Accounts Receivables

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Business Blueprint

SAP S/4 HANA Implementation

Accounts Receivables

Document Control

Project Name UDAAN SAP (S/4 Hana)

Customer Name PV Clean Mobility
Implementation Partner Mawai Infotech Pvt Ltd.
Project Manager (PV Clean) Mr. Kapil Srivastava
Project Manager (Mawai) Mr. Sagar Saroha
Prepared By Mr. Sonu Mishra
Version History
Version No Version Date Revised By Description File Name
1.0 08-09-2021 Accounts Receivable

Approved By

Role Name Signature

PV Clean- Project Owner Mr. Umesh Gupta
PV Clean- Project Manger Mr. Kapil Srivastava
PV Clean- Business Process Mr. Ishant Mehta
PV Clean- Team Members Mr. Sunil/Arvind
This document states all of the conceptual results of the project Udaan. These
project results were devised and decided on by the project team and the
department experts from PVCMT during the Business Blueprint project phase. This
is the main concept document of the project.
It is supplemented by separate specifications for custom developments.

The content of this document forms the basis and the guidelines for the
subsequent realization phase.

This document aims to describe the future business solution based on SAP
software. Both IT subjects and organizational issues that are required to
understand the situation are described in it.

Any additional explanations that are only relevant when the project is in progress
are given in the various project management plan documents, which the project
management team will provide on request.

The Business Blueprint Document is result of process map, based on the exchange
of AS-IS documents, workshops and discussions. These documents have been
submitted by PVCMT and will be used as reference in finalization this BBP

I. Introduction of Accounts Receivable
I. Account Receivable Org-Structure
II. KDS – Accounts Receivable
III. Customer Master Data

II. AR Transactional Data

I. Customer Advance
II. Customer Sales Process
III. Debit/Credit Note
IV. Credit Management
V. Customer Payment Receive
III. Period End Activities
IV. Reporting and Correspondence
V. WRICEF(Customization) List
VI. Document Information

Process Standards for Process flow Diagrams

Process done
Manual Process C On-Page connector

Process Start Process End

Correspondence Correspondence by Predefined

External process
over the phone Mail Process intervention

Tentative/ To be
SAP Database Mobility Services

Accounts Receivable Organization Structure
PVCMT is proposed nine Profit center for Accounts receivables:
Profit Centers Profit Centers Description
100101 1001 Coolant Temperature sensor
100102 1001 Throttle body
100103 1001 Intake Throttle Valve
100204 1002 Fuel Delivery Module
100205 1002 Throttle body assembly
100206 1002 Fuel Rail Assembly
100306 1003 Water Pump
100307 1003 Water Solenoid Valve
100099 1000 Corporate

PVCMT requirement to report Accounts receivable at Profit center level:

• PVCMT requires all receivables to be split among respective profit center so that PVCMT can
extract the different reports of receivable at profit center level. For example:

• Customer Ageing Report

• Trial Balance

• Accordingly the customer payment is also required to be split among different bank accounts
used for all profit centers.

Proposed Solutions
• To achieve above objective for PVCMT, New GL functionality and Document splitting will be
activated which will enable:
• Splitting of receivable/customer credit lines profit center wise
• Splitting of receive bank account lines in accordance of customer cleared lines 7
• Trial balance and other report extraction at profit center level
Key Data Structure of AR
There are also three components of KDS in Accounts receivable:
• Customer Account Group
• Customer Payment Term
• Special GL Indicator use for Customer

Customer Accounts Group: Customer Accounts Group is classifying feature of customer master
record. PVCMT has advised to divide customers in different group with respective reconciliation
account on basis of their feature. It also determines the number range interval.
Beside this PVCMT is also advise that, if it uses single reconciliation account, multiple customer
account groups balance in finance can not be segregated in standard reporting.
Hence Standard practice is to have 1:1 ration among customer account group and reconciliation

Below is the finalized list of customer account group for PVCMT:

Customer Account Group

Account Group Description Number Range Type

YDOM Sundry Debtors – Domestic 100001 199999 Internal

YEXP Sundry Debtors – Export 110001 119999 Internal

YIUT Sundry Debtors – Inter unit 1001 1999 External

YRET Related Party 120001 129999 Internal
YEMP Employee as customer 2001 2999 External

Key Data Structure of AR
Customer Number Range

Number range is defined to manage customer master and segregate into different
customer account group. There are two types of number range in SAP:
• Internal Number Range
• External Number Range

Internal Number Range: Number range will be automatically assigned whenever

creation of customer account. It’s preferable to maintain for external vendors.

External Number Range: External number range can be numerical and alpha. In
general, alpha-numeric object numbers can be defined for the external number range
set. To indentify character of any number, we define external number range.

Key Data Structure of AR
Customer Payment Term:

Terms of Payment will be defined and updated in the Customer Master. It can also be updated at
the invoice line item level. Payment term controls, Payment method and number of days to
calculate due date of the payment.

PVCMT has been advised to use payment term functionality to address different scenarios on
basis of payment method, Payment time for example:
• Payment against PDC, or via Bank, Advance Payment etc.

Below is the proposed sample list of payment term for customer can be used.

Customer Payment Term is given in next slide.

Key Data Structure of AR

Sr. No. Payment Terms Code Description

1 Y000 Payable immediately Due net
2 Y001 Net due in 15 days From Document Date
3 Y002 Net due in 30 days From Document Date
4 Y003 Net due in 45 days From Document Date
5 Y004 Net due in 50 days From Document Date
6 Y005 Net due in 52 days From Document Date
7 Y006 Net due in 60 days From Document Date
8 Y007 Net due in 64 days From Document Date
9 Y008 Net due in 75 days From Document Date
10 Y009 Net due in 90 days From Document Date
11 Y010 100 % advance
12 Y011 75% adv with PO & 25 % at delivery
13 Y012 50% adv with PO & 50 % at delivery
14 Y013 15th of next month
15 Y014 25th of next month
Key Data Structure of AR
Special GL Indicator use for Customer:

Special posting keys/indicators defined in the system to regulate the postings pertaining
Customer/Vendor but to route to a different GL account from financial presentation point of view.

Special GL indicator define special posting on customer account and create specific indicator to
segregate advances/PDC from normal customer open lines.

Following are the proposed special GL indicator for PVCMT:

Recon Account
Special GL Indicator Short Text

1 Material Advance D
2 Service Advance D
3 Security Received D
4 Tooling Advance D

Order to Cash Process- PFD

This blueprint, is going to address financial impact from Shipping department to Accounts
department in details.
Accounts Receivables

Customer Master Period end/Year

Transactional Data Reporting
Data end Activities

The Customer master Following are some We need to perform SAP has provided
data is to ensure that examples of transactions some activities Period standard reports like :-
all the necessary details pertain to accounts end activities like :- Customer ledger
about the Customer is receivables: •Clear open entries Other AR related reports
captured to facilitate: •Opening and Closing to fulfill maximum
Outgoing Invoices posting periods requirements.
•Smooth transactions Customer Credit/Debit •Balance carry forward
pertaining to Financial Note etc. Customized reports
Accounting Incoming Payments can also be created as
Advance Payments per business
•Avoiding data
Receipt requirement.
redundancy and data
Foreign Currency

Customer Master Data
A Customer master record controls how the business transactions are recorded and processed in
the system.
User has to create a master record for each customer account. The customer master database
contains information about the parties that supply to an enterprise.

The Customer master record consists of three areas:

• General data
• Company code (Finance) data
• Sales & Distribution data

Each customer has a unique customer number assigned in the SAP system. customer numbers can
be either internal or external. Internal number means that the SAP system generates the number
itself. And external number means that you provide your own number to the SAP customer master
and the SAP system uses this number.

Under customer Master Data Maintenance, We will be covering following:

•Customer Master Data Create/Change

•Customer Account Group
•Proposed Process
•Business Process Flow Diagram

Customer Master Data Create/Change – Process

In SAP S/4HANA, Business Partner is the leading object and single point of entry to maintain
Business Partner, Customer, and Vendor data.
As already mentioned, Customer Master Data is maintained under three different heads.

PVCMT follow a CLA (Hard copy) document on basis of approval from CFO/CEO to open any
customer, which contains all information's about customer i.e. address, Payment term, Security
Cheque, PDC/Non PDC and Credit Limit etc..

Sales & Distribution

General Data Company Code Data
• GL Account (Recon)
• Customer full name • Sales organization
• Address • Previous account number • Distribution channel
(if any)
• Email address • Payment Term for Sales
• Payment terms
• Contact numbers order
• Withholding tax
• Bank details • Inco Terms
• Country • Etc.
• Etc.
• Fax Number
• GST Number
• Vendor Code (If any)
• Etc.

(Refer SD BBP for customer master) 16

Customer Master Data - Description
Master records are divided into the following areas so that each company code and each sales
organization can store its own information for doing business with Customers:

General data:

This is data that applies to all company code and sales organization in your company. The general
area includes, for example, the Customer's name, address, language, and telephone data etc..

Company code data:

This is data that is specific to an individual company code. Company code data includes, for
example, the reconciliation account number, terms of payment, and withholding tax etc..

Sales area data:

This is data relevant to the sales organizations and distribution channels of your company. Data
that is stored in this area includes, for example, data on order processing, shipping, and billing

Customer as Vendor - Description

If a customer is also a vendor, or vice versa, you can clear/offset the customer and vendor open
items against each other. You can also select the vendor line items when you display the customer
line items for this account.

Before you can clear items between a vendor and customer account, you must:

• Create a customer master record for the vendor that is also a customer.

• Enter the vendor account number in the Vendor field in the control section of the general data in
the customer master record.

• Enter the customer account number in the Customer field in the control section of the general
data in the vendor master record.

• Choose clearing with vendor and clearing with customer in the company code data in both the
customer and vendor master records. In this way, each company code can decide separately
whether it wants to offset the customer against the vendor.

Customer Master Data- ASIS/TOBE

• Maintain document (Hardcopy) to open any • Process of approvals will remain same,
customer in ECC system. however an upload functionality will be
provided to open customer master.

• In ECC System customer master data • In S4HANA master data created through
created through transaction code transaction code BP, which is centrally manage
FD01/XD01. Business Partner, Customer and Vendor.

• In S4HANA customer have single point of

• In ECC system, customer master have creation, edit and display.
different point of creation, edit and display.

• In S4HANA, PVCMT will be proposed

customers into different group as per
character wise (Refer KDS).

Accounts Receivable- Transactional Data
The sales order or scheduling agreement forms the basis of the sales process. The SO/SA is a
document in SD and does not cause any postings in Financial Accounting.
After that a delivery document is created with reference to that sales order. This will create two
documents: a goods issue document is created in MM, and an accounting document is created in
FI so that the goods issue is posted automatically to the assigned G/L accounts simultaneously.

In SAP, dispatch department posts the Goods Issue document, based on the physical goods
dispatched. Subsequently, Billing is carried out on the basis of the Sales Order and
Goods Issue document.

The Billing process is the process where invoicing is done. The Billing document creates a FI
In PVCMT we have identified below process for accounts receivables:
1. Advances
2. Sales Process
I. Domestic/Trading and Export
II. Scrap Sales
III. FOC Sales
IV. Asset Sales
V. Intra Plant Transfer
3. Debit/Credit Note
I. Sales Return
II. Price Difference
4. Payment Receipt

Transactional Data – Customer Advance
In SAP, a special G/L indicator shall be created for down payments and will be
linked to the sundry debtors account and at the time of advance payment posting,
it shall be posted automatically as advance from customer account using the
special G/L indicator. After dispatch of goods, the advance from customers
account shall be cleared and the difference sent to customer open items.

There will be some Special GL indicators for advances to segregate advance for

• Material Advance
• Service Advance
• Security Advance
• Tooling Advance

Special GL Indicator Short Text Recon Account Type

1 Material Advance D
2 Service Advance D
3 Security Received D
4 Tooling Advance D
Transactional Data – Customer Advance
Advances from customer will be handled via Special GL indicator only, wherein Customer
reconciliation GL will be linked with Advance reconciliation GL, which will enable to segregate the
Financial presentation of Advances and Receivables separately.

However Business will be able to have both of the lines in Customer Ledger.

Following will be the Accounting entry of advance payment received:

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Bank incoming Account 1000
Credit Advance from Customer account (A Special GL Transaction) 1000

These advances are later adjusted against the invoice raised to the customer. Advances can be
adjusted against more than one invoice at the time of clearing of the invoices against advances.

Adjustment of advances is done as follows:

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Advance from Customer account (A Special GL Transaction) 1000
Credit Customer Account 1000
Transactional Data – Customer Advance - Process

Transactional Data – Customer Advance – Process Steps

Activity Departments ations T
vity Detailed Description
Description Involved Relate Code
Advance payment is
Down payment
required from customer as
1 request being Sales Dept. SAP F-37
per SO. A request is being
generated in the system
The finance department will
Create down create the down payment
2 Accounts dept. SAP F-29
payment with respect to down
payment request
Billing being done in SD and
3 Billing Sales Dept. SAP VF01 an accounting document will
Clear advance Advance adjusted against
4 Accounts dept SAP F-39
against invoice the invoice
Transactional Data – Domestic/Trading and Export

When a billing document is generated in Sales and Distribution module, an accounting document is
posted automatically to the customer and sales revenue accounts based on account determination
set up in customizing.

All these process has been discussed in details in Sales & Distribution Module, however
accounting impact of the same is mentioned below.

Domestic & Trading Sales:

Accounting entry at the time of Goods Issue (At Standard Price or MAP):

Indicator Description Amount

Debit COGS account 500
Credit Stock/Inventory Accounts 500
Accounting entry at the time of Invoice (At Sales Price):
Indicator Description Amount
Debit Customer account 750
Credit Dom Sales/Trading Sales accounts 700
Credit CGST/SGST/IGST Payable Account 50

In case of export sales in foreign currency, system itself hit the books of account in local currency
as per rates maintained by users.

Transactional Data – Domestic/Trading and Export Sale

Export Sale:
At the time of export sale there is time gap between invoicing and payment receive, foreign gain and
loss will impact during time duration. Following are the accounting entries for capturing the currency
variation effect.

At the time of invoice booking (1 USD=60 INR)

Indicator Description Amount USD Amount INR

Debit Customer account 1000 60000

Credit Sales accounts 1000 60000

At the time of payment Receive (1 USD=61 INR)

Indicator Description Amount USD Amount INR
Debit Bank 1000 61000
Credit Customer 1000 60000
Credit Foeign Exchange Gain 0 1000
At the time payment Receive(1 USD=59 INR)
Indicator Description Amount USD Amount INR
Debit Bank 1000 59000
Credit Customer 1000 60000

Debit Foeign Exchange Loss 0 1000

Transactional Data – Domestic/Trading and Export Sale

(Note- Tax is not applicable in foreign invoice)
Transactional Data – Sales Invoice – Process Steps

Activity Activity Department

Number Description Involved Application T -Code Detail Description

PVCMT user will create the Sales

1 Sales Order Sales SAP VA01 order
Goods being Issued to customer
and PGI will be done. Material
Post goods Issue document will be generated
2 (PGI Done) Plant SAP VL01N along with an accounting
Invoice booking being done with
reference to Sales Order and
forward to the customer. An
3 Invoicing Sales SAP VF01 accounting document will

Transactional Data – Scrap Sales
This will be dealt in the same way as that of normal business transaction through the sales order
functionality. However, whether to create delivery or not depends upon the items to be sold as

As Production scrap is a Valuated Inventory, hence while doing PGI, to reduce its value from
inventory (PGI Entry will be triggered), however as non Production scrap is not valuated, so at PGI
no accounting entry will be there.

Accounting entry During PGI(Valuated Scrap – Production Scrap):

Indicator Description Amount

Debit COGS account 500
Credit Stock/Inventory Accounts 500
Accounting at the time of Scrap sale Invoicing:

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Customer account 757
Proc Scrap Sales Accounts/Non Prod Scrap
Credit Sales Account 700
Credit CGST/SGST/IGST Payable Account 50
Credit TCS Payable 7

Transactional Data – FOC/Sample Sales
At the time of PGI, inventory GL will be credited with Standard price or Moving average price and
will be debited to P&L (COGS GL), however GST payable will be debited to FOC sale expense GL.
A separate document type will be created for FOC sale.

Accounting at the time of FOC sale Invoicing:

Post Goods Issue

Indicator Description Amount

Debit COGS account 500
Credit Stock/Inventory Accounts 500

Sales Invoice

Indicator Description Amount

Debit FOC /Sample sale Expense 750
Credit FOC /Sample sale Expense 700
Credit CGST/SGST/IGST Payable Account 50

Export FOC/Sample sales expenses to be captured separately.

Transactional Data – FOC Sales Process

Transactional Data – Asset Sales
Asset can be directly sale through finance but when there is requirement to capture tax
after retirement of asset or invoice print out is required then asset should be sale with
sales order. This will be dealt in the same way as that of sale of scrap without
A separate sales order will be created with a Non Valuated material which will not have
any financial impact. While creating material master data, select Account Assignment
Group as a Asset (AS)
There will be no accounting impact on PGI.

Pre-requisite: Prior to sale of asset from SD, Finance need to discard the asset from
asset block via T. Code-ABAON:

The following accounting entry will pass (ABAON):

Indicator Description Amount
Debit Accumulated Depreciation Account 85000
Debit Clearing Account from Asset Sale 1000
Debit Loss on Sale of Asset 14000
Credit Asset Account 100000

Accounting at the time of Asset sale Invoicing:

Indicator Description Amount
Debit Customer account 1100
Credit Clearing Account from Asset Sale 1000
Credit GST payable account 100
Transactional Data – Asset Sales Process

Transactional Data- Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer Order will be used for Inventory wherein Transfer price is to be addressed, however
Inventory wherein Margins are not involved, can be routed via Material Movement (For detail MM BBP-
STO process an be referred).

Accounting Impact from STO:

A) STO is three stage accounting. Which comprise

1. Post Goods Issue:

Indicator Description Amount Profit center

Debit Inventory account 1000 100101
Credit Inter Branch Clearing A/c 1000 100101
Debit Inter Branch Clearing A/c 1000 100204
Credit Inventory account 1000 100204

2. Sales Invoice/Challan(Sending Plant):

Indicator Description Amount Profit center

Debit Receiving Plant (Customer) 1000 100204
Credit Inter Plant Sale/Purchase 1000 100204
Credit GST Output (If any) 0 100204

Transactional Data- Stock Transfer

3. Purchase Invoice (Receiving Plant):

Indicator Description Amount Profit center

Debit Inter Plant Sale/Purchase 1000 100101
Debit GST Input (If any) 0 100101
Credit Sending Plant (Vendor) 1000 100101

B) Accounting Impact from Direct Consumption (Inter Profit Center):

Indicator Description Amount Profit center

Debit Inventory Consumption 1000 100101
Credit Inter Branch Clearing A/c 1000 100101
Debit Inter Branch Clearing A/c 1000 100204
Credit Inventory A/c 1000 100204

Note- GST will be auto accounted, as and when inter states STO will be carried out.

Transactional Data – Credit Note/ Debit Note
Customer Debit/Credit Notes are raised in following cases:
Sales Return (Excess Supply)
Price Difference (Debit/Credit)
Penalty/Cash Discount/Quality rejection
In case of sales return and Price difference(Debit/Credit) will be raised via SD module, for
detailed process please refer the respective BBP(SD).

At the time of processing Sales Return/Credit Memo from SD Module:

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Inventory account 900
Credit COGS 900

In case of Price Difference Debit/Credit Note, as there is no Inventory movement, hence

second entry will be triggered only.

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Sales account 900
Debit GST payable 100
Credit Customer account 1000

Transactional Data – Sales Return Process

Transactional Data – Commercial Credit Note/ Debit Note

In case of debit on account of Penalty/Cash Discount/Interest Income, wherein GST is not

implied, will be directed from finance via T-Code FB75.

Transactional Data – Payment Receipt
In SAP all the customer ledgers will be controlled via open item management, as and when
Business will receive the payment against the invoices, respective invoices will get cleared.

Payment wherein payment advice has been received or it is to be adjusted against respective
invoice, open invoices will get cleared(F-28), however payment received without payment
advice will be treated on account payment and clearing will happen manually.
Incoming payment can be cleared partially and residually depending on the situation.

In case of PVCMT, most of the payment is received against bill and part payment being adjusted
against open invoices.

1. Non PDC approach

2. PDC Approach (For a set of customer basis their credibility)

To be continue…..
Transactional Data – Payment Receipt – NON PDC

Non PDC Approach basically comprise collection against invoice on/before/after due dates of
invoices. With majority of customer PVCMT follows the same approach.

On receipt of credit in bank Account, PVCMT will knock off the invoices and pass the accounting

PVCMT will use below functionality too in collection:

Partial Payment: This functionality in SAP is used when, payment against an invoice is
received incomplete and rest is expected to be received later.

Residual Payment: This functionality in SAP is used when, payment against an invoice is
received incomplete and rest is not expected to be received.

The following journal entries will be passed:

Indicator Description Amount

Debit Incoming Bank Account 1000
Credit Customer Account 1000

Transactional Data – Payment via PDC

Post Dated Cheque:

A post-dated cheque is a cheque written by the payer for a date in the future. A "post- dated cheque"
is only a bill of exchange, when it is written or drawn. It becomes a "cheque" when it is payable on
demand. The post-dated cheque is not payable till the date which is shown on received cheque. It will
only become cheque on the date shown on it and prior to that it remains a bill of exchange.

PVCMT uses PDC (payment method) for customer payment collection for a set of identified customers.

It will be a three step process.

1. Invoicing (With Payment Term/Payment Method – PDC)

2. PDC Receipt (Clearing Invoice and Debit Special GL)
3. PDC Encashment (Clearing Special GL and Debit Bank)

to be continue.. 42
Transactional Data – PDC Process
Accounting entries at different stages:
Invoicing (With Payment Term/Payment Method – PDC)
Indicator Main Ledger (Recon) Sub Ledger (If any) Amount
Debit Domestic Customer XYZ Customer 1000
Credit Sales Revenue 1000

PDC Receipt (Clearing Invoice and Debit Special GL)

It will be used to clear, normal item and will kept in special GL for information purpose, so as to segregate
the Pending PDC and PDC receipt lines invoice wise in standard system. There will be no impact on
Customer Ledger and General Ledger linked with Customer with PDC receipt accounting.
Indicator Main Ledger (Recon) Sub Ledger (If any) Amount
Debit Domestic Customer XYZ Customer 1000
Credit Domestic Customer XYZ Customer 1000

PDC Encashment (Clearing Special GL and Debit Bank)

Indicator Main Ledger (Recon) Sub Ledger (If any) Amount

Debit Incoming Bank GL 1000
Credit Domestic Customer XYZ Customer 1000

Transactional Data – Payment Receipt

Period End Activities
Open Item Clearing:
It is recommended to PVCMT to clear their receivables invoice wise as SAP follows the same
clearing method in the system. In case of on account payments from customers, it is
recommended to clear the open items by FIFO method to avoid later reconciliation.

Collection Follow up (Dunning):

When the customer misses the payment for the outstanding invoice within specified payment
due date. The dunning letter is generated via sap program and send at customer address for
reminding the customer overdue outstanding payment.
The dunning system enables to trace liable customers who have not paid their open invoices
within a given time span. It enables you to handle the process from, for example, sending a
reminder to customers of their outstanding payments through to referring such customers to
collections agencies.

Open & Close Posting Period:

To restrict users from posting in different periods, SAP provides functionality of blocking previous
posting periods, Which is a month end activities to be performed by Accounts department.

Reports & Correspondence
An unrestricted display of the document created in SAP will be available for all the users in SAP.
There is a SAP standard layout structure which can be displayed / changed at the time of
displaying the line items. But however the user has to select at the time of displaying the line
items which he/she want to see apart from the standard headings like amount, date, document
types. Any additional selections which are entered by the user will be displayed.

Besides standard Customer Ledger (FBL5N/FBL5H) reports, below customized report will be
provided to PVCMT for analysis purpose:
Customer Aging (Profit Center/Plant Wise)

Besides that all debit/credit note print formats will be provided to enable user to extract the
same from SAP itself to avoid manual interventions.
FI Debit/Credit Note

Finance – WRICEF(Customization) list

Sr No Module WRICEF Name Report

1 FI Customer Receipts Uploader (F-28) BDC

2 FI Customer Ageing Report (Including Future Age) Report

3 FI Customer Collection Report Report

4 FI Sales Register Report

5 FI Customer Debit/Credit Note Printout Smart Form

Review & Sign off

Name Role Date Comments Signature

Thank You


Inputs Outputs



For any query , please feel free to reach us @ 49

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