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Volume: 14
Pages: 964-973
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1306
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10045715
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-27-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Learn with Vince Module and Students’ Reading Comprehension

in the Off-School Platform
Vincent B. Bialen*, Eva C. Polo, Jenevieve D. Lumbu-an
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study was geared towards the development and validation of the Learn with Vince Module to
improve the reading comprehension skills particularly in understanding vocabulary in context,
getting main idea, noting details, making inference, predicting outcome, and drawing conclusion of
the Grade 11 Technical Vocational Livelihood students. The researcher used the descriptive-
evaluative and true experimental specifically the pre-test and post test research design to reveal the
effectiveness of the Learn With Vince Module in terms of its content, relevance, acceptability, and
instructional quality and to give distinct comparison between the students’ reading comprehension in
experimental and control group. Findings revealed that the level of evaluation of the Learn With
Vince Module was rated excellent. It was shown that the reading comprehension skills of the
experimental group who used the module obtained a higher mean score compared to the control
group who used the Self-learning module and textbooks. It shows that utilizing the module improved
the students’ reading comprehension and significantly contributed to the higher post test results of
the experimental group.

Keywords: learn with vince module, reading comprehension skills, technical vocational livelihood

Introduction evident to the Grade 11 Technical Vocational

Livelihood (TVL) students of Isulan National High
School. The researcher found out that the Mean
In the country's educational system, reading is Percentage Score (MPS) of the learners in the Reading
stipulated in the education curriculum as essential for subject was 79.38% and the lowest MPS among the six
students' academic success. Today, most countries strands offered in Senior High School during the two-
have shifted the educational system from traditional year implementation of modular distance learning. The
face-to-face teaching to distance learning brought students still needed help comprehending simple
about by CoVid-19 pandemic. sentences because of a lack of vocabulary knowledge.
Moreover, they needed help finding the correct words,
Reading comprehension is understanding, applying,
noting details, making inference, and drawing
and reflecting on written materials to achieve
conclusions. He also saw that students needed help to
objectives, learn, and engage in the community
complete their written works and assignments and
(Boyse, 2010). Similarly, Rutzler (2019) states that
organize their thoughts.
excellent reading comprehension skill is important in
formal education. It enhances reading and aids
Several studies were conducted on reading
academically and professionally. Further, training
comprehension skills in teaching and learning. Hence,
children to read and analyze information is essential to
it supports the hypothesis that reading comprehension
their development into competitive and educated
abilities are crucial to student success in acquiring
adults (Antilla, 2013).
material. According to the findings, learners' failure to
In the article of San Juan (2019), the Philippines scores read holistically is a key stumbling block that hinders
worst in reading comprehension among 79 countries. their capacity to do well in all disciplines (Spencer &
The average score was 340, more than 200 points Stone, 2008; Corcoran & Mamalakis, 2009; Yuarata,
behind China's (555) and 100 points below the OECD 2002; Imam et al., 2014; Carnine & Carnine, 2004;
average (487). As a result, Bautista (2022) stresses in Walker, Surber, Zhang, 2008). Most studies focus only
her article that the DepEd's solutions to the problems on determining the level of reading comprehension
include profiling students by academic need, skills without creating a learning module (Tresbe and
enhancing reading programs, and increasing learning Ambayon, 2020). However, there is a lack of literature
time to promote reading comprehension and had been published on the employment of the reading
numeracy. comprehension module. Further, no studies have been
conducted on the validity and effects of the teacher-
Based on the problems indicated, these were also made reading module in the context of public

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

interest, introducing an intervention, and measuring its

secondary school in the new normal education. effect. Descriptive-evaluative research design was also
used to determine the extent of evaluation of the Learn
With the information presented above, it is on this with Vince Module on its content, relevance,
premise that the researcher would like to determine the acceptability, and instructional quality.
validity of using the Learn with Vince Module to
strengthen the students’ reading comprehension. This In this study, the control group underwent a usual
study was also purposively made to answer the need English subject class following the prescribed Most
for supplementary materials encouraging students to Essential Learning Competencies and Self-Learning
read. Module used by the teacher. In contrast, the
experimental group underwent in the Intervention
Research Questions Program and used the Learn With Vince Module
prepared by the researcher which was validated by the
The study evaluated and determined the validity of the content validators.
Learn With Vince Module to enhance the students’
Prior to the conduct of the intervention, a pre-test was
reading comprehension of Grade 11 Technical
administered to both experimental and control groups.
Vocational Livelihood (TVL) in the off-school
Subsequently, the experimental group was exposed to
platform. It answered to the following questions:
the intervention program as a treatment in enhancing
1. What is the level of validity of the Learn With
their reading comprehension skills. After the conduct
Vince Module in terms of:
of the intervention, the post-test was given to both
1.1 Content;
1.2 Relevance;
1.3 Acceptability; and,
Locale of the Study
1.4 Instructional quality?
2. What is the level of students’ reading The study was conducted at Isulan National High
comprehension of Grade 11 TVL in the control and School (INHS). The school is located at the
experimental groups based on their pre-test and post municipality of Isulan in the province of Sultan
test results in terms of: Kudarat. It is a public secondary school which caters
2.1 Understanding vocabulary in context; from grades 7 through 12 students. INHS is also
2,2 Getting main idea; tagged as Brigada Eskwela Hall of Fame awardee
2.3 Noting details; because of the very active participation of its
2.4 Making inference; stakeholders. This school is also known for being an
2.5 Predicting outcome; and, active implementer of School-based Management
2.6 Drawing conclusions? program (Oñate, 2017).
3. Is there a significant difference on the students’
reading comprehension between the control and The school has offered six strands in the Senior High
experimental groups in the pre-test and post test? School. Among the six strands, the Technical
4. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test Vocational Livelihood has the lowest Mean Percentage
and post test of the control group and experimental Score (MPS) of 79.38% in reading subject for the past
group? two years during the two implementation of modular
5. Is there a significant difference between the mean modality. Thus, the researcher was motivated to make
gain scores of the control and experimental groups in an instructional module to improve the reading
terms of students’ reading comprehension? comprehension skills of the Grade 11 TVL students.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the 120 Technical
Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Grade 11 students
The study used the true-experimental research design
enrolled during the School Year 2022-2023.
particularly the pre-test and post-test. Voxco (2021)
Specifically, the Grade 11 TVL 1 consists of 60
explains that true-experimental design aims to
students who served as the control group and the
establish a cause-and-effect relationships between
Grade 11 TVL 4 consists of 60 students as well served
different variables. Experimental research involves
as the experimental group. Beso (2022) explains that
manipulating the factors that affect the events of
since TVL focuses more on technical skills and hands-
on training to be more prepared on job after Senior

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. Level of Evaluation of the Learn With Vince

Module in terms of Content.
High School, their reading comprehension is one of
the neglected macro skills and it’s not yet fully
developed. The time schedule of the intervention
program for the experimental group was 9:00 AM to
10:00 AM and the control group who underwent a
regular class teaching was 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

The results of their performance have become the basis

for calculating the levels of reading comprehension
skills which presented in the study. Furthermore, the
panel of validators analyzed, evaluated, and validated
the reading comprehension test questionnaires were
the Department Head in English of Isulan National
High School, Master Teachers of Kalawag Central
School and Isulan Central School SPED Center and
the Chairperson in Master of Arts in Teaching English
of Sultan Kudarat State University.

Data Analysis

Following the completion of the study, the data was As shown in table 1, indicator 6 (M=5.0) gains the
collected, collated, examined, and interpreted. The highest mean which means excellent while indicator 7
following statistical methods were employed to (M=4.25), gets the lowest mean which means excellent
respond to the problem statement. as well. Result indicates that the overall assessment of
the validators on the level of evaluation in terms of its
The mean was used to determine the degree of content (M=4.65) is verbally interpreted as excellent.
evaluation of the module. It was also used to determine
the level of students’ reading comprehension in the In particular, it claims that the module is excellent with
pre-test and post test results. Mean is the most aligned curriculum goals, clearly defined objectives,
commonly used measure of central tendency and is sequence of activities, specific directions, the
often referred to as the average (Bhandari, 2023). sufficiency of exercises, good usage of the English
Further, the t-test was used for the purpose of language, right assessment tools, organized lessons,
computing of the significant difference in the students’ individualized and experiential learning and drive for
reading comprehension between the control and further enhancement.
experimental groups in the pre-test and post test and
This supports the study of Eng, et. al. (2015) which
the significant difference between the mean gain
emphasizes that certain reading comprehension
scores of the control and experimental groups.
modules have a beneficial function not only for
teachers, who can successfully educate and improve
Results and Discussion reading comprehension with the modules, but also for
students, who can increase both their reading aptitude
and their understanding of what they are reading.
Level of Evaluation of the Learn With Vince
Likewise, this conforms to the result of the study of
Module in terms of content, relevance,
Fernandez (2020) that creating an instructional module
acceptability, and instructional quality is a great help to students. A well-prepared and well-
organized activity enhances the student's reading
Tables 1,2,3,4 and 5 present the mean level of comprehension skills.
evaluation of the Learn With Vince Module.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Level of Evaluation of the Learn With Vince

Module in terms of Relevance.
Table 3. Level of Evaluation of the Learn With Vince
Module in terms of Acceptability.

Table 2 reveals that indicator 1 (M=5.00) obtains the

highest mean and verbally described as excellent while
indicators 3 (M=4.25) and 10 (M=4.00) are verbally Table 3 shows that indicators 4, 5, 8 and 10 (M=4.75)
interpreted as very satisfactory. The overall result of obtain the same highest mean while indicators 1, 2, 3,
the mean level of evaluation of the module in terms of 6, 7, and 9 (M=4.50) obtain the same lowest mean.
relevance (M=4.55) is verbally interpreted as Evidently, all indicators are verbally interpreted as
excellent. excellent. The overall result of the mean level of
evaluation of the module in terms of acceptability
In addition, it infers that the module is excellent since (M=4.60) is verbally interpreted as excellent. Further,
it is appropriate and relevant to student's needs and it can be claimed that the module is excellent which
interests. It also provides an impetus for further achieves its purpose, motivates the students, applicable
research, evidence of effectiveness through pre-test to real-life situations, provides students with activities
and post test results, and relevant learning tasks. that develop their language facility, is easy to handle
Further, it meets the minimum requirements set for the and manipulated, fits the target audience, culturally
course; while the activities in the material give the
and ethically sensitive, caters learning needs, meets the
opportunity for developing desired language skills,
minimum standard, and valuable to be promoted to
that are attuned to the latest trends and interests,
develops critical thinking skills, and are appropriate
for teaching reading comprehension to the students.
The result of this finding is in relation to the study of
This supports the study of Tresbe (2019) that the Ruiz (2015) that exploring ways to increase reading
modules' different activities and methodologies let comprehension may help teachers create new reading
students work autonomously, and the tandem of courses at different grade levels. Interactive methods
teaching and learning was visible. Moreover, help kids understand and remember what they read. In
Almutairi (2018) research study shows that teachers addition, Chemwei (2015) agrees that teaching
have used numerous relevant classroom-based reading resources should go beyond textbooks and atlases.
comprehension exams to evaluate students' academic Teachers should also provide enhanced and developed
reading comprehension and a teaching strategy. materials that are applicable to real-life situations to
Classroom assessment data allows instructors to address issues and concerns in the present curriculum.
construct the most effective education for students,
choose what supplemental material to utilize, and
identify student problems.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 5. Summary of the Grand Mean Ratings on the

Table 4. Level of Evaluation of the Learn With
Content, Relevance, Acceptability, and Instructional
Vince Module in terms of Instructional Quality.
Quality of the Learn With Vince Module.

As shown in the table, the summary of the grand mean

ratings of the module resulted in a verbal description
of excellent with an overall mean (M=4.62). This
indicates that the overall mean rating of the module
and the intervention program fulfill the validators’
expectations. Miftah (2016) affirms that good reading
comprehension module practice is necessary to
improve the level of understanding among students,
and language teachers must apply proper reading skills
in order to raise comprehension and enable critical
thinking in digesting complicated texts.

Further, appropriate instructional resources are a good

source of authentic language activities (Sucion, 2019).
Though the overall rating of the module is excellent,
Table 4 indicates that indicator 1 (M=5.00) obtains the the researcher believes that it needs a thorough
highest mean and verbally interpreted as excellent evaluation and assessment for further improvement of
while indicator 8 (M=4.25) obtains the lowest mean the module.
which verbally interpreted as excellent too. The overall
result of the mean level of evaluation of the module in Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of the
terms of instructional quality (M=4.68) is verbally Control and Experimental Groups in the Pre-Test
interpreted as excellent.
The table presents the level of students’ reading
The result shows that the module contains variety of comprehension of control and experimental groups in
exercises for active learning, interactive and easy to the pre-test in terms of the understanding vocabulary
navigate, and shows evidences of effectiveness. This in context, getting main idea, noting details, making
supports the study of Ajoke (2017) that instructional inference, predicting outcome, and drawing
modules are essential to teaching and studying English conclusion.
since they improve instructor efficiency and course
delivery. It also compares with the statement of Njeri Table 6. Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of
(2014) that instructional resources positively impact the Control Group in the Pre-test.
students' academic performance and educational

Grand Mean Ratings on the Content, Relevance,

Acceptability, and Instructional Quality of the
Learn With Vince Module

Table 5 presents the summary of the grand mean

ratings on the content, relevance, acceptability, and
instructional quality on the level of evaluation of the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The table depicts the level of students’ reading by predicting outcome (M=70.53), noting details
comprehension of the control group in the pre-test. (M=69.25), making inference (M=68.65), drawing
conclusion (M=68.33), and getting main idea
Based on the result, the predicting outcome (M=71.60)
(M=67.88) gets the lowest mean.
gets the highest mean, followed by understanding
vocabulary in context (M=69.55), noting details The overall mean shows that the students did not meet
(M=69.47), making inference (M=68.73), drawing expectation in the reading comprehension (M=69.24).
conclusion (M=67.77) and getting main idea It is evident in their limited knowledge of vocabulary,
(M=67.58) got the lowest mean. The overall mean ideas are disconnected, lack of drawing conclusion,
shows that the students did not meet expectations in and difficulty in making inference and getting main
the reading comprehension (M=69.12). The result idea. This supports the claim of Weiser (2013) that a
reveals that even though the students were in Senior substantial correlation between having a large
High School, their reading comprehension was not yet vocabulary and having good reading comprehension,
fully developed. which lends credence to this theory. Students need to
be taught the meanings of key words before reading to
The result emphasizes by Setaidi (2016) that if the them to increase their level of comprehension.
reading comprehension skills of the learners are poor, Learners have a higher chance of comprehending the
they are very likely to fail in their studies, or at least content that they are reading if they are familiar with
they will have difficulty in making progress. Hence, the terminology as well as the background
teachers shall conduct remedial session focusing on information. Therefore, Fernandez (2020) also claims
reading comprehension skills to reach the appropriate that the development of module through an
reading comprehension level that is suited to their intervention program is very important in enhancing
present grade level. Further, teachers shall incorporate the reading comprehension skills of the students.
variety of reading assessment which is across in all
discipline in the classroom. Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of the
Control and Experimental Groups in the Post test
Direct Instruction theory of Engelmann (1960)
explains that teachers may use explicit methods to The table presents the level of students’ reading
teach a specific least mastered skill which is the comprehension of control and experimental groups in
reading comprehension. This theory introduced a the post test.
learning module, lesson planning, and daily lesson
logs where teachers may evaluate their students on Table 8. Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of
what they have learned in the intervention program. the Control Group in the Post test.

Table 7. Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of

the Experimental Group in the Pre-test.

The data in table 8 point out the level of students’

reading comprehension of the control group in the post
The table shows the level of students’ reading test.
comprehension of the experimental group in the pre-
test. The result indicates that understanding vocabulary The figured data shows that the predicting outcome
in context (M=70.80) gets the highest mean, followed (M=73.84) gets the highest mean, followed by noting

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

details (M=72.35), making inference (M=72.28),

The findings reveal that the students increased their
understanding vocabulary in context (M=70.52), performance to fairly satisfactory in reading
drawing conclusion (M=69.07), and getting main idea comprehension (M=78.31). It means that during the
(M=67.80) gets the lowest mean. The overall mean post test, the students can already respond to the given
reveals that the students did not meet expectations in questions and topics. This is related to the claims that
reading comprehension (M=70.98). exposing students to the intervention program through
various types of reading activities is an excellent way
The findings also reveal that the students remained at to enhance their comprehension skills.
the beginning level; however it is evident that there is
an increase in scores even though they are isolated in The findings also show that the use of instructional
the intervention program. It shows that the school shall module is an excellent strategy; however, the students
intensify the Reading Clinic Program that will cater to have only fairly satisfactory results due to a lack of
the students of Grade 11 TVL. Further, it also reveals activities in recapitulating the lesson and lack of
that teachers shall provide reading activities in their retention. It is recommended that preliminary activities
subject content to boost the reading skills of the should be included in the module to give connections
learners. The result anchors in the study of Oñate to the current lessons with previous lessons. It is
(2017) that when instructors match their attention to supports by Tresbe (2019) that instructional module
reading processes with responding to students, and varied activities help teachers guide students'
effective methods for encouraging children to read and everyday learning.
recognizing their own skills as readers and learners
may be offered. Significant Difference Between the Pre-test and
Post test of Control Group and Experimental
The idea supports by Phillips (2002) that students must Group
comprehend the information offered in the book as
well as critically assess the thoughts and primary The table below presents the analysis between the pre-
ideas. The student's interpretation comes from pulling test and post test of the control and experimental
meaning from the text and combining it with past groups.
Table 10. Analysis Between the Pre-test of Control
Table 9. Level of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Group and Experimental Group.
the Experimental Group in the Post test.

Table 10 presents the conducted correlated sample t-

test to compare the means of the control and
experimental groups in the pre-test.

The result reveals the means of control group (M=

17.90, SD = 7.00) and experimental group (M = 18.22,
SD = 7.06) in the elements of reading comprehension
skills are attributed to chance. Furthermore, the
performance of the control group is as good and
comparable to the experimental group before the start
Table 9 presents the result of the experimental group of the experiment. It can be seen that the computed
in the post test. The finding shows that understanding value is lower than the tabular value of 0.81 at 0.05
vocabulary in context (M=82.20) gets the highest level of significance.
mean which is described as satisfactory, followed by
making inference (M=79.41), noting details This simply means that there is no significant
(M=77.93), predicting outcome (M=77.88), and difference on the student’s reading comprehension
drawing conclusion (M=76.03) which are all described
as fairly satisfactory.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

between the control and experimental group in the pre- and self-esteem. The learning is observed as self-
test. Survey Monkey (n.d.) defines in their website that centered and students' creativity and innovativeness
a significant difference tells whether one group’s were manifested.
answers are substantially different from another
group’s answers by using statistical testing. It also Mean Gain Scores of the Control and Experimental
means that the numbers are reliably different, greatly G ro ups in term s of Stu de nt s’ Rea ding
aiding to the data analysis. Comprehension

The findings support the idea of Fareed et al. (2016) The table below presents the significant difference
that reading comprehension is a difficult skill, between the mean gain scores of the control group and
especially in the English as a second language context the experimental group in terms of students’ reading
where students face problems such as insufficient comprehension.
vocabulary knowledge, lack of ideas, and weak in
structure organization. Table 12. Analysis of Mean Gain Scores between
Control and Experimental Groups.
Table 11. Analysis Between the Post-test of Control
Group and Experimental Group.

Table 12 illustrates that the mean gain of the

experimental group (M=12.42, SD=10.52) is
Table 11 illustrates the t-test analysis to compare the significantly higher compared to the control group
mean scores of control and experimental groups in the (M=3.12, SD=10.06). It simply means that there is a
post-test. significant difference between the control group and
experimental group in their mean gain.
The result indicates that a significant difference is
found between the means of the control (M = 21.05, The finding also shows that the computed t-value of
SD = 7.88) and experimental (M = 30.52, SD = 7.40) 4.95 is greater than the tabular value of 1.66 at 0.05
groups during the post-test, t = 1.66. The experimental level of significance. Hence, there is adequate
group has a relatively higher level in the post-test evidence to assert that the experimental group
compared to the control group since they underwent an achieved a higher mean gain compared to the control
intervention program. group after the module is used as an intervention in
improving students' reading comprehension.
Accordingly, all of the variables in the experimental
group are higher which is comparable to the control The finding means that the application of the module
group. It indicates that a t-computed of 6.78 which is is effective in the progress of reading comprehension
higher than t-tab = 1.66. It shows that there is a skills from the experimental group. The effectiveness
significant difference between the control and of the module further proves that the evaluation of the
experimental groups in the post-test. Generally, the content validators is reliable and valid. This supports
significant differences simply mean that the level of by the ideas of Tuimur & Chemwei (2015) stating that
scores improved from its initial level. students can gain practical experience through
instructional materials, which help them acquire skills
It claims that the experimental group exhibits better and concepts and work in a number of methods.
performance in reading comprehension compared to
the control group. The Learn With Vince Module is
effective and helpful since the students’ reading
comprehension increased from their initial level.
Though the result of their performance is not so high In the light of the findings presented, a conclusion was
and impressive, but the students were made to improve then formulated:
some basic concepts and techniques in reading
comprehension skills. This result confirms with Njeri’s Reading comprehension is more than just decoding
(2014) study, that the use of instructional materials and shapes and numbers as many teachers and learners
engaging students in activities can build their learning think. When a reader understands what abilities and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 964-973, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1306, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10045715, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

methods are required and acceptable for the sort of Beso, E. (2022). Reading skills and academic performance of
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comprehension and retention.
Boyse, K. (2010). Reading, literacy and your child.
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supplementary materials in reading to address the least iculties-learning-read
mastered skills of the learners. An intervention Carnine, L., & Carnine D. (2004, August 12). The interaction of
program indeed helps to cater the needs of the learners. reading skills and science content knowledge when teaching
struggling secondary students. Overcoming Learning Difficulties.
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adapted by the school and other schools as additional Eng, L. S., Javed, M., & Mohamed, A., R. (2015). Developing
instructional material in improving the students’ reading comprehension modules to facilitate reading comprehension
among Malaysian secondary school ESL students. International
reading comprehension abilities. (2) The module
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which includes various activities may be utilized by h t tp s :/ / e ri c . ed .g ov /? id = E J1 085 27 4
the Reading and Writing teachers in their remedial
classes. (3) The teachers especially in English may be Fareed, M., Ashraf, A., & Bilal, M. (2016). ESL learners’ writing
skills: Problems, factors and suggestions. Journal of Education and
utilized the intervention as part of their Reading Clinic Social Sciences, 4(2), 81-91.
Program or summer class program to build self-
confidence and enhance the comprehension level of Fernandez, C. (2020). Structured approach module and writing skills
of grade 10 Students. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Sultan Kudarat
the low-performing students. (4) The module can be State University, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines.
shortened, modified, and conducted for three months.
(5) The module may serve as a reference point for Imam, O. ET. AL. (2014). Reading comprehension skills and
performance in Science among high school students in the
further studies. (6) Further, similar studies maybe
Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 29,
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