance is nothing less than Satan’s lie, but it ries may well have shown that a rational
the “stumbling block” one discovers in is ingenious to say the least. basis for belief was absent at the time they
the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He does so set forth their much ballyhooed rumina-
because he finds that concept particularly tions. That doesn’t mean a rational basis
The Lie for Christian belief does not exist now,
Satan was able to use S.K. to Christianity has always said one nor that it is not known to some. It just
achieve his own ends because the man ev- must believe in Jesus Christ to be a means they were too dumb to discover it
idently had some neurotic need to live up Christian. Yet S.K. realized he didn’t be- themselves in their own day.
to his father’s expectations. Psychiatrists lieve. Therefore, our psychotic “genius”
have suggested he secretly hated his fa- decided the only way to believe when “In desperation, he
ther but publicly paid him homage be- one did not believe was to subjectively
cause of the guilt and shame his hatred “decide” to believe. That’s where his [S.K.] sought some
evoked. To understand how Satan manip- “leap of faith” nonsense comes into the way to believe in Jesus
ulated S.K., you must understand his fa- picture. If one can’t find any reason to
ther was a Pretender who wrestled with an believe, one can always just say they be- Christ in spite of his
inordinate amount of guilt. That feeling of lieve. Isn’t that a marvelous piece of ba- unbelief.”
condemnation drove him to impose a loney?
harsh Christian discipline on his children. Can you see how that sort of non-
His son Søren apparently rebelled against sense would lead to all sorts of Pretenders We already know from the negative
not only his father but also the Church. coming into the Church in our own day? attitude he had toward Martin Luther that
In his early years, S.K. rejected Doesn’t it also sound suspiciously like the S.K. rejected the things accomplished
Christianity outright, finding he simply ambiguous “profession of faith” you hear during the Protestant Reformation and
could not believe Jesus Christ was God. some preach today? If all those people considered them contemptible. That be-
Look at what he said: who “profess” to be Christian have actu- ing the case, we should ask why he would
ally repented and been born again, why take up the most basic doctrine of
What now is the absurd? The absurd don’t they just say so? It’s because they Protestant Christianity—salvation by
is—that the eternal truth has come don’t really believe. They only “profess” faith—and make it the basis for his own
to believe. But why do they hide behind a goofiness. The answer lies in the fact that
into being in time, that God has come
“profession of faith”? That one is easy to he was driven to it by Satan, the author of
answer. his insanity. Satan wanted to use him to
“Christianity has You see, Satan set out to accomplish distort the Reformers’ doctrine of salva-
always said one must a couple of specific objectives through tion by faith.
S.K. and his followers. First, he used The founders of Protestant Chris-
believe in Jesus Christ them to argue that reason cannot be used tianity held that the most logical position,
and the only rational position, was belief
to be a Christian. Yet as a basis for Christian faith (belief). They
in the historical Jesus as the Son of God
willingly argued that case because they
S.K. realized he didn’t themselves could find no reason to be- who died as an atonement for sins. In-
deed, as I have shown in an earlier issue of
believe.” lieve historic Christian doctrines. How-
The Voice of Elijah, John Calvin be-
6 April 1994

“Knowing nothing whatsoever about the new-birth experience, S.K. now

proved himself to be the ultimate fool, dogmatically explaining
something about which he knew nothing at all.”
lieved the only truly rational person was If I am capable of grasping God objec- Christianity into a weird distortion that
the person who had been born again tively, I do not believe, but precisely be- philosophers and liberal theologians have
through faith in Jesus Christ. [See “The cause I cannot do this I must believe. If I successfully disseminated throughout all
Natural Man Is an Idiot (When It Comes wish to preserve myself in faith I must segments of the Church. Let’s look first at
to the Truth)” The Voice of Elijah, Octo- constantly be intent upon holding fast how Satan used his agents to question the
ber 1993.] You can see from that how, if the objective uncertainty, so that in the validity of reason as a basis for faith.
Calvin’s position is true, it completely objective uncertainty I am out “upon S.K. intentionally distorted the his-
precludes the idiocy put forward by S.K. the seventy thousand fathoms of wa- toric meaning of the term faith. When he
that one could somehow “find God” ter,” and yet believe. realized he did not and could not believe
within oneself as some sort of “subjective (Bretall, p. 215.) the Truth of Christianity, he merely
truth.” According to Calvin, the unregen- changed the rules of the game. He did that
erate person lacks the ability to under- S.K. held that the individual’s sub- by redefining the term faith, turning it into
stand the Truth concerning God. jective decision to believe results in a per- something it had never been.
Although S.K. spoke in terms of sal- sonal inward transformation whereby one
vation by faith, he did not base that concept “becomes an individual.” That sounds “For S.K., faith was
on the thought of the Protestant Reform- somewhat like the new birth. However, in
ers. Instead, he accepted the philosophical contrast to John Calvin and the other Re-
not being definite
nonsense prevalent in his own day as a formers who knew the new birth was a about what one
valid starting point. That included the single act of self-surrender, S.K. con-
thinking of the philosopher Immanuel tended it was a process—a continual believed, it was
Kant (1724–1804). Kant argued mankind striving to bring the idea of God into ev- being definite that
has no rational basis for knowledge of ery area of one’s existence. Knowing
God’s existence or nature. At the same nothing whatsoever about the new-birth one believed.”
time, however, he insisted that belief in experience, S.K. now proved himself to
God was completely rational. be the ultimate fool, dogmatically ex- Before S.K. advocated his warped
plaining something about which he knew understanding of the term, Christian faith
nothing at all. had always been focused objectively in
“S.K. intentionally Having looked at how S.K. tried to Christian doctrine. That’s because Chris-
distorted the historic discredit reason as a basis for faith, let’s tians had always understood the term
now take a look at the second thing Satan faith in the Scriptures meant nothing
meaning of the sought to accomplish through his folly. more than “belief.” Moreover, it was gen-
erally understood by Christians that the
term faith.” Satan has used S.K. and the philosophers
content of Christian belief could be found
who followed him to completely redefine
the term “faith.” He needed that done so in specific theological doctrines. As a
S.K. accepted Kant’s argument that
that he could blend their new definition of matter of fact, throughout the long history
knowledge of God has no rational basis.
the term into the mysticism he was culti- of the Church from the time of Jesus
But he took Kant’s position one step fur-
vating among evangelical Christians Christ and His Apostles, the term faith
ther. He argued that belief in the incarna-
coming out of the revivalist wing of had never meant anything other than be-
tion of Jesus Christ could only be valid if
Protestant Christianity. Satan knew that if lief in theological doctrine.
it was “subjective”—that is, completely
he could put a variety of lies together in To be sure, there had been theologi-
irrational. He insisted that such belief can
one big pot he would have concocted a cal disputes among Christians over the
only depend directly on what he called a
potent witch’s brew he could use to com- appropriate content of Christian faith. But
subjective “leap of faith”—that is, on a
pletely delude some future generation. the debate had always been concerned
sudden subjective decision to believe.
Unfortunately for many in our time, that with which Christian doctrines were true
Here is some of his verbose discussion of
future is now. and which were false. Even during the
the topic:
We’ll talk more about the Christian years when S.K. was postulating his ridic-
Without risk there is no faith. Faith is mysticism Satan has foisted off on evan- ulous notions concerning faith, other
precisely the contradiction between the gelical Christianity some other time. scholars were still debating whether
infinite passion of the individual’s in- Right now I want to show you how Satan faith—that is, belief in certain theological
wardness and the objective uncertainty. used S.K. to twist the Truth of Protestant doctrines—could have any rational basis
April 1994 7

in empirical fact. S.K. sought to change be Christian? It’s because Satan’s agents The spiritual descendants of this
all that. are still issuing the invitation: “Hey, Pre- raving lunatic have no interest in learning
In Kierkegaard’s view, faith should tenders! Come on out and worship with the Truth of the Scriptures because they
not be based in Christian doctrine at all. It us next Sunday. It doesn’t matter what have bought into the asinine conjectures
should be founded on the belief that one is you believe, it only matters that you say of one of Satan’s own. Don’t be deceived.
“becoming” what one ought to be. Listen you believe.” Does that sound a lot like The writings of Søren Kierkegaard have
to this: Søren Kierkegaard? Sure it does. And it had an impact on our generation more
should. Fools have been heeding his call deleterious than any the Church has ever
For Kierkegaard, what I recognize first in droves over the past century. As a re- before experienced.
is not that I ought to accept certain doc- sult, even conservative Christianity is no Had the matter been left up to him,
trines. Rather I recognize that I have an longer what it was just thirty years ago. S.K. would have almost certainly become
obligation to become something which I
am not and cannot become on my own;
hence I must believe in the objective re-
ality of the condition of becoming what I
ought to be.
(C.S. Evans, Subjectivity and Religious
Belief, Grand Rapids: Christian Uni-
versity Press, 1978, p. 121.)

Did you get that? Kierkegaard said

all you have to do to be a Christian is be-
lieve you are becoming what you know
you ought to be. If you do that, you be-
lieve all that is necessary to be a Christian.
Listen to me, True Believers! You know
more than a few Pretenders like that to-
day, don’t you? Now you know who their
spiritual father is.
For S.K., faith was not being defi-
nite about what one believed, it was being
definite that one believed. In other words,
if you can delude yourself completely
into believing you believe, you are a
Christian! All you have to do then is go on
saying you believe and everything will be
okay. You True Believers can now under-
stand how a vast majority of the Pretend-
ers around you came to roost in the
S.K. insisted one could “find God”
only by being totally honest with oneself.
However, since he personally did not be-
lieve in Jesus Christ, that became rather
difficult. The only way he found he could
During his relatively short life- As a result of the ridicule to
say he believed in Jesus Christ was to lie time, Søren Kierkegaard managed to which he was subjected in this dis-
to himself, telling himself he believed engage in bitter disputes with most pute, Søren Kierkegaard became the
when, in fact, he didn’t. In other words, he of the literary and religious figures object of public scorn. Prior to the
convinced himself via a multitude of in Copenhagen. None of those dis- dispute, Kierkegaard had been ac-
words that he believed when he actually putes was more vicious than the one customed to taking public walks
didn’t believe. If that isn’t the characteris- he initiated with Copenhagen’s 19th around Copenhagen every after-
century equivalent of The National noon. Afterward, public ridicule re-
tic of a deluded individual, I don’t know Enquirer, a popular gossip magazine stricted him to coach rides in the
what is. Come to think of it, however, I’ve called The Coursair. Before the acri- country. Worse yet, the name
met more than a few “Christians” today mony died down, The Coursair had “Søren” became a euphemism for
who fit that description. published numerous caricatures of “stupid” as parents began to tell
Do you know why people pretend to Kierkegaard like the one above. their children, “Don’t be a Søren!”
8 April 1994

“Satan had definite plans for this bitter little man. He intended to
use him to cut the heart right out of Christianity.”

a humanist. However, Satan had definite The point is, the existential philoso- two unchangeable things, in which it is
plans for this bitter little man. He intended phy S.K. sought to prove can only be impossible for God to lie, we may have
to use him to cut the heart right out of proven subjectively if, in fact, “subjectiv- strong encouragement, we who have
Christianity. To do that, however, he ity is truth.” If S.K. had wanted to be true fled for refuge in laying hold of the hope
knew S.K. had to continue to argue that to his philosophical system, he would set before us.
some part of Christian doctrine was true. have omitted all mention of God and spo- (Hebrews 6:17–18)
That was the only way his humanist views ken solely in terms of individual self-ac-
could masquerade as Christian. That’s tualization as the theoretical goal of all Hope is the subjective inwardness
why S.K. contradicts himself. Listen to humanity. However, that was not Satan’s S.K. makes so much of. In his desperate
what he says: intent for his “prophet.” desire to get rid of the need for believing
Satan wanted S.K. to create a philo- certain things to be true, he rather stupidly
Christianity is no doctrine concerning sophical delusion whereby he could con- described an irrational hope as though it
the unity of the divine and the human, or vince himself he believed something he were faith (belief). As one writer has
concerning the identity of subject and did not actually believe. That way, he stated Kierkegaard’s views:
object; nor is it any other of the logical would not only deceive himself, his
transcriptions of Christianity. If Chris- philosophical goofiness could be used to Faith operates on the farther side of ex-
tianity were a doctrine, the relationship carry away millions in our own day. Satan planation, and its motto is “I do not un-
to it would not be one of faith, for only has been phenomenally successful in that derstand, yet I trust.”
an intellectual type of relationship can regard. Christians today who have never (Ibid., p. 51.)
correspond to a doctrine. Christianity heard of Søren Kierkegaard are seeing
is therefore not a doctrine, but the fact things exactly the same way he saw them. “The spiritual
that God has existed.
(E.L. Miller, Classical Statements on The Absurdity descendants of this
Faith and Reason, New York: Random
House, 1970, p. 167.) S.K. liked to talk about the incarna- raving lunatic have no
tion of Jesus Christ as “absurd.” Yet, in interest in learning
Let’s ignore the fact that his rea- seeking to discredit Christian doctrine as
soning is a bit circular and that he is do- essential to Christian faith, he discloses the Truth of the
ing his usual philosophical “stand ’em his own views are the absurdity. You see, Scriptures.”
on their head with ambiguous statements our moronic “genius” overlooked the
that are, for the most part, windbaggery” simple distinction that exists between
The same writer has summarized
routine. He ignorantly (and quite confi- faith (belief) and hope. The biblical view
Kierkegaard’s position this way in an-
dently) states, “Christianity is therefore concerning the realtionship between
other place:
not a doctrine, but the fact that God has these two is that since we believe certain
existed.” Never once does he realize he things to be true, we have hope:
The most the intellect can provide is a
has made “the fact” a “doctrine” by set- greater or less degree of approxima-
ting it down in print. As one who has In the same way God, desiring even
tion to the facts. For we can put no trust
thoroughly analyzed Kierkegaard’s more to show to the heirs of the promise
in the sophism that “knowledge and
writings put it: the unchangeableness of His purpose,
being are one.” They never can be.
interposed with an oath, in order that by
There is always an ultimate residuum
His position was, indeed, one of the
of uncertainty, a disquiet which only
most paradoxical it is possible to con-
ceive. In the very attempt to deny that “Christians today who the “will to believe” can lay to rest. We
must act even when we do not know,
truth is doctrine, he set up the doctrine have never heard of and we cannot wait till our knowledge
that truth is not a doctrine! That truth is is complete, for long before that goal is
existential is to be proved not by the Søren Kierkegaard are reached death will have made useless
printed page, but by the life, and this ev- seeing things such poor knowledge as we have. The
idence was sadly wanting in his case. intellect may guide us to within sight of
(E.L. Allen, Kierkegaard: His Life and exactly the same way what we seek, but at that moment it will
Thought, New York: Harper and Broth-
ers, 1935, p. 156.)
he saw them.” turn back, leaving us standing before a
April 1994 9

“When you boil all of this fool’s peculiarly pious and pompous
philosophical pronouncements down to their basics,
hope is about all you can come up with.”

frightful chasm. The brave man will feared. Don’t be deceived. The Scrip- Before the wicked person can re-
shut his eyes and leap. Truth is the tures plainly state God hates the wicked pent, he/she must be given some reason
not-yet-proved over which a man cries, and plans to destroy them: to repent. That’s logical, isn’t it? That’s
“This shall be true; for without this I also what the hellfire and brimstone
cannot live.” The LORD tests the righteous and preaching of the great revivalists John
(Ibid., p. 151.) the wicked, Wesley and Charles Finney was all
And the one who loves violence about. It gave the multitudes who came
I’m sorry to have to tell you this His soul hates. to God through their preaching an incen-
folks, as enamored as this generation is Upon the wicked He will rain snares; tive to repent.
by the folly of Kierkegaard and his ilk, Fire and brimstone and burning wind Don’t be confused. The Pretenders
but that’s not faith (belief). It’s hope. I’ll will be the portion of their cup. today who preach “God is love” are Sa-
admit hope is a near kinsman to faith (be- (Psalm 11:5–6) tan’s own. They are the spiritual descen-
lief). But that’s as far as I’ll go. I may dants of those who came out of the many
hope a rich uncle will die and leave me That’s reason enough for anyone counterfeit “revivals” Satan has con-
his multiplied millions. That doesn’t but the completely sinless person to fear cocted over the past century and a half.
mean I can somehow believe that will God. The only reason all those fools out You don’t have to be taken in by the Pre-
happen without being a complete lunatic there won’t admit the fact that fear is nec- tenders’ charade any longer. If they don’t
on the order of Søren Kierkegaard. I essary for anyone to come to God is be- believe in a God of wrath who will de-
don’t even have a rich uncle. cause they have never admitted they are a stroy those who fail to live a holy life be-
When you boil all of this fool’s pe- part of the wicked. In other words, like the fore Him, they don’t believe in the God of
culiarly pious and pompous philosophi- idiot Kierkegaard, they’ve never been the Bible.
cal pronouncements down to their born again. I admonish you True Believ- Just as a final word on the topic, you
basics, hope is about all you can come up ers. Wake up! Pretenders are all around also shouldn’t be put off by those mind-
with. The “existential truth” he makes so you! less slaves of Satan who toss out the fol-
much of is nothing more than the defiant Only an abject fool would claim the lowing verse as some sort of ridiculous
raging of a madman held prisoner by his God of wrath described in the Bible is not “proof” of their inane position:
own pride and arrogance. Fortunately a God the wicked should fear. Ergo: A
for us, he has long since gone swagger- “Christian” who has never experienced There is no fear in love; but perfect love
ing into hell saying, “I will be saved be- “fear and trembling” is nothing but a Pre- casts out fear, because fear involves
cause I hope I will.” Countless fools in tender: punishment, and the one who fears is
our own generation willingly follow in not perfected in love.
his footsteps because they have no con- So then, my beloved, just as you have al- (1 John 4:18)
tent for their faith (belief) and they want ways obeyed, not as in my presence
none. They would rather take this luna- only, but now much more in my ab- It has never occurred to them that, in
tic’s “leap of faith” because it requires sence, work out your salvation with writing that statement, the Apostle John
them to believe nothing more than that fear and trembling. obviously understood some sort of fear
they believe. I have news for you folks. (Philippians 2:12) that “involves punishment” would ini-
It’s a long leap across the Abyss. tially be present in the Believer’s life. If
fear were not present to begin with, how
The Truth “Countless fools in could love ever “cast it out”?
our own generation Satan’s stooges are blind. They
Now I want to talk directly to those have never, and will never, see the stupid-
of you who are True Believers. By that I willingly follow in his ity inherent in their absurd beliefs. Yet to
mean those who have come to God on become free from their delusion, you
the basis of fear, confessing your sins to footsteps because they must understand that Satan has, over the
God with a contrite repentance prompted have no content for past century and a half, been able to instill
by an honest desire to avoid the wrath of in us all a fundamental distortion of the
God. I’m not talking to all those fools out their faith (belief) and meaning of the term “faith.”
there who have believed Satan’s lie, they want none.”
which tells them God is not a God to be
10 April 1994

“We are saved by what we believe, not by the fact that we believe.
Everybody believes something. But only those
who believe the Truth will be saved.”
that Christians must believe any definite you. You are part of a distinct minority in
So What’s theological content in order to be saved. the Church today. The Pretenders all
the Big Deal? Nothing could be more warped and dis- around you don’t believe in the same God
torted. Yet you will find a multitude of that you do. Their god is a benign, benev-
Now that I have provided you some
“Christians” today who are willing to ar- olent being they can spit on and curse at
of the basic information you need to know
gue that case. all week yet still approach without fear of
and understand in Not All Israel Is Israel,
The Pretenders in the Church will any kind on Sunday. That’s a comforting
The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist, The
readily admit that one must believe Jesus delusion, isn’t it? I wish them nothing but
Mystery of Scripture, and The Way, The
Christ died for our sins. Some will even the sweetest of dreams in the here and
Truth, The Life seminar tapes, I want to
argue vehemently for this theological now, because their nightmare has yet to
put you on notice concerning what Satan
doctrine or the other, as though they are begin.
has been able to accomplish through
firmly convinced that what one believes
Søren Kierkegaard’s lunacy.
is supremely important. Don’t be de-
I’m sure most of you have heard
about Kierkegaard’s “leap of faith.” You
ceived. The Book of Proverbs tells us the “The Truth is, the only
argumentative person is nothing more
may have even heard conservative minis-
than Satan’s fool (Prov. 13:10; 17:19; et
way anyone can be
ters preach against it. That nonsense was
just a diversionary tactic on Satan’s part.
al.). He is only interested in showing what born again is to come
he knows.
It was a strawman he set up to give con-
Most Christians will also readily to God with fear and
servative Christian theologians some-
thing to rail at while he tore up the very
and illogically grant (as Kierkegaard ig- trembling.”
norantly did) that one must believe some
foundation of Christianity.
bare minimum of objective Truth in order If one can only be saved by believ-
The postulate of Kierkegaard you
to be a Christian. Yet they will inevitably ing the Truth found in Christianity alone,
probably have never heard anyone argue
try to restrict that Truth to the barest of es- it makes sense that anyone who sincerely
against is the idea that faith is a subjective
sentials. Moreover, they will probably wants to be saved would be concerned
decision. That’s because that insidious
also view faith (belief) as a subjective de- about whether or not what they believe is
belief has infiltrated all segments of the
cision that has no necessary connection to true. I submit to you, therefore, that any-
Church through the notions held by soci-
the definite theological content they de- one in the Church who is not concerned
ety at large. It is a prevalent belief in our
fend. That is all part of Satan’s lie. about such things is, by definition, a Pre-
time because Satan has successfully in-
The Truth is, we are saved by what tender. However, having said that, I also
stilled it not just in the Church but in the
we believe, not by the fact that we be- submit to you that anyone who wants to
whole of our society. Listen to people
lieve. Everybody believes something. argue about such things is also, by defini-
when they talk about faith. See if they
But only those who believe the Truth will tion, a Pretender. The Christian life is not,
don’t understand faith to be
be saved. If that were not true, Christian as Kierkegaard would have us all believe,
contentless—that is, a subjective existen-
missionary activity would make no sense. the mere confession that I know what I
tial act.
A heathen person could, just as ought to be. Truth is something to be be-
Kierkegaard idiotically contended, lieved and lived by. If someone knows
“The Pretenders all “stand in relation to” the Truth within what they ought to be, then that is what
around you don’t them just as easily as any Christian. they ought to be if they actually believe
The Truth is, the only way anyone the Truth.
believe in the same can be born again is to come to God with A final word to you True Believers:
fear and trembling, honestly confessing If someone wants to believe the lies they
God that you do.” sins out of the belief that He is a God Who have been taught by the Pretenders in the
has an absolute hatred for the wicked. Church, I suggest you not try to dissuade
You see, Satan has known for some That is one of the bare essentials of the them. The time is too far spent for theo-
time that God intends to restore The Ap- Truth one must believe in order to be logical arguments. Believe those things
ostolic Teaching in order to provide a saved. Now can you understand why Sa- you know to be true and live accordingly.
solid basis for the faith (belief) of those tan has fought so hard to instill in us the Otherwise you show yourself to be noth-
True Believers living at the time of the notion of an all-forgiving god of love? If ing more than Satan’s fool. And Satan’s
Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Know- you came to God out of fear, because of a fool is a ready tool to be used by him
ing that, he set out to discredit the notion broken and contrite heart, I have news for whenever he so chooses. ■
April 1994 11

& most of the ’80s, and I had all sorts of misconceptions
about my calling and everything else I was about. That
should be obvious to anyone who has read the back is-
sues of The Voice of Elijah.
nswers Editor: You mentioned a “stupor” and your “mis-
conceptions.” Can you tell us more about that?
The Voice of Elijah publishes articles based on the
Elijah: Well, first of all, let me make a confession. I’ll
findings of The Elijah Project, a private research admit that I’m stupid. I’ll admit that I’m stubborn. I’ll
group headed by Larry D. Harper. In this column we even admit that I quite often forget things. But I don’t
seek answers to general-interest questions concerning think I’m stupid enough or stubborn enough to ever get
the findings, purpose and philosophy of this project. into a situation where I’ll forget what I went through in
the ’80s. I have only this past year begun to understand
all the things God taught me during that decade. And
after I’ve managed to sort all those things out, I don’t
intend to ever forget what I’ve learned.
Editor: We’ve seen much more activity around here The thing about the confusion I went through in
this past quarter than we have in the past. A lot of that the ’80s that gets me every time I think about it is the
activity involved deadlines you had to meet and, quite fact that in 1980 I already understood a lot of the things
often, missed. Does the stress of missing deadlines I’m explaining to people now. I had even begun to put
sometimes get to you? some of those things down in print. But unfortunately,
it wasn’t God’s timing for me to write them down then.
Elijah: It used to. But I can honestly say I’ve finally
The ’80s were completely different from anything
learned how to handle it. When the amount of work in-
I had gone through before. All during the ’70s I was
creases and the number of people available to handle it
pursuing a degree of one sort or the other. That gave
doesn’t, the time it takes to get it done is going to in-
me a definite focus for my life. I knew exactly what
crease. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not go-
God expected me to do, so I did it. During that entire
ing to put unreasonable demands on myself or anyone
time I assumed God had called me to teach in a Chris-
else for the sake of some artificial deadline. All I can
tian college or seminary. So I didn’t think much about
do is be diligent and keep working.
what would happen when I completed my studies.
My certainty about what I was supposed to be do-
Editor: It must be frustrating to you, understanding
ing suddenly disappeared in 1980 when I was forced to
all the things I’ve heard you explain over the years, to
admit the fact that what I understood God had called
not have people available to help so that you can just me to teach would never be acceptable in an academic
sit down and write day after day. How do you handle setting. That’s when I started writing down some of
that? the things I understood. I’ve thought a lot about what I
Elijah: I’ve been forced to accept the fact that God has was thinking at that time, just trying to figure out how
a definite timetable and nothing is going to change that things got so completely out of control over the next
timing. When I started writing articles for The Voice several years. But I honestly don’t think my confusion
of Elijah, I had been trying to write Not All Israel Is Is- could have been avoided. I had lessons I needed to
rael for more than six months just because I didn’t learn, and some things can only be learned through
know what else to do. I had already decided writing experience.
was one of the most difficult things I had ever at-
tempted. At the time, I couldn’t organize my thoughts. Editor: I can understand why you would be confused
But that’s no great surprise either, considering the fact if you didn’t know what God expected you to do, but
that I was just coming out of the stupor I had been in for why would that confusion last for ten years?
12 April 1994

Elijah: To tell the truth, I understood exactly what God Elijah: I have nothing against Pretenders. We are what
expected me to do even then. I knew I was supposed to we believe. They’ve been taught the goofiness they be-
teach. But I didn’t understand who it was He had called lieve, so that’s what they are. But we can all become
me to teach. I’ve known for a long time that all I am something other than what we have been. It’s simply a
supposed to do is provide information to those who matter of believing something different. In the case of
have been born again. My confusion stemmed from the what I have been given to teach, however, a person
fact that I found it impossible to believe so many peo- can’t honestly say they believe it until they are willing
ple would claim to be Christian when so few have actu- to come to God in humble repentance. That’s the case
ally been born again. only because we all act in accordance with what we be-
You know what I went through in 1981 and 1982. I lieve. So if they believe what I teach, they will repent.
was talking to people constantly, to people who said The problem with most Pretenders lies in the fact
they wanted to hear what I was teaching, to people who that they believe the most incredible lies. And having
appeared to be interested. Yet the things those people believed those lies, they do the most ignorant things.
heard made absolutely no difference in their life. I Even then, I have no problem with what they do. It’s
couldn’t reconcile the fact that God had called me to their life. Let them live it as they see fit. However,
provide information that would completely transform many of them aren’t content with just living their own
anyone who believed it when all I saw around me were lives. They have bought into Satan’s grand delusion
people who appeared to be accepting everything I said, that we are somehow responsible for living other peo-
yet went on living in sin. I look back at that now and ples’ lives for them as well. So they want to control
marvel at how dense I was. Good trees produce good people, to tell them they must do this or do that. That
fruit. Bad trees produce bad. It’s incredibly simple kind of Pretender is an absolute moron. What a person
when you know the Truth. believes is going to control them, one way or the other.
The only issue worth discussing is whether or not we
Editor: So when did you begin to see reality? believe the Truth.
Elijah: That’s where God’s timing comes in. I hon-
estly don’t believe it was a matter of me accepting any- Editor: Your use of the term moron brings up an-
thing. It was a matter of information becoming other issue. I’ve noticed you have gotten a harder
available that had not been available before that time. I “edge” in the articles you’ve written over the past
don’t believe I would have ever been able to look at the year, especially in the articles in The Update. What’s
situation logically had circumstances not changed. that all about?
I’ve already written about the seven seals that have
Elijah: I’m just having a bit of fun mocking Pretend-
been on the Scriptures, so I don’t need to explain all
ers. They don’t know that they don’t know. That’s why
that here. But, if what I understand is true, the third seal
they’re ignorant. But I would never call anyone a
came off the Scriptures in April of 1988. The third
“fool” or a “moron” to their face or by name. If some-
message sealed by that seal is titled The Light. And the
one wants to proudly wear the title by disputing what
light explained in that message is the same light I’ve
I’ve written, that’s their choice. As long as they don’t
written about in one of the articles for this issue. [Edi-
expect me to stoop to their level by naming names, they
tor: See “Some People Will Make Light of Anything”
can assail me personally to their hearts’ content. After
in this issue.]
all, it’s a free country and, given the freedom, stupid
The fact is, prior to 1988 I was wrestling with an
people will do stupid things.
incredibly confusing set of circumstances because I
was ignorant of the specific things I needed to know Editor: First you say you’re just having fun, then you
about Pretenders. To put it parabolically, I was living take off on the same tangent like you really mean it.
in darkness. I’m convinced God allowed me to go
Which is it?
through all that confusion to teach me the hazards of
accepting the pretense of Pretenders who want to con- Elijah: I know I understand the Truth. Thousands of
True Believers are going to come to that same conclu-
tinue in their deception. I have nothing to say that will
help a Pretender. If they won’t repent and ask God forsion over the next several years leading up to the Re-
turn of Jesus Christ. Under those circumstances, what
forgiveness, the best I can do is encourage them to look
elsewhere. do you think? If people all around reject the Truth and
continue to assume nobody knows the Truth, are they
Editor: Pretenders are not a favorite topic with you, morons or are they intelligent beings? ■
are they?
April 1994 13

nose to spite their face. In other words, case especially over the past century.
Light while his agents have always done his While conservative theologians have
From Page 1 bidding, they have frequently preferred fought valiantly to defend the historic
to do it in their own way. Consequently, Christian belief in the inspiration of
cause it shattered his control over True Satan has quite often had difficulty get- Scripture, Satan has totally demolished
Believers. The Reformers did that by re- ting his people to accomplish the precise the very foundation on which the
covering essential Christian doctrines objectives he set out to accomplish. Protestant Reformers based the doctrine
concerning the new birth and the need That’s why Søren Kierkegaard was of salvation by faith. The evidence of
for individual study of the Scriptures. so valuable to him. (See “Satan’s Fools that sad fact can be seen today in the
Over the centuries since the are Satan’s Tools” in this issue.) That presence of all the Pretenders who fill the
Protestant Reformation, millions of peo- particular individual was apparently un- pews every Sunday morning.
ple have been saved through the hellfire der Satan’s complete control. I say that Until now, True Believers have not
and brimstone preaching of Evangelists because to read the w ritings of always understood what all the fuss over
like John Wesley and Charles Finney. Kierkegaard is to read absolute stupidity. theological doctrine was all about. They
These humble Believers came to God on When you get that close to such purity of understood the basic Truth that God re-
the basis of an honest repentance, des- thought, you know you’re close to the quired them to hold to, so they held to it.
perately seeking forgiveness for their source. And Satan is the source of all stu- And quite often, the commotion intro-
sins because they understood God would pidity. duced by Satan’s agents was much ado
destroy them if they refused. Since Satan cannot always exert to- about nothing. But one thing you can
Today, however, the flow of True tal control over his agents, he has most count on. It was always the visible evi-
Believers into the Church has slowed to a often been reduced to using their own dence of the spiritual battle that is raging
trickle. That is the result of the message stubbornness and contention to achieve yet today between the forces of light and
preached by Satan’s agents—that is, Pre- his goals. Consequently he has resorted the forces of darkness.
tenders who have infiltrated the Church to advocating conflicting theological Whether you like it or not, you are a
and, like Søren Kierkegaard (see “Sa- doctrines in order to introduce confu- participant in that battle. That’s why I’m
tan’s Fools Are Satan’s Tools” in this is- sion. That has been the case especially writing this article. By the time you fin-
sue), encouraged people to “come to since the Protestant Reformation. ish reading, the only question remaining
God” on the basis of some silly “profes- A brief survey of the past four cen- to be answered will be, “Are you allied
sion of faith” rather than confession of turies discloses a primary goal of Satan with the forces of light, or are you fight-
sin. has been to distort the Truth recovered ing desperately to remain in darkness?”
Because of Satan’s activity, most by the leaders of the Protestant Reforma- Only you can answer that question. And
of the people who “profess” to be Chris- tion. As a result of his efforts, a growing answer it you will. Because, as they say,
tian today are nothing more than Pre- plethora of “Christian” Pretenders have “Actions speak louder than words.”
tenders. Yet God has still managed to advocated a variety of different beliefs. Before you can comprehend the
accomplish His objectives in spite of the The cacophony produced by advocates New Testament statements made con-
best that Satan’s agents could do. To this of multifarious Christian doctrines has cerning the struggle that goes on be-
very day He has His Remnant—that is, produced such a confusion that Pretend- tween the forces of light and the forces of
True Believers who honestly want to ers have been able to easily hide them- darkness, you must first understand the
know and understand the Truth no mat- selves in the delusion that they are terminology the Apostles use when they
ter what it costs. And God will accom- “Christian” just because they say so. talk about The Apostolic Teaching.
plish His purpose through those True Over the last few centuries, how-
Believers in these Last Days. You can ever, Satan has also come to understand
count on it. that the time for the Second Coming of
Where Do We Stand?
To comprehend how Satan has Jesus Christ is rapidly drawing near. I have explained elsewhere how
worked in the Church, you must first un- Therefore, he has not only tried to distort the Early Church lost the understanding
derstand how he operates as the master th e Tr u th r e c o v e r e d d u r in g th e of the message of the Hebrew Scriptures
manipulator. He uses various entice- Protestant Reformation, he has also un- that Jesus Christ revealed to the Apos-
ments to get people to do what he wants. leashed an all out assault against the very tles. (See “Did You Mean That Liter-
Yet he always approaches them with the foundations of Christianity. By studying ally?” and “The Origen of Folly” The
suggestion that they want what he has to the history of the Protestant Church, one Voice of Elijah, January 1993 issue. See
offer. Should you doubt that, take a look can clearly see the tactics Satan has used also The Way, The Truth, The Life semi-
at the temptation of Jesus (Matt. 4:1–11). to accomplish that goal, and it is obvious nar tape series.) I call the Early Chris-
That account reveals the invariable Søren Kierkegaard led the charge. tians’ understanding of that message The
method Satan uses to get what he wants. Satan’s strategy has been incredi- Apostolic Teaching.
However, Satan has always had bly deceptive. Time and time again he Under different circumstances, it
one intransigent problem. His children has used diversionary tactics to draw at- would be amusing to watch the theologi-
are all stubborn and contentious. They tention away from the actual goals he has cal gymnastics performed by tradi-
will sometimes irrationally cut off their sought to achieve. Such has been the tion-loving wags as they vehemently
14 April 1994

deny their spiritual forebearers lost The The more ignorant among us would hap- believe it was true, they wouldn’t believe
Apostolic Teaching. Unfortunately, un- pily live with the delusion that an accurate it.
der current circumstances the antics of understanding of the Truth of Scripture The reason you need to think in
traditionalists are far from amusing. The has never and can never be known to any terms of religious tradition as oral tradi-
loss of The Apostolic Teaching cuts to generation of Believers. I would readily tion is simple. Satan has managed to con-
the very core of what is wrong with agree with that conclusion insofar as it ceal an essential Truth behind a
God’s Church today. And the efforts of pertains to them. However, God may not traditional biblical translation. The
Satan’s agents to cloud that issue are have the same in mind for all. Greek term translated tradition in the
anything but funny. I mentioned above “those who love New Testament (paradosis) actually
Those who love tradition will illog- tradition.” You could assume from that means oral tradition. However, since it
ically deny that the Early Church even phrase that I have no great love for tradi- is usually translated tradition, English
had a coherent body of beliefs concern- tion. You would be wrong. I love God’s readers are left thinking the New Testa-
ing the Scriptures, thinking they can tradition, but I have no respect at all for ment Scriptures must be referring to
thereby refute the claim that the Early any tradition of men that changes with things that are done. That is not the case.
Church’s understanding of the message the fashion of the day. Truth doesn’t The root form of the Greek term
of the Old Testament was lost by subse- change. If anyone claims their tradition paradosis means to “hand over” or
quent generations. Nothing could be embodies the Truth, let them show that it “hand down.” However, it is pointing to
more absurd. Whether true or false, ev- has never changed. the beliefs that are “handed down” from
ery generation of the Church has had its one generation to the next as opposed to
own understanding of the Scriptures. To meaningless rituals performed by men.
believe otherwise would be to argue that
Tradition Has Its Place You can see that is exactly how the term
the Early Church had the Scriptures but We are all aware that the Jews have is used in the following passages:
understood nothing about them. Obvi- a tradition. Yet we are hesitant to apply
ously that was not the case. the term to Christians. We should do so See to it that no one takes you captive
Having determined that the Early nonetheless. Let me tell you why. through philosophy and empty decep-
Church must have had at least some un- When we talk about tradition to- tion, according to the tradition of men,
derstanding of the message of the Scrip- day, we normally talk in terms of things according to the elementary principles
tures, the question then becomes, “Has that are done—that is, customs that are of the world, rather than according to
any one group of Christians maintained observed. That’s because Satan has done Christ.
that understanding down through the his best to instill in Christians the illogi- (Colossians 2:8)
centuries?” Only a fool with no knowl- cal belief that external patterns of behav-
edge of Church history at all would at- ior—that is, religious rituals and So then, brethren, stand firm and hold
tempt to argue that their particular brand customs—are all that a religion hands to the traditions which you were
of Christianity has done that. But fools down from generation to generation. taught, whether by word {of mouth} or
being what they are, I’m sure you will That is a lie. It is impossible to hand by letter from us.
find more than a few are willing to show down practices without including some (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
how stupid they are. accompanying beliefs.
The Truth is, the most anyone Every religious group believes and In The Way, The Truth, The Life
could argue is that their Christian de- teaches its religious beliefs to the next seminar tape series, I mentioned that the
nomination, organization, sect or splin- generation. If that were not so, every Pharisees were handing down an oral to-
ter group has somehow managed to generation would be reduced to creating rah (teaching) that they believed had
restore what the Early Church lost. As its own religious beliefs anew. That is been handed down to them from the time
I’ve shown previously, more than a few obviously not the case. So religious be- of Moses. I also mentioned that the oral
Protestants have set out to do just that, al- liefs must be part of every religious tra- torah of the Pharisees was not written
though few of them understood what dition. down until it was recorded in the Mish-
they were seeking to restore. Nonethe- The traditional beliefs one genera- nah around A.D. 200.
less, most eventually came to the conclu- tion teaches the next are usually called an Prior to that time, the Pharisees
sion they had somehow accomplished oral tradition. Therefore, in discussing handed down their oral torah from one
the task. (See “Protestants All Agree on the understanding of the Scriptures that generation to the next orally. They did
This: Somebody Laid an Egg!” The has been/is held by different groups of that through a process known as
Voice of Elijah, January 1994.) Christian believers, we will use that ter- discipling. That is, a teacher (rabbi)
It should be obvious to all that the minology. For example, we can say the would teach his understanding of the
Church lost the apostolic understanding Methodists have one oral tradition (one oral tradition (torah) to a disciple. (See
of the message of the Scriptures. There- understanding of the message of the “Where Are Jesus’ Disciples?” The
fore, the only remaining issue to be settled Scriptures), the Baptists have another. It Voice of Elijah, April 1991.)
is whether that understanding was the should be obvious that both the Method- Knowledge of the facts concerning
Truth. I happen to believe it was. But I re- ists and the Baptists believe their oral the Pharisees’ transmission of their oral
alize Satan’s agents will argue otherwise. tradition is the correct one. If they didn’t tradition becomes crucial to our under-
April 1994 15

standing of the New Testament message. How do these two verbs have any- lated as “tradition.” The text literally says
It is obvious God expected the Early thing to do with oral tradition? Well, he handed down the Gospel to them.
Christians to follow exactly the same think of an oral tradition as a baton Paul does not tell us in 1 Corinthi-
process the Pharisees were using as they handed down from one generation to the ans 15:1–4 who handed down to him the
handed down The Apostolic Teaching as next in a relay race. Both generations oral tradition he claims he received.
an oral tradition to subsequent genera- have responsibility for seeing that the ba- However, in other passages Paul lets us
tions (Matt. 28:18–20). Therefore, we ton is handed down without mishap. The know that he and all the other Apostles
can begin by looking at what the text older generation must see to it that the had received (Greek: paralambano) the
says concerning the Pharisees. Mark baton is made available so that it may be oral tradition of The Apostolic Teaching
mentions their oral tradition in a context easily grasped. However, the new gener- through revelation from Jesus Christ. He
where you can clearly see the Greek term ation must take the baton and seize it tells us that using exactly the same tech-
normally translated “tradition” actually firmly. nical terminology we have already seen
means oral tradition: The technical terminology related is related to the handing down of any
to the handing down of an oral tradition oral tradition:
And the Pharisees and some of the can be seen in what the Apostle Paul
scribes gathered together around Him wrote to the Corinthians concerning The As we have said before, so I say again
when they had come from Jerusalem, Apostolic Teaching: now, if any man is preaching to you a
and had seen that some of His disciples gospel contrary to that which you re-
were eating their bread with impure Now I make known to you, brethren, ceived, let him be accursed. For am I
hands, that is, unwashed. (For the the gospel which I preached to you, now seeking the favor of men, or of
Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat which also you received, in which also God? Or am I striving to please men?
unless they carefully wash their hands, you stand, by which also you are saved, If I were still trying to please men, I
{thus} observing the traditions of the if you hold fast the word which I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.
elders; and {when they come} from the preached to you, unless you believed For I would have you know, brethren,
market place, they do not eat unless in vain. For I delivered to you as of that the gospel which was preached by
they cleanse themselves; and there are first importance what I also received, me is not according to man. For I nei-
many other things which they have re- that Christ died for our sins according ther received it from man, nor was I
ceived in order to observe, such as the to the Scriptures, and that He was bur- taught it, but {I received it} through a
washing of cups and pitchers and cop- ied, and that He was raised on the third revelation of Jesus Christ.
per pots.) day according to the Scriptures. (Galatians 1:9–12)
(Mark 7:1–4) (1 Corinthians 15:1–4)
This passage tells us precisely
Even from this English translation You can see from this passage that where Paul got the things he taught the
you can see Mark understood that the Paul is speaking in terms of “the Gos- Early Church. In verse 9 he indicates the
Pharisees did the things they did—“ob- pel”—that is, The Apostolic Teach- G alatian s h ad received ( G r e e k :
serving the traditions of the el- ing—as an oral tradition. He states in paralambano) the Gospel from him as
ders”—because of “things which they verse 1 that the Corinthians received an oral tradition. In verse 12 he says he
have received to observe.” The things (Greek: paralambano) the Gospel from received the things he understood about
they did were not the traditions he had in him and were expected to hold fast the message of the Scriptures from Jesus
mind. The traditions were “the things (Greek: katexo) to what they had heard. Christ, Who handed down (1 Cor. 15:3)
which they have received.” In other Moreover, in verse 3 Paul indicates he that information to him through super-
words, the traditions were the things the also received (Greek: paralambano) natural revelation. So Paul’s use of the
elders taught—that is, the doctrines the what he taught the Corinthians from technical terminology related to the
Pharisees were handing down verbally someone else, although he doesn’t indi- transmission of an oral tradition con-
from one generation to the next through cate how or when that happened. Notice, firms what we learned from 1 Corinthi-
the discipling process. however, that Paul used exactly the same ans 15. The Apostles were, through the
To fully understand what Mark has Greek verb (paralambano) when he re- process of discipling others, handing
stated in this passage, you must first un- ferred to his own and to the Corinthians’ down The Apostolic Teaching as an oral
derstand a couple of technical terms re- reception of The Apostolic Teaching. tradition.
lated to the Greek concept of oral In verse 3, Paul uses still more tech- Paul uses the same technical termi-
tradition. The verb translated “observe” nical terminology related to the transmis- nology in other passages where he men-
in verses 3 and 4 (Greek: krateo) has a sion of an oral tradition. He says he tions the revelation he received from
meaning similar to the verb translated “delivered” his knowledge concerning Jesus Christ. For example, he talks about
“receive” in verse 4 (Greek: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ it in the following passage and confirms
paralambano). Both verbs have the basic to the Corinthians. Here he uses a Greek again that he understood Jesus Christ in-
meaning of “to take.” However, krateo verb (paradidomi) from the same root as tended The Apostolic Teaching to be an
has more the sense of “grasp” or “seize.” the noun (paradosis) we earlier saw trans- oral tradition:
16 April 1994

For I received from the Lord that had been charged with the task of hand- “All things have been handed over to
which I also delivered to you, that the ing down The Apostolic Teaching to the Me by My Father, and no one knows
Lord Jesus in the night in which He Early Church through their teaching. who the Son is except the Father, and
was betrayed took bread; and when He One would naturally assume, therefore, who the Father is except the Son, and
had given thanks, He broke it, and that the Early Church was expected to anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal
said, “This is My body, which is for continue handing down The Apostolic {Him}.”
you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Teaching to subsequent generations. (Luke 10:22)
In the same way {He took} the cup also, However, that assumption isn’t neces-
after supper, saying, “This cup is the sary since Paul confirms it in a letter to The word translated “handed over”
new covenant in My blood; do this, as Timothy: in th is v erse is th e G r eek v erb
often as you drink {it}, in remembrance paradidomi—“handed down.” And, as
of Me.” For as often as you eat this And the things which you have heard we saw above, Jesus Christ revealed
bread and drink the cup, you proclaim from me in the presence of many wit- “who the Father is” to His Apostles.
the Lord’s death until He comes. nesses, these entrust to faithful men, Just a reminder before we move on.
(1 Corinthians 11:23–26) who will be able to teach others also. The technical terms I have pointed out so
(2 Timothy 2:2) far are important. Keep them in mind.
This passage corroborates what we You can use the Scripture references
learned from the last two passages. It Writing sometime in the early to listed in the “Tradition References” table
tells us Jesus Christ explained to Paul the mid-second century, the author of the ap- on the opposite page to conduct your
meaning of the parabolic pantomimes ostolic writing known as “The Epistle to own study of the Scriptures. We’ll talk
He had conducted during the time of His Diognetus” uses the same terminology about how these terms are used in some
ministry here on Earth. We know that be- (paradidomi) and thereby confirms that of the other passages you find listed there
cause, in verse 23, Paul tells us he re- at least some in his day still understood later on. Right now I want to introduce
ceived (Greek: paralambano) these the task the Church had been assigned: you to another perspective, a slightly dif-
things from Jesus Christ Himself. He ferent Way of looking at the things you
states immediately thereafter that he had Mine are no strange discourses nor per- find stated in the Scriptures.
a lready h a n d e d d o wn ( G r e e k : verse questionings, but having been a
paradidomi) those things to the Corin- disciple of Apostles I come forward as a
thians. teacher of the Gentiles, ministering wor- The Living Word of God
Earlier in that same chapter Paul thily to them, as they present themselves Every oral tradition (understanding
mentions the same thing. His use of the disciples of the truth, the lessons which of the message of the Scriptures) in the
technical terminology related to the have been handed down. Protestant Church today is (or at least pre-
transmission of an oral tradition lets us (J.B. Lightfoot, “The Epistle of tends to be) based on the Scriptures. So
know that is exactly what he is talking Diognetus,” 11:6, from his work The let’s think of those oral traditions in terms
about: Apostolic Fathers, London: Macmillan of the Word of God. We can begin by call-
and Company, 1891. See also The ing the Scriptures the written Word of
Now I praise you because you remem- Voice of Elijah Update, February God.
ber me in everything, and hold firmly 1994, p. 11.) Now we all know that, in contrast
to the traditions, just as I delivered to the written Word of God (the Scrip-
them to you. What a shame! If the Early Church tures) which never changes, every oral
(1 Corinthians 11:2) had not failed to do as Paul admonished tradition (understanding of the message
Timothy, it would not even be necessary of the Scriptures) is subject to constant
Here Paul has used three Greek for us to restore The Apostolic Teaching change. That is, every generation poses
terms related to the transmission of an today. But no need to cry over spilled the distinct threat of adding to and taking
oral tradition: katexo is translated “hold milk now. What’s done is done. And away from the oral tradition they have
firmly”; paradosis is translated “tradi- “what if” is nothing more than Satan’s received from an earlier generation. For
tion”; and paradidomi is translated “de- snare. example, the Methodists today don’t ac-
livered.” There can now be no doubt Let me show you how neatly God tually believe the same things about the
Paul understood The Apostolic Teaching has managed to tie up all the loose ends. message of the Scriptures that Method-
was an oral tradition the Early Church If the Early Church got its understanding ists believed two centuries ago.
was supposed to hand down from one of the message of the Scriptures from the Therefore, since every oral tradi-
generation to the next. Apostles, and the Apostles got their un- tion (understanding of the message of
All these passages together tell us derstanding of the message of the Scrip- the Scriptures) tends to change over
Paul understood The Apostolic Teaching tures from Jesus Christ by revelation, time, let’s call oral tradition the Living
was an oral tradition the Apostles had where did Jesus Christ get His under- Word of God. There is a basic reason
received from Jesus Christ by revelation. standing of the message of the Scrip- why you should start to think in terms of
Paul also knew he and the other Apostles tures? Well, He tells you: the written Word of God and the Living
April 1994 17

Word of God. You see, the written Word Truth, you make it a lie. Therefore, God that existed in the Early Church as an oral
of God is an objective entity that exists must have intended the Early Church to tradition. Yet the point to be remembered
outside the person. It can be viewed, han- hand down the oral tradition they had re- here is that, for as long as the Truth of The
dled and read by all. The Living Word of ceived—that is, their understanding of Apostolic Teaching was known and un-
God is entirely different. the message of the Scriptures—to each derstood, it existed in every True Believer
In contrast to the written Word of new generation of Believers just as they as the Living Word of God.
God which stands alone, the Living had received it from the previous genera-
Word of God resides in each person as tion. Why wouldn’t He? The only other
the understanding the individual has re- option is that they say nothing and let the
The Apostolic Teaching
garding the meaning of the written Word new generation fend for itself. The predicament the Church faces
of God. That Living Word of God is The Truth is, the Apostles gave the today lies in the fact that, after 2,000
handed down from one generation to the Early Church an accurate understanding years of intense spiritual warfare, Satan
next and comes to reside in the person of the message of the Scriptures but the has finally managed to obscure vital in-
who receives the spoken explanation of Early Church failed to do as God in- formation concerning the link that exists
the Scriptures they hear taught verbally tended. God expected the Church to between the written Word of God and the
by a Teacher from the earlier generation. hand down that Living Word of God Living Word of God. Without that link,
They receive the Living Word of God from generation to generation as an oral the Church today—being a mere shadow
when they believe what they have been tradition in the same way that every of itself, full of sound and fury, signify-
taught. Therefore, we can think of it as church, denomination, sect and splinter ing nothing—has little, if anything at all,
living within Believers. group hands down their own oral tradi- to offer those who would be saved.
In the Church today, the Living tions today. The only difference was, You see, I had ulterior motives in
Word of God (the Believer’s understand- God did not expect the Church to change describing The Apostolic Teaching as
ing of the message of the Scriptures) dif- the Living Word of God He had delivered the (Living) Word of God. That’s termi-
fers from individual to individual. That to the Apostles. nology the New Testament uses to refer
was not the case in the Apostolic Age. As I have stated repeatedly, by A.D. to the oral tradition Jesus Christ re-
The Apostles taught the Early Church 200 the Church had essentially lost The vealed to the Apostles. It does so because
only one understanding of the message Apostolic Teaching. Therefore, every the image of the Word of God is a part of
of the Scriptures. Anyone who argues generation since that time has had some- the parabolic message hidden in The
otherwise obviously has not studied the thing less than the totality of the Living Teaching of Moses.
Scriptures. The Apostle Paul makes that Word of God. At best, they have had only Although the Prophets discuss the
point emphatically in the first two chap- bits and pieces of the Living Word of God parabolic imagery of the Old Testament
ters of the Book of Galatians.
As we saw above, Paul says in
Galatians 1:11–12 that he received his
understanding of the message of the
Tradition Terminology
Scriptures from Jesus Christ by revela-
paradosis = “tradition/oral tradition”
tion. He goes on to say in Galatians 2:7–9
Matt. 15:2–3, 6; Mark 7:3, 5, 8–9, 13; 1 Cor. 11:2; Gal. 1:14;
that the other Apostles recognized that
Col. 2:8; 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6
Jesus Christ had given Paul exactly the
same understanding of the Gospel mes- paradidomi = “deliver/hand down”
sage as He had revealed to them earlier Matt. 11:27; 25:20, 22; Mark 7:13; Luke 1:2; 4:6; 10:22;
(Luke 24:27, 32, 44–45). Acts 6:14; Rom. 6:17; 1 Cor. 11:2, 23; 15:3; 2 Pet. 2:21;
If God revealed the message of the Jude 1:3
Scriptures to the Apostles and they paralambano = “receive”
taught that message to the Early Church, Mark 7:4; John 1:11; 1 Cor. 11:23; 15:1, 3; Gal. 1:9, 12;
the Living Word of God known to those Phil. 4:9; Col. 2:6; 4:17; 1 Thess. 2:13; 4:1; 2 Thess. 3:6;
first two generations of Believers must Heb. 12:28
have been the Truth. Obviously, I realize
katexo = “receive/hold fast”
Satan’s agents will ignorantly dispute
Luke 8:15; Rom. 1:18; 1 Cor. 11:2; 15:2; 2 Cor. 6:10; 1 Thess.
that. But look at it logically. Why would
5:21; 2 Thess. 2:6–7; Heb. 3:6, 14; 10:23
the God of Truth reveal a lie to His Own?
If the Apostles’ understanding of dexomai = “receive/hold fast”
the message of the Scriptures was true, it Matt. 10:14; Luke 8:13; Acts 8:14, 11:1, 17:11;
does not make sense that God would ever 1 Thess. 1:6; 2:13; James 1:21
expect any subsequent generation to krateo = “observe/hold fast”
change that oral tradition in any way. Mark 7:3–4, 8; Col. 2:19; 2 Thess. 2:15; Heb. 4:14; 6:18;
Why would He? Truth is Truth. And Rev. 2:14–15, 25; 3:11
Truth does not change. If you change the
18 April 1994

Gospel of Jesus Christ at some length in time in which they wrote. (See The Way, The fact that the message of the
their writings, I’m not going to explain The Truth, The Life seminar tape series.) Scriptures is the Word of God has noth-
anything at all about The Teaching of Mo- In saying that, however, I realize there are ing to do with the issue of whether or not
ses, or The Teaching of the Prophets, or many in the Church today who would ar- the Scriptures themselves are objective
The Apostolic Teaching in this article. But gue against any such notion. They want to revelation. They are indeed objective
I do want to show you what the Apostles be free of any such constraints. In other revelation. However, only an idiot
have said concerning the oral tradition words, they do not want the Scriptures to would argue that such objective revela-
the Early Church called the Word of God. mean what their authors meant to say; tion obviates the need for subjective un-
Perhaps you will then better understand they want them to mean only what they derstanding in the Believer. It is not
how far down the Church has come to its are willing to understand. Such people are possible for one to read a written text and
present condition. nothing more than Satan’s pawns. thoroughly understand it without going
Today, when we think about the The Greek concept of the logos through some mental process of inter-
Word of God, we immediately think in (“word”) involves not so much what is preting what is read. If that were not so,
terms of the written Word of God—that is, spoken as what is said. That is so because everybody would have exactly the same
the Scriptures. That mind-set automati- one may hear what is spoken without ac- understanding of the revelation found in
cally carries over when we study the tually understanding what is said. For the Scriptures just by reading it. That is
Scriptures themselves so that when we example, one may speak in a language certainly not the case.
read the phrase Word of God in the New the listener does not understand. In such The process of interpretation as a
Testament, we subconciously think writ- cases, the person listening has not actu- means of understanding the Word of God
ten Word of God. I want to show you the ally heard the logos (“word”). They have is precisely where the Apostles would
fallacy in that viewpoint as yet another only heard meaningless sounds. condemn what has gone on in the Church
example of how Satan has deluded us into The basic point at issue regarding over the past 1,800 years since the Church
believing things that are patently false. the Greek concept of the Word (logos) of lost The Apostolic Teaching. You see, the
At the time of Jesus Christ people God is not whether something has been Apostles did not get their understanding
had various ideas concerning the “word” spoken, but whether a transfer of mean- of the message of the Scriptures by means
(Greek: logos) as it applied to God. We ing has occurred. At its very heart, the of interpretation. As Paul plainly tells
could, for example, look at the term as term logos relates to hearing with under- you in the first two chapters of Galatians,
the speculative philosophers—that is, standing. We must keep that in mind as they got it by revelation.
the Greek sophists, Socrates, Plato, the we look at the New Testament record left Thus, when the Apostles mention
Stoics and Neo-platonists, used it to dis- us by the Apostles because their every the Word of God, they are referring to the
cuss the nature of God. Or we could in- mention of the Word of God carries that understanding of the message of the
vestigate its use in the Greek Mystery basic Greek understanding of the term. Scriptures that they got from Jesus Christ
Religions where the one in whom the When we hear the phrase Word of by revelation. Since all other Believers
“word” dwells is a son of god. We could God today, however, we immediately in the Early Church received the Word of
go even further and discuss its use in think of the Scriptures—the written Word God as it was handed down to them by
Hermeticism, where the god Hermes is of God. The Apostles would agree with people who had been taught by someone
the messenger who reveals the “word.” that designation only if it is clearly under- from an earlier generation, there was
If one were so inclined, we could even stood one must hear what the Scriptures never any need for interpretation of the
discuss how the Jewish philosopher say—that is, one must read them with un- Scriptures until after the Church lost The
Philo of Alexandria incorporated the derstanding. In other words, the Scrip- Apostolic Teaching.
concept into his understanding of the tures contain a message—the Word of
message of the Old Testament. God—that they intend the reader to un-
Without going into the specifics re- derstand. If the reader has not understood The Word is the
lated to any of these Greek ideas about that message, they have not actually
the “word” (logos), it is sufficient to heard the Word of God.
Word, is the Word …
point out that they all agreed on one fun- Satan has (as usual) sought to con- Let’s pause here and do a bit of re-
damental point: The “word” (Greek: lo- fuse this issue as well, although I don’t view. First of all, I said above that every
gos) pertains specifically to “what is have time to explain the matter fully here. religious group/individual (whether they
said.” To the mind of those alive at the Conservative theologians are today pre- want to admit it or not) hands down some
time of Christ, the logos was a living en- pared to argue against the explanation I particular understanding of the message
tity. It had direct connection to the Liv- have just given because Satan’s agents of the Scriptures as an oral tradition.
ing God Who was, as the source of all have already introduced the silly notion Then I showed you that, when the New
Truth, a Word. that the Scriptures contain the Word of Testament uses the term tradition, it is ac-
The Greek mind-set has relevance God, thereby making subjective revela- tually referring to an oral tradition. And I
to us only because, if we want to under- tion necessary if one is ever to gain under- introduced you to some of the technical
stand what the Prophets and Apostles standing while reading the Scriptures. terminology the New Testament uses to
have written, we must understand the That’s nothing more than Satan’s non- refer to the transmission of The Apostolic
things they have written in terms of the sense. Teaching as an oral tradition.
April 1994 19

Then I suggested we talk in terms things concerning Himself in all the stable distort, as {they do} also the rest of
of oral tradition—that is, a particular re- Scriptures. the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
ligious group’s understanding of the (Luke 24:27) (2 Peter 3:14–16)
message of the Scriptures—as the Word
of God. And I recommended we call The Apostle John called the Scrip- We can see from this brief survey
such an oral tradition “the Living Word tures “the Scripture”: that Jesus and the Apostles used a consis-
of God” to distinguish it from the Scrip- tent terminology when referring to the
tures, which are the written Word of God. When therefore He was raised from the written Word of God. That same consis-
Next I explained how the Apostles, dead, His disciples remembered that tency is evident in the terminology they
being members of the Greek culture, re- He said this; and they believed the use when referring to the oral tradi-
flect a thoroughly Greek understanding Scripture, and the word which Jesus tion—the understanding of the message
of the Greek term logos that we find had spoken. of the Scriptures—that Jesus Christ re-
translated “word” in the New Testament. (John 2:22) vealed to them and told them to teach the
As you may have noticed, at that point I next generation (Matt. 28:18–20).
dropped the term Living and started talk- The Apostle Paul called the Scrip- When the Apostles talk about the
ing only in terms of the Word of God. tures “the Scripture/the Scriptures”: Word of God, they invariably mean The
That was intentional. I was just easing Apostolic Teaching. And they always
you into the terminology the Apostles For what does the Scripture say? “AND call it “the Word of the Lord,” “the Word
use in the New Testament when they re- ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS of Christ,” “the Word of Truth” or some
fer to The Apostolic Teaching. RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.” other similar designation. Quite often
In contrast to the distorted under- (Romans 4:3) they simply call it “the Word.” But The
standing of the phrase “the Word of Apostolic Teaching is always in view.
God” that Satan has successfully foisted For I delivered to you as of first impor- They never use any such rubric to refer to
off on the Church, the Apostles never tance what I also received, that Christ the Scriptures. However, there is an in-
talk about the Hebrew Scriptures as the died for our sins according to the teresting thing you need to know about
Word of God. They only use that rubric Scriptures. the way the Apostles refer to the Word of
when they are referring to the under- (1 Corinthians 15:3) God. When talking about the Word of
standing of the message of the Scriptures God, they sometimes use the same tech-
they got from Jesus Christ by revelation. James called the Scriptures “the nical terminology we have already seen
So what do they call the Scriptures? Take Scripture”: them use in connection with the oral tra-
a look. Jesus called the Scriptures “the dition Jesus Christ established by reveal-
Scripture/the Scriptures”: Or do you think that the Scripture ing The Apostolic Teaching to the
speaks to no purpose: “He jealously Apostles. Notice what Paul says:
“Have you not even read this Scrip- desires the Spirit which He has made to
ture: dwell in us”? And for this reason we also constantly
‘THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS (James 4:5) thank God that when you received
REJECTED, from us the word of God’s message,
THIS BECAME THE CHIEF Finally, Peter also called the Scrip- you accepted {it} not {as} the word of
CORNER {stone}.’” tures “the Scripture/the Scriptures”: men, but {for} what it really is, the
(Mark 12:10) word of God, which also performs its
“Brethren, the Scripture had to be ful- work in you who believe.
“You search the Scriptures, because filled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
you think that in them you have eternal the mouth of David concerning Judas,
life; and it is these that bear witness of who became a guide to those who ar- The Greek verb translated received
Me.” rested Jesus.” (Greek: paralambano) in this verse is the
(John 5:39) (Acts 1:16) same verb translated received in the
verses quoted above. So we know that
Luke called the Scriptures “the Therefore, beloved, since you look for Paul is here referring to the fact that the
Scripture/the Scriptures”: these things, be diligent to be found by Thessalonians received the Word of God
Him in peace, spotless and blameless, from him as an oral tradition when he
And Philip opened his mouth, and be- and regard the patience of our Lord {to preached “the Gospel” to them. How-
ginning from this Scripture he be} salvation; just as also our beloved ever, the verb here translated accepted
preached Jesus to him. brother Paul, according to the wisdom (Greek: dexomai) introduces a new tech-
(Acts 8:35) given him, wrote to you, as also in all nical term related to the transmission of
{his} letters, speaking in them of these an oral tradition. That term is the one
And beginning with Moses and with all things, in which are some things hard to most often used to describe Believers re-
the prophets, He explained to them the understand, which the untaught and un- ceiving the Word of God (in the sense of
20 April 1994

believing it). For example, we find it whom there is no variation, or shifting had been before:
used that way in the Book of Acts: shadow. In the exercise of His will He
brought us forth by the word of truth, Therefore, if any man is in Christ, {he is}
Now when the apostles in Jerusalem so that we might be, as it were, the first a new creature; the old things passed
heard that Samaria had received the fruits among His creatures. away; behold, new things have come.
word of God, they sent them Peter and (James 1:17–18) (2 Corinthians 5:17)
(Acts 8:14) If you are a True Believer, you The Pretenders in the Church—Sa-
were born again through one incredibly tan’s agents—want you to think of the
Now the apostles and the brethren who simple process. You heard one small bit new birth you have experienced as noth-
were throughout Judea heard that the of the Truth of The Apostolic Teaching ing more than a mystical experience.
Gentiles also had received the word of that, by God’s grace, still remains in the They do that because that’s all their fa-
God. Church today. Having heard that Truth, ther Satan has ever given them—mysti-
(Acts 11:1) you believed it, and responded in total cal experiences. But you have something
repentance with a humble confession of far greater than they. You have within
I won’t go into all the occurrences your sins, asking God to forgive you. you the Living Word of God:
of the Word of God and its related men- The Pretenders in the Church today
tions in the New Testament. You can use know nothing at all about what you expe- Since you have in obedience to the truth
the list of references in the “Word Termi- rienced. What it means to be born again purified your souls for a sincere love of
nology” table on this page to study the totally eludes them. You and I know only the brethren, fervently love one another
subject on your own. As you’re reading because we have been born again. And from the heart, for you have been born
through the passages, however, notice we know that our experience came about again not of seed which is perishable
how many times “speaking,” “hearing,” because, at some point in our lives, we but imperishable, {that is}, through the
“teaching” and “preaching” are men- firmly believed God was a God of wrath, living and abiding word of God.
tioned. That’s because the Word was an a God to be feared—that is, a God Who (1 Peter 1:22–23)
oral tradition that was to be handed would destroy us if we continued living
down from generation to generation in sin. That is exactly what was happen- Peter is talking about The Apos-
orally. ing in the Early Church. tolic Teaching as an oral tradition that
The last reference in the “Word The point I am making here relates lives in the Believer. You probably have-
Terminology” table tells all there is to to the fact that we heard and believed an n’t noticed it before, but the Apostles
tell about the futility of the great “hope” oral tradition that still remains in the talk in those terms on various occasions.
of Pretenders like Søren Kierkegaard. Church, an oral tradition that still con- Take a look:
(See “Satan’s Fools Are Satan’s Tools” tains some of the Truth of The Apostolic
in this issue): Teaching. Having been born again be- Let the word of Christ richly dwell
cause you once believed just a small bit within you, with all wisdom teaching
Every good thing bestowed and every of the Truth and accepted God’s offer of and admonishing one another with
perfect gift is from above, coming salvation, you were transformed. You psalms {and} hymns {and} spiritual
down from the Father of lights, with became something other than what you songs, singing with thankfulness in
your hearts to God.
(Colossians 3:16)
Word Terminology I have written to you, fathers, because
you know Him who has been from the
Word of God: beginning. I have written to you, young
Matt. 15:6; Mark 7:13; Luke 5:1; 8:11, 21; 11:28; John 10:35; men, because you are strong, and the
Acts 4:31; 6:2, 7; 8:14; 11:1; 12:24; 13:5, 7, 46; 17:13; 18:11; word of God abides in you, and you
Rom. 9:6; 1 Cor. 14:36; 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2; Col. 1:25; have overcome the evil one.
1 Thess. 2:13; 1 Tim. 4:5; 2 Tim. 2:9; Titus 2:5; Heb. 4:12; (1 John 2:14)
13:7; 1 Pet. 1:23; 1 John 2:14; Rev. 1:2, 9; 6:9; 19:13; 20:4.
Word of the Lord: Although you may not have con-
Acts 8:25; 13:44, 48, 49; 15:35–36; 16:32; 19:10; sciously thought about it, the challenge
1 Thess. 1:8; 4:15; 2 Thess. 3:1 you have faced since being born again
Word of Christ: has been continuing to believe the Truth
Col. 3:16 that came to live within you when you
first believed the Truth and responded to
Word of Truth: it. That is where, whether you knew it or
2 Cor. 6:7; Eph. 1:13; Col. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:15; James 1:18 not, you became Satan’s target in the bat-
April 1994 21

tle that rages between the forces of light Teaching of the Prophets when he talked Gentiles.” That not only tells us the light
and the forces of darkness. You see, by about the “Sunrise from on high.” Notice was revelation, it also tells us when the
being born again, you allied yourself that he quotes Isaiah 9:1–2 to tell us the light was given. The only revelation any
with the forces of light: purpose of that “Sunrise” was “to shine Gentile ever received from Jesus Christ
upon those who sit in darkness . . . to was mediated through the Apostle Paul.
For He delivered us from the domain guide our feet into the way of peace.” In Therefore, this passage points directly to
of darkness, and transferred us to the mentioning “the Way of peace” Zacha- the revelation Paul mentions he received
kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom rias alerts us to the fact that he is talking (Gal. 1:9–12; 1 Cor. 11:23–25; Eph.
we have redemption, the forgiveness of in terms of the Hebrew idiom “walk in 3:3). So the image of light must be a par-
sins. The Way.” I have already discussed that abolic description of the content of The
(Colossians 1:13–14) idiom at some length in The Way, The Apostolic Teaching. Let’s see if that con-
Truth, The Life seminar tape series; clusion doesn’t withstand closer scru-
Have you ever wondered why the therefore, I won’t go into any great detail tiny. Have you ever read this passage
New Testament authors talk about the here except to say that The Way is The before?
Gospel in terms of light and darkness? Teaching. So Zacharias is talking about
They do that because that is part of the “walking in The Teaching.” And he has In the beginning was the Word, and
parabolic imagery found in The Teach- just told us the purpose of the light God the Word was with God, and the Word
ing of Moses, The Teaching of the provided is to make it possible for people was God. He was in the beginning with
Prophets, The Teaching of Jesus and The to “walk in The Teaching.” Keep that in God. All things came into being by
Apostolic Teaching. I’m not going to ex- mind as we go along. Him, and apart from Him nothing
plain anything concerning any of those Matthew tells us Jesus moved to came into being that has come into be-
Teachings here; I just want to explain Capernaum so that when He began to ing. In Him was life, and the life was
what the Apostles were talking about preach, the prophecy of Isaiah that Zach- the light of men. And the light shines
when they mention light and darkness. arias mentioned would be fulfilled. in the darkness, and the darkness did
Keep in mind what I have told you on not comprehend it. There came a man,
other occasions: A parable only tells you {This was} to fulfill what was spoken sent from God, whose name was John.
what something is LIKE. That is, it de- through Isaiah the prophet, saying, He came for a witness, that he might
scribes one thing in terms of another. “THE LAND OF ZEBULUN AND THE
bear witness of the light, that all might
believe through him. He was not the
light, but {came} that he might bear
witness of the light. There was the true
Luke tells us that Zacharias, the fa- THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SITTING IN light which, coming into the world,
ther of John the Baptist, prophesied con- DARKNESS SAW A GREAT LIGHT,
enlightens every man. He was in the
cerning his son’s ministry and said this: AND TO THOSE WHO WERE SITTING IN world, and the world was made
through Him, and the world did not
“And you, child, will be called the UPON THEM A LIGHT DAWNED.” know Him. He came to His own, and
prophet of the Most High; (Matthew 4:14–16)
those who were His own did not re-
For you will go on BEFORE THE LORD
ceive Him. But as many as received
TO PREPARE HIS WAYS; That tells us the ministry of Jesus
Him, to them He gave the right to be-
To give to His people {the} knowledge was intended to provide light. But what
come children of God, {even} to those
of salvation was that light? Again, Luke records an-
By the forgiveness of their sins, who believe in His name, who were
other prophecy, the prophecy of Simeon,
Because of the tender mercy of our God, born not of blood, nor of the will of the
and tells us what we need to know:
flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
With which the Sunrise from on high
“Now Lord, Thou dost let Thy And the Word became flesh, and
shall visit us,
bond-servant depart dwelt among us, and we beheld His
In peace, according to Thy word; glory, glory as of the only begotten
For my eyes have seen Thy salvation, from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Which Thou hast prepared in the John bore witness of Him, and cried
To guide our feet into the way of
presence of all peoples, out, saying, “This was He of whom I
A LIGHT OF REVELATION TO THE said, ‘He who comes after me has a
(Luke 1:76–79)
higher rank than I, for He existed be-
fore me.’”
Laying aside for now the issue of And the glory of Thy people Israel.”
(John 1:1–15)
John the Baptist giving the Jews “a (Luke 2:29–32)
knowledge of salvation,” I want to key
on the fact that Zacharias was speaking Notice, the light Jesus Christ pro- Did you notice what he said about
in terms of the parabolic imagery of The vided was a “light of revelation to the the Word? He said:
22 April 1994

There was the true light which, coming who does evil hates the light, and does lieve lies when confronted with the light
into the world, enlightens every man. not come to the light, lest his deeds of The Teaching, however, have chosen
(John 1:9) should be exposed. But he who prac- to remain in darkness.
tices the truth comes to the light, that John records yet another occasion
The Apostle is speaking paraboli- his deeds may be manifested as having when Jesus talked about the need for be-
cally concerning Jesus Christ as light—the been wrought in God.” lieving the light of the Truth one can find
Living Word of God that comes to dwell in (John 3:16–21) only in The Teaching:
those who believe The Apostolic Teaching.
But notice that he said the light “enlight- All that believing sort of makes you “If I {alone} bear witness of Myself, My
ens.” That Greek term (photizo) means wonder, doesn’t it? What must one be- testimony is not true. There is another
both “to illuminate” and “to make lieve in order to be saved? That’s some- who bears witness of Me, and I know
known/teach.” That’s why he said: thing Satan doesn’t want you to that the testimony which He bears of Me
consider. That’s why he has worked is true. You have sent to John, and he
He came to His own, and those who th r o u g h th e g o o f in e s s S ø r e n has borne witness to the truth. But the
were His own did not receive Him. But Kierkegaard introduced into the Church. witness which I receive is not from
as many as received Him, to them He (See “Satan’s Fools Are Satan’s Tools” man, but I say these things that you
gave the right to become children of in this issue.) Satan wants you to think of may be saved. He was the lamp that was
God, {even} to those who believe in His the new-birth experience as nothing burning and was shining and you were
name. more than a mystical experience that willing to rejoice for a while in his
(John 1:11–12) came about through a completely sub- light. But the witness which I have is
jective decision to believe anything at all greater than {that of} John; for the
You may have already guessed that about God. That concoction is a lie. A works which the Father has given Me
John is talking in terms of Believers re- person cannot be born again without be- to accomplish, the very works that I do,
ceiving (Greek: paralambano) the Word lieving the Truth. bear witness of Me, that the Father has
of God as an oral tradition that enlight- You were born again because you sent Me. And the Father who sent Me,
ens them concerning the Truth. He is do- believed the Truth and acted according to He has borne witness of Me. You have
ing that because what he has written is it—that is, you confessed your sins and neither heard His voice at any time, nor
nothing more than a statement made in repented. That’s why, after talking about seen His form. And you do not have His
the parabolic imagery of The Apostolic being “saved,” Jesus goes on to talk about word abiding in you, for you do not be-
Teaching. It is meant to mock what the the light. You see, those who hear the lieve Him whom He sent. You search
ancient Greeks believed concerning God Truth and refuse to believe it have chosen the Scriptures, because you think that in
as a Living Word. to remain in darkness. That’s because them you have eternal life; and it is
It is important to note that John was light is the Truth of The Apostolic Teach- these that bear witness of Me; and you
not the only Apostle to use the parabolic ing and darkness is any lie that contradicts are unwilling to come to Me, that you
image of The Teaching as light. All of the that Truth. That’s what Jesus was talking may have life.”
Apostles use the image because it is part about when He said this: (John 5:31–40)
of The Apostolic Teaching. John, how-
ever, seems to have had a fondness for it. “The lamp of your body is your eye; Don’t be confused by all the seem-
He has recorded in His Gospel numerous when your eye is clear, your whole body ingly intricate statements in this passage
occasions on which Jesus talked para- also is full of light; but when it is bad, that mention “witness,” “bear witness,”
bolically about Himself as the Light: your body also is full of darkness. Then and “testimony.” Just convert those
watch out that the light in you may not words to ordinary phrases like “a person
“For God so loved the world, that He be darkness. If therefore your whole who knows the Truth,” “talk about” and
gave His only begotten Son, that who- body is full of light, with no dark part in “what was said.” That way you can easily
ever believes in Him should not per- it, it shall be wholly illumined, as when get the essential drift of what Jesus said.
ish, but have eternal life. For God did the lamp illumines you with its rays.” He has merely told us John the Baptist, as
not send the Son into the world to judge (Luke 11:34–36) a “person who knows the Truth,” “talked
the world, but that the world should be about” Him. Therefore, John’s teaching
saved through Him. He who believes Jesus is speaking parabolically. He was light in which the Jews rejoiced for a
in Him is not judged; he who does not lets us know that by using a Greek parti- while. But God is also a “Person Who
believe has been judged already, be- cle of comparison: “as when the lamp il- knows the Truth,” and Jesus received the
cause he has not believed in the name lumines you with its rays.” In talking things He “talked about” from God.
of the only begotten Son of God. And about The Way we “see” things down Jesus also mentions in this passage
this is the judgment, that the light is here, He is telling us people choose to be- the fact that God gave Him parabolic
come into the world, and men loved lieve what they choose to believe—that pantomimes to do as a part of His minis-
the darkness rather than the light; for is, they “see” things the way they choose try—“the works which the Father has
their deeds were evil. For everyone to “see” them. Those who choose to be- given Me to accomplish.” He then says
April 1994 23

those parabolic pantomimes also “talk in order that you may become sons of
about” Who He is. The Jews, however, light.” These things Jesus spoke, and
Just a Few
refuse to believe what Jesus says verbally He departed and hid Himself from Burning Embers
or through His parabolic pantomimes be- them.
Having taken this quick survey of
cause the Word of God is not in them. In- (John 12:34–36)
the things Jesus said about Himself as
stead, they go to the Scriptures looking
light—the Living Word of God that dwells
for the Word of God, not knowing that the And Jesus cried out and said, “He who in those who believe—let’s now turn to
Scriptures “talk about” Jesus Christ. believes in Me does not believe in Me, the things the Apostles said concerning
Jesus said all these things to the but in Him who sent Me. And he who light. We will find they used exactly the
Jews in order to mock their stubborn ig- beholds Me beholds the One who sent same parabolic imagery and they under-
norance. The incarnate Word of God was Me. I have come {as} light into the stood it in exactly the same way. For ex-
standing right in front of them, and they world, that everyone who believes in ample, they saw themselves just as Jesus
refused to believe what the Word was Me may not remain in darkness. And saw Himself, as a source of light that
teaching. The Teaching of Jesus pro- if anyone hears My sayings, and does made salvation possible for those who be-
vided light so anyone who believed it not keep them, I do not judge him; for I lieved what they had preached:
could have that Light within them to did not come to judge the world, but to
show them The Way in which they save the world. He who rejects Me, And Paul and Barnabas spoke out
should walk. That is just a parabolic and does not receive My sayings, has boldly and said, “It was necessary that
statement made according to the para- one who judges him; the word I spoke the word of God should be spoken to
bolic imagery of The Apostolic Teach- is what will judge him at the last day. you first; since you repudiate it, and
ing. However, you can find the same For I did not speak on My own initia- judge yourselves unworthy of eternal
thing stated in The Teaching of Jesus: tive, but the Father Himself who sent life, behold, we are turning to the Gen-
Me has given Me commandment, what tiles. For thus the Lord has com-
Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, to say, and what to speak. And I know manded us,
saying, “I am the light of the world; he that His commandment is eternal life; ‘I HAVE PLACED YOU AS A LIGHT FOR
who follows Me shall not walk in the therefore the things I speak, I speak THE GENTILES,
darkness, but shall have the light of just as the Father has told Me.” THAT YOU SHOULD BRING
life.” (John 12:44–50) SALVATION TO THE END OF THE
(John 8:12)
You have probably already de- (Acts 13:46–47)
“While I am in the world, I am the duced that the word translated receive in
light of the world.” John 12:48 is referring to the reception The Book of Acts contains the
(John 9:5) of an oral tradition. That’s true. It is. Apostle Paul’s own description of the
However, it is not the compound verb occasion on which Jesus Christ called
The disciples said to Him, “Rabbi, the paralambano that we have seen previ- him to preach the Gospel. He says Jesus
Jews were just now seeking to stone ously, it is the simple verb lambano. That described his calling in terms of light and
You, and are You going there again?” presents no problem. We saw the two darkness.
Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve used as synonyms in John 1:11–12:
hours in the day? If anyone walks in “And when we had all fallen to the
the day, he does not stumble, because He came to His own, and those who ground, I heard a voice saying to me in
he sees the light of this world. But if were His own did not receive Him. But the Hebrew dialect, ‘Saul, Saul, why are
anyone walks in the night, he stum- as many as received Him, to them He you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to
bles, because the light is not in him.” gave the right to become children of kick against the goads.’ And I said, ‘Who
(John 11:8–10) God, {even} to those who believe in His art Thou, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I
name. am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But
The multitude therefore answered (John 1:11–12) arise, and stand on your feet; for this
Him, “We have heard out of the Law purpose I have appeared to you, to ap-
that the Christ is to remain forever; The Greek verb in verse 11 is the point you a minister and a witness not
and how can You say, ‘The Son of Man compound verb paralambano. The verb only to the things which you have seen,
must be lifted up’? Who is this Son of in verse 12 is the simple verb lambano. but also to the things in which I will ap-
Man?” Jesus therefore said to them, Their parallel usage in this context dis- pear to you; delivering you from the
“For a little while longer the light is closes their synonymous meaning when {Jewish} people and from the Gentiles,
among you. Walk while you have the they are used to refer to the reception of to whom I am sending you, to open their
light, that darkness may not overtake an oral tradition. Therefore, we know eyes so that they may turn from dark-
you; he who walks in the darkness Jesus had in mind the acceptance of an ness to light and from the dominion of
does not know where he goes. While oral tradition in John 12:48 where He Satan to God, in order that they may re-
you have the light, believe in the light, used only the simple verb lambano. ceive forgiveness of sins and an inheri-
24 April 1994

tance among those who have been have not sinned, we make Him a liar, yourself are a guide to the blind, a light
sanctified by faith in Me.’ Consequently, and His word is not in us. to those who are in darkness, a
King Agrippa, I did not prove disobedi- (1 John 1:5–10) corrector of the foolish, a teacher of the
ent to the heavenly vision, but {kept} de- immature, having in the Law the em-
claring both to those of Damascus first, Did you understand all that? He has bodiment of knowledge and of the
and {also} at Jerusalem and {then} just said that those who say they believe truth, you, therefore, who teach another,
throughout all the region of Judea, and yet don’t show evidence of their belief do you not teach yourself?
{even} to the Gentiles, that they should are liars. That’s why he mentions light (Romans 2:17–21a)
repent and turn to God, performing and darkness as well as “walking in the
deeds appropriate to repentance. For light.” You need to keep that in mind. In this passage Paul mentions not
this reason {some} Jews seized me in the The only way we can ever do what God only the darkness all around us but also
temple and tried to put me to death. And requires is if we have “the truth” dwell- the need that we have, as blind people,
so, having obtained help from God, I ing “in us.” If we say we believe yet for someone to lead us to the light. He
stand to this day testifying both to small don’t “walk in the light,” “His Word is uses that same parabolic imagery in
and great, stating nothing but what the not in us”—that is, we don’t really be- writing to the Corinthians, where he tells
Prophets and Moses said was going to lieve. John returns to the same imagery us the “blindness” is a blindness of our
take place; that the Christ was to suffer, later in his epistle: mind and the light is one that “has shone
{and} that by reason of {His} resurrec- in our heart”—that is, in our mind:
tion from the dead He should be the Beloved, I am not writing a new com-
first to proclaim light both to the {Jew- mandment to you, but an old com- And even if our gospel is veiled, it is
ish} people and to the Gentiles.” mandment which you have had from veiled to those who are perishing, in
(Acts 26:14–23) the beginning; the old commandment whose case the god of this world has
is the word which you have heard. On blinded the minds of the unbelieving,
Did you notice what Jesus said? He the other hand, I am writing a new that they might not see the light of the
described the new birth as “opening their commandment to you, which is true in gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the
eyes.” That makes sense, doesn’t it? The Him and in you, because the darkness image of God. For we do not preach
darkness isn’t just darkness around us, it is passing away, and the true light is ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and
is also darkness within us. Before we already shining. The one who says he ourselves as your bond-servants for
were born again, we were blind! Ah! is in the light and {yet} hates his Jesus’ sake. For God, who said,
Now we can understand! That’s why Je- brother is in the darkness until now. “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is
sus talked about the importance of our The one who loves his brother abides the One who has shone in our hearts
“eye” being “clear” so that the light in the light and there is no cause for to give the light of the knowledge of
within us not be darkness (Matt. 6:23; stumbling in him. But the one who the glory of God in the face of Christ.
Luke 11:35). He said that because blind hates his brother is in the darkness (2 Corinthians 4:3–6)
people have cloudy eyes. And, just for and walks in the darkness, and does
the sake of you True Believers, I remind not know where he is going because Now Paul has told us specifically
you there will be many in the Last Days the darkness has blinded his eyes. what the light is. It is “the light of the gos-
who claim to “see” what you and I “see” (1 John 2:7–11) pel,” “the light of the knowledge of the
yet they have nothing but darkness glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
within them. Beware especially of those: John’s mention of blindness re- Fools will automatically assume they un-
minds us again of what Jesus said to Paul derstand what Paul has said here, not real-
And this is the message we have heard when He called him. Paul said he was izing that “the glory of God” refers back to
from Him and announce to you, that called to go to the Gentiles and “open the parabolic imagery of The Teaching of
God is light, and in Him there is no their eyes” (Acts 26:18). In that same pas- Moses. Since I am not going to delve into
darkness at all. If we say that we have sage, however, Paul also said that Jesus that in this article, it is enough to know that
fellowship with Him and {yet} walk in would “proclaim light both to the {Jew- light is a parabolic image that depicts a
the darkness, we lie and do not prac- ish} people and to the Gentiles” (Acts characteristic of knowledge. Specifically,
tice the truth; but if we walk in the light 26:23). That not only confirms the light it is a characteristic of the knowledge of the
as He Himself is in the light, we have was the spoken message of The Apostolic things that are explained in the Gos-
fellowship with one another, and the Teaching, it also explains what Paul was pel—that is, in The Apostolic Teaching.
blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us getting at in the Book of Romans: Now we know exactly what the
from all sin. If we say that we have no light is. It is knowledge of the Truth. So it
sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and But if you bear the name “Jew,” and rely makes sense that darkness is lack of a
the truth is not in us. If we confess our upon the Law, and boast in God, and knowledge of that Truth. That’s where be-
sins, He is faithful and righteous to for- know {His} will, and approve the things lief comes in. What we believe is what we
give us our sins and to cleanse us from that are essential, being instructed out know. It is impossible to know something
all unrighteousness. If we say that we of the Law, and are confident that you without first believing it. I realize there
April 1994 25

are more than a few idiots who would ar- tility of their mind, being darkened in Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the
gue against that, but what do they know? their understanding, excluded from the strength of His might. Put on the full ar-
They refuse to believe much of anything life of God, because of the ignorance mor of God, that you may be able to
they didn’t come up with themselves. that is in them, because of the hardness stand firm against the schemes of the
Armed with an understanding of of their heart; and they, having become devil. For our struggle is not against
what light is, we can understand why Paul callous, have given themselves over to flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
used the parabolic image of light and sensuality, for the practice of every kind against the powers, against the world
darkness when he talked about the need of impurity with greediness. But you did forces of this darkness, against the spir-
to beware of false teaching that would not learn Christ in this way, if indeed itual {forces} of wickedness in the heav-
lead Believers back into darkness: you have heard Him and have been enly {places}. Therefore, take up the full
taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, armor of God, that you may be able to
Let no one deceive you with empty that, in reference to your former manner resist in the evil day, and having done ev-
words, for because of these things the of life, you lay aside the old self, which is erything, to stand firm.
wrath of God comes upon the sons of dis- being corrupted in accordance with the (Ephesians 6:10–13)
obedience. Therefore do not be partak- lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed
ers with them; for you were formerly in the spirit of your mind, and put on the Paul is talking about “standing
darkness, but now you are light in the new self, which in {the likeness of} God firm” in the Truth of The Apostolic
Lord; walk as children of light (for the has been created in righteousness and Teaching. Unfortunately, the Early
fruit of the light {consists} in all good- holiness of the truth. Therefore, laying Church failed to “stand firm.” Conse-
ness and righteousness and truth), trying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH, EACH quently, before very long, they lost The
to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. And ONE {of you}, WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for Apostolic Teaching. Can you guess how
do not participate in the unfruitful we are members of one another. that happened? It happened because
deeds of darkness, but instead even ex- (Ephesians 4:17–25) agents of Satan infiltrated the Church,
pose them; for it is disgraceful even to introducing lies into The Apostolic
speak of the things which are done by Paul is speaking parabolically Teaching. The Apostles knew that would
them in secret. But all things become about Jesus Christ as the Living Word of happen in spite of their best efforts be-
visible when they are exposed by the God that dwells in the Believer. He is cause, when Satan wants something
light, for everything that becomes visi- emphasizing the need for Believers to al- done, he sometimes does it himself:
ble is light. For this reason it says, low the Truth of The Apostolic Teaching
“Awake, sleeper, to renew their mind so that they view this As the truth of Christ is in me, this
And arise from the dead, life from an entirely different perspec- boasting of mine will not be stopped in
And Christ will shine on you.” tive—so that they “walk in The Way.” the regions of Achaia. Why? Because I
Therefore be careful how you walk, not What Paul has said here is nothing do not love you? God knows {I do}! But
as unwise men, but as wise, making the complicated. He has merely told us that what I am doing, I will continue to do,
most of your time, because the days are those who don’t know the Truth of The that I may cut off opportunity from those
evil. Apostolic Teaching are ignorant. The who desire an opportunity to be re-
(Ephesians 5:6–16) notion of ignorance, however, brings up garded just as we are in the matter
the issue of the fool—that is, the person about which they are boasting. For
Have you noticed how many times who is firmly convinced he knows some- such men are false apostles, deceitful
in the passages where we have seen light thing worthwhile when he knows noth- workers, disguising themselves as
mentioned we have also seen an allusion ing at all. You may not have noticed that apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for
to the Hebrew idiom “walk in The Way”? Paul mentioned foolishness in the pas- even Satan disguises himself as an an-
(For an explanation of the idiom, see The sage from Romans quoted above (Rom. gel of light. Therefore it is not surpris-
Way, The Truth, The Life seminar tape 2:20). It was on his mind because dark- ing if his servants also disguise
series.) That’s because the two—image ness, ignorance and foolishness are all themselves as servants of righteous-
and idiom—are intricately related in The the same thing. ness; whose end shall be according to
Teaching of Moses. Jesus and the Apos- Getting back to the issue of false their deeds.
tles repeatedly talk in terms of “walking teaching, Paul understood the True Be- (2 Corinthians 11:10–15)
in light” and “walking in darkness” be- liever is engaged in a constant battle with
cause they were thinking in terms of that the forces of darkness. That is, he/she It is too bad the Early Christians lost
parabolic imagery. That explains why faces the ever-present danger of being The Apostolic Teaching. If they hadn’t,
Paul alludes to the idiom “walk in The lured out of the light of The Apostolic True Believers today wouldn’t be cling-
Way” in the following passage: Teaching and into believing something ing to scattered bits and pieces of the
that isn’t true. That’s why he uses the Truth. They would instead be “walking”
This I say therefore, and affirm together same parabolic imagery when he refers in the full light of day. But who knows
with the Lord, that you walk no longer to the battle that goes on between the what God has planned for His Own in
just as the Gentiles also walk, in the fu- forces of light and the forces of darkness: these Last Days?
26 April 1994

I have already told you God called to be written to you. For you your- That “peace and safety” garbage
me to restore The Apostolic Teaching. selves know full well that the day of sounds a lot like what the Pretenders are
(See “Protestants All Agree on This: the Lord will come just like a thief in preaching in the Church today, doesn’t
Somebody Laid an Egg!” The Voice of the night. While they are saying, it? What could be more peaceful and safe
Elijah, January 1994.) To be quite hon- “Peace and safety!” then destruction than to be in the comforting arms of an
est about it, I don’t really care whether will come upon them suddenly like all-forgiving god of love? Unfortu-
you believe that or not. It’s your loss if birth pangs upon a woman with child; nately, that god doesn’t exist. He’s just a
you don’t. Besides, it doesn’t matter and they shall not escape. But you, figment of their foolish imagination.
what I claim concerning my calling be- brethren, are not in darkness, that the On the other hand, the God of
cause “the proof is in the pudding.” Yet, day should overtake you like a thief; wrath does exist. He’ll be coming along
if what I say is true, there are going to be for you are all sons of light and sons shortly in the Person of Jesus Christ,
more than a few in these Last Days who of day. We are not of night nor of dark- filled with an awesome burning rage,
will be “walking in the light” when Jesus ness; so then let us not sleep as others fully intent on destroying those who
Christ returns for His Own. do, but let us be alert and sober. For stubbornly refuse to believe the Truth (2
Now, we all know the Scriptures those who sleep do their sleeping at Thess. 2:10; Rev. 6:16–17). But why
say Jesus will come suddenly, “like a thief night, and those who get drunk get should we talk about that? It might dis-
in the night,” without warning (Matt. drunk at night. But since we are of turb the Pretenders’ sense of security.
24:43; Luke 12:39; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3; {the} day, let us be sober, having put We sure wouldn’t want that now, would
16:15). Yet it’s clear from what Paul says on the breastplate of faith and love, we?
in the following passage that he believed and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. What a shame! Millions are headed
those who understood the Truth of The For God has not destined us for wrath, for “destruction” just because fools are
Apostolic Teaching in that Day would but for obtaining salvation through preaching “peace and safety” instead of
know full well what was going to happen: our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, keeping their mouths shut. That’s the
that whether we are awake or asleep, trouble with fools. They always want to
Now as to the times and the epochs, we may live together with Him. “show what they know.” They do, too.
brethren, you have no need of anything (1 Thessalonians 5:1–10) Trouble is, they know nothing at all. ■

Where Did That Come From?

O How did the novel notion that God loves everybody find its
way into fundamentalist beliefs?
O Where did Dispensationalism originate?
O How did it come to be a part of fundamental doctrine?
O How did Fundamentalism become identified with
ignorance and narrow-mindedness?
O What did William Jennings Bryan, former Democratic Party
leader, presidential candidate, and Secretary of State for
Woodrow Wilson, contribute to the Fundamentalist image?

Do you consider yourself a Christian Fundamentalist? Have you ever wondered where some of the
Fundamentalist doctrines came from? Are you starting to think some of what you’ve been taught needs
to be validated? If so, Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century
Evangelicalism, 1870–1925 by George Marsden will answer many of the questions you might have about
the roots of your beliefs.

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Why Not? Scripture Songs
If you find The Voice of Elijah beneficial to you
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with us and make this ministry your own? Everybody
Volumes 1 & 2
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The Word of God is easier to memorize when it has
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been set to music. That’s why The Elijah Project has
taken key passages from the Prophets and the Psalms,
☞ Pray for our work. combined them with catchy melodies, and produced
Scripture Songs, Volumes 1 & 2. Not only will they
☞ Tell others. keep a song in your heart, they will help you hide the
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What You Don’t Know Can Sometimes Hurt You!

Did you know that for over one hundred and fifty years all the leaders of the Early Church
understood there was but one correct understanding of the message of the Old Testament?
Were you also aware that all Christians in the Early Church respected and recognized their
leaders as having the God-given authority to teach the correct understanding of God’s Word
to His People? Can you believe none of these men interpreted Scripture for themselves?
Obviously, that doesn’t describe the Church today. With a church on every corner
preaching a different interpretation of Scripture and believers picking and choosing as
they deem fit, it doesn’t seem possible it could have ever been otherwise, does it?
Yet it was a reality in the Early Church for well over a century. So, what happened?
If you thrive on the constant bickering and fighting found in the Church of today, that
question isn’t even relevant. Obviously, you believe you can go right on arguing your way
to the Truth. But some of us don’t.

• If you look around you in the Church today, and things

just don’t seem quite right, this book is for you.
• And if you believe the Scriptures should have
but one clear message, this book is for you.
• And if you believe it only makes sense that the Church
took a wrong turn somewhere along the way, this book is for you.

Things aren’t right in the Church today. And there is but one simple message
to be found in the Bible. And the Church did take a wrong turn quite some time back.
Around A.D. 200, the Church did exactly what the Old Testament tells us Israel did
before: It turned away from The Apostolic Teaching. So, if you want to know the Truth,
this book is for you. Order your copy now. Why should The Mystery of Scripture To Order, use the Order Form
remain a mystery any longer?
Who is Israel?

According to Scripture, Israel is the descendants
of Jacob, heir to God’s promise to the patriarchs,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But did you
know that Scripture also says an

individual could be “cut off from”
Today, the nation of Israel—the Jews living
in the land occupied by biblical Israel—
claim to be Israel, heirs to the promises
God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
But are they really?

What if all Israel was “cut off?”

John the Baptist warned it could happen. (Matt. 3:10)
The Apostle Paul said it did happen. (Rom. 11:11–24)

Here for the first time ever, in simple, easy-to-read English, one book finally explains
this intricate message of Scripture hidden for so long in the Hebrew idiom. Read and
discover for yourself how Not All Israel Is Israel.

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