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Premier Issue October 1990

Prophet Predicts Death of Hussein

This generation, as generations be- One unique passage of Scripture re- tacks Israel!”) But Isaiah alone focuses
fore, does not see the wrath of God as fers specifically to Saddam Hussein. In directly on the Iraqi leader. He wastes
relevant to daily life. But now, thanks Isaiah 14, the Prophet Isaiah proclaims no words in his brief but scathing con-
to the “miracle of modern technol- the judgment of God on the arrogant demnation of Hussein as the one God
ogy,” we are going to see it in our own Iraqi President, including the destruc- holds responsible for the coming erup-
homes, on our own television sets. tion of his country for good measure. tion of violence in the Middle East.
The world will soon witness the in- Both Isaiah and Jeremiah use the Isaiah makes five specific refer-
credibly violent fulfillment of an an- parabolic image of ancient Babylon in ences to events related to the current
cient divine curse. An Israelite Prophet their prophetic descriptions of the com- conflict in the Persian Gulf:
of God pronounced this curse against a ing destruction of Iraq in other pas-
present-day dictator and his soon-to-be sages. (See articles in this issue, 1. Saddam Hussein’s actions create
depopulated country over 2700 years “Saddam Hussein: Heir to the Throne worldwide political and economic tur-
ago. of Nebuchadnezzar?” and “Iraq At-
2. The Iraqi President has done the
unthinkable by not allowing innocent
civilians out of Iraq and Kuwait.

Iraq Attacks Israel! 3. The corpse of Saddam Hussein

will be treated with contempt and de-
nied burial with honors after his death
Millions Flee Devastation in Iraq during the conflict.

See Prophet Predicts on Page 2

Some 2700 years ago, two Prophets of Israel walked the dusty trails of Pal-
estine proclaiming to one and all the destruction to come on the world super-
power that was Babylon. The devastating events they predicted have never
come to pass. Yet their prophecies vividly describe the outcome of the current INSIDE
situation in the Persian Gulf in which the political, economic, and military in-
frastructure of Iraq will be left in ruins. ° Saddam Hussein: Heir to the
The Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah used the parabolic image of ancient Baby- Throne of Nebuchadnezzar?
lon to refer to the modern state of Iraq for two simple reasons: 1) because the site ° Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed
of that ancient city-state is located within Iraq, and 2) because the Iraqi govern-
ment has been actively pursuing a course intended to militarily reestablish the NEXT ISSUE
kingdom of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, and to reassert the domi-
nance of that ancient superpower over the civilized world. (See article, “Saddam
° The Mystery of Scripture
Hussein: Heir to the Throne of Nebuchadnezzar?”)
The prophecies of these two Prophets concerning Babylon will be fulfilled ° Parables and Prophecy
parabolically sometime in the near future, just as the prophecies concerning the ° Is Iraq Mystery Babylon?
See Millions Flee on Page 4
2 October 1990

You won’t be joined with them in

Prophet Predicts burial, because you destroyed your
land! You destroyed your people!
Hostages Held
With amazing detail, Isaiah indicts
4. Hussein alone bears responsibil- The seed of those who do evil won’t Saddam Hussein for violating the basic
ity for initiating the coming destruction be named forever! Prepare for his norms of civilized society by taking ci-
of Iraq, since it could have been sons a slaughtering place according vilians from foreign countries as hos-
avoided. to the iniquity of their fathers! They tages:
won’t arise to inherit the Earth, or to
5. All the Iraqis share in Saddam “who wouldn’t allow his prisoners to
fill the surface of the Earth with cities.
Hussein’s guilt, therefore, Iraq will be go home?”
destroyed. But I’ll rise up against them,” de- (Isaiah 14:17b)
clares the Lord of Hosts, “I’ll cut off
Listen to what the Prophet says: from Babylon name, remnant, poster- The term translated “prisoner” in
ity, and progeny! this passage could just as well be trans-
“Those who see you will gaze on you!
lated with the English word captive, or
They’ll pay close attention to you! I’ll make it an inheritance for a por- hostage.
‘Is this the man who threw the Earth cupine, and watery marshland. I’ll
into turmoil? Who caused kingdoms mop it with a mop of annihilation!” Hussein Denied Burial
to quake? Who made productive earth (Isaiah 14:16–23a) —my translation
like a wilderness, and tore down its Immediately after these disparag-
cities? Who didn’t allow his captives ing remarks, however, Isaiah de-
scribes the repugnance accorded the
to go home?’ Worldwide Turbulence body of the slain Saddam Hussein:
All the kings of the nations, all of
In Isaiah’s indictment of Saddam “All the kings of the nations, all of
them, have laid down in glory (been
Hussein, one can clearly see the vitri- them, have laid down in glory (been
buried with honors), each one in his
olic disdain God feels for men like him. buried with honor)! Each in his own
house. But you! You’ve been cast out
Remarking on Hussein’s death, Isaiah house. But you! You’ve been cast out
of your grave like a rejected branch,
simply quotes the belittling comments of your grave like a rejected branch,
clothed with the slain, those pierced
of those who view his corpse: clothed with the slain, those pierced
with the sword! those going down to
the stones of the pit like a trampled
corpse. “Hussein alone bears responsibility for
initiating the coming destruction of Iraq.”
by a sword! Those going down to the
“Is this the man who threw the earth
stones of the pit. Like a trampled
into turmoil? Who caused kingdoms
Published Quarterly by Voice of Elijah, Inc. corpse. You won’t be joined with
to quake? Who made productive earth
M. H. Clay, Executive Editor them in burial, because you destroyed
Sara Brooks, Editor like a wilderness, and tore down its
your land! You killed your people!”
Volume 1, Number 1, October 1990 cities?” (Isaiah 14:16b–17a) —my
All correspondence should be addressed to:
(Isaiah 14:18–20a) —my translation
Voice of Elijah From the text it appears Hussein’s
P.O. Box 28201
These onlookers, on this auspicious corpse is not only denied burial with hon-
Dallas, TX 75228
occasion, are openly contemptuous of ors but is also the object of open disdain
Subscription rates: (1 year, U.S. Funds)
the deceased dictator. They refer to the and perhaps even put on public display.
U.S. $18.00
Canada $22.00 economic and political upheaval he has
Abroad $42.00
caused with phrases you might read in
Hussein Responsible
Articles published by permission of
The Elijah Project. today’s newspaper—“world in tur- The Prophet’s contention is that
Except when otherwise noted, moil” and “shaky governments.” Hussein’s intransigence and refusal to
Scripture taken from the
do what is necessary to gain a peaceful
© 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, Notice also that the devastation of
1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1987, 1988. solution to the crisis is the sole reason
The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Iraq has apparently already occurred
why Iraq has been destroyed.
Bolded Scripture reflects the emphasis of the prior to Hussein’s death, since the on-
Copyright © 1990, 2002, 2008
lookers refer to it by saying Hussein “You won’t be joined with them in
by Voice of Elijah, Inc. “made productive earth like a wilder- burial, because you destroyed your
ness and tore down its cities.” land!
October 1990 3

You destroyed your people!”

(Isaiah 14:20a) —my translation

This awesome tragedy could have

been avoided but for this one man’s Saddam Hussein:
failure to acknowledge a fatal miscal-
culation and back away from his arro-
Heir to the Throne of Nebuchadnezzar?
gance when confronted by the rest of
the world. Herein lies a key to under- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is, as his Arabic name “Saddam” indicates,
standing the reason for his destruc- “one who confronts.” He is also accustomed to getting his way even if it means
tion: His stubbornness has brought hundreds of thousands must die. Shortly after he became President of Iraq in
down the wrath of Almighty God. 1979, he invaded Iran, his neighbor to the east, to gain complete control of the
Shatt al-Arab shipping channel extending from Iraq’s southern port of Bosra to the
All Iraq Guilty Persian Gulf.
The Iran-Iraq war lasted eight years with nearly a million Iraqi casualties. Yet
The collaboration of the Iraqi gov- barely two years after that war ended in a stalemate, he suddenly invaded Kuwait,
ernment officials and the acquies- his tiny, but incredibly wealthy neighbor to the south. Currently, analysts believe
cence of the Iraqi people in their he had planned his invasion for two years prior to its execution, and that Jordan
leader’s misguided attempt to resur- and Yemen were possible partners in a plan to divide up the entire Arabian Penin-
rect the ancient Babylonian Empire sula among themselves. If that be so, Saddam Hussein obviously has a myopic
(see article, “Saddam Hussein: Heir to military mentality the likes of which the world has not seen since Adolf Hitler. But
the Throne of Nebuchadnezzar?”), as what actually motivates this megalomaniacal commander of the world’s sixth
well as their implicit or explicit ap- largest military establishment?
proval of his brutal invasion of Ku-
wait, has evoked the response from
God that the Prophet recorded some Butcher of Baghdad
2700 years ago:
Saddam Hussein was born in 1937 during the British occupation of Iraq. Or-
phaned at nine months, he was raised by an uncle, Khairallah Talfah, who despised
“His stubbornness the British because of their control over the reigning Iraqi monarch. From Talfah,
Hussein gained a deep-rooted and abiding hatred for the Western “colonial” pow-
has brought down ers. Talfah was imprisoned in 1941 for an unsuccessful anti-British coup attempt.
the wrath of Saddam did not begin school until the age of nine and was later rejected by the
elite Baghdad Military Academy because of poor grades, a rejection that may have
Almighty God.” resulted in his obsession with the use of military force. Only after he came to
power in 1979 could he have himself made a full general; in actual fact, the nearest
he has ever been to combat was the result of his involvement in the Baath Party.
This organization was, at the time, a militant underground pan-Arab political or-
“The seed of those who do evil won’t
ganization. He was supposedly wounded during an unsuccessful Baath Party as-
be named forever! Prepare for his
sassination attempt on Iraq’s military ruler, Abdul Karim Kassem in 1959, but
sons a slaughtering place (according
escaped to Syria and, ultimately, to Egypt.
to the iniquity of their fathers); they
During his stay in Egypt he began studying law, but his heart was oriented other-
won’t arise to inherit the Earth or to
wise. While others sat around the local cafes arguing fine points of law, Hussein
fill the surface of the Earth with cities.
would say simply, “Why argue? Why don’t you just take out a gun and shoot him?”
But I’ll rise up against them,” de-
By 1963 he was back in Baghdad organizing a militia for the Baath Party. The Baath
clares the LORD of Hosts. “I’ll cut off
Party finally seized power in 1968. The ostensible leader of the new Iraqi govern-
from Babylon name, remnant, poster-
ment was General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr; but the man who actually controlled the
ity, and progeny! I’ll make it an in-
government is believed to have been Saddam Hussein.
heritance for a porcupine and a
watery marshland. I’ll mop it with a Al-Bakr retired in 1979, passing the leadership position to Hussein, who imme-
mop of annihilation!” diately ordered twenty-one of the Cabinet members executed on questionable
charges of treason. Some of them were his closest “comrades.”
(Isaiah 14:20b–23a my translation
Saddam Hussein has always been able to attain what he wants through murder
and intimidation. The laws of God and man are immaterial to him. Within Iraq his
word is law, yet he assumes he alone stands above such bounds, as he has continu-
See Hussein: Heir on Page 8
4 October 1990

The destruction of Iraq is necessary 1. An assembly of nations is going

Millions Flee to the plan of God inasmuch as it brings
about a historical event to which the
to come against Babylon. The location
of these nations is to the “North” of
restoration of the True Israel have seen Redeemed of the Lord can look as a Babylon.
a parabolic fulfillment in the years harbinger of things to come and learn
2. The invasion launched by this as-
since the establishment of the modern the Truth necessary to endure to the
sembly of nations will produce an in-
state of Israel in May 1948. End. (See “Is Iraq Mystery Babylon?”
credibly large number of refugees.
There is but one key to compre- The Voice of Elijah, January 1991.)
Both foreigners and native residents
hending the significance of both the The two primary passages of Scrip- will flee Iraq to avoid the conflagration.
restoration of “historical Israel”—as ture concerned with the devastation of The Prophet describes the country as
opposed to the True Israel, Jesus Iraq are Jeremiah 50–51 and Isaiah being utterly devoid of people.
Christ⎯and the current events in the 13–14. The Prophet Jeremiah prophe-
Persian Gulf region. (See article, sied concerning Babylon sometime
“Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed.”) It shortly after 600 B.C. Isaiah’s ministry
lies in a recognition of the role the par- was a century or so earlier. “Iraq will be made
able plays in Scripture. (See future ar- As is normal with the Prophets of
ticles on the use of parables in God, the earlier of the two, Isaiah, is to relinquish control
Jesus spoke in parables so often
rather cursory in his coverage of the
subject. Jeremiah, on the other hand,
of Kuwait.”
that Matthew says He said nothing elaborates more fully.
without speaking in a parable (Matt. The differences in the prophecies of
3. The Iraqi military establishment
13:34). But a long-forgotten Truth is Isaiah and Jeremiah are accounted for will be reduced to nothing more than
the fact that all the Prophets spoke in not only by this, but also by the fact that confused, isolated groups of individu-
parables (Hos. 12:10). That is why the Isaiah is much more concerned with the als too afraid to come out of their bunk-
Old Testament is so little understood. reality behind the parabolic image of ers.
Every parable in Scripture is built Babylon than he is with the image itself.
on two basic elements, its image(s) That ultimate reality is the kingdom of 4. The destruction of Iraq will be
and its idiom(s). Taken together, these the Antichrist. unimaginable even by modern stan-
two basic building blocks provide the In Jeremiah’s prophecy it is possi- dards, with entire areas destroyed by
insight necessary to unlock the para- ble to isolate at least four distinctive fire.
ble’s meaning. In the case before us, facts related to the current standoff in
In addition, his prophecies contain
the parable is as old as the kingdom of the Persian Gulf and the coming con-
two other interesting facts:
Babylon itself, dating all the way back vulsion.
to the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11). 1. God’s vengeance requires the de-
struction of Iraq because of its attack on
Turkey the modern nation of Israel.
2. Iraq will be made to relinquish
control of Kuwait.

Northern Nation(s)
The first of Jeremiah’s statements re-
Iran lates to the makeup of the multinational

an Iraq force arrayed against Iraq. He mentions
it several times, sometimes referring to it
as a single nation, at other times indicat-
ing it is a force of several nations.
As we know, current world opinion
is divided on whether the operation is
Saudi Arabia that of the United States, that of the ma-
jor western powers, or that of the entire
world under the auspices of yet another
Refugees will flee Iraq into neighboring countries—Turkey, Syria, Iran, Jordan, and
specific United Nations’ resolution au-
Saudi Arabia—creating instability that will last for years to come.
thorizing military force against Iraq.
Jeremiah also reflects this ambivalence.
October 1990 5

“those who destroy will come to her The flood of foreign refugees already
“The burden from the north.” fleeing Iraq and Kuwait as a result of
(Jeremiah 51:48b) —my translation Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait will become a
created on neigh- virtual torrent when the multinational
Taking into account the fact that
boring countries Jeremiah speaks in terms of his own
forces begin their invasion of Iraq. The
number of refugees who have fled will
day—that is, he uses words like horses,
may well destabilize bows, and javelins, instead of tanks, ri-
pale in comparison to the number yet to
flee. The burden created on neighbor-
the entire region.” fles, and rocket launchers—the pas-
sages aptly describe the coalition of
ing countries may well destabilize the
entire region and create problems for
nations now arrayed against Iraq in the
He is definite on one issue, however, years to come. Jeremiah not only says
Gulf region. When that coalition fi-
––that the nation(s) come “from the they will flee, he calls on them to do so.
nally engages in full-scale assault
north.” Indeed they do. His point will not be lost on those seek-
against Iraq, the majority of its strength
In one passage, Jeremiah mentions ing safety: it may be an uncertain fate to
will be supplied by those nations lo-
“the spirit of the kings of the Medes” to which they flee, but to remain means
cated to the “north” of Iraq (latitudi-
indicate the nations arrayed against certain death.
nally)—the United States, Great
Iraq have the same intention as the The Prophet graphically describes
Britain, and France.
Medes, the ancient kingdom that con- a nation abandoned:
quered the city of Babylon around 540 A Multitude of Refugees “there won’t be an inhabitant in it.
B.C. In a parallel passage, he simply Jeremiah’s vision describes yet a From man even unto beast they have
states, “the spirit of one who destroys.” second circumstance resulting from the fled. They have gone!”
Read for yourself the words of the events now occuring in the Middle East. (Jeremiah 50:3b) —my translation
“For a nation from the north has
come up against her. He will make
her land a wasteland.”
(Jeremiah 50:3a) —my translation Touch Not
“I am arousing and bringing up
against Babylon an assembly of great The Lord’s Anointed
nations from a northern land. They
will align themselves against her.” Just after midnight, August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein marshalled his troops and
(Jeremiah 50:9b) —my translation invaded Kuwait. George Bush, by turn, marshalled world opinion against him and
“Behold, a people is coming from the began a massive military buildup in Saudi Arabia. Within a month the situation had
north, even a great nation. But many reached a stalemate. The question continually in the news: Will Saddam Hussein
kings will be aroused from the far back down or will there be war?
reaches of the Earth. They will grasp There will be war. Moreover, the entire political, economic, military, and tech-
bow and javelin; They are cruel and nological infrastructure of Iraq are going to be completely devastated by a massive
they will have no mercy. Their voice military bombardment (possibly including limited nuclear weaponry) on the part of
will roar like the sea and they will ride the multinational force in the Persian Gulf. Millions will flee Iraq seeking to escape
on horses aligned as man for battle the sheer terror of the unrelenting attack.
against you, O Daughter of Babylon.” Old Testament prophecy graphically describes the devastation. (See article,
(Jeremiah 50:41–42) —my translation “Iraq Attacks Israel!”) It is going to happen, the only uncertainty is when. When it
does occur, Saddam Hussein will not escape; to the contrary, his corpse will be-
“I am going to arouse the spirit of one come a public spectacle (see article, “Prophet Predicts Death of Hussein”). He has
who destroys against Babylon already evoked the wrath of the Almighty God by seeking to reestablish the hege-
... I will send winnowers to Babylon. mony of the ancient Babylonian Empire and by making threats against the modern
They will winnow her and they will nation of Israel (for whom God has other plans). (See article, “Saddam Hussein:
empty her land.” Heir to the Throne of Nebuchadnezzar?”)
(Jeremiah 51:1b–2a) —my translation Why would God suddenly focus such an intense burning rage against Saddam
The Lord has aroused the spirit of the Hussein that He would destroy not only the man but also his country’s entire infra-
kings of the Medes, because His pur- structure? Several factors have contributed to the current situation; but no one fac-
pose is against Babylon to destroy her. tor is, in and of itself, adequate to explain God’s hatred. Taken together the best
See Lord’s Anointed on Page 10
(Jeremiah 51:11b) —my translation
6 October 1990

“Flee from the midst of Babylon! Go Jeremiah also refers to the annihila- Days are coming when I will attend to
out from the land of the Chaldeans.” tion of the military as an imposition of the hewn idols of Babylon. All her
(Jeremiah 50:8a) —my translation the ancient ritual of herem (the “ban”) in land will be ashamed; all her slain
which every male member of a society will fall in her midst.
“each will turn to his people and each
was killed in order to extinguish their (Jeremiah 51:47b) —my translation
will flee to his own land.”
lineage. They would then have no “rem-
(Jeremiah 50:16b) —my translation
nant,” i.e., male members to perpetuate Massive Destruction
Woe is on them, because their day has “the name” of the deceased forefathers.
come, the time of their visitation. The The Prophet’s word is harsh: Jeremiah describes the devastation of
sound of those fleeing and those escap- Iraq as total, so much so that no one is left
“that is the vengeance of His Majesty.
ing from the land of Babylon. alive and the land is uninhabitable. Short
Avenge yourself against her! Do to
(Jeremiah 50:27b–28a) —my translation of a nuclear conflict, which certainly can-
her just as she has done. Cut off from
not be ruled out, such devastation is un-
imaginable. The reader should keep in
“Short of a nuclear conflict, which mind, however, that the prophecy speaks
both of Iraq, the historical image, and of
certainly cannot be ruled out, such the harlot Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17),
the ultimate reality. (See “Is Iraq Mystery
devastation is unimaginable.” Babylon?” The Voice of Elijah, January
1991.) Whatever the devastation proves
to be, it will be tremendous. Jeremiah
Flee from the midst of Babylon, each Babylon sower and one who wields a puts it this way:
one escape for his life. Don’t be si- sickle at harvest time.”
(Jeremiah 50:15b–16a) —my translation “Look! You are the least of nations, a
lenced by her iniquity, because the time
wilderness, a dry land, a desert, be-
of vengeance belongs to His Majesty. “Go up against her, even against the cause of the wrath of the LORD. She will
He is going to repay her with reprisal. one visited. Slay and declare the ban not be inhabited; she will be completely
(Jeremiah 51:6) —my translation upon them.” devastated. Everyone who passes by
(Jeremiah 50:21a) —my translation Babylon will be astonished; he will
We tried healing Babylon, but she was
not healed. Abandon her so we can Mound her up like heaps and put her whistle concerning all her wounds.”
each return to his own country. under the ban. Let her not have a rem- (Jeremiah 50:12b–13) —my translation
(Jeremiah 51:9a) —my translation nant. Slash all her young bulls with the
“The sound of war is in the land—a
sword. Let them go down to slaughter.
You who have escaped from the sword great destruction. How can it be?
(Jeremiah 50:26b–27a) —my translation
leave! Don’t stay. The hammer of the whole Earth has
(Jeremiah 51:50a) —my translation “Do to her according to all she has been hewn off and splintered. How
done because she has been insolent to- can it be? Babylon has become a des-
Iraq Military Decimated ward the LORD, toward the Holy One of olation among the nations.”
Israel. Therefore, her chosen ones will (Jeremiah 50:22–23) —my translation
Jeremiah indicates the Iraqi mili- fall in her streets, and all her men of
war will be silent in that day.” “your day has come, a time when I will
tary will be virtually annihilated by the
(Jeremiah 50:29b–30a) —my translation visit you. An insolent one will stumble
invading forces. The casualties on the
and fall and have no one to raise him
Iraqi side most likely will run well into “He will bring agitation to the inhabit- up. I will kindle his cities with fire and
the hundreds of thousands. Jeremiah’s ants of Babylon. A sword is against it will eat all his surrounding territory.”
central theme remains that it must be Chaldeans.” (Jeremiah 50:31b–32) —my translation
so because the vengeance of God seeks (Jeremiah 50:34b–35a) —my translation
satisfaction. “desert animals will live with jackals
“Put her entire army under the ban.
The Prophet does not refer to women and ostriches will live in her. But she
They will fall wounded in the land of
and children in this regard because his won’t be dwelled in again for perpetu-
Chaldeans, riddled in her streets.”
perspective is strictly military, including ity. And she won’t be inhabited for
(Jeremiah 51:3a–4) —my translation
the Iraqi reserves called up to counter generation after generation—like
the coming invasion. Therefore he fo- The valiant warriors of Babylon have when God overthrew Sodom, Gomor-
cuses on the male, using terms like stopped fighting. They stay in their for- rah and her residents,” declares the
sower, one who wields a sickle, men of tified positions. Their valor has been LORD. “No man will dwell there; and
war, entire army, young bulls, and val- parched; they have become women. the son of man will not reside in her.”
iant warriors. (Jeremiah 51:30a) —my translation (Jeremiah 50:39–40) —my translation
October 1990 7

Because the thoughts of the LORD are the Prophet states plainly that the na- I will shatter governors and petty rul-
standing against Babylon to make the tion of Israel will not tolerate the Iraqi ers with you.
land of Babylon a desolation without first strike, but will deliver a savage And I will repay Babylon and the in-
inhabitant. onslaught of its own. habitants of Chaldea for all their evil
(Jeremiah 51:29b) —my translation Speaking to Israel, the Prophet says: they have done in Zion before your
eyes,” declares the LORD.
“You are a war-club to Me—a
(Jeremiah 51:20–24) —my translation
weapon of war.
“I will bring out I will shatter nations with you.
All For Nothing
I will destroy kingdoms with you.
what he has I will shatter horse and his rider with The final tally will find that Iraq
swallowed from I will shatter chariot and his rider
gained nothing at all. It lost everything.
Having endured the most massive
his mouth.” with you.
I will shatter man and woman with
airstrikes the world has known since the
blitzkriegs of World War II, the Iraqi
you. people will be forced to watch while
Runner runs to meet runner; messen- I will shatter elder and youth with you. their reparations help rebuild Kuwait
ger to meet messenger, to deliver a I will shatter chosen one and virgin and their own country lies in rubble. The
message to the king of Babylon, that with you. Prophet, parabolically referring to
his city has been captured at the end. I will shatter shepherd and his flock Iraq’s hold on Kuwait, says simply:
The fords have been taken and the with you.
marshland has been burned with fire. I will shatter farmer and his team with “I will bring out what he has swal-
The men of war are terrified. Because you. lowed from his mouth.”
this is what the LORD of Hosts, the God (Jeremiah 51:44b) —my translation
of Israel has said: “The daughter of
Babylon is like a threshing floor—time
for treading her. Yet a little while and
the time of harvest will come for her.”
Who is Israel?
(Jeremiah 51:31–33) —my translation According to Scripture, Israel is the descendants of

“Those who destroy violently will come to Jacob, heir to God’s promise to the patriarchs,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But did you know
her from Me,” declares the LORD. The
that Scripture also says an individual could
sound of an outcry from Babylon, a great be “cut off” from Israel?
destruction from the land of Chaldeans,
because the LORD is devastating Babylon.
(Jeremiah 51:53b–55a) —my translation
Today, the nation of Israel—the Jews living
in the land occupied by biblical Israel— ✡
claim to be Israel, heirs to the promises
God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Divine Retribution But are they really?

The divinely ordained destruction The


of Iraq will result from an Iraqi first

strike launched against the nation of
Israel, as Saddam Hussein has often
What if all Israel
threatened. The Prophet clearly tells was “cut off?”
us that Babylon has done something to
Israel (“Zion”) for which God Himself
will make retribution: John the Baptist warned it could happen. (Matt. 3:10)
The Apostle Paul said it did happen. (Rom. 11:11–24)
“I will repay Babylon and the inhabit-
ants of Chaldea for all their evil they
have done in Zion before your eyes,” Here for the first time ever, in simple, easy to read English, one book finally explains this
declares the LORD. intricate message of Scripture hidden for so long in the Hebrew idiom. Read and dis-
(Jeremiah 51:24) —my translation cover for yourself how Not All Israel Is Israel (Due 1st Quarter, 1991).

Under the circumstances, we can

assume a preemptive missle attack or Yours for a Gift of $20.00
something similar on the part of Iraq is To Order, use Order Form Insert
the focus of God’s rage. Furthermore,
8 October 1990

Hussein: Heir?
ally proven by arrogantly proceeding
with a course of action roundly con-
demned by the entire world. Legend
has it a senior general once protested an
order Saddam gave during a military
meeting. Saddam invited the general
into the next room to discuss the matter
and, once alone with the man, executed
him on the spot.
He is said to routinely have his Cab-
inet ministers and aides accompany
him to the central prison in Baghdad
where they serve as a firing squad for
political prisoners.
Saddam Hussein’s face-off with the
multinational military force in the Per-
sian Gulf is a source of confusion to
him simply because his arrogance and
Ancient cuneiform inscriptions—like the one above by Tiglath Pileser I—heralded
disregard for legal bounds tell him he
the “Great King” who had rebuilt the “magnificent” edifice to which they were at-
can do whatever he desires to do. It has
tached. Saddam Hussein has continued in the tradition.
been that way for him the past twenty
years within Iraq and he has trouble
seeing why it should not be so outside Baghdad, he said, “We should state King of Babylonia
those borders also. clearly that if Israel commits aggression
More than that, however, Saddam and attacks, we will strike back with Many Iraqis see Saddam Hussein as
Hussein seems to believe he has a di- great force. If Israel uses weapons of to- rightful heir to the throne of the legend-
vine mandate from God to unify the tal destruction against our nation, we ary Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar
Arabs. will use whatever weapons of total de- II. He has openly declared his inten-
struction we have against it.” tions to recreate the grandeur of this an-
Sword of the Arabs Clearly, the ultimate objective of cient monarch who, as reported in the
Iraq’s massive military buildup was the Bible, invaded the southern kingdom of
Saddam Hussein had, for several total destruction of the nation of Israel. Judah in 587 B.C., burned Jerusalem,
months prior to his invasion of Ku- Recent statements by Iraqi Air Force and deported most of the Israelite popu-
wait, verbally engaged in what was at commanders reinforce this view. They lation to Babylon.
the time reported as “saber-rattling.” have said that in the event war breaks In keeping with this belief, Hussein
Since the focus of his threats was the out with the U.S., they will strike Israel. has initiated a project intended to re-
store the ancient city of Babylon, com-
“If Israel commits aggression and attacks, plete with the “hanging gardens”
which, in their time, were considered to
we will strike back with great force.” be one of the seven wonders of the an-
cient world.
Alongside the inscriptions pro-
nation of Israel, his true motives were This will, he believes, rally all claiming Nebuchadnezzar II “King of
not clear. Arabs to his side in a “holy war” against Babylon from far sea to far sea,”
In an interview published in The the nation of Israel and the U.S. military Saddam Hussein now has new ones
Wall Street Journal (July 2, 1990), he forces in the Persian Gulf. (See article, declaring, “Rebuilt in the era of
stated his view that Iraq’s capability to “Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed.”) His Saddam Hussein.” Even in this he is
wage chemical warfare was a suffi- rationale is that the long-standing emulating the customary practice of
cient deterrent to Israel’s use of nu- Arab-Israeli conflict has generated ancient Babylonian kings who, after
clear weapons to further what he sees greater Arab animosity toward the na- rebuilding on the ruins of a predeces-
as its “expansionist policies.” tion of Israel than anything he has done sor’s edifice, installed their own in-
In early June, while speaking to the recently to garner hostility against him- scription next to that of their
Arab leaders at a three-day summit in self by invading Kuwait. predecessor.
October 1990 9

Near the restoration project, a bill- this ancient king. The immense oil re- portion of the world’s known oil re-
board displays Hussein’s profile along- serves of Kuwait were essential to serves would do to the world economy,
side that of King Nebuchadnezzar II. On funding further military operations and contributed to the determination of the
other giant murals he has had himself de- thereby eventually attaining domina- world powers that he had to be stopped
picted as the modern Nebuchadnezzar II. tion of the region. before he became unstoppable.
In these murals he is dressed in ancient Fortunately, various intelligence As it stands now, his grandiose
garb, standing in a chariot. Gigantic mu- agencies in Israel, Syria, Britain, and plans are stymied. Heir to
rals like these are to be found throughout the United States were somewhat aware Nebuchadnezzar II? Hardly. His ef-
Iraq and remind one of the huge image of the Iraqi leader’s long-range plans. forts have merely made him heir to
Nebuchadnezzar also had erected as trib- This intelligence, combined with obvi- God’s curse against the nation that was
ute to his overweening ego (Dan. 3:1). ous fears of what his control of a major Babylon. ■
But Saddam Hussein has, in his
visionary recreation of the ancient
Babylonian Empire, gone far beyond
a mere restoration of the city of Bab-
ylon. Other, more ominous indica-
tions reveal Iraqi government
officials have been for some time op-
erating according to a secret “Baby- uestions The Voice of Elijah publishes articles
lonian” agenda. & based on the findings of The Elijah Pro-
Earlier this year, British Customs ject, a private research group headed by
officials intercepted parts of what the Larry D. Harper. In this column we try to
Iraqis intended to be the world’s two
largest guns. The Iraqi code-names
nswers answer general-interest questions con-
cerning the findings, purpose, and philos-
for the guns convey the govern- ophy of this project.
ment’s “Babylonian” mind-set.
The first gun had a 16-inch bore Editor: You’ve staked out a rather large claim regarding Old Testa-
and was about 120 feet long. Its ment prophecy and Iraq. Why?
code-name was “Baby Babylon.”
The second was even more of a mon- Elijah: Iraq’s invasion in August caught us by surprise. We weren’t expecting para-
ster. Code-named “Big Babylon,” it bolic fulfillment of the “Babylonian prophecies” quite so soon and in exactly that
was to have been 512 feet long with a way. We’re certain we understand the Prophets; too many things fit together per-
39-inch bore. The smaller gun had fectly. If we’re right, people need to know about it. If we’re wrong …, C’est la vie.
an estimated range of 5,000 miles. They can ignore us. Also, the crisis in the Soviet Union and all the talk about a “new
The larger one could have easily world order” indicated now was the time to start publishing the findings.
launched satellites. Editor: What is “parabolic fulfillment of prophecy”?
By firing rocket boosted (possi-
bly even nuclear) “free falling” pro- Elijah: It’s a fulfillment of prophecy involving only the parabolic image as a harbin-
jectiles, however, both guns were ger of the real thing. Parables are the key to Old Testament prophecy. Matthew says
designed to easily penetrate Israel’s Jesus spoke in parables all the time. The Old Testament Prophets certainly did.
antimissle defenses for less cost per Ezekiel even complained to God because he had to speak in parables instead of
round than ballistic missles. speaking openly. The parabolic image is the parable’s crucial element since it carries
In Hussein’s vision of the the representation of Truth. But the parabolic idiom is equally as important because
re-created Babylonian Empire, he not it tells you what the parable means. Without it, you miss the point.
only saw himself as successor to Editor: What do you mean “representation of Truth”?
Nebuchadnezzar II; he also intended to
rule over the same vast land area as this Elijah: A parable is a comparison, which is actually what the Greek word parabolos
ancient monarch. He would then have means. For example, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed,” “The King-
attained what he considered his rightful dom of Heaven is like leaven,” and so on. The parable compares the known to the un-
position as leader of the world’s newest known. So the parabolic image is just a representation of Truth.
superpower. Editor: You mentioned “parabolic idioms”; where do they fit in?
Kuwait was but his first step to-
ward the eventual conquest and an- Elijah: An idiom is an expression, usually a noun and a verb, that has a meaning
nexation of Syria, Jordan, Saudia you would not normally derive from the words themselves. “Kick the bucket,” and
Arabia, and Israel, all areas ruled by
10 October 1990

“buy a lemon” are English idioms. “Build a house,” “raise up Elijah: I suppose a lot of your readers will think me naive. I
a seed,” “make a name,” and “cut off from” are just a few of obviously believe what I am doing is part of what God is do-
the Hebrew idioms we are working with right now. The first ing in these Last Days or I wouldn’t be doing it. Daniel 12
three relate to resurrection; the last one is, surprisingly says the words of God were to be “sealed up” until an “End
enough, fairly close in meaning to the English idiom, “cut off Time” when, apparently, they were to be opened. Daniel also
without a cent.” It relates to inheritance. “Build a house” is says, “none of the wicked will understand, but those who have
the basis for Jesus’ parable about the wise man who built his insight will understand.” I intend to share what I see in Scrip-
house on the rock. He’s referring to the Old Testament pro- ture with anyone who is interested. However, Jesus also said
phetic message concerning His resurrection. “Raise up a there will be “tares”; and Paul mentioned those who want
seed” is the basis for the Parable of the Sower. The other idi- their ears “tickled.” They are interested in the Scriptures for
oms crop up—no pun intended—here and there in other par- the wrong reasons or have learned well-worn Christian
ables. clichés to fit into the church social club. What I have to say
will easily “gather them out.” I do what He has called me to
Editor: I know you emphasize the O. T. “mystery,”
but if idioms give new meaning to ancient prophe- do––track idioms and images through four or five ancient lan-
cies, why hasn’t someone seen it before? guages at a time. It takes a lot of time but it’s rewarding to fi-
nally understand the Old Testament on its own terms. ■

Lord’s Anointed The years since World War I have

seen the gradual termination of colo-
ample of such a society. Religious lead-
ers rule and Islamic law is the law of the
nial rule and the establishment of var- land. But Iran is also actively exporting
they do is reveal the mentality of ious Arab state governments. This, its radical fundamentalism throughout
Saddam Hussein. combined with military aggression on the Arab states.
God is now, as He always has in the the part of some Arab states as well as As a result of this and other con-
past, using historical events to create Israel, has established and then re- verging political, economic, and cul-
parabolic images⎯images He intends drawn what some Arabs see as artifi- tural phenomena around the world,
to use to reveal what is to be. (See “Is cial boundaries separating the total Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise
Iraq Mystery Babylon?” The Voice of Arab population into various nations. in most Arab countries.
Elijah, January 1991.) Many in the Arab world would like Islamic Fundamentalists have had
God is no more angry with Saddam to undo history and see all these Arab some important recent political ad-
Hussein than He is with you, me, or “colonial” states reunited to become one vances. In June, they captured a major-
anyone else. But, as history moves us Arab nation wielding power in propor- ity of municipal and provincial
all toward the End of the Age, it is tion to the total Arab population of the councils in open elections in Algeria.
Saddam Hussein and his ill-fated world. These so-called “Pan-Arabists” Additionally, Jordanian elections
countrymen who now face the full fury look to Saddam Hussein as one who last November revealed strong support
of hell gone berserk, not you or I. Not could, through military aggression, for fundamentalist candidates.
yet at least. erase the artificial boundaries imposed Thirty-four of eighty parlimentarians
T o u n d e r s tan d h o w S a d d a m on Arabs by the colonial powers, and elected were either members or sup-
Hussein could have so easily painted make the Arabic-speaking world one porters of the fundamentalist Muslim
himself into the proverbial corner, you nation. In this regard, Iraq’s militaristic Brotherhood.
must understand the Arab world view. president holds no little appeal for Arab In other countries, particularly Tu-
Prior to World War I, the Arab nations Nationalists. nisia and Egypt, fundamentalist politi-
of the Middle East were part of the cians are now showing strong gains.
Turkish Ottoman Empire. They spoke Even the Palestinian Intifada (“upris-
the same language⎯Arabic, had the Islamic ing”) was sparked and has been fueled
same religion⎯Islam, and participated Fundamentalism by a growing Islamic Fundamentalism
in one culture⎯a culture based in Is- among all Palestinians.
lamic law. An additional ingredient in the mix Saddam Hussein has been at com-
But shortly after the First World is Islamic fundamentalism, a distinctly plete odds with the Islamic Fundamental-
War, Britain, France, Italy, and Russia Arabic religious movement that seeks ist movement. He initiated war with Iran
parceled out the Ottoman Empire to establish an integrated politi- in part to stem the tide of Islamic Funda-
among themselves, making separate cal-cultural society based on the laws of mentalism flowing from that country. He
states where none existed before. Islam. Iran is currently the prime ex- sees it not only as a threat among the fun-
October 1990 11

In just the last two years there has

“The new Soviet policy of glasnost has been a flowering of anti-Semitic activ-
ity in Russia and Eastern Europe. The
granted Soviet citizens the right to freedom new Soviet policy of glasnost has
of expression, including the freedom to granted Soviet citizens the right to
freedom of expression, including the
express bigotry.” freedom to express bigotry.
The Russian superpatriot organiza-
tion Pamyat routinely engages in overt
acts of intimidation against Jews. Call-
damentalist Shi’ite majority in Iraq, but Nations resolution dated November 29, ing Jews on the telephone at night to is-
also as an obstacle to his own ambitions 1947. sue open threats and scrawling
of becoming the “Pan-Arab” leader of War between the newly founded anti-Jewish graffiti with slogans such as,
the Middle East. state and its Arab neighbors broke out “Jews to the ovens. Jews for soap.” are
immediately, the result of which was commonplace activities in Russia, East
Jewish occupation of a much larger Germany, Poland, Romania, and Hun-
Jewish Zionism land area than that envisioned by the gary.
United Nations resolution. This war But the Western World is not im-
The one characteristic that personi-
also produced the first “Palestinian mune to such acts either. In May, the
fies Saddam Hussein more than all
refugees,” as those Arabs occupying nearly two thousand-year-old Jewish
others is his obsessive hatred for the
the areas that the Jews took by force community of Carpentras, France, was
nation of Israel. It is a characteristic he
fled to neighboring countries. horrified by the exhumation and muti-
shares with most other Arabs as well.
Several armed conflicts in the lation of several recently buried Jew-
To understand this hostility, one must
years since 1948 have resulted in not ish cadavers. Jewish cemeteries in
understand the contributing factors.
only Israeli occupation of even more France are regularly defaced.
Jewish settlers began immigrating
Arab land but also, unfortunately, Anti-Semitic activity is also com-
to Palestine near the end of last cen-
more Palestinian refugees. mon in German communities along the
tury. They were encouraged to settle
These refugees live in many Arab border with France. Isolated incidents
there by a movement called “Zion-
ism,” a Jewish phenomenon which countries, but the majority live in refu-
sought to establish a permanent home- gee camps in Jordan and Lebanon,
where they contribute to political un-
“The Arabs are, or so
land for the Jewish people. Many of
the first Jewish colonies were subsi- rest and remind the entire Arab world it would seem, the
dized by the wealthy French Jew, of the injustice of Israeli occupation of
Baron Edmond de Rothschild, himself Arab land. ultimate anti-Semitic
an active proponent of Jewish Zion- The Palestinian refugees have now
ism. sided with Saddam Hussein. They see movement.”
When the British gained control of in him a strong leader who may be able
the area at the end of World War I, to take back their land from the Israelis. are increasing throughout many other
Jewish immigration increased. This They, like many other Arabs, would ap- nations, including the United States.
influx of “foreigners” was not wel- plaud the total annihilation of Jews liv- Anti-Semitism is also entering the
comed by the Arab residents of the ing in Palestine and the restoration of p o l i t i c a l f o r u m . F r a n c e ’ s e x-
area. Arabs to the land they see as having treme-right National Front party lead
Keeping pace with it was a grow- been taken from them by the “colonial by Jean-Marie Le Pen is openly
ing hostility and mistrust on the part of governments.” The Arabs are, or so it anti-Semitic. Recent Hungarian elec-
the indigenous Arab population who, would seem, the ultimate anti-Semitic tions were also marked by the use of
rightly as it turned out, feared they movement. code words to refer negatively to Jews.
would eventually become a minority In Romania, Ion Puiu, the Presi-
in the area and ultimately be displaced dent of the National Peasant Party, the
from their own land. Anti-Semitism major opposition group, was once a
The atrocities committed against member of the Romanian Iron Guard,
Jews by Hitler’s Germany increased the The Arabs are not alone in their the group responsible for hanging
clamor for a Palestinian homeland for anti-Semitic sentiments, however. dead Jews on hooks above signs that
the Jews after World War II. So, on The world outside the nation of Israel read, “Kosher Meat.” His party runs
May 14, 1948, the modern state of Israel is becoming an increasingly more hos- on anti-Semitic slogans. The result of
was born in accordance with a United tile environment for Jews. the increasing anti-Semitism has been
12 October 1990

a steadily increasing number of Jews be bigger, stronger.” With good reason, Curse. (See book, Not All Israel Is Is-
immigrating to the nation of Israel the Arabs fear they will eventually be rael.) But blessed or cursed, the
from Russia and Eastern Bloc coun- dominated completely. judgment of “historical Israel” has
tries. This immigration only serves to been reserved for God alone.
fuel the fire of Arab hostility toward Because Saddam Hussein has
them. Israel: failed to take into account God’s plan
The Lord’s Anointed for the End of the Age, the hand of God
is now outstretched against him. In his
Jewish Immigration Unfortunately for Palestinians and ignorance, he has provided the world a
other Arabs espousing hatred for the chance to observe the fury of God’s
Much to the dismay of the Arabs, nation of Israel, God has other plans wrath up close and in detail.
Israeli policy has always been to ac- for this tiny nation flanked by hostile Never before in history has such an
cept any Jew wishing to immigrate. neighbors. “Unfortunately,” because opportunity presented itself—all be-
But that policy is now being sorely His plans do not include their usurpa- cause Saddam Hussein made a fatal
tested. The Soviet Union’s new open- tion of His divine right of judgment. miscalculation. His mistake? He has
ness and the rise of threatened military ac-
tion against the nation of
anti-Semitic activity in
Russia have resulted in
“God has always used ‘historical Israel’ Israel and, in the fore-
a flood of Soviet immi- as a parabolic image” knowledge of God, will
carry out those threats.
In 1989, only It would have been
12,923 Soviet Jews emigrated to Is- Until the time arrives for the full better for Saddam
rael. The first half of 1990 saw 41,578 vengeance of God to fall on “historical Hussein to have launched an attack
make aliyah, the “ascent” to Israel. Israel,” the individual or nation who against the major superpowers than to
Total numbers for 1990 may reach presumptiously treads on that holy have issued and carried out threats
150,000. In June the new Israeli con- ground will feel the heated rage of God’s against “historical Israel.”
sulate in Moscow was issuing visas at wrath—not delayed, but instantaneous. Just as David considered
the rate of 200 an hour to Soviet Jews God has always used “historical Is- Saul—who was the messiah (the
seeking to immigrate. Some estimates rael” as a parabolic image to teach the “anointed one”) of Israel at that
are that as many as 700,000 Soviet Truth concerning Jesus Christ, the time—to be beyond the judgment of
Jews may immigrate to Israel over the True Israel, Whom it parabolically ordinary men even after the Spirit of
next three to five years. represents. But now, as the world God had been withdrawn from him (1
This influx is creating intense con- moves into the final days, the para- Sam. 26:23; 2 Sam. 1:11–16), so, too,
cern in the Arab world. The new bolic images of Scripture have become is “historical Israel” today.
emigrees are not ordinary citizens. even more complex and intertwined “Historical Israel” has forever lost
Nearly seventy percent are profession- than they were at the apex of his- the Blessing of God. (See Not All Is-
als and technicians who can provide ex- tory—Crucifixion Day. rael Is Israel.) Yet once holy to God,
pertise in such fields as computer On that day, Jesus Christ, the True always holy to God. None had best
technology, engineering, medicine, Israel, as “historical Israel” had centu- touch the nation of Israel.
and nuclear physics. ries before, made His Exodus on Pass- The wrath of God is perched high
While the brain drain is a serious over into that dark night, facing first above the people of this singular na-
concern to the Soviet Union, it is a tre- the curse, then the blessing of God. tion, who, though descended from the
mendous gain for the nation of Israel. (See forthcoming articles on the para- fathers to whom the promise of God
The Arabs’ major concern has to do bles and prophecy of the Scriptures.) was given, to this day have not found
with the boost the immigrants will pro- Likewise “historical Israel” finds the repentance necessary to avert the
vide for Israeli development as the re- itself now facing these same two ex- clutches of this awesome bird of prey.
gion’s dominant military power. tremes of God—His Blessing and His But it is not for men to determine
As Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak the judgment of “historical Israel.” It is
Shamir has put it, “In five years we coming and will soon arrive, just as the
won’t be able to recognize this country. day of divine wrath has now befallen
Everything will change, everything will the hapless leaders of Iraq. ■

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