Maths Formula Book CAPRANAV June 2023

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Maths Formula Book – June 2023 | CA.

Pranav Popat | Dil Se Re

If a quantity increases or decreases in the ratio a:b then

Formula 1
new quantity = b/a times of original quantity
Formula 2 Inverse Ratio of a:b is b:a
Formula 3 Ratio compounded of the two ratios a:b and c:d is ac : bd
• a2 :b2 is the duplicate ratio of a:b
Formula 4
• a3 :b3 is the triplicate ratio of a:b
• a : b is the sub-duplicate ratio of a:b
Formula 5
• 3 a : 3 b is the sub-triplicate ratio a:b
Continued Ratio: Two different ratios can be put into continued if there common term
Formula 6 is same. If given ratios are a:b and b:c, we can make the continued ratio a:b:c if we
make term b as same in both ratios
a b
Continuous Proportion: =  b2 = ac
Formula 7 b c
here, a = first proportional, c = third proportional and b is mean proportional (because
b is GM of a and c)
Formula 8 Invertendo: If a:b = c:d, then b:a = d:c
Formula 9 Alternendo: If a:b = c:d, then a:c = b:d
Formula 10 Componendo: If a:b = c:d, then (a+b):b = (c+d):d
Formula 11 Dividendo: If a:b = c:d, then (a-b):b = (c-d):d
Componendo and Dividendo: If a:b = c:d, then
Formula 12 a+b c +d a−b c − d
= and =
a−b c − d a+b c +d
a c e a + c + e + ...
Formula 13 Addendo: if = = = k , then =k
b d f b + d + f + ...
a c e a − c − e − ...
Formula 14 Subtrahendo: if = = = k , then =k
b d f b − d − f − ...
Indices - Standard Results
Formula 15 • Any base raised to the power zero is defined to be 1 i.e. a0 = 1
• Roots can also be expressed in the form of power i.e. r
a = ar
Law of Indices 1: (sum of powers)
Formula 16
am  an = am+n
Law of Indices 2: (difference of powers)
Formula 17 am
= am−n
Law of Indices 3: (power of power)
Formula 18
(a )
m n
= amn
Law of Indices 4:
Formula 19
= an  bn
Calculator Trick for Power (Integer) of any number:
Formula 20
Base  = = = = = = = = ..
Calculator Trick for Reciprocal of any number:
Formula 21
Number  =
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Maths Formula Book – June 2023 | CA. Pranav Popat | Dil Se Re

Calculator Trick for nth root of a number

Formula 22
Base ...12times −1  n +1  =  = ...12times
Calculator Trick for Power (also non-integer)
Formula 23
Base ...12times −1  n +1  =  = ...12times
Basic Logarithm: if ax = n then loga n = x
Formula 24
Conditions: n  0,a  0,a  1
Log Standard Results:
Formula 25 • Log of a number with same base as number is equal to 1 i.e. loga a = 1
• Log of 1 (one) for any base is equal to zero i.e. loga 1 = 0
Law of Log 1: Log of product of two numbers
Formula 26
loga mn = loga m + loga n
Law of Log 2: Log of product of two numbers
Formula 27 m
log a = log a m − log a n
Law of Log 3: Log of Number with Power
Formula 28
loga mn = nloga m
logm log a m
Formula 29 Change of Base Theorem: logb m = =
logb log a b
Formula 30 Form of Quadratic Equation: ax2 + bx + c = 0
−b  b2 − 4ac
Formula 31 Solution of Quadratic Equation:
where, a is coefficient of x2, b is coefficient of x, c is constant, a ≠ 0
Formula 32 Sum of Roots α + β = −
Formula 33 Product of Roots αβ =
Construction of Quadratic Equation
Formula 34
x2 − (α + β)x + αβ = 0
Formula 35 Discriminant d = b2 − 4ac
Formula 36 Conjugate Pairs: if one root of the equation is m + n then other is m − n
Form of Simple Equation (One Variable) ax + b = 0
Formula 37
where, a is coefficient of x, b is constant, a ≠ 0
Form of Simultaneous Linear Equations a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 & a2x + b2 y + c2 = 0
Formula 38
where, a is coefficient of x, b is coefficient of y, c is constant, a ≠ 0
Cross Multiplication Method of solving Simultaneous Linear Equations
Formula 39 x y 1
= =
b1c2 − b2c1 c1a2 − c2a1 a1b2 − a2b1
Formula 40 Form of Cubic Equation, ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0
Simple Interest: SI =
Formula 41 100
where P = principal value, r = rate of interest p.a., t = time in years

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Maths Formula Book – June 2023 | CA. Pranav Popat | Dil Se Re

P.r.t rt
Formula 42 Amount under Simple Interest: A = P + SI = P + = P(1 + )
100 100
Number of Conversion Period per year
Conversion Period Description Number of Conversion
Period in a year
1 day Compounded Daily 365
Formula 43
1 month Compounded Monthly 12
3 months Compounded Quarterly 4
6 months Compounded semi annually 2
12 months Compounded Annually 1
Amount under Compound Interest: A = P(1 + i)n
where, P = Initial Principal, i = adjusted interest rate, n = no. of periods
Formula 44
i= and n = t noccpy
Formula 45 Calculator Tricks for Amount under CI: P + i % + i % ...n times
Formula 46 Compound Interest: CI = A − P = P[(1 + i)n − 1]
Formula 47 Effective Interest Rate: E = [(1 + i)n − 1]
Future Value of a single cashflow: FV = CF(1 + i)n
Formula 48
where CF means Cashflow/ Sum for which future value is to be calculated
Future Value – Annuity Regular: FVAR = Ai FVAF(n,i)
[(1 + i)n − 1] 
FVAR = Ai   
Formula 49  i 
where, Ai = Annuity (Installment), FVAF = Future Value Annuity Factor/ Multiplier
i = adjusted interest rate, n = no. of periods
Future Value – Annuity Due: FVAD = Ai  FVAF(n,i)  (1 + i)
Formula 50 [(1 + i)n − 1] 
FVAD = Ai     (1 + i)
 i 
Present Value of a single cashflow: PV =
Formula 51 (1 + i)n
where CF means Cashflow/ Sum for which present value is to be calculated
Formula 52 Compounding Factor is (1 + i)n and Discounting Factor is 
(1 + i)n
Present Value – Annuity Regular: PVAR = Ai PVAF(n,i)
1  1 
Formula 53 PVAR = Ai    1 − n 
 i  (1 + i) 
where, PVAF is Present Value Annuity Factor/ Multiplier
Formula 54 Calculator Trick for PVAF 1 + i  = = ...n − times GT
Present Value of Annuity Due PVAD =  Ai  PVAF(n − 1),i + A i
Formula 55
(since first installment is already in present we need to discount second onwards)
Formula 56 Present Value of Perpetuity PVP = i
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Maths Formula Book – June 2023 | CA. Pranav Popat | Dil Se Re

Present Value of Growing Perpetuity PVGP =
Formula 57 i−g
where A1 is the first installment
Net Present Value:
Formula 58
NPV = Present Value of Cash Inflows – Present Value of Cash Outflows
Formula 59 Real Rate of Return = Nominal Rate of Return – Rate of Inflation
Formula 60 CAGR = annual rate used in compound interest
Multiplication (AND) Addition (OR) Rules
If one thing can be done in m ways and another thing can be done in n ways
Formula 61
Number of ways of doing both things simultaneously/ together: m × n ways
Number of ways of doing either of the jobs: m + n ways
Factorial n! = n(n − 1)(n − 2)3.2.1
Formula 62
also, n! = 1.2.3(n − 2)(n − 1)n
Special Formula in Factorial:
n! = n (n − 1)!
Formula 63
n! = n (n − 1)(n − 2 )!
0! = 1
Permutation Theorem:
Number of Permutations when r objects are chosen out of n different objects
Formula 64 n!
Pr = also, you can use nPr = n(n − 1)(n − 2)... for r factors
(n − r)!
where n and r are always positive and n  r
Number of Permutations all objects are chosen out of n different objects
Formula 65 n
Pn = n!
Formula 66 Special Formula: (n + 1 )!− n! = n.n!
Number of Circular permutations when all objects are chosen out of n different
Formula 67
objects (n − 1)!
Number of Circular permutations when all objects are chosen out of n different
Formula 68 (n − 1)!
objects such that no two persons have same two neighbours
Permutation with Restrictions (Theorem 1)
Formula 69 Number of permutations of n distinct objects taken r at a time when a particular
object is not taken in any arrangement is n−1 Pr
Number of permutations of r objects out of n distinct objects when a particular object
Formula 70
is always included in any arrangement is r. n−1Pr −1
n −1
Formula 71 Pr (one thing always included) + r. n−1Pr −1 (one thing always excluded) = n Pr (total)
Number of ways when a group of objects are never together =
Formula 72
Total ways – Number of ways when objects are always together
Number of Combinations when r objects are chosen out of n different objects
Formula 73 n!
Cr = where n and r are always positive and n  r
(n − r)!r!

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Maths Formula Book – June 2023 | CA. Pranav Popat | Dil Se Re

Formula 74 Linkage of Permutation and Combination Theorem: n Cr =
Formula 75 Standard Result of Combinations: n C0 = 1 n
Cn = 1
Formula 76 Complimentary Combinations: Cr = Cn−r n n

Formula 77 Cr = n Cr + n Cr −1 (Special Formula)
Combinations of one or more out of n things (when there are two choices) = 2n − 1
Formula 78
Combinations of one or more out of n things (when there are three choices) = 3n − 1
Formulas in Geometry using Combinations
Number of Straight Lines with the given n points: n C2
Number of Triangles with n given points: n C3
Formula 79
Number of Triangles with n given points where m points are collinear: n C3 − m C3
Number of Parallelograms with given two sets of m and n parallel lines: n C2  m C2
Number of Diagonals out of n lines of a polygon: n C2 − n
Formula 80 Common Difference in AP: d = t2 − t1 = t3 − t2 = ... = tn − tn−1
General term of an AP: tn = a + (n − 1)d
Formula 81
where, a = first term, d = common difference, n = term number
Calculator Trick of General Term of an AP:
Formula 82 a  d = = = ... = (First equal press will give you 2nd term and so on)

Sum of first n terms of an AP

Formula 83 n n
Sn = (a + tn ) or Sn = 2a + (n − 1)d
2 2
Calculator Trick for Sum of n terms of an AP:
Formula 84
a  d = = = ... = GT + a
n(n + 1)
Formula 85 Sum of first n natural or counting numbers: S =
Formula 86 Sum of first n odd numbers: S = n2
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
Formula 87 Sum of the squares of first n natural numbers: S =
 n(n + 1) 
Formula 88 Sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers: S =  
 2 
t t t
Formula 89 Common Ratio of GP: r = 2 = 3 = n
t1 t2 tn−1
General Term of an GP: tn = arn−1
Formula 90
where, a = first term, r = common ratio, n = term number
Calculator Trick for General Term of GP:
Formula 91
r  a = = = ... = (First equal press will give you 2nd term and so on)
Sum of first n terms of a GP
Formula 92 a(1 − rn ) a(rn − 1)
when r<1, Sn = and when r>1 Sn =
1 −r r −1

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Calculator Trick for n terms of GP

Formula 93 r  a = = = ... = GT + a

Sum of Infinite Geometric Series (only applicable if −1  r  1 )

Formula 94 a
S =
Number of subsets of a set containing n elements = 2n
Formula 95
Number of proper subsets of a set containing n elements = 2n − 1
De Morgan’s Law
Formula 96
(P  Q)’ = P’  Q ’ and (P  Q)’ = P’  Q ’
2 Sets Operations Formula
Formula 97
n(A  B) = n( A ) + n(B ) – n(A  B)
Formula 98 n(A  B  C) = n( A ) + n(B) + n( C ) –n(A B) –n(B  C) –n(A  C) + n(A  B  C)
Composite Functions
Formula 99
fog = fog ( x ) = f g ( x )  and gof = gof ( x ) = g  f ( x ) 

About CA. Pranav Popat Sir

• He is a Chartered Accountant (Inter and Final Both Groups in First Attempt) with
6+ years of experience.
• He is an Educator by Passion and his Choice (Dil Se )
• He teaches subjects of Maths, LR and Stats (Paper 3) at CA Foundation Level and
Cost & Management Accounting (Paper 3) at CA Intermediate Level.
• Follow him on Unacademy and other Handles to stay connected. (ca_pranav)

Hope this formula book helps you in revising all formulas and become helpful to you
during exam time, I made this with my whole heart, make best use of it and I just
want one thing in return – share these notes to every student who really needs this.
Wishing you ALL THE BEST for upcoming examinations, see you soon in Inter
Ab mushkil nahi kuch bhi, nahi kuch bhi!!!
With Lots of Love
CA. Pranav Popat (P^2 SIR)

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