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Occipital bone

The base of the occipital bone articulates with

the Hrst cervical vertebra — atlas or C1 — thanks to
the condylar part of occiput that anatomically
ressambles the processus articularis inferior of
cervical vertebra. The reason behind this is the
common somatic origin of the occipital bone and
vertebral column. In the literature, the occipital bone
sometimes is reported as Cervical 0, or C0, stressing
this common somatic origin and integral part in
anatomy, biomechanics, and clinical functions of the
upper cervical spine*.
*White AA, Panjabi MM. Clinical biomechanics of the spine. ed 2. Philadelphia:
Lippincott; 1990. p. 722.

Os occipitale ex situ

Os occipitale ex situ & in situ.

squama occipitalis

foramen magnum

pars lateralis
pars lateralis

pars basilaris

Top view of the occipital bone, demonstrating the main

parts of this bone arranged around the foramen

The list of terms:

Anterior aspect of occipital bone.

Note the characteristic feature of the squama
occipitalis's internal surface — the cruciform eminence
– situated between large bone impressions caused by
the cerebellum (fossa cerebellaris) and cerebral
hemispheres (fossa cerebralis).

The list of terms:

The iso view of the occipital bone, demonstrating

numerous sulci made by venous sinuses passing along
this bone's internal surface.

The list of terms:

Dorsal aspect of occipital bone. The prominent feature

of the squama's external surface is the protuberance, an
easily palpable point known in the craniometry as

The list of terms:

Occipital bone in situ & ex situ. 360° rotation.


First published: Apr/2019

Last update: 09/Nov/2020

Anatomy Standard, 2021—2023

Jānis Šavlovskis & Kristaps Raits

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