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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New King James
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Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*.

Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission
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All Scripture quotations from the King James Version of the Bible are noted
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A Little Backstory
Dear Kingdom Secrets Academy Member,

I am so excited to share the information that you are about to learn inside of this
document. The things I am sharing here are practical, powerful, and will equip you to
overcome and destroy the evil spirits, strongholds, and even generational curses that
have been haunting you and/or your dwelling (in some cases, for your whole life…)

While the Spirit and Truth deliverance manual mostly addresses the Temple of your body,
this document is designed to help you uproot, cast down, and destroy anything demonic
that might be attaching itself to your personal possessions and/or dwelling. This guide
should be used to anoint and dedicate your home or living space, but it can also be used
to anoint a vehicle, office, or even the four corners of your property (the legal boundary
markers). Let the Holy Spirit lead you!

This information is something that I learned through the Father’s refining fire. Years ago
now, my wife and I were going through marriage counseling in 2017 after having
experienced a truly hard time in our relationship with one another. It was actually the
wisdom of two elders (a married couple) of the Messianic, Hebraic congregation that we
had been attending that gave us this formula to overcome spiritual darkness in the name
of Yeshua. They had been using it for decades in their ministry. I wasn’t skeptical when
they presented this information to me and my wife because I was willing to try anything…

I was so desperate to see the power of God in my marriage and my life.

Well, guess what? It absolutely worked, and this was my first ever exposure to
deliverance in Yeshua’s name. When I asked them… “What is it that’s so special about the
prayer? What is it about the anointing that works exactly?” They responded… “What we
do here in the physical realm is a reflection of the heavenly realm.”

You’ll see what I mean shortly…

One particular time after my wife and I went through this prayer exercise of anointing our
home and then placing the “Shema” of Deuteronomy 6 right next to the front door of our

house, we experienced a rushing wind of demonic activity exit through the front door as
soon as we finished. It was strange. It was so powerful!

And it is now my great joy and privilege to show you how you can use the power of
prayer in Yeshua’s name along with obedience in an act of worship with authority
simultaneously. Brace yourself…

REMEMBER: These are meant to be general guidelines. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and
teach you. It’s not the utterance of specific words but instead, it is faith that will make you
and your household free of bondage.

Scriptural Basis for Cleansing Your

We are told in the Torah (Instructions) that we are to dedicate our home when it is newly
built. However, this commandment should be followed for homes that have not yet been
dedicated, whether they are newly built or not.

Then the officers shall speak to the people, saying: ‘What man is there
who has built a new house and has not dedicated it? Let him go and return
to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it.
- Deut. 20:5 (NKJV)

The act of dedicating is simple. Look up Strong’s H5144 ( ‫ ָנזַר‬Nazar) which is the same
root word used to describe Nazarites or the Nazaritic vow. It means to be separated,
consecrated, and set-apart to God for a particular purpose. In this case, you are
acknowledging your dwelling as being a set-apart and God-given place that will bring
Him glory.

This next verse speaks of a Levitical priest under the priesthood of Moses who had the
authority to cleanse dwellings of “leprosy”, or a mold poisoning curse, from a home.
When Yeshua was completing His earthly ministry, He made it clear that we have
authority in His name to perform all priestly duties. Therefore, praying in the authority of
Yeshua also allows us to cleanse our dwellings of curses and demonic activity without
the exact need for the animals and the essential oils to be part of the prayer.

“And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird and the running
water and the living bird, with the cedar wood, the hyssop, and the scarlet.”
- Lev. 14:52

Pay attention to the authority that we are given:

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth
will be loosed in heaven.”
- Matthew 16:19

There are more Scriptures to consider, but remember that unclean spirits and demonic
activity are connected to certain objects, idols, artifacts, books, DVDs, and various items.
That is why we see this take place in Acts:

And many of those who practiced magic arts brought their books together
in a heap, burning them before everyone. They totaled the value of the
books and found it to be about fifty thousand pieces of silver.
- Acts 19:19 (TLV)

Anything used for witchcraft or that contains witchcraft in it (subliminal messages in

media, etc.) should be removed from the dwelling. It may take time in certain cases, but
little-by-little you can drive out the enemy from your set-apart home as the evil and
unclean things are removed.

General Guidelines
STEP 1: Print off a copy of the “Shema” and tac around exterior doors, or put in picture
frame, or something similar. This is in observance of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Remember: as
we submit to God, the devil must flee…he has no choice! (See James 4:7). I have included
a printable “Shema” for you inside of this guide with the Hebrew Masoretic Text along
with the English. In this manner you can see and be reminded of the actual words of the
Text rather than what many do in Judaism and Messianic circles where they place a
Hebrew-only copy of the “Shema” but are unable to read it. The point is to be able to see
the words, understand them, and be reminded constantly of God’s Word when you go in
and out of your house.

STEP 2: Anoint headers of doors with oil (we prefer to use olive oil) and pray. If you do
not have a bottle of olive oil set aside specifically for anointing, now would be the time to
do that. You can fill a smaller glass jar or bottle of some sort with a lid, and pray
something like this over the anointing oil:

“In the name of Yeshua, I take this olive oil and I set it apart for the purposes of anointing,
dedicating, and setting apart to God. May this oil bring you great honor and glory, Father.
Let what I do here in the physical realm be a reflection of what is happening in the
spiritual realm. Let this olive oil be a reflection of the Holy Spirit’s anointing as I use it in
the power and the authority that you have given me. In the name of Yeshua, amen.”

Remember, what we do in the physical realm is a reflection of the spiritual realm. For
example, the Tabernacle was a replica of heaven’s Tabernacle. The act of anointing with
olive oil to symbolize the presence of our Father (Yehovah ‫ )י ְה ָו֥ה‬and our dedication to
Him is found in many places in Scripture.

NOTE: absolutely *do not* attempt to re-create the official anointing oil found in the Torah
because it is expressly forbidden to do so (Exodus 30:33). Keep it simple and use olive oil
(or perhaps another oil that is accessible for you).

STEP 3: Remove evil from your house. (DVDs, music, books…let the Holy Spirit lead and
teach you)

STEP 4: Pray more than once, pray sincerely, pray with faith that what you are saying is
already happening. Pray for unclean spirits to be cast into the abyss as mentioned and
described in Luke 8:31

Prayer to Cleanse Dwelling

Abba Father, I stand on the truth of Your Word:

For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest
the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
- Psalm 125:3 (KJV)

I believe that You have given me this home (...or room, office, vehicle, place of ministry,
etc…) to me as a place ordained for Your glory. I dedicate this place to You and ask You to
fill it now with Your Holy Presence.

I forsake and separate myself from any sin or iniquity that has occurred in this place in
past times, whether done by me or another; especially the sins of blasphemy, murder,
adultery, occultism, or forincation—and I ask You to remove all desecration.

***As you pray this next part, take the olive oil on your finger, and run your finger over the
frame of your main entry door, bedroom doors, or wherever you sense the Holy Spirit’s

I apply the power of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) blood to the doorposts and lintels (headers) of this
home. I ask You, in His name, to set watching and warring angels (Hebrews 1:14) around
this place, protecting Your servants from the work of the evil one.

I take authority in the Name that is above every other name to destroy the power of evil
in this place. Through the blood of Yeshua the Messiah, I now remove all desecration of
the name of the Creator that has been prompted by either human sin or demonic activity,
especially any blasphemy or cursing! I command all enemies of the LORD Yeshua the
Messiah that have access to this place or who abide here now, to leave.

I command you to GO where the LORD Yeshua tells you to go. I order all darkness to flee,
in the name of Yeshua the King! And I ask You Father that the Presence of Your Holy
Spirit abide in this place, in Yeshua’s Mighty Name. Amen.

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