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Reflect Reading &Writing, Level 2: Units 1–4 Mastery Assessment

Name: Class: Date:

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box.

become check connect earn find out

free medicine opinion type useful

1. I didn’t ________________ my homework carefully, so I turned it in with some mistakes.

2. After work, I need to pick up some ________________ for my cold at the pharmacy.

3. Social media is a good way to ________________ with old friends.

4. Country music is boring in my ________________.

5. When will you ________________ what grade you got on the science test?

6. You need to go to medical school if you want to ________________ a doctor.

7. You can _______________ a lot of money if you go into a tech field.

8. This app is really ________________ for getting directions.

9. The library offers ________________ English classes. You don’t have to pay anything.

10. What ________________ of music do you listen to when you’re alone?

Choose the correct answer.

11. ____ Jack ________ at work today because he had to take his daughter to the doctor.

a. am not b. isn’t c. aren’t

12. ____ My parents usually ________ to classical music on the weekends.

a. listens b. to listen c. listen

13. ____ My science class is ________ my math class.

a. difficult b. more difficult c. more difficult than

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14. ____ My brother is ________, and he’s a really good basketball player.

a. tall b. taller c. taller than

15. ____ I don’t have ________ time to help you today, but I can help you tomorrow.

a. many b. much c. a few

16. ____ I have ________ heroes. It’s impossible to pick just one.

a. a lot of b. a little c. much

17. ____ Shaun ________ me to his parents when I was at their house last weekend.

a. introduce b. didn’t introduce c. not introduce

18. ____ We ________ to the community center to volunteer.

a. going b. to go c. went


Read the text. Then match the paragraph to its purpose.


1 Clinton Community Center’s Employee of the Month for February is Carla Gomez. Carla started
working at the community center two years ago. She runs the computer lab for our organization.
Everyone who uses the lab needs Carla’s help. She is a valuable employee and community member
who is always happy to help.

2 In the lab, Carla plans and teaches all of the computer classes and workshops. In 2018, she created a
special class for older people who struggle with computers. She’s very patient and understands that
some people find technology difficult to use. Last year, she started Tech Kids—an afterschool program
for young children who want to learn coding skills.

3 Carla isn’t just a hero at our center—she’s also a hero in the community. Carla volunteers her time in
many ways. For example, she helped the local fire department by installing new software on their
computers. Carla is also involved in a citizen science project that studies and protects wildlife in our
area. She counts and reports the number of bats in a local park using an app.

4 Carla says she’s happier when she’s helping people, but her life isn’t all work. In her free time, she
likes listening to music and going to concerts with her friends. She and her best friend are creating an
app that helps people connect to others that like the same kind of music. We’re sure it will be

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5 Carla’s work in the lab and in the community helps many people. She always works hard to help
anyone who needs a hand. Please stop by Clinton Community Center to meet Carla and say thank you!

a. To give information about Carla’s volunteer work

b. To conclude the reading and make a suggestion
c. To give information about Carla’s free time
d. To give information about Carla’s work at the community center
e. To introduce Carla Gomez
19. ____ Paragraph 1
20. ____ Paragraph 2
21. ____ Paragraph 3
22. ____ Paragraph 4
23. ____ Paragraph 5


Read the text. Then write T (true) or F (false). Correct the underlined section in a false


1 Clinton Community Center’s Employee of the Month for February is Carla Gomez. Carla started
working at the community center two years ago. She runs the computer lab for our organization.
Everyone who uses the lab needs Carla’s help. She is a valuable employee and community member
who is always happy to help.

2 In the lab, Carla plans and teaches all of the computer classes and workshops. In 2018, she created a
special class for older people who struggle with computers. She’s very patient and understands that
some people find technology difficult to use. Last year, she started Tech Kids—an afterschool program
for young children who want to learn coding skills.

3 Carla isn’t just a hero at our center—she’s also a hero in the community. Carla volunteers her time in
many ways. For example, she helped the local fire department by installing new software on their
computers. Carla is also involved in a citizen science project that studies and protects wildlife in our
area. She counts and reports the number of bats in a local park using an app.

4 Carla says she’s happier when she’s helping people, but her life isn’t all work. In her free time, she
likes listening to music and going to concerts with her friends. She and her best friend are creating an
app that helps people connect to others that like the same kind of music. We’re sure it will be

5 Carla’s work in the lab and in the community helps many people. She always works hard to help
anyone who needs a hand. Please stop by Clinton Community Center to meet Carla and say thank you!

24. ____ Carla Gomez volunteers at the community center.


25. ____ In Tech Kids, Carla teaches children to fix computers.


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26. ____ Carla is working on a citizen science project that studies and protects wildlife.


27. ____ Carla’s is creating a music app in her free time.


28. ____ Carla helps older people who find it difficult to install new software.


Read the text. Then choose the correct answer.


1 Clinton Community Center’s Employee of the Month for February is Carla Gomez. Carla started
working at the community center two years ago. She runs the computer lab for our organization.
Everyone who uses the lab needs Carla’s help. She is a valuable employee and community member
who is always happy to help.

2 In the lab, Carla plans and teaches all of the computer classes and workshops. In 2018, she created a
special class for older people who struggle with computers. She’s very patient and understands that
some people find technology difficult to use. Last year, she started Tech Kids—an afterschool program
for young children who want to learn coding skills.

3 Carla isn’t just a hero at our center—she’s also a hero in the community. Carla volunteers her time in
many ways. For example, she helped the local fire department by installing new software on their
computers. Carla is also involved in a citizen science project that studies and protects wildlife in our
area. She counts and reports the number of bats in a local park using an app.

4 Carla says she’s happier when she’s helping people, but her life isn’t all work. In her free time, she
likes listening to music and going to concerts with her friends. She and her best friend are creating an
app that helps people connect to others that like the same kind of music. We’re sure it will be

5 Carla’s work in the lab and in the community helps many people. She always works hard to help
anyone who needs a hand. Please stop by Clinton Community Center to meet Carla and say thank you!

29. ____ Preview the text. What information does the title give you about the Employee of the Month?

a. the employee’s job b. the employee’s name c. the employee’s skills

30. ____ What is the main idea of the reading?

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a. Carla is patient at work. b. Carla works at the c. Carla is a valuable
community center. employee and community

31. ____ Which sentence in paragraph 2 is a detail about Carla’s citizen science project?

a. She’s also a hero in the b. She counts and reports the c. She helped the local fire
community. number of bats in a local department by installing
park using an app. new software on their

32. ____ Use the context to guess the meaning of valuable in paragraph 1.

a. useful b. expensive c. successful

33. ____ Use the context to guess the meaning of struggle in paragraph 2.

a. enjoy b. find difficult c. study


Answer the questions.

34. Complete this sentence with a reason: It’s important to help people in your community because…


35. How could you analyze the topic volunteering? List three parts you could break it into.


Read the paragraph. Then choose the best answer.

(1) ____________________. The app helps people connect to other people who like the same kind of
music. First, you download the app and enter your information. (2) ____________________. Then you
search for people who like the same kind of music. You can search for people that live near you, or
you can find “music friends” around the world. (3) _____, you can share music with your new friends
on the app. Finally, the app suggests music you and your friends might like. (4)

36. ____ Which of the following is the best topic sentence for (1)?

a. Carla Gomez and Ria b. Carla Gomez and Ria c. Carla Gomez and Ria
Connors are good at Connors love music. Connors created an app

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technology. for music lovers.

37. ____ Which of the following is the best supporting sentence for (2)?

a. You have to answer b. You can see your favorite c. The app is easy to use and
questions about your bands in concert. isn’t very expensive.
favorite music.

38. ____ Which of the following is the best time order word for (3)?

a. Second b. Finally c. After that

39. ____ Which of the following is the best concluding sentence for (4)?

a. They started making the b. This is an excellent way to c. You and your friends can
app together three years meet people who like the listen to songs together on
ago on Carla’s computer. same music as you do. the radio.

Correct the underlined error with an adjective or a comparative adjective.

40. Robin is a better friend.


41. Tina’s business is successfuler than mine.


42. The community center needs news computers.


43. Are you more good at soccer or baseball?


44. Aiden is funnyer than his brother.


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Read the prompt. Then write a response of at least 100 words.

45. Write a paragraph about a hero in your community, such as a firefighter or community volunteer.
Include a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.






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Answer Key

1. ANS: check
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

2. ANS: medicine
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

3. ANS: connect
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

4. ANS: opinion
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

5. ANS: find out

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

6. ANS: become
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

7. ANS: earn
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

8. ANS: useful
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

9. ANS: free
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

10. ANS: type

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L2U1–4_CO1

11. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

12. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

13. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

14. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

15. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

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16. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar
NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

17. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

18. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Grammar

NAR: L2U1–4_MC1

19. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Main Ideas

20. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Main Ideas

21. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Main Ideas

22. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Main Ideas

23. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Main Ideas

24. ANS: F
works / has a job
PTS: 2 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Details
NAR: L2U1–4_MTF1

25. ANS: F
programming skills / to program computers
PTS: 2 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Details
NAR: L2U1–4_MTF1

26. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4

TOP: Reading for Details NAR: L2U1–4_MTF1

27. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4

TOP: Reading for Details NAR: L2U1–4_MTF1

28. ANS: F
to use computers / to use technology
PTS: 2 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading for Details
NAR: L2U1–4_MTF1

29. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading

NAR: L2U1–4_MC2

30. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading

NAR: L2U1–4_MC2

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31. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L2U1–4_MC2

32. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading

NAR: L2U1–4_MC2

33. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Reading

NAR: L2U1–4_MC2

34. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: It makes the world a better place.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Critical Thinking Skill
NAR: L2U1–4_SA1

35. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: benefits to volunteering, places to volunteer, skills you can offer others
PTS: 2 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Critical Thinking Skill
NAR: L2U1–4_SA1

36. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Skill

NAR: L2U1–4_MC3

37. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Skill

NAR: L2U1–4_MC3

38. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Skill

NAR: L2U1–4_MC3

39. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Skill

NAR: L2U1–4_MC3

40. ANS: good

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Practice 1
NAR: L2U1–4_CO2

41. ANS: more successful

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Practice 1
NAR: L2U1–4_CO2

42. ANS: new

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Practice 1
NAR: L2U1–4_CO2

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43. ANS: better
PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Practice 1
NAR: L2U1–4_CO2

44. ANS: funnier

PTS: 1 REF: L2U1–4 TOP: Writing Practice 1
NAR: L2U1–4_CO2

45. ANS:
Students’ own answers
PTS: 6 REF: L2U1 TOP: Writing Practice 2
NAR: L2U1–4_ES1

©2021 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company

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