48.answer - Final Test - 02.pdf Version 1

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Final Model Test (Officer Cash)-02

Organized by: Latifur’s Focus Writing

Answer Sheet
Time: 2 hours Full marks: 200
1. Read the comprehension and answer the question: 6*5=30
a) What is one notable UNESCO World Heritage Site in Bangladesh?
Answer: Paharpur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Bangladesh, features
the ruins of Somapura Mahavihara, an ancient Buddhist monastery dating
back to the 8th century. It offers insights into the intellectual and religious
traditions of the region during that time.
b) Where is the Lalbagh Fort located, and what is its historical significance?
Answer: The Lalbagh Fort is situated in Dhaka, the capital city of
Bangladesh. Built in the 17th century, it showcases impressive Mughal
architecture and provides visitors with a glimpse into the rich history of the
Mughal era in the region.
c) Which region in Bangladesh is known for the ancient city of Mainamati?
Answer: The ancient city of Mainamati is located in the southeastern region
of Bangladesh. It is renowned for its Buddhist ruins, including stupas,
monasteries, and temples, offering a glimpse into the country's Buddhist
heritage and the civilizations that once thrived there.
d) How does archaeological tourism contribute to understanding Bangladesh's
cultural roots?
Answer: Through archaeological tourism, visitors can explore museums that
house artifacts and relics from various sites, providing insights into the
historical and cultural significance of Bangladesh. This deepens the
understanding of the country's cultural roots and the influence of ancient
e) What can visitors expect to discover at Paharpur, Lalbagh Fort, and
Answer: Visitors to Paharpur can explore the ruins of an ancient Buddhist
monastery, while Lalbagh Fort offers a chance to experience Mughal
architecture and Mainamati showcases Buddhist ruins. These sites
collectively offer a journey through time and a glimpse into Bangladesh's
diverse historical heritage.
f) What is the significance of the ancient city of Mainamati in Bangladesh?
Answer: The ancient city of Mainamati holds great importance as it
represents the historical influence of Buddhism and the existence of ancient
civilizations in the region. Its collection of Buddhist ruins provides valuable
insights into the cultural and religious practices of the past.

2. Write down the General Knowledge: 15*2=30

a) When and which company launched the country’s first e-SIM in Bangladesh?
Ans.: Grameenphone (March 7, 2022)
b) Write down the headquarters of ICJ and IMF?
Ans.: The Hague and Washington DC
c) What is the Full form of ACU and when was it established?
Ans.: Asian Clearing Union (1974)
d) Who manages fiscal policy of Bangladesh?
Ans.: Ministry of finance
e) Which country has made Bangla the second state language and when?
Ans.: Sierra Leone (2002)
f) Who received the International Booker Prize in 2023?
Ans.: Georgi Gospodinov and Angel Rodel
g) G-7 Summit 2025 will be held in which country?
Ans.: Canada
h) Bangladesh gained independence and Pakistan’s Military Surrendered on 16
December, 1971. Name the place where the surrender ceremony took place?
Ans: Name of the surrender place is Race Course Field (Present name –
Sohrawardi Uddan).
i) FATF handles anti-money laundering issues. What is the full form of FATF?
Ans.: FATF: Financial Action Task Force
j) Who has become the first male footballer to play 200 international matches?
Ans.: Cristiano Ronaldo
k) Which country is the world test champion-2023 and which country is the
runners up?
Ans.: Australia; India
l) What are BACPS and EFT?
Ans.: Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System, Electronic Fund
m) Write down the names of two countries where Football is known as soccer?
Ans.: USA and Australia (Canada and New Zealand also)
n) What is the size of Bangladesh national budget for 2023-24?
Ans.: 761785 crore taka
o) What is the name of former President Abdul Hamid’s autobiography?
Ans.: ‘Amar Jibonneeti Amar Rajneeti’
3. Answer the following mathematical problems: 5*6=30
10 1 18
a) Solve, + =
2𝑋−5 𝑋+5 3𝑋−5

b) Mr zahir received eid bonus of tk 7875. He distributed the money among his
three daughters named lipi, Rimi & Shahnaz. Lipi got 3/5 of what Shahnaz
got. Shahnaz got double of what Rimi got. Determine the amount of each
sisters got?
c) The total price of cricket bat and ball is tk 1350. If the price of bat increases
25% and the price of ball decreases 20% then the total price of bat and ball
remains same. Find the price of bat and ball?


d) After travelling 108 km, a cyclist observed that he would have required 3 hrs
less if he could have travelled at a speed 3 km/hr more. At what speed did he
e) A alone can reap a certain field in 15 days and B in 12 days. If A begins alone
and after a certain interval B joins him, the field is reaped in 7.5 days. How
long did A and B work together?

4. Translate into Bangla: 10

The Mawa Expressway is a significant infrastructure project in Bangladesh that
connects the capital city of Dhaka with Mawa, a town located on the banks of the
Padma River. With a length of around 55 kilometers, the Mawa Expressway has
reduced travel time and congestion, providing a smoother and faster route for
commuters and cargo transportation. The expressway has played a crucial role in
facilitating trade, boosting economic activities, and enhancing regional connectivity,
contributing to the overall development and growth of the country's transportation
মাওযা এক্সপ্রেসওপ্রয বাাংলাপ্রেপ্রের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ ণ অবকাঠাপ্রমা েকল্প যা রাজধানী ঢাকাপ্রক পদ্মা নেীর তীপ্রর অবস্থিত
একটি েহর মাওযার সাপ্রে সাংযুক্ত কপ্রর। োয 55 স্থকপ্রলাস্থমটাপ্ররর দের্ঘ ণয সহ, মাওযা এক্সপ্রেসওপ্রয ভ্রমপ্রর্র সময
এবাং যানজট কস্থমপ্রযপ্রে, যা যাত্রীপ্রের এবাং পণ্যবাহী পস্থরবহপ্রনর জন্য একটি মসৃর্ এবাং দ্রুত রুট েোন কপ্ররপ্রে।
এক্সপ্রেসওপ্রযটি বাস্থর্জয সহজীকরপ্রর্, অে ণননস্থতক কম ণকাণ্ড বৃস্থিপ্রত এবাং আঞ্চস্থলক সাংপ্রযাগ বৃস্থিপ্রত গুরুত্বপূর্ ণ ভূস্থমকা
পালন কপ্ররপ্রে, দেপ্রের পস্থরবহন অবকাঠাপ্রমার সাস্থব ণক উন্নযন ও বৃস্থিপ্রত অবোন দরপ্রেপ্রে।
5. ‘দবস্থিক জলবায়ু উদ্বাস্তু দপক্ষাপট:বাাংলাপ্রেপ্রের সমস্যা ও সমাধাপ্রনর পে স্থবষয়ক একটি রচনা স্থলখুন 35
দয পপ্রয়ন্টগুপ্রলা ভাপ্রলা মাকণস স্থেপ্রব-
 দকাপ্রটেন (পস্থরপ্রবে সাংিার)
 ইপ্রন্টা:জলবায়ু েরর্ােী বা উদ্বাস্তু কারা (দজপ্রনভা কনপ্রভনেন টানপ্রল ভাপ্রলা)
 দবস্থিক জলবায়ু েরর্ােী ও বাাংলাপ্রেে পস্থরস্থিস্থত-
 কারর্ স্থক েরর্ােীর--
 স্থক স্থক সমস্যা দমাকাপ্রবলা করপ্রত হপ্রে স্থবি ও বাাংলাপ্রেেপ্রক--
 বাাংলাপ্রেে ও দবস্থিক পেপ্রক্ষপ
 সমস্যা স্থকভাপ্রব সমাধান করা যায়
 উপসাংহার
See more in environment focus Sheet

6. Write a focus on “52 Years Economic Achievement of Bangladesh” 35

Follow steps:
 Quotation
 introduction
 Economic achievement elements
 Show data chart or compare achievement [1972-2023]
 Importance of Economic development
 challenges and ways
 conclusion

7. Write for or Against ‘The Central Bank's Decision to Reduce LC Openings:

A Necessary Measure to Control the Dollar Crisis. 30
Sample answer:
In recent times, many countries have been grappling with a severe dollar crisis that
has had far-reaching implications on their economies. In response to this crisis, the
Central Bank has taken the bold step of reducing LC (Letter of Credit) openings.
While this decision may initially appear as a restrictive measure, it is, in fact, a
necessary step to control the dollar crisis and safeguard the overall stability of the
economy. I agree with this statement and describe with reasons.

One of the primary reasons behind the dollar crisis is the excessive reliance on
imports, which puts significant pressure on foreign exchange reserves. By reducing
LC openings, the Central Bank aims to curtail the import volume and reduce the
outflow of dollars from the economy. This move can help address the imbalance
between the demand and supply of dollars, thereby stabilizing the exchange rate and
minimizing currency depreciation.
Furthermore, by reducing LC openings, the Central Bank can prioritize the
allocation of limited foreign exchange reserves towards essential imports, such as
food, medicine, and vital raw materials. This ensures that the economy's crucial
needs are met, even during a dollar shortage, which is essential for maintaining social
stability and preventing any humanitarian crises.

Additionally, the decision to reduce LC openings encourages domestic production

and promotes self-reliance. By limiting imports, domestic industries are provided
with an opportunity to flourish and fill the market gaps. This can lead to the creation
of job opportunities, increased industrial output, and a boost in the overall economy.
Moreover, a thriving domestic industry reduces the dependency on imported goods
and enhances national resilience in the face of external economic shocks.

While it is true that reducing LC openings may cause some short-term

inconveniences and adjustments, it is crucial to recognize the long-term benefits of
this measure. By controlling the dollar crisis, the Central Bank is taking proactive
steps to safeguard the stability of the economy, protect foreign exchange reserves,
and promote domestic industries. The reduction in imports will lead to a more
balanced trade structure, laying the foundation for sustainable economic growth in
the future.

In conclusion, the Central Bank's decision to reduce LC openings is a necessary

measure to control the dollar crisis. It helps address the imbalance between the
demand and supply of dollars, ensures the allocation of foreign exchange reserves
towards essential imports, promotes domestic production, and fosters long-term
economic stability. While challenges may arise in the short term, the benefits of this
decision outweigh the drawbacks and pave the way for a more resilient and self-
reliant economy.

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