The Perceived Effects of COVID-19 To Mental Health of Grade 9 Students and Parents

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Volume: 14
Pages: 1016-1022
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1312
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10054481
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-30-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The Perceived Effects of COVID-19 to Mental Health of

Grade 9 Students and Parents
Jennifer M. Culala*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
More than physical disease, COVID-19 has proven to be detrimental and fatal to the mental health of
individuals in the world. With families being forced to stay indoors, students and their parents or
guardians have become one of the most vulnerable sectors during the pandemic. The researcher
decided to find out the perceived mental effects of COVID-19 to these sectors using surveys (HAYT-
Students & HAYT-Parents). Majority of students remarked "Stress from Online Classes," due to the
excessive work given to them, the lack of attendance of some teachers, and lack of materials they
have at home. For parents, the main concern was "Fear of COVID-19", most must balance between
the threat of the virus and the lack of food on the table. Adolescents have different developmental
needs than their older counterparts and need to be social, not only to help build their own identity but
also to keep out of their own head as they feel emotions strongly. Parents with the increasing stress
of financial difficulty have been found to increase the mental strain of their own children, both parties
want to do the right thing but seem to constantly fall short of it.

Keywords: COVID-19, mental health, HAYT

Introduction than on adults”. Marshall also emphasized that

adolescents need to develop certain social skills such
as empathy and identity, which can only be achieved
The UN policy brief on COVID-19 and mental health
through human interaction. Moving into another year
begins, "The COVID-19 issue is a physical health
crisis, but it may develop into a serious mental health
under the epidemic, it is crucial that students are
crisis without adequate intervention. The wellbeing of understood and treated with care and understanding
society has been affected by this virus, and nearly a because of the relationship between mental health and
year after this executive summary was prepared, it still academic achievement. With the help of the surveys
begs to be true. Mental health is essential to society's and online diary given by the researcher and answers
ability to operate. A more serious mental health from both students and parents, the researcher
problem than COVID-19, it roots itself in the cracks of explored the various stressors, hidden feelings, and the
isolation, disassociation, derealization, and terror. possible next step into creating a safe, accepting, and
Clinical psychologist Wendy Lippe makes the mentally-aware school environment that can pride
following statement in an article published at the start itself in understanding the needs of its community.
of the pandemic by John Hopkins University: "Mental
problems may emerge from isolation because without
Research Questions
the presence of others, we're in our own head," Lippe
said. It is of utmost importance that teachers and
school administrators are made aware of this truth, as This study's primary purpose is to determine the
there will be huge rises in sadness, anxiety, obsessive- impact of self – concept, self – esteem, self – efficacy
compulsive disorder, and possibly suicide. on the academic performance of the senior high school
students. Specifically, this study sought to answer the
Students and Adolescents are one of the most following questions:
vulnerable sectors now, although not suffering
physically, the pandemic has significantly disrupted 1. What are the various stressors, triggers, or external
their lives. Tamar Mendelson, director of the John issues that affect the mental health of the Students and
Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health and Beth Parents?
Marshall, Associate Director of the John Hopkins
2. Does COVID-19 create more stressors that affect
Center for Adolescent Health remark: “Teenagers have
the mental health of students and parents?
different needs to develop themselves than adults.
They are at the stage in their lives when social 3. Does the mental health of parents influence the
connections and separating from the identity of their mental health of the students?
parents are vital for them to become themselves. So, 4. What is the overall effect of COVID-19 on the
COVID- requirements have a different impact on them mental health of students and parents?

Jennifer M. Culala 1016/1022

Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Literature Review work life and home/family life (Regis College, 2021).

Low-income families will also experience more stress

Mental Health and trauma as they are hit the hardest with: food
insecurity, housing instability, loss of family income,
It is a known fact that Stress and Mental Health can higher rates of illness, lack of internet and technology
grievously affect someone’s physical health and their for school work, and familial death (Volkin et al.,
overall production quality. These may affect students: 2020).
concentration, focus, reliability, and optimism which
hinders their performance level. (Suicide Prevention Mental Health issues cannot be eradicated, and most
Resource Center, n.d.) The low scores as a result of students will experience continuous problems, and
poor performance may create a vicious cycle of educators must be aware of that so that they may
Depression: Starting from Depression it may lead to create strategies, theories, and tools that can be used
Low Fatigue, Energy, and Decreased Interest; by students to continue uplifting them. (National
Decreased Activity and Neglect of Self and College Learning Center Association et al.,
Responsibilities follow; Due to this an Increased 2016-2018, #)
feeling of Guilt and Hopelessness propagates; and the
cycle begins again trapping the individual in a cycle
difficult to break out of. (Centre for Clinical
Intervention & Government of Western Australia,
2020) As a student may fall into the loop of The descriptive method of research was employed in
Depression, continuous mental health issues that go this study. This design aims to describe the
unnoticed can severely influence one’s academic characteristics of the target population regarding their
achievement and self-efficacy. In a study set in perceptions on the effects of COVID-19 to their
Norway, there was a correlation with a higher level of mental health.
emotional distress to a lower level of academic self-
efficacy causing students to have delayed study- Participants
progress and academic accomplishment throughout the
year (Grøtan et al., 2019). The respondents of this study were Grade 9 Students
of Rizal High School, under the 5 classes of the
The rise of COVID-19 and the subsequent safety researcher including their advisory class and the
measures (Quarantine, Isolation, Online Classes, etc.) parents of these students. The target respondents were
isolates adolescents from the social skills that help 233: 148 respondents came from the students in Grade
them develop as individuals. Adolescents have a 9 while 85 were the parents. The sampling used was
different developmental journey than their older the Universal Sampling Method, as it would be time-
counterparts, they need to develop social skills and consuming to take the responses of the entire batch of
empathy while building their own identity. (Volkin et Grade 9 students and their parents, a small percentage
al., 2020) Both of which seemed to be taken away would suffice to give a general overview of their
once the COVID-19 restrictions were placed. feelings and opinions concerning their present
The physical and psychological environment that
surrounds a student can be impactful towards the Instruments of the Study
student’s progress throughout the school year.
(Warfield & Teacher Products, Carson-Dellosa™ Google Forms. A survey-administration software
Publishing, 2016) offered for free by Google. In this research, there will
be two (2) Google Form Surveys used to collect the
The move to Quarantine places students in an extended principal information from the students and parents.
small space with their parents and guardians and this
could greatly affect their own academic success. Anonymous Online Diary. An Online non-
Children are sensitive to parental stress which may be judgement space that allowed students to talk about
the result of isolation, economic difficulty, divorce, or their feelings, opinions, and current day-to-day
mental illness. Children are consequently vulnerable to problems without fear of anyone learning their
developing these disorders as well. The current identity. All information listed here were addition to
pandemic increases stress, anxiety, and depression for the general research and were coded using thematic
parents as they deal with all the difficulties in their analysis.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Students’ Responses
Table 1. “Reasons for Stress of Students under
The study began on April 26, 2021 until May 16, 2021 COVID”
(an overall time frame of: 21 Days) via a series of
Google Form surveys and an Online Diary made with
the help of Padlet that were handed out to 5 sections
(El Nido, Kayangan Lake, Hundred Islands, Tarak
Ridge, Mt. Maynoba) under the supervision of the
researcher. Two Google Forms were sent out: one for
the students, and one for the parents. They carried the
same list of questions to be able to cross-reference
between the two groups' answers. The Padlet Online
Diary is an anonymous space for the students to Parents’ Responses
express their most raw feelings as they please without
parental or authoritative barriers. The overall research Table 2. “Reasons for Stress of Parents under
hopes to garner answers from these surveys to get to COVID”
the root of the connection and correlation between
Mental Health and COVID-19, how the mental health
of parents may affect their children, what are the
different reactions to the current situation based on
these two groups, and what can be done about it.

The researcher decided that the most efficient way to

ready the data for analysis is to simply use the simplest
forms of analysis: Descriptive Method. As most of the
research is made up of open-ended questions, a lot of
descriptive and qualitative analysis were utilized. A
coded thematic analysis was also employed to explore The sudden change from face to face to online set-up
the varying factors affecting the respondents. opened difficulties that they might have not had before
Generally, the research followed a triangulation such as internet connection or an uncertain future.
method where multiple data sets were cross- Grade 9 students must deal with the sudden crossroads
referenced, analyzed and interpreted to provide a of choices as they begin to think about their collegiate
generalized understanding of the phenomenon. future, what kind of strand they will enter in, and other
choices. Knowing that COVID is not a usual event, the
Ethical Considerations constant uncertainty and sudden detour of a straight-
forward decision or an even greater confusion for
To ensure mutual understanding on both sides, the those indecisive makes the situation even worse. The
survey form and online-diary included a consent form reasons for why differ for every single student but
that must be approved by the participants or else they there is no lie that with the sudden changes coupled
will be barred from giving data. Assurance of utmost with internal family problems and sudden financial
anonymity and privacy was also highlighted to protect difficulty because of COVID-19 on the economy,
the respondents. students have a harder time feeling safe and protected
while they attempt to do their day-to-day schoolwork.
Results The survey had spaces for the students to openly talk
about their day and rant, if need be, the space was left
This section presents the findings according to the unrequired but over 100 of the participants still took
study's research questions. This paper explored the time to type something in. The answers varied from
mental health effects of COVID-19 as perceived by the simply saying “Okay” to students pouring their hearts
students and parents of Rizal High School. out into the space. We first asked them to talk about
their day, the influx of responses varied from a simple
“No” or “N/A” to long-winding pieces detailing the
feelings they have. The fear they have of COVID-19,
the breakdowns, and tired nights due to schoolwork,
the confusion on whether this is all worth it, is this
Jennifer M. Culala 1018/1022
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

what they want to do in life? And more. Most of the The remaining qualitative survey questions simply
responses highlight being tired: of schoolwork, of their affirm what we mentioned. Parents and Guardians are
day-to-day chores, of having to watch over younger suffering deeply from the ongoing pandemic. Not only
family members, of teachers who do not teach, and the does it pose immense ear for the safety of themselves
rising pandemic. The students are in a bubble of and their loved ones, it affects their source of income.
repetitive movement under yet to be certain ground, Many businesses had to close under quarantine while
this huge contrast could trigger multiple bouts of others released employees to make ends meet. The
anxiety due to uncertainty. “Uncertainty affects stress Philippines unemployment reached increased by 8.7%
levels that elevate into clinical levels of anxiety,” in April of 2021, this translates to nearly 4.2 million
(Ironside, n.d.) Stress makes it difficult for the brain to people. Parents are internally given the choice, food on
concentrate and it deals massive damage on the the plate or a virus in your home. And with the
students all while they try to keep up with schoolwork constant increase of the number of cases, it seems that
that as we’ve stated, they have difficulty doing. either choice will lead to a grim end. Their answers
truly highlight the difference between that of their
In the second short answer question we asked them, student counterparts. Students fear the uncertainty of
“Want to talk about it?” Most students responded with the future while their guardians fear the present and
a “No,” “Maybe not,” or a “No thanks.” There is how they can continue living with a shortage in the
hesitance to speak their mind, some prefer to speak needs that keep them alive, but both are afraid of the
about it face to face because perhaps it feels more real, effect COVID had on their lives.
and you can get a real time response or reaction. Some
students said no because their afraid of being too The parents and guardians were also asked for optional
unstable that perhaps doing this will crack them further short answer responses, but most responses came with
while other simply do not feel like sharing. Some a flat “No, thank you.” Not only did only half the
believe that they can handle this and that they can do original respondents answer both short response
this, and they would only share if they believed they questions, but they also felt no need to share. This
could no longer carry this burden. cements the theory that parents, and guardians prefer
to keep their feelings under great barriers in order to
But students are not the only one’s part of the school “fulfill their role and responsibility” and a few
community, parents and guardians continue to help responses highlight this: “It really hard to cope or to
mold the situation of the student outside of school. To solve problem in this pandemic such as financial
know the experiences, they have can help build a problem as a mother of a family I have a biggest
better picture on the on-going home life of the responsibility to my child but I'm still thankful because
students. every day we have a meal to eat and being safer day by
day” and “As a mother its my responsibility to take
The results of the parents and guardians seemed to be care of my children and i am willing to fight and be
more positive than their student counterpart and there strong to my family because if you love someone you
is one response in the next question that helps explain are willing to sacrifice it for. Just what i am doing in
this. “we always think positive, be thankful on every my family.”
blessing we received, every time we woke up and
having complete family.” Guardians and parents At the end of each survey, the researcher asked the
always wish to think highly of their situation, they respondents, what have they been doing to cope with
only wish to see their children excel and become a this situation but aside from what the graph dictates is
positive force in the world. Being the heads of their it important to discuss the idea of Anonymity. One of
families, they have no room to think of things the main foundations of the researcher is built on the
negatively, they must work constantly day by day to Online Diary, an anonymous platform open to the
achieve things for their family to survive. This kind of students of the 5 rooms for them to list their feelings.
thinking is also very dangerous, it is akin to toxic Within the ethics it was mentioned that the way
positivity, a positivity that dictates that despite “pain students could approach this were suspicious at best
or difficult situations, the only acceptable mindset, is a and when opening the Diary, the researcher had many
positive one…” When, “Positivity is predominant, and hesitant feelings towards it. But as the 21 days passed,
authentic human emotional experiences are shunned the researcher decided to not put a halt to the online
away and deemed invalid.” (Scully et al., 2020) This Diary, until today it remains up all because of the
kind of thinking is predominant during the current positive force it’s become. The dashboard is a collage
pandemic and has been within families who constantly of colors and messages that range from heartfelt rants
must think positively. and word-spill to positive affirmations reminding those

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

who enter that they are loved and cared for. online class and how it works because I'm wondering
Anonymity can be a positive force for good. A New if my daughter' stress is related to it. Then I am happy
York Times article by Daniel Solove says, “Under because she is able to do well and she can pass her
anonymity, people can express ideas and be critical modules at the right time.”
without fear. Anonymity allows people to be free
without feeling inhibited” (Solove, 2016). Anonymity Theme 2: Home & Family Life
can create safe spaces for students and the Online
Diary is a great example of where to start. Students are at home in quarantine and as they are
minors, they aren’t legally allowed to leave the house
The prevalent themes from the Online Diary entries, to go anywhere limiting their movement to just their
Survey responses, and open-ended questions are residence and the people who live there. Education is
extremely like the choices given by the researcher in affected by the psychological and physical
the question “Why?” pertaining to how pandemic has environment that surrounds the student. (Warfield &
affected them. Teacher Products, Carson-Dellosa™ Publishing, 2016)
A few students have described an unstable home life
Theme 1: Stress due to Online Classes that leads them to sacrifice both their own mental
psyche and , “In our family sometimes sa gusto ko na
Education is vital to the proper and continuous growth wag mag away parents ko ako na yung nagsasacrifice
of an individual. It helps to develop self-dependency, kase I want to have a happy family…” and “I'm not ok
fulfill dreams and ambitions, make a fairer world, etc. dito sa bahay di ko na alam kung saan ako lulugar
As DepEd announced that the next school year will minsan laging umiiyak si mama di ko alam kung pano
start via Online Classes it created an invisible barrier ko sya macocomfort,kahit ako mismo sobrang dami ko
between those who could afford this style of education na din pinagdadaanan sobrang hirap lang isipin kung
and those who could not. Many students within the pano ko malulutasan yung mga problemang yun tas
various mediums have expressed their stress towards syempre online class sobrang nahihirapan din akong
the online set-up, they have listed: teachers, amount of sumabay wala pa kaming wifi stress din sa mga school
work, and the need to be greater as just some of the works”
main causes. The stress has numbed the students to fall
into a pit of depression. Many students have remarked Theme 3: Financial Problems
that they are “unsure of what to do first” in relation to
their home vs school life such as: “I dont know what The parents are the most affected by this theme, many
im going to do first my school works or helping my parents detailed that they only want what’s good for
mom on household. Sometimes my parents telling me their family. However, the pandemic makes it
na ganyan kapag may gagawin dito sa bahay bigla exceedingly difficult for them to keep up with the
kang may gagawin , hoenstly sometimes I want to go basic needs such as food or internet connection for
far away kung saan malaya kong masasabi malalabas classes. A few parents goes on to state: “It really hard
yung sama ng loob ko yung bigat ng nararamdaman to cope or to solve problem in this pandemic such as
ko…” Multiple students’ also expressed the fact that in financial problem as a mother of a family i have a
the past few days prior to them answering the different biggest responsibility to my child but I'm still thankful
mediums they had experienced various bouts of because everyday we have a meal to eat and being
breakdowns caused by overwork from online classes safer day by day”, “Because of the pandemic now, as a
and anxiety. Such as: “Yes its fun but it doesn't change parent I am having a hard time where to get food for
the fact that it's just giving everyone an anxiety or a my children.” , “We have financial problems, due to
problem to have a reason to cry and have a covid 19 pandemic because my husband stopped
breakdown's when we feel like we're giving up.”, “.We working because if he continue working he might get
suffer mental breakdown because the grades you gave covid 19”
us is too low although we pass the requirements and
have a fine scores. Not because we're voicing out our Theme 4: No
problems in acads means we're lazy, we are just tired
doing our best yet it still enough just to reach the A common theme was the occurrence of the word ‘No’
school/teachers/ our parents high standard of being a in the study, although it is completely valid of the
student/child.” Parents have also noticed this issue and respondent to answer as they please. There is a certain
a few go to say, “Every time i see my child, i know hesitance to express this but when given the chance to
this is stress, if you ask me i also don't like online anonymously voice out their concerns, the effect is
learning for kids.” And “I'd like to talk about the powerful. Not every student will want to talk to about

Jennifer M. Culala 1020/1022

Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1016-1022, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1312, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10054481, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

what they’re going through but when gifted with balance something they’ve separated for so long.
compassion and anonymity it becomes a gateway into Anonymity became a grace for them; giving the
their true feelings. Parents deal with something similar researcher a perfect look into the thoughts of the
and feel the need to place a strong façade on for their students and how they wish to cope. The Online Diary
families disregarding their own feelings which could became more than a place to tell one’s secrets to, it
have an effect on their family life. was a positive force, the dashboard was littered with
the whole feelings of the students but also supportive
Theme 5: Suicide messages from their peers to encourage them to keep
pushing and being better people than they were
Although not a predominant theme within the data, it yesterday. This research aimed to understand the
is an important theme. Three students opened up on psyche of Parent’s and Student’s after nearly a year
wanting to end their lives due to the stress of under Quarantine, for the betterment of the way
everything around them both citing family problems as authorities and teachers approach the next school year.
the main reason for the stress. The following students Over the span of this research, this research uncovered
go on to say: “I don't want to live anymore but I'm one last theme: Everything is connected back to
thinking about my brother.”, I tried to kill myself again COVID-19 and the way our lives completely changed.
last night because of the fight between my mom and I.
I wish things will get better soon. I still want to live.”,
and “I already want to earn money to treat my dad he's Conclusion
so hardworking and very generous man, he's spending
a lot of time to earn, im sad because he's getting older
A thematic analysis of the study has revealed that there
already that's why i want to rush things and pay for all
are several mental health effects of COVID-19 to the
his sacrifices. I already want to end my life because of
students and parents of Rizal High School. With the
our family problems my mother has an affair with our
sudden shift in the educational setup brought by the
neighbor and always see them flirting but i can't talk to
pandemic, the highest ranked stressor as perceived by
my dad about that thing I don't want to ruin our family
students is the stress from online classes, while the fear
and my siblings are young for this. So that problems
of COVID-19 is the highest ranked for the parents.
affect my studying+ anxiety.”
New Normal education is not at all similar to that of
As the data has been set it seems to be apparent that the previous face to face classes, students are at the
COVID-19 is truly more than a physical crisis. most isolated and some even disoriented.
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Ironside, A. (n.d.). Coping with Lockdown Fatigue. Tearfund.
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