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Nama: Novita Eka Widyasari

Nim: 051766068
Prodi: Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
A.) You have a property business. Sometimes you need to loan a big amount of money
to run your business. What kind of bank is suitable for your business? Please
explain your reason!

When you start your propertly business and start with loan from a bank, there are important
factors that we should understand. Before that, we have to find out the pluses and minuses of
the bank we will choose and we have to know the bank’s track record regarding the property
business we are running. The bank we choose must leat to product loans that suit the business
we are running and the bank must have experience with market patterns.
Commercial banks are very suitable for lending money to property businesses, because they
offer many services for all types of banks. Commercial banks have experience in providing
loans, including property business loans and have access to build a network that is easily
accessible to the world of entrepreneurs. This bank is often the first choice for business
people, especially in the property sector because it has large loan capital and offers
competitive interest rates.
This bank provides financial services such as savings accounts, checking accounts, credit
cards to operate daily finances in the property business. Apart from that, they also use
services for online access to make it easier for users to access commercial banks. In
conclusion, we must know the bank we choose, so commercial banks are suitable because
they have experience in the property business.
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